Good Archetypes for Trio?




Hey, my 2 brothers and I just purchased CoH together and are brand new to the game. What would be an ideal Archetype Combination for 3 people to play together? We aren't planning on having other people join our team. Please include primary and secondary powers. Thank you!



I think you should pick three different archetypes with three different powersets. Mix it up. Learn different things. See a lot of what City of Heroes has to offer.

I also have two brothers who like to play City of Heroes. We have a lot of crazy combos and super ridiculous insanely crazy trios. However, I don't think you want to try for one of those trios quite yet. For now just play something fun and learn what you, subjectively and personally, enjoy most about the game.

My brothers and I are all a little different. I like super fast action. One likes really big explosions. The third likes really complicated crazy off the wall stuff.

So my suggestion is to pick three guys who are as different sounding as you can. Give yourself and each of your brothers a chance to try wild and crazy things. You can always make new and different heroes later!



well a combination of range, melee, and buff/debuff is always a good combination. I speak from experience of a trio of a rad/rad defender, an Ice/Ice tank, and a fire/fire blaster. The rad/rad provides a nasty bucketfull of debuffs, a resurection a heal PBAoE, and a good team buff. The ice tank does slowing and holds aggro through damage/slow auras. The fire blaster does damage through damage over time attacks. This combination equals high damage, aggro controll, and debuffs.



I'd have to agree with Smurphy. I don't think you have to worry about the "ideal" trio just yet. Just follow your interests, but I would recommend at least one of you try a Archetype with a support (either primary or secondary will do) set, as it'll make things a little easier in the long run.

Knowing what I know now (just came back from a 2 year break), I'd say a Blaster/Controller/Scrapper trio would make a pretty efficient team. Pretty much any primary/secondary combo would be fine, just pick what sounds fun. Also, picking power sets that follow a concept or theme (if that matters to you) usually results in a more enjoyable time. Welcome to the game!



My random suggestion would be a Fire/Shield Scrapper, Fire/MM Blaster, and Rad/Sonic Defender.



Welcome to the game! Playing as three brothers should be a blast. I envy you folks being able to come into the game with fresh eyes.
Any three builds teamed can succeed and even dominate 99% of this game. My advice is to go with concept, or what "sounds fun". Come up with a good team concept, coordinate costumes, and after selecting your powersets come back to the boards before you get past about level 12 and ask for build advice. I find that 1 'support' (not official terms) AT like a controller or defender, plus 2 offensive characters, such as scrapper or blaster makes a brutal trio. Tanks are fine, but really serve more of a tactical purpose in larger teams and if you are mainly going to start out teaming together, then I would avoid tanks to start.

I think controller, scrapper, blaster trio gives you tremendous versatility and variability in gameplay (but so does defender +2 blasters/2 scrappers). It's really hard to go wrong. Realistically you will get into the character designer and realize that having only one character each is simply NOT going to cut it. There are just too many cool possibilities for characters to design.



Hmmm interesting question so okay off the top of my head and base on characters I play try this..

Plant/Rad Controller .. Great holds and Rad debuffs everything you face along with giving you some heals and a Rez

Arch/Ice Blaster .. Outstanding accuracy on the primary and the secondary adds more holds to what you Troller is providing

then add either a DM/Regen Scrapper or a WP/DM Tank for Mellee I recently decided to try Dark Mellee and love the powerset. Regen for your scrapper means he can heal himself and with Quick recovery you'll rarely run out of end. If you go tanker DM is still good and WP is a great defensive set which also gives you QR and less end problems to deal with


Rad/Rad Defender .. Still get the debuffs and now you are adding even more with the attack set since every attack debuffs any villain you face

Arch/MM Blaster .. Archery IMO is the best powerset out there Others may have better damage but none has that accuracy. MM adds attacks and holds to the mix. My Arch/MM uses her secondary powers as much as her primary Good mix.

Now try a DB/WP Scrapper or a WP/DB Tank. Dual Blades looks awesome and while it needs a bit of enhancing to be really accurate it offers a lot of quick attack. Already mentioned the benefits of WP

Want to try something a little different? Try this

Plant/Rad Controller .. already mentioned it above

Ill/Emp Controller .. Superior Invisibility and Confuse allow this AT to turn half the mobs you face into mindless puppets beating on their own kind instead of you. Emp provides good heals and in the later game some seriously good buffs

Now throw in a Fire/Kin Controller .. probably the best damage output of any Controller set and SB coupled with the Regen and Recovery buffs you will get from the Emp mean you will NEVER run out of end and attacks will recover faster for more damage.

Yeah I know that combo has NO mellee or ranged AT but some of the best teams I have played on were all Controllers and Defenders .. really hard for anything to hurt you when it cant hit you, can't move, is taking damage at an accelerated rate and you are healing faster than they can dish out damage.

There are a LOT of good combos that can duo or trio well and the best part is the sugestions I have given you also allow each of you to solo effectively as well when the other 2 may not be around. Experiment and have fun. Welcome to the game BTW

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I just answered this in another section but i forgot to add powers.

If you really wanna survive i'd take a Stone/Stone tank, a Fire/Kin troller to help the tank run in granite and a Fire/Rad troller for debuffing. Ice/Rad trollers are also fun to play.



For ease, Id suggest 1 tank 2 scrappers then branch out from there.

For the love of Khorne, no Ar/dev blasters



I answered your question in the other thread you had posted.

Also, just as a note, crossposting (posting the same thread in two different parts of the forum) is against the forum rules here.

Also, welcome to the game.



Have each kid figure out what they want to play. Then have them play that.



Inv/SS or Fire Tank
Fire/EM blaster
Earth Fire or Ice/Rad troller

SS/Inv brute
Fire/Psi dom
Fire or Rad/Rad Corruptor



Here's my advice:

Just choose whatever!

I remember, five years ago, when I first played the game. I made so many characters, that if I hadn't kept deleting them, I could probably have filled up two or three accounts to the max with characters!

So instead of deciding right away what you're going to play based on what others say, just look at all of the archtypes and their powersets, and then choose whichever looks coolest. Play around with the costume creator. Think up concepts! Have fun with it before you and your brothers try to make the "best" archtype trio.

And welcome to the game! As a veteran, I always love it when I see new people who are getting in. You'll have a blast.



I agree with most of th eother posters. Have each person go with what sounds fun to them.

Three of anything will pretty much steam roll 99% of the game.

Sue you could go with an "Ideal" combo. However ideal combos come at a price that includes using "cookie cutter builds" and ""Strict attack/defense procedures"

Thats stuff is boring as hell in my opinion.

One poster mentioned to stay away from AR/Dev....I disagree. I think three AR/Devs would be aweseome fun. There would be all kinds of stratgys you'd have to work through.



Make a random team of scrappers & defenders and rock out.



Although there are some good combinations for small teams (a mix of three empathy defenders comes to mind), keep in mind that the game is fairly easy and fairly well balanced. Extreme minmaxing isn't required to have fun. So I'd make it a bigger priority to find archetypes that match your individual playstyles.

But to give you some ideas to start with:

I think Defenders work very well in small teams (such as a trio). I think Empathy in particular works well in small teams, but not so much on larger teams.

On the other hand, I find Tankers and Controllers don't work so well in small teams, but do great in large teams.

I believe Blasters work well in all size teams, buff/debuff sets other than Empathy work well in all size teams, and Scrappers are geared toward soloing but can be built to team like a blaster or tanker as well.



Shield/SS Tank, Fire/Fire blaster, Kin/Sonic defender. Fire/SS tank is an option as well if you are willing to trade a little survivability for more damage and a self heal if Transfusion misses.

There will be very little the above combination can't handle with ease. I know you only asked for ATs and not specific powersets, but I figured I'd throw the powers at you too.

Shield/SS will be survivable and have a decent amount of AoE in the late game. Fire/Fire blaster will put out obscene amounts of damage and shines in melee range if agro is sufficiently controlled. Kin/Sonic defender will boost damage output of the other two by ridiculous amounts, both by buffing their damage and reducing the resistance of the enemies. The heal in kinetics is melee based, which will be good as both of your teammates will spend the majority of their time in melee.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I think it's a good idea to think it out a little bit ahead of time as you're doing - sure, three controllers would be fine, but a balanced group with some pre-planning will do even better. In fact, I think you should roll several characters apiece, to figure out what your playstyles are. The last thing you wanna do is discover, far too late to reroll, that you hate tanking, when you're the designated tank.

The trio I run in lately has a shields/axe tanker, earth/storm troller, and fire/ice blaster. It's overkill for nearly everything we encounter. Occasionally we mix in a rad/sonic defender and some extra blasters. Gravy. Don't think you could go wrong with any tanker, troller, and blaster combo.

Remember to make villains for a change of pace, and make sure no one of you is "stuck" with the same role twice.