953 -
Quote:How I understood it is when the Battalion go to conquer a well rather than letting the energy escape they absorb it into themselves. So it doesn't have another 'way out'. Which kind of works with the word 'consume'.I would have had at least two separate devs on my side to tackle refactoring this part of canon, sigh.
Except, Tim, that doesn't fully explain how its possible to devour or destroy a Well permanently. That would seem to be impossible under that theory.
I also assumed that when the Battalion conquer another race they somehow find a way to siphon the energy generated by that race into themselves. -
Its hard to say goodbye when you dont really believe its ending
I havent necessarily been the most active member of the CoH community or Defiant community (where I call home) but I have always been there lurking in the background reading, watching and playing.
I havent posted yet as when I found out the news I was in complete shock and denial and to an extent I still am. I havent posted on the forums yet because of that but I really need to let my feelings known as it has hit me so hard.
I have played CoH for almost five years and although I have tried other MMOs (Warhammer Online, Champions, DC Universe) none of them held a candle to it. There are so many different reasons for that.
The first is because of how CoH plays. The character creator, the power selection, the level progression and stories all contribute to how much it has sparked my imagination. Every character I have created has a story attached to them (if not in bios, in my head) and are alive and dynamic. I have tried to create other characters outside of CoH but none of them have the depth my in game ones have. I have vowed, if CoH lives on or not, that I will get some of my stories written down and will endeavour to share them with anyone from CoH who wants to read them. My characters mean so much to me, whether that is Black Karhu the earnest Fire/Fire tanker who carries the death of his best friend with him or Tired Angel the fallen Grav/Storm angel who hides great faith and kindness behind a jovial joking exterior, that I dont want to say goodbye.
So I want to say thank you to all the Devs, past and present for making all of this possible. Thank you Positron, War Witch, BaBs, Castle, Arbiter, Black Scorpion, Noble Savage, Tunnel Rat, Dr Aeon, TheNet, Black Pebble, Television. Thank you all.
The next reason is the community, like I have said I dont always post much but I read the forums a lot and always have my home channel Defiant Events EU open to watch the banter back and forth. So thank you to all the players out there that make the game what it is. Thank you for the teams, the task forces, the information, the discussions, the fun.
Thank you to the Tanker Tuesday crew for brief, but exceptionally fun, time I had kicking butt Tanker style.
And thank you to the community team (Zwil, Freitag, Hit Streak, all of you) for helping keep this community together.
And thank you to the team of Mids and Titan Network/Paragon Wiki. I spend just as much time on these as I do in game at times and your work has just added to the experience of bringing the game and community to life.
And foremost thank you to my friends from GGRRR in game. Thank you to Rosie, Night Hornet, Neo, Pixie, Major Control, Fezzik, Hitman Joe, IMPersonator, Tech, Virtue, Clickwork, Salla, HAILST0RM, Shada, Lady Shada and everyone else who has been with GGRRR over the years. Youve been there for me over the years through thick and thin and weve become a family in our own right.
I have been through a lot in recent times. My marriage fell apart and Ive had to move twice in the last couple of years. But through everything City of Heroes has been there, a place to escape to. Its hard to imagine that this may not be there anymore and it really does saddened me. And its because of all of you that this has been possible. Thank you everyone
Thank you! -
Mind/TA was good fun to level, but is a bit of a late bloomer. It allows you to set up your Oil Slick Arrow and other debuffs from relative safety because of Mass Hypnosis. Then combine that Terrify for a bit of extra soft control and damage!
I'll throw in some votes for a Mind Control/Trick Arrow Controller, Ice Armour/Stone Melee Tank, Radiation Emission/Dark Blast Defender, Gravity/Thorns Dominator, Electric Melee/Fiery Aura Brute and Dark/Radiation Blast Defender
I've had one of each of those and not seen/heard anyone else really talk about the combos
I've got a Dark/Ice defender in his mid 30s which I've had kicking around for ages! -
Im going to chuck in another vote for Gravity/Storm - Tired Angel, my main, is a Gravity/Storm/Stone and he is a very solid toon.
Since the change to Wormhole so that foes aren't agro'd you can position foes where ever you like and can let rip with your powers (propel, freezing rain, gale, tornado and lightning storm) without causing scatter.
However, anything that will benefit from positioning/grouping foes for debuffs such as Radiation (the toggles), Dark (Tar Patch), Time (Distortion Field, Slowed Response), Dark (Tar Patch), Trick Arrow (the -res powers, oil slick), etc is good as people have already mentioned. -
Quote:I have found the Negative Energy hole on my Electric/Warmace tank only a problem when there are mobs full of baddies with negative energy attacks (for example Galaxies from Council - the Moonfire TF can be painful), particularly ones with -recharge mixed in (as it kills your mitigation tools of Energise and Power Sink). Most the time if there are only one or two foes with it then I don't really notice them.Something else worth adding... I have seen many biulds of Elec shy away from slotting up thier Psi and Neg Energy Res. I feel this is a loss, Elec has one of the best Psi Res in the game, so why ignore it. Likewise, other then the Toxic issue, elec weakness is negative energy. I have seen many skip slotting this res saying its low to being with so why bother.
I haev the opposite approuch to it. Slot it up to lessen this weakness. As you can see above, I have mine up to 56%, thou this number is greatly lower then my other res its no wear near weak. Between the 38% neg Def, it greatly reduces the effects of this weakness.
I have found Electric Armour to be one of my fav armour sets I've played (I've taken Fire, Shield, Ice, Electric to 50 and taken Dark, Invulnerability, Willpower to over 35, I'm currently leveling a Super Reflexes. I have dabbled with the rest). It offers some very solid resistance numbers, a good heal, an endurance recovery power, recharge boost and damage aura. If you want to invest further then it is possible to soft cap them to Smashing/Lethal. It seems like a great all round set. My build on the beta server, which uses the new IO sets and set bonuses is a beast! -
Quote:That's my plan as well, I have a toon (Little Devil Fairy) who is a half demon and half fairy outcast. She currently is a Demon/Poison but Demon/Nature works SOOO much better!I'm planning on rolling a Demon/Nature MM. Grow, little demon plants, grow!
And with the heals, absorbs and buffs it should be easy-ish to keep your pets alive which is a bonus -
When I was looking at my Dark/Storm controller I decided to go with Ice because of Ice Shield stacking with Steamy Mist and the To Hit Debuff from Dark. Also Frost Breath cone goes with the Dark Immob cone.
Although I am very tempted by Water Spout myself.... -
I believe you can, you need approximately 300% recharge give or take
If you get 99-100% from slotting Chrono Shift for recharge that leaves about 200%
You get another 50% from Chrono Shift itself, you can get another 70% from Hasten, which leaves about 80% to get from set bonuses
Using the alpha slot makes it easier as well -
Quote:I think it just comes down to people enjoy different things. Some people enjoy having the most effective toon they can while some prefer concept.Why is it that when people compare powersets in the game and judge their relative effectiveness that they always use sets that are the outliers and not the averages to compare?
Its like how some people don't like playing Tankers or Defenders because they feel they don't do enough damage while others feel they do. Two different perceptions on the same thing leading to two different emotional responces (frustration vs fun).
I personally am somewhere inbetween. I create toons based on a concept I have or a fun synergy I can see between two powersets and am not overly concerned re their 'ranking' (my main is Gravity controller I've had for four years!). But then I also like to try make the toon reach its maximum potential with IOs etc.
I think a problem may occur if people only want to compare new powersets to the highest performers as they may perceive anything else as inferior and criticise it if it doesn't match up. However, having outliers (both high and low) has its place as it does allow the devs to identify if there is room for improvement for a particular set and suggest changes. -
A couple of my fav combos:
* Stacking multiple stuns with Wormhole, Thunder Clap and Fissue
* Positioning foes with Wormhole so they are grouped for freezing rain
* Positioning foes with Wormhole so they are in a corner for Lightning Storm and Gale (so they don't scatter)
* As Crushing Field doesn't prevent KB it works well with Freezing Rain, Fissue and KB>KD'd Tornado keeping foes grouped and yet providing soft control
* Boosting defence with Stone Armour and Steamy Mist
Mind/Trick Arrow/Fire
* Stack sleeps with Mass Hypnosis and then Poison Gas Arrow
* Lighting Oil Slick Arrow if Fire Blast/Fire Ball without having to be Tech or Magic origin
* Using Mass Hypnosis on a group allows you to set up Oil Slick Arrow, Disruption Arrow, Glue Arrow before without agro before using Fire Ball (for containment boost) and Acid Arrow -
I think the idea of shapeshifting (ala Clayface) is a cool idea. Warhammer Online had a class that did that, the Marauder, which was fun to play when I first tried out the game. And with how they are handling Bio Armour, I could see them applying a similar thing to the shape shifter and have customisable in terms of look (similar to how you can with Spines). I could imagine it following something like this:
Tier 1 - ST melee attack
Tier 2 - ST melee attack
Tier 3 - Shapeshift
Tier 4 - Cone attack (only available when Shapeshift form is active)
Tier 5 - Stronger ST melee attack
Tier 6 - PBAoE attack (only available when Shapeshift form is active)
Tier 7 - ST ranged attack (only available when Shapeshift form is active)
Tier 8 - Advanced Shapeshift
Tier 9 - Powerful ST melee attack
How I see it would be the character would perform basic attack movements (such as punches from SS, element sword melee sweeps and spins etc) and when Shapeshift is active it will replace the users hands with the weapon shape chosen. I have said 'only available when Shapeshift form is active as they wouldn't make sense without it (and would work in a similar way to needing Momentum).
The basic attacks cause low smashing damage and could gain the following from the different shapeshifting forms which would work like the swap ammo toggles (these are just examples):
* Sword - adds additional lethal damage to attacks
* Hammer - adds additional smashing damage to attacks (highest bonus of all forms)
* Spiked Mace - adds additional smashing damage (less than hammer) and minor lethal DoT
* Rapier - adds additional lethal damage (less than sword) and minor defence debuff
Advanced Shapeshifting forms could add additional benefits to attacks depending on the Shapeshift form (again just examples and would work like swap ammo):
* Lethal form - "You enhance your shapeshifted weapon into its most lethal form to cause additional damage" - boosts the damage caused by the Shapeshift form
* Finesse form - "You enahnce your shapeshift weapon into its most finely tuned form to improve its overall effectiveness" - Sword gains minor lethal DoT and defence debuff, Hammer gains chance of KD, Spiked Mace gains chance of stun, Rapier gains Resistance debuff
* Fluid form - "You enhance your shapeshifted weapon into a more fluid form to enhance its speed and defensive capabilities" - minor amount of global recharge plus Sword/Rapier gains Lethal/Melee defence, Hammer/Spiked Mace gain Lethal/Smashing resistance (these are always on rather than per attack)
One good way of doing it like this is that you can pair it with whatever secondary you like rather than having it as an AT -
I always take Taunt on my tanks, Brutes sometimes if I have room and never take Confront on Scrappers.
I like taunt as it is useful at pulling larger mobs together and grabbing stray agro. I don't like tanking on my Brutes so don't feel the need to take it. Similar with Scrappers and because it is single target I don't see it as worth it.
I like Taunt because it doesn't need any additional slots to be useful, but can be slotted up for some nice set bonuses. I usually end up just Perfect Zinger: Chance of Psi Damage in there so it becomes an occasional AoE damage power that is autohit and doesn't require any endurance. I've defeated Paragon Protectors through their God Mode powers like that before -
Illusion does have an AoE hold - Flash
I'm not sure about the suggestions but its hard to compare AoE holds to each other without then comparing the whole set to each other. Earth may have a better AoE hold compared to Fire and Plant but both of these sets considerably out damage Earth
I'm not saying no to any changes but I don't think a universal change to all AoE holds would work and each needs to looked in terms of balancing the set -
Quote:Personally, the only real way I can see the Devs justifying a tweak to a power based on the KD to KB enhancement is if they tweaked the power so that is was changed from KB to KD permantely to start with and then increase the recharge/reduce the damage
I'm honestly expecting this to be tweaked a bit, it's a little overpowered.
From what I understand powersets are meant to be balanced around SOs so balancing the power around one enhancement wouldn't be fair on those that don't use IOs/Special Enhancements
But maybe that's their plan, put this enhancement out there, see how powers are affected them and then introduce a mass KD2KB change is powers -
Not personally, every time I've used him he has chased done foes and sometimes gone and agro'd an additional mob!
Tater did some testing of the enhancement and posted about it in this post in the Defenders forums:
In his words with the enhancement it works like Ice Patch but with some damage over time! So it could be worth slotting there
I want to slot one in Gravitic as well for my Warshade but Im low on slots.
Overall I think the most use you can get out of it is AoE powers that do knockback (e.g. Tornado, Bonfire, Shockwave, Solar Flare, Gravitic, M30 Grenade, Explosive Blast, Explosive Arrow) -
That I don't know - I've not taken Dimension Shift on my Grav/Storm controller, before or after the changes. I've got a feeling pseudo pets share the same phase status as you so I don't think it will work. Someone with more experience of the power may be able to clarify it
In that case I am doubly lucky then! I assumed you could, I hadn't actually tried
Quote:Powers with Knockback (either 100% or with some other %) become Knockdown (with the same % rate)Meant tro ask..
Assuming you have a power that is a % chance for kb to occur, you slot the IO and then..
Does it become kd, with that same % chance?
Does it become kd, with a 100% chance?
Does it become the % chance, further dependant on teh 'proc' rate of teh IO (assuming there is one)?
Powers without Knockback gain a 20% chance to cause Knockdown
Powers that already cause Knockdown are unaffected I believe, as the Enhancement causes a -99% Knockback on the power
I was thinking of taking it for my Warshade and putting in Gravitic Emanation -
Quote:I know this is the defenders forums but I have done this on my Grav/Storm controller and in my opinion it has really up'd my damage out put as I don't have to worry about scatter anymore. Unless the group is kept close together then it can dance about a little between foes but I have noticed a couple of times it has gone after an outlying Lt while I have been dealing with the main bulk of the group.You know that upcoming knockback to knockdown enhancement? Put it in tornado.
With the new Enhancement it really does become a cast and forget power
Quote:Not sure what the dev's stance will be on this. A while ago Bonfire was made to Knockback outside purple patch rules because people were using it against purples where it became Knockdown.
So I wouldn't be surprised devs made specific exceptions down the road.
Then again, that was with a different set of devs.
I think it does change some powers from oppurtunistic powers to every mob powers but none that would make them significantly overpowered game changing powers. -
Quote:I was very lucky when I got mine, I was expecting to have to use loads of convertersI am extremely jealous right now
, lol, j/k
still trying for mine
Having run a few missions with it now I really think that it has turned Tornado into a potentially "use all the time" power -
Just gotten my hands on an Overwhelming Force: Knockback to Knockdown enhancement and slotted it in Tornado on my Grav/Storm controller and... OMG!!!!
Ive never been against Knockback as it can be a very useful tool, but on my Grav/Storm Tornado was always a power I saved for tough targets (AVs, EBs etc) because it would scatter mobs. However I've slotted the new enhancement and now it just does knockdown and it is excellent.
It provides excellent control with the knockdown and lots of extra damage!
I thought Wormhole no longer agroing when used a game changer for my Grav/Storm but this turns him into a beast!
I just wanted to share that -
I haven't actually used the power on my Grav/Storm before or after the change but could it be to do with how the pseudo pet summoned applies the immobilize?
Looking at City of Data it says it has a "2.25s Immobilized (mag 10)". If this is applied as an AoE every 2.25s rather than individually to each bad guy. In theory it could be possible for the bad guy to run through the field before the next immobilize is applied giving the mixed results you have seen.