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Soft Serve, my Ice/rad corr. Never got past 40 (I have lots of 50s), but had so much fun with friends in game with this one.
Debacle, my dark/EA stalker who has a screenshot kill of Twixt, I will treasure that always. -
With all the +damage out there already, I find speed boost being the more useful power from a kinetics teammate.
Yeah, I like the return to hide on crit as well.
My own thing though:
AS actually assassinates boss level and lower. For EB, AVs and Heroes, return (from beta) the percentage health assassin strike along with resistance to this effect. This should help with the abuse by multiple stalkers.
QoL, make placate cast time 1 sec or lower, make recharge 45s. This should boost dps a bit. -
Nice app.
Love python. -
Until a stalker can defeat a boss at the same rate as the team defeats all minions in a mob, they will not be useful.
Doh, forgot about creepers. Creepers first before roots since they will knockdown some of the mobs.
What level are you running? +4?
On my plant/kin/fire who has 36 ranged def and 71 S/L res, I usually open with roots, hover in or run in, fulcrum then fireball. I only use seeds if the mobs are particularly tough or I want to be lazy. -
FIX YOUR CRAP FORUMS. Getting tired of this. Oh yeah, chrome here.
Of my two favorite pvp toons, one is a stalker and the other is a corr. I feel that the corr has a chance to kill anything one on one. The stalker I use to piss people off.
Yeah, I want to know too.
What I do like is the tier 2 and 1 and attacking in that order. The tier 1 fires immediately after the first attack and gives the impression of a quick one two. Similar to psi blast.
I don't like disintegrate, animation too long. Is that skip-able? -
95% of game content is won by 'defeating' things. Therefore, tankmages.
Too bad that there are not enough mishes that are mez, debuff, stealth or whatever besides defeats. Hamidon raid comes close as it requires a tanking class, mez class, and damage classes. Need more. -
To do +4/8 reliably, your gonna need near capped def AND res. Otherwise, use inspirations to fill the gap with whatever you are missing.
Or, you could always run the no boss option. -
Quick test shows I'm getting 780 tickets per minute = [, but doing 1100 dps. Not bad for a controller.
I can do +4/8 fire or sl (ambush or not) on my plant/kin. Not sure how efficient he is but its damn fun listening to all the slapping the creeper vines do.
I guess I play my controller a bit different than you guys.
Before I get into what I do, here is what the toon has:
70-ish smash/lethal res
35-ish fire res
36-ish def ranged
T4 rebirth, T3 cardiac, T4 ionic.
Transfusion (big heal up often)
Permacreep (actually 1.5 times)
Siphon speed (more recharge)
Hasten (more more recharge)
Transference (endless endurance)
Fulcrumshift (perma 300% dam boost)
Tactics (perception, more to hit)
Hover (keep opponents at range)
Fireblast (dps hard targets)
Fireball (this plus roots = big AOE attack chain)
Spirit Tree (LOL, I like to farm)
So, if this is not a recipe for a tankmage, I don't know what is.
Now for the gameplay, it's quite simple. Just hover in. At this point, you may have a ton of aggro and are possibly taking some damage. The high def and res (for MOST enemies) allows for some leeway when you have to hit transfusion or not. Generally, not. Heck, you could go with fly trap to soak some aggro.
Cast your creeps. Creeps will draw some aggro, cause knockdown, and do tons of damage. Now cast roots. Roots is important for two reasons here. It keeps targets at range since not all maps have a lot of head room, and it establishes containment on the lesser foes.
Fulcrum shift, then hit fireball. All mins and most leuts are now dead or dying. Vine entities are fulcrum shifted and are ripping apart most anything remaining. Mop up the bosses. Rinse and repeat. No need for team really.
If your opponents are a bit more difficult or you want to be lazy you could lead with seeds. Most times it is not necessary. Seeds is also a good way to get out of a tight situation.
For farming (hobby of mine), is where spirit tree shines. Cap res, cap range def (you are hitting single purp and orange insp as they come in) with 40-50 hp/sec regen (two trees out most of the time) means you survive. Not enough, rebirth.
Lol, I sometimes forget judgement since I'm having so much fun.
On a team, I'm usually doing the most damage. The times that I am not are when all mins and leuts are dead and there is only one AV or boss left to fulcrum off of. Good thing those brutes/tanks have come along. -
Don't know bout y'all, but my controller is a tankmage.
1. Controller
2. Everything else. -
The devs could eliminate the need for the incarnate exp for an account after you have leveled a character through those incarnate slots already.
I offer this because there seems to be resentment of the incarnate slog process rather than incarnate powers. -
The game at present is not coded for such complexities (at least not that I know of). For example, take the defense set super reflexes. It gives +def for basically being hard to hit. Now take energy aura; shields that make a person harder to hit by deflection. So why is it that a hold on either one has the same effect?
Clearly, the hold should make the super reflexes player easier to hit since his means of defense (evasion) is reduced. Energy aura, however, does not suffer from such short comings. A deflective field should still be in place right?
So, I guess I halfway agree. A hold, even an immobilize, should hamper defenses that require some sort of elusiveness, dodge ability or whatever. However, given the damage the controllers put out, I would surely miss the +damage.
BTW, controllers don't generally have problems with hitting things. In fact, most arc-types don't have problems hitting things in general. So, what was your opponent? Also, what is the nature of the accuracy enhancements and what level? Generally speaking, by SO level (22), three slotted SO's is enough for anything. If not, build for more global accuracy, pick up the global acc proc. Get tactics, which no controller should be without really. -
In my tests, targetted AOE procs and slow procs fire off with about the same frequency (at least in the small sample I did). The others, immob, knockback, are about half as much or less. Adding up all the damage, the procs accounted for roughly 2/3 of it (2 targetted AoEs and the slow damage proc).
Here's my in game build at the moment. My epic is fire so I get fireblast, fireball, fire shield and rise of the phoenix.
I'm one purp away from soft cap ranged and have loads of smash/lethal resist as well as fire. For the alpha I chose cardiac. I have the others all at T3 and find cardiac the best since I hate stopping my attack chain and hitting transference. Creepers are perma, not much recharge for that actually.
The other build that I also have in game, is smash/lethal with earth. I find that I like the fire one better.
BTW, it is a work in progress, therefore some of the enhancements are under level.
http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/downl...689C018C70E5B7 -
I know its plant, but I think it applies more or less (defensively speaking).
It's still a work in progress (game build from sentinel), but with those numbers I can go +4 X8 fire or smash/lethal.
http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/downl...ECFD03836FE956 -
It's about 10 smash/lethal def over the cap. It's a little overkill imho. You would be fine with 45 (even a little -def is not going to hurt too much). You could drop two of those kinetic sets and make your build a lot cheaper and free up a lot of slots for other things like siphon speed, transference, fulcrum shift and earth's embrace.