Where do the archetypes rank (in fun) for you?

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  1. Warshades
  2. Masterminds
  3. Defenders
  4. Corruptors
  5. Controllers
  6. Tankers
  7. Peacebringers
  8. Blasters
  9. Dominators
  10. Night Widows
  11. Banes (prefer Huntsman builds)
  12. Fortunatas
  13. Crabs
  14. Brutes
  15. Scrappers
  16. Stalkers

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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1. Brute!
2. ... there are other ATs? Ok, ok...
2. Tanker
3. Empath Defender
4. Scrapper
5. Widow VEAT
6. Soldier VEAT
7. Peacebringer
8. Blaster
9. Dominator
10. Corrupter
11. Other Defenders
12. Controller
13. Mastermind
14. Warshade
15. Stalker

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



My top three would be:
... and Tanks

I'm a bit of a melee specialist.

Coming in slightly behind them are the Defenders, Peacebringers and Blasters. Good fun, but not quite as much as my tougher melee characters give me.

Doms, Masterminds, Corruptors and VEATs are all in the mid-range of the list, though in no particular order. (Some sets work better for me than others, so I tend to judge those characters on an individual basis.)

Closer to the bottom are Brutes. I like melee, so that placement may seem odd, but I don't care so much for the point-to-point rush their mechanics force me to adopt.

The last two places belong to the Controllers and the Warshades. As I said in another post earlier today, I just don't "get" those guys. I'm no good at playing them and really don't enjoy doing it.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Interesting the variety of responses so far. What a fun little topic.

I don't know about the full list, though. How about my favs, then my not favs:

Funnest evar:
Brutes/Scrappers. Solo, causing mayhem in any map, at any time, properly built. Just go out and decimate. Repeat if with team, but with more to fight. FUN.

'Trollers - FUN FUN FUN. The ability to lock down several enemies, then slowly, excruciatingly, extract from them their health until they finally, victoriously for me... cave in and collapse from the sheer weight of a thousand cuts. Poetic awesomeness.

Dominator, pre Fren. See 'Trollers, but add Domination, and you're a Tasmanian devil of win. As long as you don't get hit first.

Not terribly exciting to me, from ok to no thanks:

MasterMind: Too much dang work. But I'm not disenterested, just... man. All that button pushing to get things rolling.

Corrs: I just... don't get them. At all. I have one, and she's... ok... but... Meh. Something about the power sets don't work for me. Like they're not... corruptible enough? Meh. Maybe I need to make a new one and try again sometime.

VEATs: I find myself unwilling to play a character that morphs midway through its build. I want to build a character from 1 to 50, and I NEVER respec. I make a decision and go with it, and I'm rather proud of that. (Probably need to get over it. )

Number one no thanks: Stalker. Unless it's a PvP, I find them utterly useless, I'd rather have a Tank/Scrap/Brute. A squishy, overpowered stealthy scrapper... it's just weird. I find myself not liking it.


All this thread is pointing out, though, is that there are more than one way to be happy playin' in CoH, amirite?

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



1. Corr's
2. Fender's
3. PB's/ MM's
4. Troller's
5. Scrapper's
6. Stalker's
7. Dom's
8. Tank's
9. Blaster's
10. Brute's
11. WS and and distent last is...
12. VEAT's

I'm a support player so Corr's and Fender's take number 1 spot. PB's are just fun as helz for me to play and my MM is meh AV/GM killer and soloing them is just fun. But realy top 5 is almost a tie for me, and I enjoy playing all the other AT's sept for VEAT's. Can't realy stand them.



1. Tanks/Blasters (they are tied, depending on what I feel like)
2. Scrappers/Kheldians
3. Brutes/Controllers/Doms/Stalkers
4. Defenders/Corrs
5. MMs/VEATs

I have many alts of my top 2 categories. Just a few in the 3rd, since I have to have a specific character concept, etc., to enjoy them, and it's harder for those ATs. #4, I don't think I'm making any more Defenders and Corruptors. Debuffs are nice, but they solo too slow. I like Controllers more, and they eat up all my low soloing tolerance.

I tried to like MMs and VEATs, but to no avail. I don't like buffing teammates all the time or summoning pets constantly, so MMs are out. VEATs just make me want to play another AT that they are trying to mimic, be it a melee or ranged character. I don't really care that they are well designed, I just don't like them.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



1) Dominators
2) Brutes
3) Corruptors
4) Blasters
5) Fortunatas
6) Masterminds
7) Controllers
8) Scrappers
9) Tankers
10)Night Widows

Ill/Emp, Stn/Ice, FF/Rad, Plt/Fire, Nrg/Nrg, Ice/Cld, Mrc/Psn, Ice/WM, Mnd/Psi, Earth/Son, SS/Inv, DB/Drk, Fire/Ice, NB/SR, Fire/Elc, NW, Fort, Bot/TA, Son/Kin, Crab, Arch/Fire, Drk/Elc, Nin/TA, Grv/Elc, Elc/Wll, Mnd/FF, Drk/Thm, Clw/Reg, Stn/Nrg, Elc/Mnt, Ice/Earth, Spn/Fire, DP/Trp, AR/Rad, BA/SD, DB/SR, Fire/Stn, WS, Drk/Stm, Dem/Drk, Rad/Nrg, SJ/SD, Fire/Psn, Elc/Nrg, SF/SR, Bst/Stm, DP/Fire, Thg/Trp, Wtr/Psn, BS/Wll, Nat/Psy. BR/Time




I've counted and I believe Dominator is leading now? LOL Wow, what a change...

Tanker is like you either like them or really hate them. Same as Stalker. :P

I see a lot of people like "controlling" type of AT, like Dominator, Controller and even Warshade is very control-heavy. I guess "active control" is more fun?

I used to like Dominator A LOT but Fortunata took the spot so I have to lower Dom a bit.

The one that surprises me the most is some people putting VEATs really low like last two spots. I find VEATs the best AT in the game because for those that don't like to "click teammates", you have leaderships that benefit them. And for those that want mez protection and being able to solo, VEAT is great. For those that just want to blast but also want to handle all the aggro (Crab), VEAT has an answer. And if you want a control type, there is Fortunata. Maybe we should split Widow and Soldier path into two categories.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post

I've counted and I believe Dominator is leading now? LOL Wow, what a change...

Tanker is like you either like them or really hate them. Same as Stalker. :P
Dominator would be even higher if the inherent wasn't as unpassive as it is. Domination is the only inherent I dislike, because it requires me to interact with it. The others are simply passive bonuses, which appeal to me more.

The one that surprises me the most is some people putting VEATs really low like last two spots. I find VEATs the best AT in the game because for those that don't like to "click teammates", you have leaderships that benefit them. And for those that want mez protection and being able to solo, VEAT is great. For those that just want to blast but also want to handle all the aggro (Crab), VEAT has an answer. And if you want a control type, there is Fortunata. Maybe we should split Widow and Soldier path into two categories.
I only put mine at the bottom of the list in admission to a lack of experience. They LOOK fun, but I haven't gotten a chance to play around with them yet.

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
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Technically..stalkers have an inherent that requires you to interact with them. Assassination does nothing unless your using Assassin's Strike (obviously not counting hide crits). For that matter...if you dont toggle Hide on for a stalker, which granted..is not likely..you wont get any benefit from the inherent.
While I'm on the topic..brutes and blasters inherents both require you to KEEP attacking. How is that not interactive?? Doms have the best inherent easily, you use it exactly WHEN you want to, knowing what it will do. And no other AT in the game can somehow get a perma inherent. (Well unless you count things like the fitness boost on Veats and things like that)



Originally Posted by Lxndr View Post
Domination is the only inherent I dislike
So you're the one...



1. Scrapper
2. Mastermind
3. Defender
4. Blaster
5. the rest



Interesting Thread.

Would have to say that "most fun" depends on whether I am on a team or not, because what is the most fun solo is not necessarily the most fun on a team (and Vice Versa).

If I were to come up with an overall opinion based on both types of gameplay it would be;

1) Tankers

2) Controllers

3) Blasters

4) Brutes/Scrappers

5) Dominators <--- although this could end up as my number one, if I ever get one to end game. They are VERY fun

6) Defenders/Corruptors

7) Everything Else

On the opposite end of fun are Kheldians. Having tried both HEATS and VEATS, it really wrankles me that the Hero-side got such an "invertabrate" choice. They really SUCK




1. Dominator - huge damage, mez protection and awesome controls.
2. Fortunata - does everything well.
3. Hmm...maybe brute...

The rest

Least fun: MM, Blaster and PB



1- Brute
2- Blaster
3- Scrapper

I love the brute playstyle - wade into the mob, smashing, tearing and shredding everything in your way. "I'm the Juggernaut, *****!" sums this AT up perfectly for me. Scrappers, to me, are less visceral, and more about well-trained, precise combat. To put it in D&D terms, the brute is the Barbarian, the scrapper is the Fighter. Blasters can be either, or even both, so I place them between.

4- Dominators, Corruptors, Stalkers, Tanks, Warshades, all VEATs.

Each of these ATs has something about them that makes me want to play them, but something else makes it so that they're no fun for me when I try to play them, be it a mechanic that doesn't jive for me, or that I just haven't found the right powerset yet.

5- Defenders, Peacebringers, Controllers, Masterminds.

These just don't fit my playstyle at all. I don't have any desire to play them most of the time, and when I come up with a concept that suits them, no matter how much I like the concept, I cannot turn the character into something I enjoy, even leveled to 50 and respecced multiple times to try to find the "right build".




1. Scrappers, love flipping out and killing ****
2. Tanks, There is just something super about the tide of the enemy assault smashing against you and faltering.
3. Brutes, wading through an endless sea of opponents
4. Corruptors, Tried these guys for the first time during GR, I was really surprised by how fun these guys are.
5. Defenders, I love pulling the enemies teeth
6 Blasters, they only do one thing but they do it all over the place.
7. Dominators Just like Corruptors but higher highs and lower lows.
8. Controllers, still fun but everyone else just does what they do better.
9. Arachnos Widow
10. Arachnos Spider
11. Mastermind. How to be a buffbot 101
12. Stalker, I am sure they have a purpose on some team.......
13. Warshade.
14. Peace bringer.



From most enjoyable to least enjoyable (for me): Tanker; Mastermind; Controller; Defender; Dominator; Arachnos Widow -- Fortunata; Corruptor; Arachnos Soldier - Crab; Brute; Scrapper; Arachnos Widow -- Night Widow; Stalker; Arachnos Soldier - Bane; Blaster; Warshade; Peacebringer



1) Tankers
2) Scrappers
3) Masterminds
4) Dominators
5) Brutes
6) Corruptors
7) Controllers
8) Blasters
9) Defenders
10) Stalkers
11) Night Widows
12) Banes
13) Warshades
14) Crabs
15) Fortunatas
16) Peacebringers



I admit, I'm surprised. When I saw the thread title, I expected it to be mostly Scrappers at the top.

Am pleasantly surprised at how many people rank Corruptors highly.

For me, it's probably:

1. Corruptors
2. Dominators
3. VEATs/high level Controllers
4. Blasters
5. Scrappers/Brutes

ATs I have yet to enjoy playing: Tankers, Warshades, MMs.

Special mention to my Emp Defender, who I really enjoy playing despite being a) an Emp and b) a Defender :3

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



  • Scrappers
    Night Widow/Fortunata

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Tough one to gauge.


It's tough to gauge because despite knowing the differences between a lot of the hero and villain archetypes, I still find some of them too similar to one another.



1a. Defender: incredible buffs/debuffs and competence all around
1b. Corruptor: trades some buff/debuff for more damage, often a good trade
2. Controller: buffs/debuffs and controls make for an active, fun experience
3. Dominator: great controls and blasts, plus mez protection
4a. Arachnos Widow/Fortunata: for when you want everything
4b. Arachnos Soldier/Spider: for when you want everything in a different class
5. Blaster: pure glass cannon joy
6. Scrapper: damage and survivability, all in one package
7. Brute: takes a while to build up damage, but a little more survivability than Scrappers
8. Mastermind: powerful, but can make a player feel a bit too much like a spectator, petspam clogs hallways/doors
9. Warshade: effective, but multi-form builds make me feel like I waste too much time shifting and human-form builds make me feel like I wasted my inf
10. Peacebringer: not quite as effective as Warshades, same problems
11. Tanker: survivability without damage, painful to level
12. Stalker: trapped in single-target hell, great damage, token survivability, painful to level



For me...

  1. Defenders
  2. Stalkers
  3. Dominators
  4. Controllers
  5. Soldiers
  6. Scrappers
  7. Widows
  8. Tankers
  9. Brutes
  10. Masterminds
  11. Corruptors
  12. Blasters
  13. Warshades
  14. Peacebringers



I guess this would be my top:

1) Tanks
2) Controllers
3) Defenders
4) Warshade
5) Dominators
6) Mastermind
7) Brute
8) Arachnos Soldier
9) Arachnos Widow
10) Stalkers
11) Corruptors
12) Peacebringer
13) Scrappers
14) Blasters

For me 1-5 I would classify as favs, 6-10 are fun, 11 + 12 are ok and 13 + 14 are boring

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



1. Warshade - That other people find them "too complicated" is often satisfaction enough.
2. Dominator - DOMINATION.
3. Blasters - "Kill me if you caaaan! Bwahah--" *splat*
4. Defenders - "Can this combo melt faces? Ok then but I' not healing ****, understand?"
5. Tanker - "You died where? Was I tanking that when you ran into it? No? shut your pie hole then."
6. Stalkers - "Kill me if you caaaan! Bwahah--" *splat*
7. Scrappers - "I dunno, got no ideas..." "Roll another scrapper." "Oh whatever." *yawns*
8. Brute - "I dunno, got no ideas..." "Roll another brute." "Oh whatever." *yawns*
9. Soldier/Widow - "Stay alive, we need the buffs!" *sighs. drinks more.*


10. Masterminds - *ping* DemonKitty has joined the team. *ping* Thugmaster has joined the team. *ping* Can Has Robots has joined the team. *ping* You have quit your team.
11. Corruptor - half second-rate Defender, half second-rate Blaster, all suck.
12. Peacebringer - Oh what might have been. *sighs*
13. Controller - an AT whose job is to make things not move. Wheee.

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