How often should new stuff be added to the Market?




Some point soon Marketing should be releasing a Calender that announces what new items are going on sale on what date and at what price. I'm sure the following list is incomplete but it should give everyone an idea of how much stuff Marketing is holding back.

3 New Costume Sets

  1. Gunslinger
  2. Barbarian
  3. CoT items

3 Power Sets
  1. Street Justice
  2. Titian Weapons
  3. Staff Fighting

AT Specific IOs

Signature Story Arcs

My question is should Marketing release new items weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, or quarterly onto the Paragon Market?



I thought it was established that there would be new content would be added weekly to the market.

If not, it should be weekly.



Weekly or biweekly I think.

Bigger things monthly.

Quarterly is just too long in my opinion.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
My question is should Marketing release new items weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, or quarterly onto the Paragon Market?
1200 paragon points worth of stuff monthly, at minimum, preferably more. Somewhere between 400~800 paragon points per week would be optimal.

I am given to understand that they are aiming for weekly.



As often as possible. But as they said they would do it weekly, I will stick to that. I hardly think they'd like the idea of establishing deadlines for anything.



It all depends on how fast they can put out new stuff worth buying. If putting out new stuff too fast results in garbage being put on sale, that's not desirable.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
It all depends on how fast they can put out new stuff worth buying. If putting out new stuff too fast results in garbage being put on sale, that's not desirable.
I'm pretty sure they'll have been building up a lot of stuff to release weekly, rather than making each new thing the week before it's released.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



(As a sidenote, sure wish I could see pics of this!
1. Gunslinger)

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If they really are creating/revising NPC costume sets so that they can do double duty and by used by PCs, then we can also expect:

5. Carnival of Light
DUST agents mostly use a tarnished version of the PPD Costume set we already have. But the texture is unique, so it could go either way.

The Carnival of Light would be nice though. Most of the male costumes are drawn from the Magic Set, with some unique pieces like the shoulders, or coats with tails. The female costumes, however, are mostly unique, though they can also draw from the magic and wedding packs.

I could see them making a CoL bundle with all of the various pieces cherry picked from the various superboosters, with some new stuff tossed in.



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
(As a sidenote, sure wish I could see pics of this!
1. Gunslinger)
I do too! Its been bothering me a lot!



Well, they've stated it will be a weekly occurrence. The reality of it will probably be lighter content like costume pieces every week, with the heavier stuff being more of a monthly know, signature stories, full costume sets, new power sets, etc.

I hope i'm wrong and it's awesome stuff every week, but i'm not getting my hopes up. Still, it's all good.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Titian Weapons
This will be All The Rage in the Rouge Islands.

(But if I must explain: funny how the typos involve the color red, eh?)

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."