Kinetic Melee...what?...and what?




So I'm looking to finally make a Kinetic Melee toon. What secondary pairs good/best with it? Second question...what AT works best with Kinetic Melee?

I tend to Like Tanks first, then Brutes, then Scrappers...concept usually comes first (when I have one, which I don't...yet). So I'm open to experience here.


50 Inv/SS Tank, 50 Inv/EM Tank, 50 FA/SS Tank, 50 Shield/SS Tank, 50 WP/SS Tank, 50 Dark/Dark Tank, 50 EM/Elec Brute, 50 SS/FA Brute, 50 SS/SR Brute, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Plant/Storm Controller, 50 Earth/Therm Controller, 50 Necro/Dark MM, 50 Bots/FF MM, 50 Elec/SD Scrapper, 50 Arch/MM Blaster, 50 Emp/Psi Defender



KM/EA scrapper.

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I see on your list you have no DA tanks. I would suggest you do that with Kinetic Melee. OG + the stuns in KM makes me happy and it was the first Tank I got to 50. You could do the same on a scrapper since KM is supposed to be extra good on a scrapper, but I really like the base resists on a DA Tank.

EDIT: Once I22 drops, there is a strong argument to go KM on a stalker, but that wasn't one of the ATs you listed, so I didn't put it down.



I'd go with a KM/SR scrapper unless you can uber IO out your toon easily. If that is the case then KM/EA would be the way to go.

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-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Actually, I do have a DA Tank...sitting at 45 right now. I Love the DA Tank for the concept (love the utility in it), but he will probably be my only Dark Armor.

You say KM is supposed to be extra good on a Scrapper?

50 Inv/SS Tank, 50 Inv/EM Tank, 50 FA/SS Tank, 50 Shield/SS Tank, 50 WP/SS Tank, 50 Dark/Dark Tank, 50 EM/Elec Brute, 50 SS/FA Brute, 50 SS/SR Brute, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Plant/Storm Controller, 50 Earth/Therm Controller, 50 Necro/Dark MM, 50 Bots/FF MM, 50 Elec/SD Scrapper, 50 Arch/MM Blaster, 50 Emp/Psi Defender



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I'd go with a KM/SR scrapper unless you can uber IO out your toon easily. If that is the case then KM/EA would be the way to go.
I have no problems IO'ing out a toon. That is 2 for EA Scrapper. EA is a set I know nothing about unfortunately. Why does it shine? And why is the Scrapper the best AT for KM/EA?

(serious questions...I really would like to know)

50 Inv/SS Tank, 50 Inv/EM Tank, 50 FA/SS Tank, 50 Shield/SS Tank, 50 WP/SS Tank, 50 Dark/Dark Tank, 50 EM/Elec Brute, 50 SS/FA Brute, 50 SS/SR Brute, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Plant/Storm Controller, 50 Earth/Therm Controller, 50 Necro/Dark MM, 50 Bots/FF MM, 50 Elec/SD Scrapper, 50 Arch/MM Blaster, 50 Emp/Psi Defender



Scrapper is the best AT for KM, because the +Dmg from KM affects them more due to having a large damage modifier to their attacks.

EA shines in being able to softcap easily with IOs, and although it has less Defense Debuff Resistance than SR (you'll occasionally be debuffed below the defense softcap, although a luck with often remedy that), EA has a nice bag of ultility powers SR does not. Namely, it will add a nice amount of +Recharge, some S/L/E resistance, a self-heal (long recharge), and an Endurance recovery tool. A nice trade-off.

EA can run with the best of them, and although it will suffer the fate of defense based sets in that two big hits getting through your softcap defense at the same time versus +level mobs can floor you, it won't happen very often. Versus Cimerorans, for example, I usually have to watch my Defense numbers in combat numbers to make sure I'm not debuffed below 45% S/L Defense, and on rare occasions, a few boss hits will get through at the same time and faceplant me. But on the plus side, it is much easier to retain 45% defense with EA than a resistance set built for softcap defense with IOs because it does boast a 'decent', but not great, 51.9% Defense Debuff Resistance (DDR). Definetly a fun set.

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I like the synergy of KM's power siphon the lower tier attacks and the +rech, health and recovery utilities of EA. Power siphon makes the quick lower tier attacks VERY powerful when stacked and that +rech helps in that process. KM also has two very nice control type ranged attacks that add to the overall appeal for me.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Achilles6 View Post
You say KM is supposed to be extra good on a Scrapper?
It is arguably best on a Scrapper. Power Siphon does the most for them because of their high base damage. Then they also get a chance to auto-recharge Power Siphon when they use their tier 9 attack. That chance takes the place of the critical damage, since that attack doesn't crit. So you can potentially keep a very high +damage boost going on a Scrapper. Brutes and Tankers don't get that chance to recharge Power Siphon, and they also have lower base damage and lower +damage from Power Siphon.

One way to approach powerset selection would be to pair a primary which is strongest on Scrappers (KM/) with a secondary that is strongest on Scrappers (/SD). If you can afford to IO Shield up for high defense it would be a very durable character with high damage.



Apparently KM on a Stalker is somewhat crazy uber in the post I22, post ATO world ... the Stalker proc, in Assasin Strike, procs hide nearly 100% for the next attack ... people are talking a chain of AS - CS - BU (insta-recharged from hide) - Burst .... and I believe Burst is still 100% crit from hide. This is all with the new AS coming in I22, which you can chain out of hide for insane bonus damage. You might want to check out the Stalker changes thread in Beta before you pick Scrapper.



I'd been wracking my brain trying to come up with a KM/Ice build that could get by with nothing but two of the basic attacks, assassin's strike, burst and concentrated strike. Doesn't really work that well. Today, though, I did have the epiphany that having a terse attack chain isn't even close to as important for stalker KM as simply maximizing the use of post-i22 assassin's strike and burst while using concentrated strike on demand as a build up recharger. With this new attitude I'm fairly certain that my i22 stalker is going to be an obscene beast despite taking all three single target filler attacks. And this after not playing stalkers for six years. Ha!

So yeah, I vote stalker even though it wasn't one of the options. I can attest that KM is a good set on scrappers, but scrappers aren't going to get new AS and KM is the set that truly takes full advantage of the stalker buffs.



I have a KM/Elec Armor stalker, and it rocks. In general, I would recommend that kinetic melee be paired with any resistance based secondary. Since the damage reductions on the enemies are not resisted, it stacks quickly with the resistances of those sets. In general, my stalker's long-term combat takes enemies to anywhere from -30% damage to -40%, and if you add that on top of his resistances (75%), it means the enemies are only doing 15% damage instead of 25% damage.

Combine KM with Void Radial Judgement and Duplicity, a KM stalker can hit the -dmg cap at 90%. I'm not familiar with the exact capabilities of the other sets, but if you have a Tank that can cap at 90% resistance, and you make the enemies hit the -dmg cap, then they are only doing 1% damage.

Also with the ATO proc Kinetic Melee Stalkers have some serious damage.

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With i22 and Stalker ATO Proc...I'd say you could get a lot out of KM on a Stalker.

IOed build, but no +DMG from Incarnates abilities (so no Interface or Musculature), I was pretty much able to get a constant 80% damage buff on my KM/WP by keeping BU as part of the attack chain.

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I guess KM/EA scrapper and KM/Nin stalker would be good choices.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
I have a KM/Elec Armor stalker, and it rocks. In general, I would recommend that kinetic melee be paired with any resistance based secondary. Since the damage reductions on the enemies are not resisted, it stacks quickly with the resistances of those sets.
I have an Elec/KM tanker that I made using the same reasoning. I'm very pleased with the results; that character is tough as nails. Damage is decent too, for a tanker at least.