Where do the archetypes rank (in fun) for you?

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1. Scrappers (the only AT so fun to play it has a neurological disorder associated with it- scrapperlock)
2. Brutes (BRUTE SMASH is just behind scrapperlock in my opinion)
3. Defenders (first 50 and namesake, played them more before IOs broke the game for self-buffing)
4. MMs (Can kill anything, my vote for AT with highest potential)
5. Warshades (At high levels against lots of foes, amazing. Not so against AVs, but still fun)
6. NWs (very good DPS, slightly squishy)
7. Crabs (like herding cats, but able to have strong defenses, pets, and lots of AoEs)
8. Corrupters (just don't have any)
9. Tanks (Boringly low damage)
10. Dominators (Slightly more fun than controllers, but less potential awesome. Still wait 1-32 but at least you can do damage before then)
11. Controllers (epic power, but 1-32 is torture, and torture isn't fun)
12. Banes/Huntsmen (I don't see what's so special about them. If I wanted to play a pre-buff Mace/EA, I would)
13. Blasters (aka, 'the gimp', blasters are like CoH on hard mode. Less damage than a scrapper and no defense! Hurray!)
14. Stalkers (aka, 'villains can be gimp too!' Less damage, less survivability, and relies on gimmicks.)
15. Peacebringers (the gimpiest of the gimp. Very low damage, low defense, spawns special super mobs, relies on gimmicks, etc. I won't EVER roll a PB until they are brought into balance)

TW/Elec Optimization



1. Dominators (Damage based only)
2. Stalkers (solo)
3. Scrappers
4. Brutes
5. Stalkers (teamed)
6. Blasters
7. Veats
9. Peacebringers
22. Warshades
31. Controllers/Defenders/Corruptors/Dominators built for control in a 4-way tie.
4,298. Masterminds and Tanks tied.

Shortened short version: I utterly suck at support and don't really enjoy it. I really enjoy killing things and am decent at it. I am quite possibly incapable of playing a mastermind or a tank.


I have tried MMs. I really wanted to like them. Nearly all other games that is my ideal character class. I had 6 level 70+ necromancers in hardcore Diablo II for example. I have leveled two to 50 and 5+ to the 30s. All but one are now deleted. This game isn't hard, but MMs are a complete ***** unless you have reflexes and are capable of using macros. Even a bots/ff. I have no reflexes and cannot use macros. I am an absolute liability on teams when I bring my MM to the table. You're better off with me door sitting than trying to "help". Some of my friends eventually told me to just put the blaster on follow and the dark heal on auto and call it good.

If I show up for your team on my namesake (Fire/DB tanker). Pretend I am a melee-based defender. That about sums up both my damage and survivability and agro management abilities. If you need me to be the tank, we are doomed to failure and none of us will enjoy the experience. If I can pretend to be a wimpy scrapper, and you're ok with that, we'll all have fun.

I'd rank blasters up higher but they actually need to have a functional build and a player with reflexes to not be dead ALL the time and I have no building skills and no reflexes. The one I have that Miladys Knight gave me a build for is hella fun though. It's just that most other damage classes are more forgiving of build errors.

Warshades need a player with reflexes and need corpses thus a high difficulty setting. They are not good for people who like the game slow paced and who have no reflexes. Also, a good build really changes everything. I have no good builds. Peacebringers are just as playable on -1/0 as at 0/x8. Warshades are weaker at anything below x4 than they are above x4.

I'd rank veats up higher, but I don't understand them.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



1. Controllers
2. Arachnos Soldiers
3. Blasters
4. Scrappers
5. Tankers
6. Warshades
7. Arachnos Widows
8. Stalkers
9. Dominators
10. Masterminds
11. Defenders
12. Corrupters
13. Peacebringers
14. Brutes

Global name: @k26dp



Ooh, fun! I have a hard time ranking them specifically;

A Great Time!
Brutes, Tankers and Scrappers
-I love damage coupled with durability. Obviously each of these ATs are good at that, but Brutes pull ahead because they have the best of both worlds for 90% of the game's content.

All In Good Fun.
Blasters, Corruptors and Defenders
-Kinda the same thing as above but with a different set of strengths. The Corruptor is probs my favorite because of the damage they can deal alongside their support capabilities.

I'd Rather Avoid...
Controllers, Dominators and Masterminds
-I don't hate these ATs but I really need to be in the mood to play them to get any enjoyment out of them. I'd say I like Controllers the best of the three, I just can't handle the 'late-bloom' feeling I get when I roll them.

No. Period.
Kheldians, SoA, Stalkers
-I thought I'd like Stalkers given their similarity (in powers) to the other melee ATs, but I hate them. A lot. To me, I feel like I'm playing a gimmicky melee Blaster, and I don't even get a nuke. SoA feel -incredibly- concept-locked to me and I can't handle it. Kheldians I can work around but I find playing them to be sheer torture. Shapeshifting shoots my concept in the face and their human-only powers are just bleh.



Hmmm let me see...

1. SoA (crab) .. this is my main/badger AT I love her
2. Blasters
3. Controllers
4. MasterMinds
5 Scrappers
6. Tanks/Brutes okay maybe Brutes/Tanks they are both close
8. SoA (Widows)
9 Defenders

I don't play the others enough to rate them but I would place

Peacebringers dead last with Warshades close behind. I have managed to get 1 warshade to 50 level and now rarely touch her and I have NEVER gotten a PB past, or even to level 20. My opinion has always been that they spent some time and created something special with thr VEATS but fell on their faces with the Khelds....

Squid mode ... Squishy beyond belief.. great damage but you need to stay alive long enough to use it

Dwarf mode .. I have never felt more like a meat shield than when I am asked to tank with my WS. People talk about how tankers have limited Damage potential but a dwarf has 4 attacks total so you spend a lot of time basically standing there taunting so everything attacks you while you wait for an attack to recharge.. Good Grief my tanks can pound on stuff constantly.

Human mode .. About the only one worth using (IMO) And here's the fun part, unless they finally fixed it, slot stamina to help with your end problem and then leave human mode and go dwarf. Now you need to slot end mods in dwarf because the ones in stamina ONLY work while you are in HUMAN form. If you try to be a tri form you need about 20 more enhancement slots than you get to make all three work .. as well as they can.

Now I won't go into detail on VEATS.. just leave you with this.. I have 3 of them, 2 are level 50 and incarnates and the third is level 43. Before stamina became inherent.. I had builds that didnt include a single Patron Power because I wanted the ones from my primary and secondary more. And the fact was I was just as effective solo or on a team back then as I am now. Oh and just one more jab at Khelds.. Despite being villains my SoAs don't have Intergalatic Bounty Hunters showing up everywhere they go trying to kill them and not once has my Crab caused a cyst to form in a mission that the team had to destroy before it caused a team wipe. hehehe okay RANT over

13 Warshade
14 Peacebringer


�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



1. MM

The only AT that makes me feel...almighty. And it requires skills actually, rather than bashing buttons.

2. Bane Soldier

No one plays them, and I feel like special. Well, whoever defined it a wannabe stalker simply never played them over 30s. My stalker would give up an arm to have the toys of a bane and both arms for trading his gimmickly assassin strike for a stealth strike. Also, having two assault layers running, musculature alpha, res debuff and such makes me giggle for the impressive sheer of orange numbers.

3. Controller

I cannot play a toon without some mez capabilities. Well, a controller is a triumph of that and I love playing it to the extreme. Also my first and most beloved toon.

4. Corruptor/Defender

When I feel MMs are just too powerful, I choose a nerfed version to have more challenge.

5. Blaster

When I feel defenders/corruptors are no more a challenge or I need to hate myself, I choose a faceplanter, er a blaster.

1000. Everything else

Well, everything else is simply not challenging and requires just mindless clicking here and there. Never played EATs so I cannot judge, but I have future plans for a shade.



Originally Posted by Waylorn View Post
Well, everything else is simply not challenging and requires just mindless clicking here and there.

*hides pitchfork for conversation's sake*

Are you not aware of The MFing Warshade?

If ever there were a skilled character to play...



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
*hides pitchfork for conversation's sake*

Are you not aware of The MFing Warshade?

If ever there were a skilled character to play...
*points at quote*

Originally Posted by Waylorn View Post
Never played EATs so I cannot judge, but I have future plans for a shade.



6: Defenders

5.Arachnos Widow
7.Arachnos Soldier (I put this one last because I have never actually played it)



I think it would be something like:
1.Blasters, controllers, warshades, tanks, defenders, peacebringers, corrupters, Masterminds, Arachnos soldier, scrapper, brutes
2. stalkers, Dominators, widows.

My fun is not the AT, my fun is the set you can play. I love granite and WP tanks, i hate shield (clicky..) and dark (endurance...). I love necro and ninja, i hate demons (the sound..) and mercs (damage...), every AT has good and bad sets.

Exceptions are under 2, those are just not my type of play. From my 80 or so characters, i actualy only got 1 stalker (l16 elec/cantevenremember), 1 dominator (34 fire/thorn) and 1 widow (level 8).

My most created AT is tank and Mastermind, vary from level 6 to 5 tanks at 50.

I kinda lost my fun in blasters, my Ice/NRG (tripple hold with boost) and AR/Ice (look! burning ice!) are the most played ones, aside from a elec/elec, fire/ice, nrg/ice and Archery/Psy that i hardly play anymore.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Here's my list... I think. For me though, there is very little difference between number One for me, and number 12... so a few of these decisions were REALLY splitting hairs.

  1. Dominators
  2. Controllers
  3. Brutes
  4. Corruptors
  5. Stalkers
  6. Defenders
  7. Scrappers
  8. Soldiers / Widows
  9. Tankers
  10. Kheldians
  11. Masterminds
  12. Blasters



1. Trollers
2. Scraps
3. Brutes
4. Blasters/Tanks

The rest of the archtypes = meh

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



1. Scrappers
2. Brutes
3. Masterminds
4. Ice Armor tanks. The only tank that is fun for me.
5. Corrupters
6. Blasters
7. PB
9. Defenders
8. Controllers/Doms

Cant enjoy stalkers or villain epics



1. Corruptors
2. Tankers
3. Blasters
4. Defenders
5. Warshades
6. Controllers
7. Masterminds
8. Soldiers
9. Widows
10. Scrappers
11. Dominators
12. Stalkers
13. Peacebringers

and a very, very, VERY distant 14. Brutes

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
and a very, very, VERY distant 14. Brutes

Well, at least your cor playing is helping the make us broots more awesome :P

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




1> Corruptors - Support, check. Crits, check. Making everyone in your team awesome means making yourself awesome too. Logic!
2> Blasters - And why shouldn't any comic book damage dealer concept have both melee and ranged attacks? Even MVC2's Cable gets a dragon punch.
3> Brutes - Playstyle mismatch, but the "gains damage in battle" thing plus various taunt auras are a surprising fit for "power drainer" concepts.
4> Dominators - See Blasters. But where's my nuke?
5> Tankers - Survive-all concept is limiting, but just ask anyone, I have a knack for drawing aggro.
6> Defenders - Perfect playstyle match, except for a blatantly gamey inherent that makes no sense for most character concepts. A comic book hero unleashes raw fury, not better budgeting skills, over a fallen comrade, and doesn't magically lose 30% of his power just because he's teaming up in a crossover issue. I therefore reserve this AT for Jekyll & Hyde concepts with dual solo/team builds.
7> Scrappers - Okay for when I want to play scrappy instead of blasty. Less okay for when I want a concept to do anything interesting in a team dynamic.
8> Controllers - Concept dissonance. I roll this AT to be heavy on support and light on attacks, not to get inherent crits and be a distant #2 to Doms at crowd control.
9> Masterminds - Like buffs/debuffs. Don't like pets being the super ones. I have Pokemon for that.
10> Stalkers - Design is gamey, focus is narrow. I rarely come up with a concept that can thread this needle. Comic book characters are meant to be seen.
NO> Peacebringers Warshades Soldiers Widows - I don't know what planet has comic books featuring heroes with exactly the same origin, powers, and appearance as other heroes. Here on Planet Earth, I prefer to pick my own origin story, costume and powers on a comic book themed RPG.



Love me some stalker action, so stalker are #1. I have 11.

Melee is fun, but for me gets tedious. After a bit. I like the HEATS and VEATS because they come with a large bag of tricks with which to play with. Anything with a confuse power will give me hours of tickle me fun. Making a whole spawn fight itself is just so much fun.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Out of the last 5-6 posts, Stalker is ranked at the LOWER 3 SPOTS. That is pretty sad. lol

But Stalker is rated 10/10 Melee Damage! You don't like the supposed highest melee damage in the game? :P

Seriously, if we add up all "core" ATs (exclude Epics), Stalker is like dead last. Should this be a concern? I guess Stalker's "Assassin" style just doesn't meet people's expectation of assassins?

I've also seen Peacebringer at the bottom 3 a lot. I don't blame them. PB is very frustrating.

I can see why some people rank Mastermind low because some people just don't like to babysit pets.
Maybe because Stalkers are actually weak, squishy scrappers with less attacks and area powers? The only advantage is that you get free stealth.



So I go out of town for two weeks and miss an opportunity to rank my favorite ATs. Not that any of this will be unexpected, but hey, here goes nothing:

1. MFing Warshades
2. MFing Warshades
3. MFing Warshades - Honestly, I cannot possibly express how drastic the difference is between the amount of fun I get playing a warshade to playing anything else.
4. Bots/Traps - It's like a mastermind, but really is its own AT because of how unfair it feels.
5. Tank - It's the only melee AT that actually serves a purpose on a team. Yeah, the others kill stuff well and survive ok, but they don't have purpose.
6. Masterminds - All those other combinations that aren't bots/traps. I like being a team all my own.

Everything else afterwards doesn't matter to me. Defenders/corruptors/controllers are the best thing to have on the team, but I don't exactly enjoy them.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Surely an AT has whatever purpose you give it?
When I play a scrapper or, to a lesser extent, a brute, I feel I have no purpose on the team. Yeah, I kill stuff, but everybody does that. Sure, I stay alive, too, but if I were a tank, my personal survival matters because I serve the purpose of controlling aggro.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



  1. Tank: *After the AV tries whomping on me for 5 minutes and fails to kill me* "Oh. Have we started?"
  3. Scrapper: Why yes! That IS my foot lodged in your colon!
  4. SoA: *Sneak*Sneak*Sneak*KLONG!*
  5. Controller: Can't move? Feeling weak? And my team's hitting you like a six-pack of flaming freight trains? Sucks to be you!
  6. Defender: Why are you yakking about heals? You're alive! KICK HIS ***!
  7. Widow: *Sneak*Sneak*Sneak*STAB!*
  9. Corruptor: Oh! Did that hurt? WELL TRY THIS!
  10. Warshade: You're finger-lickin' good!
  11. Peacebringer: (Bumper Sticker on Dwarf's shoulder) I made it to 50 and all I got was this lousy Peacebringer!
  12. Mastermind: Go my minions! Do violence unto them whilst I...buffbot? *YAWN*
  13. Stalker: *Sneak*Sneak*Sneak*STAB!*RUN AWAY!*
  14. Dominator: I'm a melee range blaster with holds! WOO! *SPLAT*

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now you need to slot end mods in dwarf because the ones in stamina ONLY work while you are in HUMAN form.
Actually, that hasn't been true for a while now.

AND slot bonuses stay in effect regardless of form, as well.



Dominator: I'm a melee range blaster with holds! WOO! *SPLAT*
That's an individual playstyle issue, not a Dom issue.

When I play a scrapper or, to a lesser extent, a brute, I feel I have no purpose on the team. Yeah, I kill stuff, but everybody does that. Sure, I stay alive, too, but if I were a tank, my personal survival matters because I serve the purpose of controlling aggro.
In the current state of the game, especially at the high end, the Brute/Scrapper that takes the alpha controls aggro "long enough". When the riff-raff get wiped and you're left with the AV, then usually taunt auras + attacks tend to be enough to keep aggro in the absence of a tank. So, to me, when playing a Scrap/Brute, my "purpose" is to be quick to initiate then mash some buttons that defeat enemies.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)