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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post
    Which would place him in proper company.
    One of us! One of us!
  2. Blarg


    Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
    I gave the first few episodes a chance, but it just failed to hook me. The Australian version sounds interesting, though. I'll have to see if I can find a viewing of that.
    This right here. I didn't realize that's what the Australian version was, sounds infinitely better than this series.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    ...fear and surprise.
    No! No, just surprise!
  4. I was sitting at home, playing Mass Effect 2 while listening to Dumb & Dumber that my friends were watching. Nothing happened. Although, we did use it as an excuse to hang out until midnight (just in case it came late, you know), and listen to hip hop and talk about pineapple fetishes.
  5. I like how, unlike the last group of characters, she looks less innocent and nice and more of a plain ol' badass.
  6. Was totally cracking up at the scene with Superboy and whatshername. The way Red Tornado just walked in, stared, and then just walked out was hilarious.
  7. Huh. I just heard about the comic yesterday, and then I see this today. Weird.
  8. This is horrible and awful. And terrible and bad.

  9. I'll be seeing it. Looks like it'll be a fun, mindless movie. Something to see with my fun, mindless friends.
  10. I've always liked Venom as a villain. As a hero it's just silly.

    I will reserve judgment on this new series. It may or may not go well.

    But I have to say, if the symbiote left Brock because he was unhealthy... then why in the world would it willingly bond to a handicapped person? O_o

    I mean, yes, with Venom Flash can walk again, but it seems like a pseudo-intelligent alien creature would try to find the HEALTHIEST person possible to merge with. Just sayin'.
  11. I'm enjoying this series so far, and honestly, though some of the characters are annoying, you can't expect much better with younger teenagers. I can point out kids I know in every single character.

    I do hope that this show matures as Teen Titans did, and has some character development and such.

    And I concur with the people above. The archer girl (Speedy?) needs to show up.
  12. Blarg

    DBZ Abridged #20

    This was good. Maybe not as good as a few of their episodes, but funny.

    And I laughed every time the dancing happened.
  13. I am strangely exhilarated by this movie. :0
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    With the nickname Cheeks he gonna have something coming at him in prison.
    I see what you did there.
  15. Anyone who dedicates their time and money to saving lives in any way they can, whether that be by keeping drunks from driving, giving food to the hungry, or physically stopping a violent crime is okay in my book. How they dress is not the issue here. They could be dressed in frilly, bullet-proof skirts for all I care. The issue is "are they helping anyone?" If the answer is yes, then I see nothing wrong with what they do.
  16. Blarg

    Know Your Roots

    Nice update. Glad to see that they added Folk.
  17. Blarg

    Know Your Roots

    Hmm. Just realized they don't have a progressive thrash category... which means no Voivod, Mekong Delta, Coroner... or any other number of PT metal bands. :|

    Ah well. It is still quite good.

    Also, I loved how the Visual Kai section was made of hearts and Hello Kitty faces.
  18. Blarg

    Know Your Roots

    This is awesome, and incredibly comprehensive. No, it doesn't mention everything. But I agree with almost everything it says. Thumbs up!
  19. Blarg

    Cars 2 Trailer

    I have to say, any movie that has intelligent cars shooting each other with guns is okay in my book.
  20. Holy CRAP they have too much time on their hands.
  21. Because City Of Whatever is the best MMO on the market, and because I need something to do on my Friday nights.
  22. This is getting frickin sweeeeeeeet
  23. Eh... I grew up on Beast Wars and basically had graphics that looked like a computer pooped them out. And then stepped on them.

    And yet it was good. Why? Because the writers were fan-freaking-tastic.

    I will reserve judgment on this one. When I saw the trailer I just laughed, but now that I think about it, the cheesy look doesn't affect the writing at all. Maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised.