Where do the archetypes rank (in fun) for you?

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1. Blaster
2. Controller
3. Mastermind
4. Defender
5. Corruptor
6. Dominator
7. Widow
8. Stalker
9. Everything else (except Peacebringers)
10. Peacebringers



I dunno how I would rate them numerically, But I can group them for you.

Most liked:
Defenders (Varies based on powerset combination)
Controllers (Varies based on powerset combination)
SoA - Fortunata

Moderately liked:
Corruptors (Varies based on powerset combination)
SoA - Huntsmen

Least liked:
Peacebringer (Might improve after the i21 buffs)
SoA - Night Widow
SoA - Banes
SoA - Crabs

@Oathbound Too



I primarily team but I do solo once in awhile. (mostly when I get annoyed with team suckage).

Stalkers as a Melee class should be single target damage kings but are not. They just play sidekicks to Scrappers and Brutes. Banes are better anyways and buff a team way more. In a team enviroment, your just playing a second rate scrapper who does less damage and less AoE. Worse, you don't get much Aggro, meaning excess aggro goes to squishies instead.

PBs are just lol and i21 won't change that. With the token buffs in i21 I don't expect anything more for a long time.

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Out of the last 5-6 posts, Stalker is ranked at the LOWER 3 SPOTS. That is pretty sad. lol

But Stalker is rated 10/10 Melee Damage! You don't like the supposed highest melee damage in the game? :P

Seriously, if we add up all "core" ATs (exclude Epics), Stalker is like dead last. Should this be a concern? I guess Stalker's "Assassin" style just doesn't meet people's expectation of assassins?

I've also seen Peacebringer at the bottom 3 a lot. I don't blame them. PB is very frustrating.

I can see why some people rank Mastermind low because some people just don't like to babysit pets.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Out of the last 5-6 posts, Stalker is ranked at the LOWER 3 SPOTS. That is pretty sad. lol

But Stalker is rated 10/10 Melee Damage! You don't like the supposed highest melee damage in the game? :P

Seriously, if we add up all "core" ATs (exclude Epics), Stalker is like dead last. Should this be a concern? I guess Stalker's "Assassin" style just doesn't meet people's expectation of assassins?
Or the devs overestimated the appeal of a single-target focused, melee-ranged AT with minimal HP?



Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
Or the devs overestimated the appeal of a single-target focused, melee-ranged AT with minimal HP?
This is prettymuch it with me.

I've honestly never been a fan of the assassin type gameplay in any game I've ever played.

@Oathbound Too



Here's my 2centz,,

1. Controllers (specifically */Storm): Control, debuffs AND massive damage in a single delicious slice!? Yes please! I nominated /Storm for the accolade of awesome but it's by no means alone in that dept. Fire/Rad are nearly as epic and I know I'm just going to loves me some Elec/TM when it come out.

2. Dominators: For many of the same reasons I <3 trollers, Doms bring just about everything to a fight (kitchen sink included if you play Gravity). Add mez protection with some IOs and it's GG!

3. SoA Fortunas: I know, I know, I'm a broken record. The Trinity of Control/Damage/Toughness is big in my book. Aren't we all Tankmages @heart?

4. Brutes: When you wanna fly through content, solo a touch or farm some tickets this is my go-to toon. When built right, it will take me through +4/x8 maps like a hot katana through butter (i21 will make this a literal reality).

5. Defenders: Force multipliers! The boon of any team and for good reason. Secretly (or heck, even overtly) knowing your toon turned the tide in a nasty AV fight or Incarnate Trial puts defenders in my top 5.

6. Peacebringers: This argument's legs are a little weaker than my top 5. I mainly RP the dickens out of my PB so it has a special place in my heart. It's also the first toon that made me rich* (*he ran some quick ORO arc back in the day for 32 merits in like 15 minutes). I also love the effects of his powers. More sturdy than most people give them credit for I feel but I'm biased.

7. Corruptors: I wanted to love them and gave them every chance to win my heart. Instead, we're just good friends w/o benefits (save scourge). They're mid-way on my list and it's fitting. If CoX was a Nientendo game, then Corrs would be the red-clad plumber. Go0d all-around power.

8. Tankers: The WOW factor of sturdiness that Tankers once had has been deflated a touch in my book by IOs. Nowadays, I feel as though I can make my scrappers/brutes/defenders/controllers nearly as tough w/o giving up on damage. I run a FA/Ice Melee Tank that I really like but by and large, kinda Meh for me.

9. Scrappers: I...They just aren't for me so much. Taunt Aura would really help these guys. Maybe I'm just a control freak and am needy for mob attention? IDK, good damage and all but can get boring.

10. Blasters: After Fortunas and the Dom Buffs, these guys feel towards the bottom of the pack. I feel like I get more bang for my buck AND better defenses with the afore mentioned ATs.

11. Masterminds: If I wanted 6 unruly kids busting up stuff and not listening to me, I'd sire 6 kids. I'm sure YOU think your adorable brood is perfect but everyone else wishes you'd take them home for the day.

12. Stalkers: Low HP on a toon that typically lives in melee is a risky proposition. Much like kissing your cousin, it can feel good for a bit but the regrets will catch up with you. I'll pass, thx.

13. Warshades: I know they're near uber with mobs and form-changes and so is Batman when he has time to plan. Personally, I don't want take the time to do either.

14. Banes/Crabs/Widows: Not at all shoddy toons but when I want a Stalker/MM/Scrapper I'll play one.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
11. Corruptor - half second-rate Defender, half second-rate Blaster, all suck.
13. Controller - an AT whose job is to make things not move. Wheee.
DUDE!! Get outta my brain! Sooooo spot on!

One really neat thing I have gotten outta this thread is seeing all the folks with similar likes to mine listing Night Widows so high. I think I might have to give them another look. I tried one once, but didn't really put much into her. I'll give em another whack.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



I play a Night Widow. Today I hit level 28 and so had room to pick up Mask Presence. In honour of the occasion I made a spec ops costume and ran around bullying greys. I've also gotten some actual use out of it by opening up on a boss with a crit from Slash and so on.

That's the Stalker Experience in a nutshell only I got actual AoE, team buffs and access to a ranged build as well. Widows and Banes are pretty much Stalkers deluxe. That's kind of sad because sneaking around is a lot of fun and having the AT devoted to it made redundant sucks.



1. Scrappers
2. Brutes
3. Tanks

Everything else can eat pancake and choke on it



1. Scrapper, half my characters are this so there must be something appealing about it.
2. Brutes, like scrappers only evil.
3. Mastermind, no other AT will let me AFK and return later with all the mobs dead.
4. Blaster, explosions.
5. Controller, slow at the lower levels but beasts later on.
6. Widows/Fortunatas, stabbification
7. Crab/Bane, AoE and pet madness.
8. PB, still underpowered but I like the concept.
9. Dominator, keep meaning to play one but can't seem to get past the mid 20s with one.
10. Defender, Same as above
11. Corruptor, Same as above
13. Tanker, Eh
14. Warshade, My warshade's got to the point where if I play her she'll loose her standing as my character with several hundred days unplayed.
15. Stalkers, meh.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
1. Scrappers
2. Brutes
3. Tanks

Everything else can eat pancake and choke on it
Word. (Flashes Tank signs(HUUURR))

Although I have a small, guilty affection for defenders, I must confess.



Because I only feel like ordering my top 3.

1. Corruptors
2. Dominators
3. Brutes




Making this list makes me feel like a loner, since my faves are the ones I 1) mostly solo with and 2) ignore my teammates if they exist... but here goes anyway

#0 The Storm powerset - I literally cannot get enough of this set: I have one (multiple sometimes) for each able AT, and hope for more some day
#00 The Katana powerset - same as above: I21 will see lots of brute creation... if only I could get a Katana/Storm....

#1 Masterminds - w/ 2 50s (my first villain 50), 1 in the 40s, several in the 30s, and 20s, (they never stay in the 10s for long, so none), and several pre-10 alts: I just love them to death. It's like a corrupter that doesn't suck end and is always at the damage cap (after lvl26)... Who solos +3/x2 at lvl 1 without dying? They are my only AT that can afk in a mission +1/x8 and not worry about patrols (besides Stalkers... technically...). I will never get bored with any Mastermind set I make... unless it's /FF (though my Thugs/FF is going strong at lvl34...)

#2 Warshades - w/ 1 50, 2 in the 20s, and a few lowbie alts. My first 50 was a blaster. I died alot. So when I *finally* unlocked my HEAT, and found out that it was a blaster... WITH SHIELDS... my heart fluttered a bit. Not to mention, Stygian Circle is the best power in the game...

#3 Blasters - My first love. Since I've gotten better at the game over the years, my heart doesn't quicken when rushing into mobs before the tank anymore... since 4 lucks = invincibility, the breakneck adrenal rush of Blasters I used to love is gone, but in its place is a (sometimes) indestructible ball of death. I would play blasters more again if there were more secondaries... <.<

#4 Stalkers - I've only played one, but I love her. Katana/Regen (lvl46), and I see nothing wrong w/ stalker survivability (maybe I'm biased). Soloing is *fun*: you can do the mission as you choose (kill only men, kill nothing, don't be seen, kill only stragglers, kill things only w/ the letter "W" in the name...), teaming is fun for the same reasons (kill the LTs before teammates do, scout the cavern while half the team is training...), and crank out major damage on AVs (a good place for single target damage where teammates are within Crit-Collar radius, no fear of aggro thanks to Placate)

Everything below this line, I don't really play much...
#5 Widows - I like Dart Burst as a unique power, and I like the Stalker-esque element to them.

#6 Brutes - I like Fury's mechanics, but at the same time it makes going afk or alt-tabbing sadder... WS's are much better

#7 tie: Corruptors and Dominators are about the same: I like that they do damage, but don't like the fact that they don't do enough of it. I also don't like that Corrs suck end (Dominators Dominate), but I hate the fact that Doms have so few AoEs in their secondaries (Blasters rule!)

#9 Scrappers - are just plain boring: we can play stalkers now... it's like still liking vanilla when french vanilla is available

#10 tie: Defenders and Controllers are about the same: I don't like that they don't do damage, and that they suck end

#12 Tanks - 1 lvl50, but was PL'd from 32 to 40 and from 45 to 50, so it doesn't count . The low levels are torture: they need more damage, and more end (though, looking back, playing sets like stone melee, stone armor, and dark armor might have had more to do with that)

#13 PBs - My PB on beta (lvl9) is higher than my PB live (lvl7). I don't know... maybe I'm too evil, but PBs even *look* lame compared to WSs. Also -def is stupid compared to -rech, -speed

#14 tie: never played Fort, Bane, or Crab (except lvl-Bumped to 38 (or was it 50?) Crab in Beta right before they came out... but the build... it was.. ssooooooo bad....)

Nice thread!



1. Corruptors. How people can say these things are half-rate defenders + half rate blasters is beyond me. Many corruptors blow Blasters out of the water in damage while providing buffs and debuffs that are often, in effect, equal to defenders (ie: damage cap is damage cap for a kin, sleet/tar patch/freezing rain are the SAME as defenders, etc)

Can't profess my love for them enough, they're the perfect AT.

2. Brutes. Steam roll solo style, me likey.

3. Scrappers. Same as brute with less flair.

4. Controllers. Similar to my favorite AT, the Corruptor, but sub some damage for control. Still a pretty fun play, though I usually just give up and roll a corr and burn things to the ground.

5. Dominators. Lack of AoE damage takes them from competing with corrs all the way to 5th for me.

6. Everything else. MMs are boring. Tanks have become more or less useless if you know how to build and handle a toon. Blasters are crap. Defenders don't have anything to lure me from corruptors. Stalkers... have issues. PBs are crap.

*Warshades. I've never actually committed to playing a Warshade. In theory they could be fun, I just haven't done it yet. Something about them just doesn't excite me though.



1. Brute - Of the 22 level 50s I have, 7 are Brutes so it wins by default.
2. Dominator - As a permadom, there is just nothing quite like neutering a bunch of mobs before slaughtering them.
3. VEAT - Widow and Crab specifically.
4. Stalker - I play my Stalkers like Brutes and it actually works out okay, usually.
5. Corruptor - Personally I am not a big fan of support but at least Corruptors can dish out decent damage.
6. Mastermind - A good change of pace when I want my minions to do the work for me instead.
7. Scrapper/Tanker - The only Hero ATs I have ever touched (and deleted) but still a bit too one dimensional for me.
8 All other Hero ATs - Can't really imagine myself making any of them as they all seem somewhat dull and lacking in uniqueness in my eyes. Well, *maybe* I will make a Controller one day.



1. Blaster
2. Mastermind
3. Controller
4. Defender

6. Scrapper
7. Brute
8. Warshade

9. Peacebringer
10. Stalker

11. Corrupter
12. Dominator

13. Tank

*format lifted from Doc Hornet

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Brutes and scrappers are tied for the top spot. Of the two AT's I have a total of 27 of them.

After those two AT's, I don't have any other toons. I have tried Def, Corr, Tanker, Troller, Blaster, Stalker, SoA, Khelds, MM's, and Doms. None have made it past 38.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Brutes and scrappers are tied for the top spot. Of the two AT's I have a total of 27 of them.

After those two AT's, I don't have any other toons. I have tried Def, Corr, Tanker, Troller, Blaster, Stalker, SoA, Khelds, MM's, and Doms. None have made it past 38.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Vinceq1980 View Post
lol i really want someone to tally this at the end. i wanna see how people view tankers and peacebringers. /barf!
Honestly I started a tally, but so many people are using different ranking systems (and splitting Archetypes into seperate groups (e.g. Storm Controllers vs All Other Controllers)) that it's basically impossible.

My rather cursory, and completely unofficial impression from my attempted listing was that most people seem to enjoy melee characters, and really don't like one or both Kheldians.

@Oathbound Too



1) Tankers - This is a superhero game, and I like being really super
2) Stalkers - Invisibility, burst damage, strong defenses, mag 10 protection against "wanna join farm???" spams, what's not to like?
3) Fortunatas - Strong, beautiful and reliable, like a german car. A pity about the VEAT storyline, though, I've seen better plots in newspaper missions...
4) Blasters - Love the damage, love the risk, love the animations, just wish the old blast sets had more actual attack powers (like the new psy/dp/dark/beam) rather than silly-looking controls and dumb pets - yes electric, I'm looking at you!
5) Brutes - Pretty awesome on every level, and the fury-bar messing up my damage numbers is oddly soothing to my eyes
6) Controllers - These guys can heal and solo, and are actually pretty good in teams too! Most of the sets are just too magic-looking for my tastes, but I really like Mind, Illusion and Gravity.
7) Mastermind - When I want to play a pure buffer, these guys are it. Let my minions do the work, I'll just stay back looking magnificent while pumping out those green numbers
8) Dominators - They're like controllers with extra attacks instead of buffs, or blasters without Aim+BU burst damage. Pretty solid, overall.
9) Corruptors - Scourge!! They're much harder to play than blasters, though, the damage difference and lack of mez protection really shows in Freedom beta...
10) Peacebringers - Paladin healers in armor! Inherent flight! Beatiful animations! Engaging storyline! If only their clunky mechanics were designed by the same guy who did the VEATs, but that'd probably mean getting the guy who wrote the VEATs' missions as well, so we're probably better off ^_^
11) Scrappers - Meh, diceroll gamblers with a res cap at 75%...
12) Warshades - Can't fly? Can't fly! Can't fly... Can't fly
13) Banes - Wannabe mace stalkers with a bad plotline. Cool capes, tho.
14) Crabs - There's something on my shoulders that I just can't shake off!!
15) Night Widows - On paper, excellent, but I hate the claws/spines animations with a passion, so they're not for me.
16) Defenders - Since I tend to solo when not on a TF/Trial, these guys are out. I'm sure they're pretty good in teams, but my favorite defender primaries are FF, empathy and kinetics, all of which work just as well on controllers and corruptors.



1) Blasters
2) Masterminds
3) VEATs
4) Brutes / Scrappers (tie)
5) Certain specific Controllers (not the whole AT though)
6) everything else

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



All these low Corr ratings make me sad...

Some of my faves..

1. Corruptor
2. Corruptor
3. Brute
4. Controller
5. Widow (Fort)
6. Scrapper
7. Dominator
8. Defender (I just find the damage compared to a Corruptor frustrating.)

Not to say that I don't love some of the other ATs.. I enjoy my WS, my Fire/Elec Blaster and my Dark Tanker, and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy my Crab when I get round to finishing one.

Whenever I think of a new toon it's pretty much always a Corr (Then a Brute or a Permadom of some sort.)

@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
2) Stalkers - Invisibility, burst damage, strong defenses, mag 10 protection against "wanna join farm???" spams, what's not to like?
So very glad I had set my tea down before reading that.



Originally Posted by Kjell_NA View Post
I play a Night Widow. Today I hit level 28 and so had room to pick up Mask Presence. In honour of the occasion I made a spec ops costume and ran around bullying greys. I've also gotten some actual use out of it by opening up on a boss with a crit from Slash and so on.

That's the Stalker Experience in a nutshell only I got actual AoE, team buffs and access to a ranged build as well. Widows and Banes are pretty much Stalkers deluxe. That's kind of sad because sneaking around is a lot of fun and having the AT devoted to it made redundant sucks.
Sadly I agree. :P Night Widow and Bane with stealth are superior Stalker. They offer great burst damage while having very good team buffs.

You can easily replace Stalker's sneaky style in this game for sure. Hell, I think even my Blaster/device can sneak around pretty well. :P Assassin-mage? lol

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
2) Stalkers - Invisibility, burst damage, strong defenses, mag 10 protection against "wanna join farm???" spams, what's not to like?
LOL good one.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.