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  1. Supernumiphone

    Psychic Melee

    So did I miss it or has no one mentioned radiation melee yet? I'm disappointed.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kendo View Post
    I am trying to turn off the very annoying high pitched squeal that comes with activation of the War Shade shadow cloak. it does fade out, but I switch forms a lot, including in and out of the cloak. so I hear it a lot and it is driving me crazy. must be at just the right pitch.

    I tried the location indicated in this thread -- blue_loop.ogg in "enemies" folder but that doesn't work.

    any help would be greatly appreciated, my bleeding ears thank you
    I had to find this one. My Warshade was driving me crazy with this playing for 10 seconds every time I zoned.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychic Guardian View Post
    Anyone know the name of the yell from Psychic Shockwave? I'm hoping it has a secondary sound that is separate, and that the yell isn't the same as the cimeroran one. Hopefully I'll find out soon .
    Are you still looking for this? I know I have it silenced so I can look through my files and probably figure it out. I had to do it back when people liked to leave it on auto at the market. Heck maybe they still do but I don't notice anymore.

    The sound is different for the different body types. I don't know if I have them all silenced, but I certainly got the ones that were problematic for me.

    Might want to send me a PM if you're still looking for it. I don't check specific threads very often.

    Edit: I have the following files silenced. I believe one or a combination are the Psy Shockwave sounds, or at least the components of them that I wanted to be rid of:

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Ya know... the typos bug me too... especially the "viscious criminals" in the RSF....
    That's one of many I reported years ago and is still in the game. That one in particular made me sad, since for quite a while the RSF was the signature SF villain-side.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    We fix them when we have time, however I will be the first to admit they are not the highest priority item on our list.
    Except not. I'm one of the people who stopped sending in bug reports when years went by and nothing was fixed, and last I checked all the typos and other errors I've reported are still in the game to this day. It's not a question of the speed with which the problem is addressed, it's that it's not being addressed at all.

    I get that it's a low priority but after years go by eventually these things should bubble up and get fixed. One of the reasons I don't usually bother testing during betas is because I've learned that my bug reports are completely ignored.
  6. I went with Rad Blast for my melee Corruptor. Two AoEs usable from melee range, and a full single-target chain usable from melee range as well. The fact that the attacks are also usable from range was not an issue for me. I took Air Superiority for a bit more punchiness, and for a bit of the soft control that many melee sets get. I may be wrong but I think the animation for Cosmic Burst is the same as the one for Midnight Grasp, so using it from close range it really could be a melee attack.

    I'm not disagreeing that some more melee options would be nice, just saying I was able to make it work for me with what we have.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Achilles6 View Post
    You say KM is supposed to be extra good on a Scrapper?
    It is arguably best on a Scrapper. Power Siphon does the most for them because of their high base damage. Then they also get a chance to auto-recharge Power Siphon when they use their tier 9 attack. That chance takes the place of the critical damage, since that attack doesn't crit. So you can potentially keep a very high +damage boost going on a Scrapper. Brutes and Tankers don't get that chance to recharge Power Siphon, and they also have lower base damage and lower +damage from Power Siphon.

    One way to approach powerset selection would be to pair a primary which is strongest on Scrappers (KM/) with a secondary that is strongest on Scrappers (/SD). If you can afford to IO Shield up for high defense it would be a very durable character with high damage.
  8. C was the clear winner for me, so it's nice to see that although many others didn't agree, we'll still be getting some of the options from that set.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    Just checked and ice armor does indeed make you completely immune to both slow movement and -recharge when you fire EA.
  10. I sent a link to a friend. Here's what he had to say about it:

    ****. Yes. Now that, my friend, is what you call 'high concept'...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    To get attuned, you have to do Ganymede's two-mission arc with a villain helping, then go back to Ganymede for the mission to talk to DJ Zero to become attuned to Valentine Tips.
    So another spring fling comes and goes with nothing new for me. I'm sick of the content gated behind a requirement for help from the opposite faction. Yes I can log in another account and do it myself, but that's a hassle, one that gets increasingly bothersome if I want to enjoy the event on more than one character. I'll just pass again this year.
  12. I'm way too lazy to do any of this but I do appreciate the efforts of those who are. You will be making the purples I buy more affordable. Thank you all.
  13. The short answer is yes, it is quite skippable. It has occasional uses for aggro management and certain rare situations but for the most part I doubt you'll miss it.
  14. Regarding the OP I agree with everything said for the most part. I would just revert Eviscerate to its old, original form. It never accomplished what was intended by making it a single-target attack, so the set lost AoE for no benefit. I think 30% recovery for Regen and WP would be too much. At that point you're basically getting all the powers that Scrappers get but Hide thrown in for free. I think somewhere closer to 10%, or maybe 15% would be more realistic.

    The one thing I'd add would be an animation time reduction for Placate. Rather than try to find some way to make the power useful by changing its function, speed it up so it can do what it was always intended to do. Give the new Placate to SoAs too. They don't get full crits so they are hampered by its limitations even more than Stalkers.
  15. What I use is:

    /bind key "powexecname Combat Jumping$$powexecname Super Jump"
  16. I usually use Atlas for running tips, because it seems to be fairly consistent with giving the missions in the same zone. There seem to be some tip missions that are coded to be in a specific zone, and those will be in that zone no matter what you do. For others, abandoning the mission and re-taking it can sometimes get you a door in a different zone.
  17. You can't use Invisibility the power to do it, but you could use Cloaking Device in concert with a stealth IO or Superspeed.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    The bare minimum for perma-dom is 123%.
    Where are you getting that number? Is that including some average for Hasten factoring in its downtime or something?

    For builds with Hasten I've always seen around 75% as the minimum amount of global recharge (not including Hasten) for perma-Dom. My experience has borne that out. I usually shoot for around 100% global recharge so that I don't have to be overly attentive to firing Hasten as soon as it recharges.
  19. Telekinesis is a power I always skip. It was reduced in effectiveness way way back and ever since then it's too situational and a huge end hog. Levitate is a nice soft control but you'll have plenty of good attacks in Dark Assault so unless you want the extra soft control you could skip it. If you're going for an all range build I'd probably take it though. Mass Hypnosis is really a matter of preference. It definitely has its uses but I think you can get by just fine without it also. It's good for MoLRSF runs though.

    I would never skip either of the confuses. Those are a big part of what makes Mind/ what it is for me. I'm not a big fan of Mind/ generally but the confuses and the single-target sleep that can put a boss to sleep in one hit are a big part of what sets Mind/ apart from other control primaries for me.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    I like 2 recharge, 2 Nucleolus Exposure (acc/dam), the Impeded Swiftness proc, and the Positron proc.
    This is optimal, or damn near IMO.
  21. Supernumiphone

    Combining HOs

    Ok I found the problem. I was having a derpy moment. Now that I'm level 48 it worked fine.
  22. Supernumiphone

    Combining HOs

    Yes I bid on and bought a stack of 4 on the market planning to slot two and "+" both of them.

    Edit: I'll see if I can get some screenshots. I don't know if it's possible to capture the enhancement screen or not.
  23. Supernumiphone

    Combining HOs

    I tried to combine some level 50 HOs recently to "+" them and I got a message something like "Are you sure you want to replace this enhancement with one of lower level?" Both were level 50. I tried using one in my tray (dragging it on top of one already slotted) and also tried combining two identical ones already slotted into the power, but the game won't let me combine them.

    So has there been some change to combining HOs that I missed? I try to keep up with patch notes and I don't remember seeing any change to that. I know I used to do it in the past all the time, so I don't know what's changed. Maybe I'm missing something simple?
  24. I'm pretty sure I'm E on both accounts, though one might be a low D. I tend to spend inf as fast as I get it so I doubt I've ever been higher than D.
  25. How are you determining that they are not working? Does the crafting cost change when you check/uncheck the discount coupon in the crafting window? I'm curious because I think they were working the last time I used one, but I didn't check the actual change to my total inf. I know the display changed, but I did not confirm that the correct amount was actually spent.