Where do the archetypes rank (in fun) for you?

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Going through my character selection screen, organizing alts (I keep 'em set by level) and swapping for day jobs and SG/VG group status retention, I noticed which archetypes were well represented, and which were less so. It got me thinking about which I really like playing, and which were made more from curiosity.

So, in the tradition of internet lists, where do all the archetypes fall in terms of your gameplay enjoyment?

I'll start: (#1 being most fun, #14 being least of the list)

  1. Dominators
  2. Brutes
  3. Soldiers
  4. Corruptors
  5. Masterminds
  6. Blasters
  7. Defenders
  8. Controllers
  9. Tankers
  10. Warshades
  11. Widows
  12. Stalkers
  13. Peacebringers
  14. Scrappers

Just thought it would be interesting to see the differences from player to player.



Mmmm, that's a pretty long list. Can I just list out my top 7? If it's not top 7, it's probably just all un-fun for me.

1. SoA (love both widow and soldier the most)
2. Stalker
3. Mastermind
4. Dominator
5. Corruptor
7. Blaster / Warshade
13. Defender
14. Tanker

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



1. dominators
2. masterminds
3. controllers
4. defenders
4.5 corruptors
5. fortunatas
6. widows
7. crabs
8. everything else
9. ???
10. absolutely will never touch the tanker class.




  • Brutes/Scrappers fighting for number one spot.
  • Fenders/Ruptors fighting for number two spot.
  • Everything else except for...
  • Stalkers/Peacebringers fighting for dead last.



Hmmm. 14 might not quite be accurate, given there's a bit of jockeying in VEAT-land.

1. Dominator
2. Controller (except illusion)
3. Corruptor
4. Peacebringer.
5. Tank
6. Brute
7. Defender (really this shuffles around higher depending on how supportive I feel)
8. Mastermind
9. Warshade
10. Blaster
11. Stalker
12. Huntsman-build Soldier
13. Crab - build Soldier
14. Scrapper
15. Bane
16. Widow/Fort
Special mention at 17 - Illusion controllers.

... though that middle chunk (7-13) tends to shuffle around a fair bit, sometimes getting higher than 7 (loved my Thugs/Poison, for instance, and couldn't get enough of her while leveling.)



Post I21 will be this:


It depends on particular sets, but in general that's where I am. I won't really touch anything below controller except for very special circumstances.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Speaking generically (as different power sets can kick a particular character up or down this scale):

1. Peacebringers (human form)
2. Brutes
3. Scrappers
4. Blasters
5. Masterminds

6. Soldiers
7. Dominators
8. Stalkers (when solo, meh if teamed)

9. Warshades
10. Widows

11. Corrupters
12. Defenders

13. Controllers
14. Tankers



lol i really want someone to tally this at the end. i wanna see how people view tankers and peacebringers. /barf!



I cant set a definite list, except generalized groupings.

1. scrapper/brute/dom/stalker/SoA/tank
2. defender/blaster/corr/MM
3. WS
4. controller

I tend to play in melee range with all ATs whether they were designed for it or not. Putting kelds and controllers at 3 & 4 is sort of misleading, I hate them much more than that.

I decided to tally up my characters to see what that shows:
1. Scrappers- 7
2. Brutes- 6
3. Dom/Def/Corr- 3 each
4. Tank/Stalk/SoA/Blast/MM- 2 each
5. WS- 1
14. Cont- 0

I view SoA/stalkers as being scraps/brutes with a couple special abilities, so really in my mind those should be included in the top 2. I play them almost the same.
1 of my doms is now my most powerful/awesome character, but it doesnt make me want more of them because of all the effort required to get her there.
The Def/corr/blast/mm/tanks I really love on teams, just dont like them as much solo.
My WS hasnt been deleted because I keep thinking with all those power options I should be able to make something out of him.
Ive deleted every controller Ive made, the last being 50+alpha. Im thinking with the new aoe buffs I might be able to make a controller now, but Ill wait till i21 to try.



See signature below.

After Blaster - anything that can also blast stuff, so a mix of defenders, controllers, SoA fortunatas, corruptor, dominators, heck, I even have one PB and one WS.

On the melee side of the house, and ranking below all the blasty types above, scrappers, brutes, and stalkers. I have never been able to get into the tanking mindset.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I see there being 16, not 14, since Soldiers and Widows have the 2-way paths (Warshades and Peacebringers, I realize, have 3, but they aren't really as separate in concept as in playstyle, IMHO). If it is underlined, I have at least one at 50.

1) Brutes [I like the smash and pummel thing]
2) Tankers [From my days playing other MMOs, I always liked tanking]
3) Widows [I love them, though they are gimped in PvP]
4) Warshades [fluffy doom, perma eclipse, stuff to do, always fun!]
5) Scrappers [see #1, but even if hitting hard, GETTING hit hurts]
6) Soldiers-Crab [Tank/Mage of old, and Suppression is so fun!]
7) Dominators [CAN get in there, but dies fast, still, enjoyable]
8) Soldiers-Bane [slow, overpowered stalker or weak sneaky scrapper]
9) Corruptors [I've enjoyed it once, but other times not so much]
10) Stalkers [I am just not a really sneaky person I guess]
11) Masterminds [Standing back directing troops isn't my bag]
12) Blasters [I prefer getting in there and scrappin' it out]
13) Peacebringers [they seem both weaker and stronger than WS, meh]
14) Controllers [Just not for me]
15) Defenders [I have never gotten the hang of them I reckon]
16*) Fortunatas [never made one, so, last by default]

The vast majority of my 50s are tanks/brutes/scrappers/widows. My favorite method of play is just getting in there and hacking/taunting/stabbing/pulverizing stuff til it drops, while oftentimes preventing same said activities from happening to my team mates.



1. Defenders (except Empathy).
2. The rest (ending with Controllers).



i dont feel i could rank toons in particular since i have a lot of cool toons across the spectrum

LIKE: mm, corr, controllers (some), doms (some), brutes, VEATs (all kinds)

OK: scrappers, WS, tank

DISLIKE: defender, PB, blaster, stalker

the OK group borders on like and dislike, i have a few toons in those categories which i enjoy playing, but sometimes i wish they were other ATs (such as my spine elec scrapper whose AOE dmg output is amazing, but i wonder if he could be better as a brute), the WS i have is very enjoyable, but it really is a different beast than most of the other ATs



  1. Brutes
  2. Dominators
  3. Soldiers
  4. Corruptors
  5. Masterminds
  6. controller
  7. widow
  8. defender
  9. scrapper
  10. Blasters
  11. tankers
  12. Stalkers
  13. PB
  14. WS

Once you hit defs I really dont enjoy playing any of those ATs. Only hating WSs with a passion.

Brutes and doms (a perma dom at least) win out by quite a bit totally the most fun ATs in the game for me.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




There is barely anything in between them.

1 VEATS, Scrappers, Masterminds, Brutes, Tankers.
2 Corrupters, Defenders, Controllers, Dominators.
3 Stalkers, Blasters, Khelds.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



1 Dominator, Defender, Controller, Corruptor
2 Brute, Scrapper
3 Soa, MM
4 Tanks, Shades/Peace
5 Blaster, stalker

The first set can completly change a team makeup by their presence alone.
The second set is good ol smash em up fun
Thirds set should be fun, but never work out as well in practice as in theory
Fourth set, but still less fun
Fifth set is playing a game that no one else is playing. Who needs single target damage in this age of the game, and everyone does damage so bringing only damage is hurting your team

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



1. Blasters
2. Brutes
3. Scrappers
4. Stalkers
5. Tanks
6. MM's
Then everything else, with Controllers on the BOTTOM of the list.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



1. Brute
2. Tank
3. Controller
4. Scrapper
5. Dominator
6. Corrupter
7. Crab
8. Defender
9. Blaster
10. Widow
11. Stalker
12. Mastermind
13. bane
14. Fortunatas
15. Warshade
16. Peacebringer

Really its the top 3 and everything else.

Prey Family Art
My Alts
Mortal Prey II soloing AV's no temp/insps



1. Dom
2. Corr
3. Brutes
4. Veats
5. Trollers
6. Everything else
7. Khelds

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I've always found it difficult to find teams, for some reason. Mostly I'm just shy, and I don't want to intrude on others by approaching them and asking if they'd like to team with me. Yaay social anxiety. Anyway, my lens is through "soloing."

my first four characters on the hero side were all controllers
my first three? characters on the villain side were dominators

crowd control is my love; but I also like dealing damage. Containment made me happy when it showed up.

I've not really experienced the EATs enough to give them a judgment. so I'll focus on the base ten archetypes:

However, while I love Crowd Control, I HATE Domination as an inherent. it's so fiddly. it's not passive like other inherents. It's so easy to just forget about. But even if you forget about it (like I often do) the dominator is still fun.

Also, I should mention that I don't think pets belong in the crowd control sets, mostly. It just feels like an unimaginative damage-dealing bone tossed to the control sets, as opposed to something well thought out. Like they got to 32 and went "well.... guess we need a pet, right?" as opposed to something more control-oriented.

So I'd rank controllers and dominators both on the same level, for slightly different reasons. One is more precision (controller) one is more active (dominator).

1. Controller/Dominator

I will add a caveat: I hate hate hate targeting other players. so when it comes to Controllers, certain secondaries aren't loved. You can spec out a bubbler/shielder without individual shields, but Empathy specifically probably wants some of its ally target powers. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against my Earth/Empath.

(also not really a fan of location-based powers; I'm a keyboard player, and there's no simple method to avoid using the mouse for location-based powers; this is why I did Earth/Empath, blend locations AND ally-targets in one)

After that... as I said, I love dealing damage. so let's do this:

2. Scrapper, Blaster, Brute

then kind of going down:

3. Corruptor/Stalker - different flavors of damage dealing from the straightforwardness of scrappers/brute/blaster

also remember the caveat in re: targeting other players when it comes to the Corruptor.

4. Masterminds

finally, something that actually makes sense to have pets.
I only have one MM, though I'm planning on making a few more when Freedom launches.
the play I've had with my single MM I've enjoyed (she's a Necro/Dark). And despite having weird pet-commands that no other AT needs, at least they're not as annoyingly fiddly as Domination.

these are kind of like halfway between a damage dealer and a supporter...

speaking of supporters...

5. Tankers/Defender

The poor tankers. Sometimes I love my tanks - it's another interesting way to control crowds (see above) with a more melee flavor. Unfortunately, out of all of the archetypes, I've found the tank tends to shine less bright when soloing, and as I mentioned above, I sort of write myself into corners where I'm stuck soloing.

(and if I'm going to solo I'll log into another character, and not be in a position to find a team for my tank. it's a vicious cycle.)

Defenders have a similar issue. I do love my defenders. I discovered recently (I only returned to the game this month) they're getting a 30% damage boost when soloing, and I haven't had much opportunity to try that out yet. But still, their primaries are all kind of geared towards team play (which is great!), so they wind up in a similar boat to the tankers.

Let me make one more general note:

different powersets can upset this arrangement.

so let's put a 6:

6. Khelds, VEATS. since as I mentioned above, I have almost no experience with them. I am enjoying bringing my Warshade out to play in the recent weeks... but I think the EATs are just too different to be squeezed into this kind of list.

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



Well it sorta depends. Each At has its pros and cons. But generally here is my choices.

1) Controllers
(Love my Ill/storm and Fire/rad) but wont play anything Emp or Electric Control)
2) Dominators
Generally they are everything I wish Blasters were.
3) Cors/Defenders
again no Emps Yuck! Basically they play the same if I feel more blasty then Cor if I feel more Buff then Defender
4) Peace bringer Human Form - would be higher but hate tri form and with little option as Human only no need more than 1.
5) Blasters - Pre GR these uses to be my fav. But limited secondary and glass jaw drops them
6) Tanks - Specifically Invc/anything

Don't like Scraps/Brutes Scraps remind me of barking chiuauas and Brutes the same but rabid.

Want to like Warshades but I hate TP so much as a travel power they are a nonissue for me.

Stalkers are fun only solo. And Going Solo in a MMO is like wanking at an orgy. If you don't want to play with others then why are you here?



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Stalkers are fun only solo. And Going Solo in a MMO is like wanking at an orgy...
*spews soda* You owe me a new keyboard lol



1. Brutes
2. Doms
3. Soldiers
4. Widows
5. Corrs
6. Blaster

7-14. I can't get into any of the other AT's not matter how hard I try. At this point going on 5 Years I say I gave em a fair shake and they just aren't for me.

Global: @Kelig



1. Warshades
2. Peaebringers
3. Blasters
4. Defenders (Debuffs)
5. Scrappers

I'm waiting to make a controller until i21 but I suspect that will be enjoyable for me also. I don't particularly like playing Dominators or Brutes, Masterminds have never appealed to me, and I've never found the "right" tank combination.

Stalkers are probably something I'll never even bother with, and I've never gotten past level 12 on a VEAT. Perhaps if the branching options came earlier I would be able to keep the motivation but it always just feels like I have to grind to 24 and that does not work for me.



1. Corruptor. I was used to be able to both do damage and support my team with the same character, and since I prefer shooting from range this AT is the most suited for me. I also like seeing my character developing all his potential in a team, and buff/debuff powersets really shine in this context. Same thing for Defenders, even if sometimes I wish I could do more damage if the support I bring isn't really needed.

2. Dominator. Same reason than corruptor, but not #1 in my list because I have the feeling that the AT really starts to shine at a higher level, whereas I felt useful with my corruptors/defenders from lvl 1 to 50 (maybe my Ice/Psy dominator without Fitness before it became inherent wasn't the easier character to level - soooo squishy, always low on end...).

3. Warshade. I get bored sooo fast when I play a blaster or a scrapper, can't help thinking "omg I just click on enemies and hit them when I could do so many other things if I were one of my corruptors..." (I like the "living on the edge" feeling I have when I solo on a Blaster, though, but that hasn't been enough to not delete my blasters after lvl ~35). With my Warshade (perma-Eclipse and so on) I can go from pseudo-blaster to pseudo-scrapper without logging an alt. So many people think Warshade = Peacebringer = weak and useless: I like playing an AT that almost nobody plays and expects something of (and sometimes maybe surprising them and making them change their opinion ).

4. Controller. I don't play mines so often these times, because I feel like they're really useful with high difficulty settings or no tank at all. And what I can do most of the time is rather speed TFs at +0 when we all have incarnates powers and a level shift (fun times~). But I really like crowd control and the ability to manage x8 mobs without a massive investment in IO sets. Feeling at the same time super squishy and quite powerful.

5. Brute. Because aggro management is a form of control :P I don't really like melee ATs but this ability is quite nice, and interesting to play when you're used to be on the squishy side of things. For example: I hate it when tankers or brutes get scared of this MV or that villain group because they don't think themselves resistant enough, forgetting they're not alone in their team and they will have ally buffs, controls and additional damage to help defeating the mobs... but I have exactly the same fear when I log my brute xP
My first and only Tanker was a pain to solo and without wanting to leech, I faced enemies that were too dangerous for my real level almost every time I teamed: now I'm scared of playing tankers ^^'

I get bored when i play a Mastermind (didn't get far from lvl 20) and hate this feeling I would enjoy my character most if I were alone (because I don't like playing alone xP). My Widow is ok and is my pseudo-scrapper: not so fun but survivable enough to try lots of interesting AE arcs so he deserves a special mention.