Is Build Forum a failure?
The basic idea of the Build Forum wasn't bad. Maybe in a new game community without the set behaviors of CoH, it might have worked better. But CoH's community has had 7 years of organic growth and several years of time in which it ALREADY had worked out an appropriate posting protocol for mids builds ITSELF. You want help/advice about a build for a given AT? Go to the forum for that AT and post!
Now, if you post for "Help me with my SoA" in the build forum, it gets buried under 10 "Help me with my tank" 8 "help me with my defender" 13 "help me with my troller" 3-4 Warshade discussions and a host of "What about THIS for a farmer?" posts. As such responses are down and response times go way up.
All because a few people griping to Zwillinger were to stupid and lazy to actually ask about an AT build in that AT's particular forum or inquire about current practices for said activity.
Is the build form a failure? Yeah. A truly, utterly and miserably one. And an utter mess to boot.
As a "repository" of builds, this forum "works" reasonably well for the task.
As a "discussion" area for builds it is all but worthless.

Did they ever declare a winner for the ICE/TA contest ?
If the devs can't take an interest in their own builds on this forum what makes you think the players will ?
First off I'm glad you posted this instead of me. I was thinking the same exact thing. But was going to post a much more sarcastic thread which would have been ugly.
Secondly I did see your AR Device post but I refused to post an help in this forum for anyone regardless on principal. But as you can see I did reply to your question in the Blasters forum.
The story given was ridiculous. Zwig, incognito asked a new player where to post about getting help on a build and the person did not know..
Did Zwig know where the bathroom was the first time he walked into the office ? I would imagine no. It doesn't mean the whole building needs to be restructured just so he can find the bathroom from any place in the building.
The only posting you get out of me on these forums is exactly this. Me saying what a bad idea this is. Waste of time, money and resources.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I tried to sort through it, but got too busy. I would suggest that there would have been a better way of doing this, that the idea is not a failure, just the lackluster execution. I would recommend that they should have posted two stickies in each of the AT forums. Build Exemplar thread (for buildbrags) and Build Help thread (for referencing build help threads).
The way it is, I understand why it went under, even though I tried to help it survive.
I have to agree...this just doesn't appear to work very well. Now I will have to commit a faux pas by cross-posting to an actual AT forum. For those who may actually see it, sorry in advance. Just pretend you didn't see it in this forum...shouldn't be hard to do.
50 Inv/SS Tank, 50 Inv/EM Tank, 50 FA/SS Tank, 50 Shield/SS Tank, 50 WP/SS Tank, 50 Dark/Dark Tank, 50 EM/Elec Brute, 50 SS/FA Brute, 50 SS/SR Brute, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Plant/Storm Controller, 50 Earth/Therm Controller, 50 Necro/Dark MM, 50 Bots/FF MM, 50 Elec/SD Scrapper, 50 Arch/MM Blaster, 50 Emp/Psi Defender
I tried to sort through it, but got too busy. I would suggest that there would have been a better way of doing this, that the idea is not a failure, just the lackluster execution. I would recommend that they should have posted two stickies in each of the AT forums. Build Exemplar thread (for buildbrags) and Build Help thread (for referencing build help threads).
The way it is, I understand why it went under, even though I tried to help it survive. |
Now, if you post for "Help me with my SoA" in the build forum, it gets buried under 10 "Help me with my tank" 8 "help me with my defender" 13 "help me with my troller" 3-4 Warshade discussions and a host of "What about THIS for a farmer?" posts. As such responses are down and response times go way up.
This is a real question. Prior to using the build forum I would post my builds in the specific archetype forum and get replies 80% time, usually multiple within a day. When ipost builds to the build forum I see replies 1/3 of the time, sometimes none, even if the question sits a week. Therefore I conclude either 1) The forum is not working as designed 2) The re are a lot less people visiting the forums or 3) People in general have become much less interested in builds since the build forum started.
As further evidence I see a ton of questions posted in this forum with 0 replies. |
Recently, I've spent time talking to people who were new to the game, and even asking people, where can I find builds (I was incognito of course). Very few folks could point me to one place, the usual response I got was "On the forums...." and when I asked "Yeah, but which forum" the response was almost always "I don't know" ... |
Anyway, I try to pop in here every once in a while to look for questions on ATs/powersets that I like that have 0 replies, but after a post or two I remember how horrible this particular forum is and go somewhere else.
and, to expand on this, a significant fraction of players - i suspect a large majority, even among those who are knowledgeable and confident enough to provide build advice - aren't competent at building every kind of character.
(It was his name...o)
I think there is a bit of 2) and 3) going on. Builds aren't as critical to performance as they once were.
I think that it had potential, but it never gained the necessary popularity it needed to be terribly useful. I liked the idea that someone who was familiar with... let's say broadsword for an example, would be able to more capable of giving advice to Scrappers, Brutes, and Stalkers, rather than stick to one AT thread and unintentionally ignore the others.
For example, I remember people who where not Scrappers would randomly wander into the Scrapper forum with a Brute build they needed help on, just because they knew the Scrapper community at that time was good with numbers. Back then a general "Build" forum seemed like a good idea to me.
+1 for Hopeling hitting right square on the head.
Originally Posted by Hopeling
And, to expand on this, a significant fraction of players - I suspect a large majority, even among those who are knowledgeable and confident enough to provide build advice - aren't competent at building every kind of character. I consider myself a pretty competent builder, and I have firsthand experience with building almost every melee powerset, but I don't know nearly enough about Warshades to provide useful commentary on Warshade builds - I don't even know what a good Warshade build looks like, because I've never been interested in making or looking at one. So I'm totally useless in Warshade threads. The same is true, to varying degrees, for several other ATs as well, or for certain powersets, or etc. At least half of the threads on this forum are of no interest to me; I can't help even if I want to. Meanwhile, the AT subforums still have their fair share of build posts, and I frequent those forums anyway for the discussion, and I don't have to wade through all the builds that I know nothing about to see the ones I can help with.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
As I've mentioned before, I think the Build Workshop Forum divides focus. Instead of looking and/or asking in the specific AT forum you now have two areas to peruse. On top of that, if you feel you can help a specific AT, like Defenders, you have to "rummage" through the thread to find Defender questions. (Just like an accountant rummaging through a box of unsorted receipts. ) Of course they could always create sub-forums and sort the builds by specific ATs... but then we're right back to where the forums were before the Build Workshop was created.
The addition of the Build Forum has also created some confusion in those seeking requests. Quite often people have mentioned, in their posts, of being unsure if the AT forums or the Build Workshop were "the right place to ask for help". I can see why.
In the meantime, I'm waiting to see who will be starting the third Developer's "Build Challenge" in the continuing attempt to draw attention here. (and how soon we will be seeing that thread.)
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
I avoid this forum most of the time for several of the reasons stated.
I can give a lot of useful advice in building Scrappers and Tanks (and by extension Brutes and Stalkers), but I'm useless in building Controllers and my Defender knowledge is hit and miss.
I don't have much time to post, since I usually do so while I'm at work. I'd rather go to the AT forums and help someone with their build than come here and dig through piles of builds in search of someone to help.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
A failure?
I don't know if I'd call something that's unnecessary, redundant and inefficient, which sees more use in theory than it does in practice, a forum whose threads only ever gather even a handful of comments when they're posts specifically regarding the forum itself and not the forum's actual purpose, a "failure."
"Misadventure" is so much more evocative, after all.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I hated this forum when it was created and made my thoughts heard at the time.
I've tried to have an open mind to see if it did have some benefits I didn't see in the beginning.
Still, today I hate this forum. It was created to solve a problem that didn't exist and still doesn't.
I largely ignore the goings on in this forum, unless something randomly happens to catch my eye from the higher level A&P forum, like this thread did. Given that so many posts are of the "help me build a ss/fire brute farmer" (or whatever farmer) rarely does that happen.
I only post builds that I'm seeking feedback for in the relevant AT subforum.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
If the Build Workshop were made All Access, it might be useful for Free and Premium players to come to for advice on their characters, since they can't post in the AT sections.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I don't think this forum was ever a good idea. But zillions of people said that back when it was created, too. It just goes against tradition and logic to separate builds from the class forums.
If the Build Workshop were made All Access, it might be useful for Free and Premium players to come to for advice on their characters, since they can't post in the AT sections.
To be honest i was surprised that it wasn't made all access when the other sections were since that was the only real use for the Build Workshop that i could see.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
To be honest, it could have been implemented as a pseudoforum and it would have served its purpose. It could just have been a set of links to the correct AT forums with newbie-friendly names, i.e. we could still have had a subforum called 'builds', so newbies could find the -- supposedly illusive -- build forum and just have contained within it a link to every AT subforum with an appropriate heading e.g. 'Brute builds'. This would have served the purpose of showing newer players where to post their builds for their given AT without creating a totally unnecessary and player-base-splitting subforum.
The vets could go on posting as they always had, and new players could be quickly pointed to where the vets post. Now we just have a situation where no-one's sure where they should really be posting, and most vets just ignore this subforum.
This is a real question. Prior to using the build forum I would post my builds in the specific archetype forum and get replies 80% time, usually multiple within a day. When ipost builds to the build forum I see replies 1/3 of the time, sometimes none, even if the question sits a week. Therefore I conclude either 1) The forum is not working as designed 2) The re are a lot less people visiting the forums or 3) People in general have become much less interested in builds since the build forum started.
As further evidence I see a ton of questions posted in this forum with 0 replies.