77 -
I hope to see it up soon! And thanks for the good work, I know you guys are doing what you can to get this resolved.
It's a real shame, he was a terrific actor.
Died so young.
I never really met him, but it still saddens me to hear of his departure. May he rest in peace.
It is probably just an early incentive for people to move there.
As often as possible. But as they said they would do it weekly, I will stick to that. I hardly think they'd like the idea of establishing deadlines for anything.
Double drops for PvE and PvP is alright. But for AE? Don't we need more incentive for people to play the other areas of the game? PvP surely could use some new players.
I thought it was going live with freedom? I am not home atm.
YES! About time! Take my money please!
Fingerless/Wrapped gloves.
Sinister boots.
Tank top or Tights - sleek
Fury hairstyle. -
Except that scrappers get a straight 20% crit buff, which is much better.
Quote:I don't think anyone uses it out of hide. It's even worse DPA. And I keep on getting it interrupted even when I am hidden and doing nothing else. The interruptible thing is too much of a nuisance.Here's a wild and wacky thought ...
What if Assassin Strike only had an Interrupt Time while Hidden?
What if when not Hidden, the Interrupt Time was "zero" (or as close to zero as to make no difference). It ought to be perfectly possible to apply a +10,000% Interrupt Reduction when NOT HIDDEN modifier into the power (somehow) so as to achieve this effect. -
Um...at least in Virtue you can find teams red side pretty much at any time, you just have to know where to look.
For some bizarre reason many people now think that with freedom they are being ripped off unless they get eternal VIP sub for free. Go figure.
On a side note, can't we get useful player-designed NPCs in our bases?
What about Lord [Redacted] from the Censored World?
Quote:Exactly! We don't get to enjoy the best of being a villain, it's all about being told what to do. The excuse as to why we do it is always along the lines of the contact "paying" you to do it. It's so ridiculous, and I am glad that they are changing that. It is most uncreative. We need better reasons to do what we do. For the whole game you get to see the actual villains (contacts) accomplishing their plots using you as a tool. You don't actually do anything for your own benefit.Here's a question: When WE are playing the bad guys, why can't the game let US win? That's one of City of Villains' biggest problems - it's a moral lesson teaching us that playing City of Villains and enjoying it is wrong, because evil is wrong. The game expects us to feel humiliated and depressed at the end of the day and consider that to be a GOOD thing. And it just isn't.
Quote:My character did not flinch when he was told that he would have to fight hundreds of Legacy Chain agents and a dozen heroes that had just recently arrived from Paragon to take him down, all at the same time. Sure he had the power of the blood coral, but still.Honestly, bringing the full might of Arachons is *quite* a different thing than anything you'd fight in an average mission.
Feel like fighing abou a million arachnos soldiers at the same time as a dozen AV's, and without access to the medport system?
And this all happen at the same ime, mind, not spread out across a map like regular stuff.
Sure, you might be able to personally best Lord Recluse in a fight, but the full might of the organization (that mind, has access to nukes, among other more sophisticated weapons) is a different thing altogether.
It's the difference between having a punch-out with Putin and facing he entire russian army.
Speaking of which, that arc was pretty awesome. -
Yes, it's more annoying than usual today.
Most of us are so used to modern urban life that any attempt to introduce new ideas into a primitive people would be so abstract that they probably would not remain. What do we know about survival? Pre-historical people would care about discovering efficient tools and materials for general use, and more importantly, the introduction of farming techniques. Can you do that? Farming is what made people first settle down. No one will care about your civilizing plight if you can't keep their stomachs full with little effort and risk. The discovery of bronze changed the world for good and iron changed it once more. Do you know how to use and obtain such metals? It really seems almost irrelevant when we are surrounded by everything that we need to live comfortably.
Anyways, Gandhi is not the problem, Montezuma is. -
Removing all of the stuff from the store before Freedom was a terrible move. They will have to wait a good while to play for free, since we are getting the head start before Freedom really launches.
Quote:Except that people are not exactly bound to blue side and they can visit red side with their vigilantes and create new characters there at any time. Adding unbalanced updates would just draw villains away from red side and make it even less populous than it currently is.Putting aside the ridiculous racial tie-in, if there were a rationing or division of resources and there were four of them and six of you then you would deserve sixty percent of the allotted resources as compared to their forty percent. Dividing the resources fifty-fifty would, in fact, be unfair at that point.
Quote:In what server do you play? I think you've been with the wrong people.That was simply the incident that broke the metaphoric camel's back. I also don't know how to tank, how to write a profile, or how to build a power set. According to "experts."
I did use my empath to team for the first time in almost a year a few days ago and had an enjoyable session, but the "experts" seem unwilling to leave me alone. They see in search that I don't team with "experts" or "power gamers" and think I need to team with anyone that demands it or that they are owed some explanation of my choices in teammates. That I should basically shut up and listen and take their wise advice. I suppose I'll open up for teaming again at some point, but I really don't want to be harassed right now. And if I don't want to be harassed, this would appear to be my best option.