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  1. I was thinking Water/Dark Corruptor to replace my Ice/Dark, but it worries me that no one else is going that route. Is there no synergy or something?
  2. I don't think this forum was ever a good idea. But zillions of people said that back when it was created, too. It just goes against tradition and logic to separate builds from the class forums.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    The followed items are now available at the Paragon Market™ in game!
    Time Manipulation Power Set
    Market Location: Powers > Power Sets > Support
    Regular Price: 800 Points - 50% off
    Sale Price: 400 Points for Free and Premium Players (Free for VIP Players)
    Why is this is greyed out in the market for VIP players? I would like to purchase this so that the set is accessible when my account turns Premium again, but I am unable to. It's illogical to disallow VIP players from taking advantage of sales.
  4. Thistletoe

    Dear Castle

    But the other ATs have all gotten new primaries proliferated to them too, and GR is a long way off. Nevertheless, I think MMs understand how much more labor-intensive MM primary sets are, which is why I do believe the request was for more secondaries.

    I'd love to see cold and sonic myself. Run them through the FF rubric and be done with it.
  5. Thistletoe

    Changing Origin

    Wait, what? The majority of players wouldn't use it because of enhancement issues? Rather I should ask: people still use SOs? I suspect anyone motivated enough to pay to change his origin is already using IOs. We can't really argue that "things casuals won't use" will never find their way into the store, when things like respecs are already there.

    Surely far more people would like to change their origin for a better title or theme than will ever make use of gender-swapping or switching to/from the hulk body.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    Tankers compete by being the best tanks. Scrappers compete by being the best scraps. Defenders should compete by being the best defenders. Right now the degree to which we are the better defenders is not a sufficient competitive advantage so other ATs are winning out the war of attrition.
    It's this. And this is not new. This is the same hybrid-vs-pure debate that's been going on in MMOs since the very first one twelve years ago, going on in pen and paper games even before that. It even afflicts WoW: why play a priest when a paladin can outheal you and wear plate while doing it? And so on, and so on, with every MMO there's ever been. How much do you penalize hybrids before hybrids stop being fun, and how much do you buff them back into the realm of fun before there's no point playing a pure?

    Whether or not their weaknesses are numerically accurate or merely popularly perceived, the OP's numbers show it has a real, tangible, measurable effect, one that developers should and do notice and amend. Tiresome pedantic grandstanding to "prove it" is tiresome and pedantic. People think they suck and don't play them. Just flipping fix it.

    Sometimes I really can't fathom why people adopt the "defenders are fine, l2p" attitude. Do they want to keep the class underplayed so they can feel special? Is it denial about one's favorite archetype's weaknesses? Inability to recall that not all defenders are rad/sonic? Fear that others will stop inviting defenders to groups? Don't know. Do know that it's really nice to see big names in the community speaking up and maybe getting the 'fenders the attention we deserve, instead of trying to keep it hidden under a wash of misleading statistics.
  7. Heck, you don't play Earth/Storm to heal. You play it because of its awesome powers! Nothing wrong with enjoying healing, I just hope you were able to show him how much FUN his character could be if he opened himself up to his other abilities.

    It makes me sad sometimes that folks - maybe especially stormers - are so afraid that someone will die "on their watch" and that they'll be kicked from groups, that they demote themselves to healspam. Forget that it's bad strategy - it's not much FUN. The game was designed to free us from that sort of monotony.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Most likely the fire/psi permadom farmers are still crying. Oh well.

    [/ QUOTE ]It's funnier if you read their posts in the tone of a shocked septegenarian who's annoyed that they let coloureds into the country club.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is this comment less tasteless in Australia or something?
  9. Disagree with Draeth - invisible armors are precisely why I want this system in the first place. It would be nice to see a renaissance of sets with notoriously ugly armors. Cold Domination comes first to mind.

    The pool power coloring doesn't bother me at all, but I'd be hardpressed to see why those should be allowed a full transparency, but other things can't. For PvE, it makes no difference, and for PvP, it's going to be a mess whether the players are spewing hot pink bubbles at you or nothing at all. It's an arbitrary place to draw the line.
  10. I pretty much agree with everything you posted and then some. I love Sonic and it irks me that it's so underpowered, both by the numbers, and by perception.

    - make siphon a toggle, an aoe, or an cone, don't care which
    - boost haven/barrier, better yet, turn them into AoE buffs
    - make cage a toggle, or just make it a standard hold
    - can't think of anything to do to to saturn rings, it's awesome
    - love the idea giving Dispersion a lingering buff
    - Repulsion... ug. Awfulness. At least give it a debuff a la Hurricane.
    - Clarity give this a small heal a la O2 Boost, or make it an AoE buff. Then switch it with Siphon in the order.
    - Reduce Liquefy's recharge.

    Even if they did all of these things, the set still wouldn't come close to kin, rad, or storm, in utility or desirability, which illustrates just how much it needs a major buff.
  11. Earth/Storm is my favorite CoX toon hands down. Probably one of my top 3 most-fun MMO toons of all-time, and I've played 'em all. Unlike a lot of "fun" characters, it's also extremely effective at what it does. I'd roll it again in a heartbeat... although I'd rather see an Earth nuking set so I could roll a Storm/Earth just for kicks! rawr.

    Wouldn't ever worry about Earth. It's trollers' little secret.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    This. But people have to blame some "thing", instead of an actual person, in order for their lives' to continue safely and without confrontation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bullpucky. A bad player can make a bad set much worse. But a good player can't make a bad set much better. All the skill in the world doesn't make up for the dps lost from the time taken to joust into position just to mitigate the secondary effects of your skills and cause them to NOT do what they were designed to do. From an effectiveness perspective, there's no point to taking the set - the mitigation it offers is counterproductive to general gameplay design, and circumventing that mitigation is counterproductive to the archetype design. And just think how much more effective that same good player would be on a good set!

    Remove player ability from the equation and the set is still bad. Fun, and pretty, but bad. And I honestly wish people would stop sticking up for red-headed step-child powersets; that's a good way to make sure no one ever bothers to fix them.
  13. I think it's a good idea to think it out a little bit ahead of time as you're doing - sure, three controllers would be fine, but a balanced group with some pre-planning will do even better. In fact, I think you should roll several characters apiece, to figure out what your playstyles are. The last thing you wanna do is discover, far too late to reroll, that you hate tanking, when you're the designated tank.

    The trio I run in lately has a shields/axe tanker, earth/storm troller, and fire/ice blaster. It's overkill for nearly everything we encounter. Occasionally we mix in a rad/sonic defender and some extra blasters. Gravy. Don't think you could go wrong with any tanker, troller, and blaster combo.

    Remember to make villains for a change of pace, and make sure no one of you is "stuck" with the same role twice.
  14. ... which could all be fixed if NCSoft would just get over themselves and change KB to KD, or give us enhancements to do it ourselves. And then it would go from being a counter-productive powerset to being one to rival fire, and all those pretty graphics and animations wouldn't be going to waste.
  15. Don't think the person quoted nor the group leader referenced in the OP was talking about HOTs either, but heck, I'd be hard pressed to name an MMO UO-onward that *doesn't* have HOTs.
  16. I'm not a dude, but what you're describing is in fact a change rather than a buff - a sidegrade - which does not address the community's top three stated problems, and that is exactly what I was complaining about. I am completely unimpressed by this "significantly different role"; the old role only needed minor tweaks to stop sucking, and I don't see how the new role will suck any less. It will merely suck differently. And not just for "soloing AVs" - EBs are enough to waste a casually-played dom. Piddly damage buffs make zero difference whatsoever.
  17. Am I the only one who thinks that this particular dom overhaul is totally tangential to reality?

    The number one dom issue in the dom issues thread is our hefty weakness vs hard single targets like EBs/AVs, and this has certainly been my experience 40+. A tweak to damage isn't going to help me where I need it most. It will get me through the map just a little bit faster where I can have just as much trouble as before with the endboss.

    The whole thing feels like a mostly-irrelevant sidegrade, even as a not-perma-dom, and gives me no reason to salvage my dominator.

    I'd love to hear that I've misunderstood.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I know WoW has all kinds of wacky features. I heard you can set up a healing power to only heal until the target's health hits max, and then shot off, saving mana.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think what you mean is the ability to (instantly and without user-input) pick your rank/potency of heal spell based on how many hitpoints the target has lost. Hasn't been true for a long long time, not since they normalized mana costs across all ranks of spells and (earlier still) began requiring input to fire off any spell at all. I think the later poster who mentioned starting a heal with a long cast time, in anticipation of the target taking more damage than when the spell began, is probably what the OP's group leader had in mind.

    Actually I half wonder whether the group leader was trolling you, to see what kind of Empath you really were. Maybe a thin hope.
  19. Thistletoe

    Cold Domination

    How would /cold be any more ridiculous than the secondaries we already have?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Some people don't mind tapping the key. Some of us enjoy it as much as we enjoy tapping other keys to make other powers go off. Seriously, what the heck is it with these forums lately and declaring one type of fun less valid than another? If you don't have fun playing a power set... DON'T PLAY THE POWERSET. Do not come to the troller forums and scream for dumbing down of controllers . . .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who's doing that? All I see is people recommending balance, for fun for everyone, not just fun for OCD people - fun for the buffers, not just the buffees. I don't see any screaming either. The quoted post feels like the equivalent of saying "I like draconian laws, so if you don't like the draconian laws in my country, then GIT OUT!"
  21. Seems like a fine idea to me, OP. There will always be people who react violently to any suggestion that ideas have monetary value like anything else, so don't take it personally. OTOH, that particular name doesn't grab me, so I think the price is unreasonable.
  22. Dispersion's the reason I rolled a Sonic/ tbh. And I like Disruption Field also. But Barrier and Haven.. please just no. I love orange, but most people don't. Even aside from that, the set needs some help in the fun department. Clarity could use a heal component, Siphon needs to be a cone, Repulsion needs to be deleted, Liquefy needs to be so much earlier in the set. Cold's got some of the same eyesore problems, and an even worse problem in that it's too long a slog to get to the good stuff. End-loaded sets just aren't as popular.

    Blah. But this was a FF-proposal thread, sorry. I'd like to see all of the bubble sets get love. Would help combat the general perception that they're inferior to restore-health sets, however incorrect that perception might presently be.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    If I were to boost the set in any other way, it would be some small bonus to the Defender's own protection.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think this is essential to making sonic, cold, and FF truly shine. We're defenders, not martyrs, and frankly these three sets need some help in the solo department - allowing our own buffs to work on us seems like a no-brainer. As it stands, these three sets are pretty niche. And yep I have one of each. FF is boring, Sonic is ugly, and Cold matures so late - compared to some of the other defense sets, they're seriously lacking in PUNCH. Numbers only carry them so far.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think there's a significant monetary/business advantage for Paragon Studios to devote that much time to producing something that would be utilized by a disgustingly small minority given the cost to produce it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you have grossly underestimated how many people would appreciate and use a walk feature while simultaneously overestimating how much actual time and money it would take to implement the request. It's a walk animation for three skeletons/models. It's really not that hard. Modders do these sorts of things for fun.