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  1. Thanks for all the effort put into making a great game that I have enjoyed for almost 7 years.

    Thanks for all the time and late nights working on new content and bug fixes.

    Thanks for each system that added a new wrinkle to the game to keep me around this long.

    Thanks for all the stories that I didn't mind playing over and over again.

    I wish you all nothing but the best of luck.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Well, yeah eventually you have to eat the crash.

    Some ideas though, I'm thinking more for Powersurge:

    1) Pop powersurge
    2) Pop Burnout immediately after powersurge, this sets the rech timer and allows powersurge's recovery bonus to eat the end cost of Burnout.
    3) Pop ageless for the massive +rech
    4) Load primary with +FF Procs and AoEs (Hi Titan Weapons!)

    You have to eat the crash eventually, but I wonder how long it might be possible to keep this going.
    You forgot to cycle in Force of Nature/Geas at some point in your +recharge orgy there.
  3. When you let your VIP lapse all of your characters will be locked and you will be issued the appropriate number of unlock tokens to use on characters of your choice.

    You will not be able to unlock characters that are Controlers, MM's, Khelds or Soldier of Arachnos unless you have the paid to unlock them in the store or gained enough Pargon Reward points to have them unlock permanently.
  4. Confirmed in the Ustream today Life Drain at tier 7 or 8 and Death Shroud at unspecified level are in.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by android33 View Post
    i just recall a lot of hospital trips trying to open a fight with Terrify on my Mind dom is why i stated that.

    That is because Terrify does it's damage and then .25 seconds later slaps on the fear effect thus letting you eat the whole Alpha with no mitigation of any kind.

    Fearsome Stare on the other hand doesn't deal damage so the Fear locks down the mob and no return fire. You get the added bonus of a tohit debuff of anywhere from 15-23% depending on slotting and AT mods to take the sting out of any return fire once the mobs do take damage and the fear gets broken.
  6. joebartender

    Old School

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post

    And speaking of Recharge, What is the Global Recharge Number I should shoot for to perma Rage. In a related question, what is the best set of all time to throw in Rage?
    Rage lasts for 120 seconds and recharges in 240 seconds base. 100% recharge will make it perma. Getting Rage perma with 2 common recharge IO's.

    If you slot Rectified Recticle for the two piece bonus to S/L def and a common level 50 recharge IO you need to get just about 42% more global recharge to make Rage Perma.

    On the other hand you can just 3 slot with commons and call it a day. Just about any other bonus at that point will push you over into perma.

    As to what set to use in Rage. That is very dependent on what the rest of the build looks like and what set bonus fill the holes that you have.

    Gausians offers tasty perks at 3 and 4 slots but the def bonus at 6 slots is not as nice on a typed build like you have with a /INV.
  7. joebartender


    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Any news on Titan Weapon today? *Holds up riot shield in preparation for flame storm*
    6th of December
  8. Eh I click delete and type in the name without any real issue other than making sure I looted their IO's first.

    I do find it hard to delete my 1st 50. No matter how much EM sucks since the changes to ET and TF he just sits on the shelf hoping for some changes 2-3 years down the road much like /FA got this past year.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I see people rave about theft of essence in dark regen but... how does it fair in powers like say Siphon Life or Life Drain?
    About as well as the +recharge proc works in Haymaker compared to Footstomp.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wraiven View Post
    Hey guys, been gone for quite some time after playing for 5 1/2 years. Much has changed since I left the game, so I will most likely be having a ton of questions before I finally get back in to the swing of things. I guess my first question is, has anyone out there found a build for any type character what-so-ever that has the ability the obtain perma hasten?

    I have tried many different builds on the hero builder, starting with an Ice/Ice Tank and a Fire/EM Blaster and an Ice/Psy Blaster. Even tried a couple other builds for defenders and Controllers. None of which I was able to obtain perma Hasten. I can come close, but there are always at least an 8 to 15 second time lapse between hasten intervals.

    Is it even possible anymore? Thanks in advanced for any of you who can answer this question. Also, if you have been able to do so, what arc type and power sets are you using?
    Perma Hasten is still very possible.

    If you are willing to take the time required to unlock your incarnated abilities it is in fact eaiser to perma hasten now than anytime prior to ED.

    Fire/EM can be done with Three Slots in Hasten. Four LotG's. One 7.5% bonus from Sting of the Manticore. Five 6.25% bonus found in Decimation and Posi Blast. Five 5% bonus which come in Adjusted Targeting and Crushing Impacts.

    Adding a 5th LotG lets you drop a slot from Hasten.

    That doesn't even take into account the things you can do with Tier 4 Ageless Destiny or Spiritual and Agility Alpha slots.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    were you alpha lvl shifted? there were a bunch of things that used to be wonky when a lvl 50 attacked a lvl 1

    it could also be bugged because in beta for the energy aura changes entropic auras +rech was scaled to the enemy (ie lower lvl baddies gave less rech and higher lvl baddies gave more +rech)
    Yes I am level shifted and I do recall when the level shifts 1st came out and you would have level 1's hitting you at a normal tohit rate and other odd happenings.

    I went and tested against 50 and 51's and was taking tics of 4.62 damage per foe affected. I was always under the impression that the HP drain was a flat rate regardless of number of foes being hit but the power description is vague enough that I should have expected the power to have a cost per foe hit.
  12. I had always thought that this power did a static 3.06 damage to self with each tick from what I had read over at Redtomax here:

    I took OG mostly as a set mule on my Fire/Traps but today thought I'd see how much mitigation OG added since I had just done a respec anyway.

    I wonder into a low level mob of Hellions near the market in AP and OG is ticking on my for 25 damage a tick for each mob in range.

    That can't be normal can it? I would have thought that over 5+ years I would have heard everyone screaming worst power in the game if this power was able to kill you in 4 seconds when surrounded by 8-10 mobs.

    Really shouldn't post before I have coffee. The damage scales according to the damage that would have been done to the mobs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Exactly why I wish they just didn't have melee attacks to try to use. For all I care they don't even have to replace them, they could just stand there waiting for attacks to cycle and I'd be happy.
    Protector Bots have no melee attacks to even attempt to fire and they run into melee range.

    Not having melee attacks won't stop your pets from going in close instead of staying back and concentrating fire like you would want them to be doing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    Hmm, mids is showing me ~90 dps for the chain with incin, and ~85 for the char chain. Not sure where this discrepancy is coming from.
    My wild guess would be one person has Arcana time turned on and the other does not. Seems to be the simplest answer for two posters that both normally have really spot on numbers to have figures that disagree.
  15. /WP is the only set I am willing to ever play with a Weapon based primary. The redraw caused by any set with clicks pisses me off to the point of either having to skip a useful click or just delete the character.
  16. joebartender

    SS/INV Build

    Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
    Travel powers are overrated since the addition of ninja and beast run. As well as allowing temp travel powers to be used in an Mo.
    This is so true. I haven't wasted a pick on a travel power since Ninja Run came out. I have friends that insist on having SS and SJ in every build and I can't even help them play with Mids any longer as I can't wrap my mind around a build with that kind of waste in it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    It's usually good for the team. Certain uses of it can be detrimental in some ways, sure, but certain uses of DPS are ALSO potentially detrimental (don't believe that? Ask any Kin who's seen the target of Transfusion killed before the animation finishes).
    This is no longer true since i21. It was part of the same changes that allow Ion Judgment to fire even if target dies during animation along with Jacobs Ladder and the Fear effect from Assassins Strike. There are likely others that I am forgetting but Transfusion should not be failing if the target dies any longer.

    All that aside I also don't see us being able to shut off KB anytime soon. Powers with KB are balanced with the fact that as Synapse put it "KD is universally superior to KB". If those powers were changed to KD the decrease in damage and increase in recharge across the board would likely cause a much more negative reaction than leaving things at the as they stand now.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    I remember hearing of this a while back, but I forget what powers the 2 characters had. Could you refresh my memory?
    I have done it with @DarkBladed on Infinity. Ill/Rad troller for him and my SS/FA Brute.

    1st time we were unable to spawn the GM due to us not understanding that only one bomb can be clicked per team. Second time we dropped team when we jumped up to the ship and had no issues.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    I think you need to look up Consume again.

    On my build I have it to a 50 second recharge.

    Consume returns endurance and applies endurance drain protection which lasts 120 seconds. If I hit even just 2 people (50% per target) with it my endurance protection is capped and a malta won't even budge my blue bar. An army of Carnies can be around me and my bar is happily immune to it. 50 second recharge, duration 120 seconds, simple.

    As for the rest, I've stated my case and there's people doing solo MoITFs with SS/Fire. It's capable of not only doing everything but excelling.
    I think if you watch your buff bar your going to notice that all but one of the Consume buffs fall off after 15 seconds and that after that time one buff persists that grants 120 seconds of 50% resist to end drain.

    I was trying to find the buff in realnumbers but when you hit consume it doesn't add to the listing for recovery resistance under the debuff resistance tab where you would expect to find it.

    With all that being said I have found the times that Consume doesn't offer enough end drain resistance in game to be few and far between. The combination of a end bar fill coupled with end drain resist and a recovery buff that scales with the number of foes hit for 15 seconds takes the teeth out of end drain foes.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mint View Post
    If you have rage perma do you ever get the crash of -end and -dmg?
    You always get the -dam and end crash with Rage. You avoid the -def portion of the power by overlapping Rage.

    Opinions vary on whether you want stacking Rage or just hitting Rage to refresh right before the crash to avoid the -def debuff is the best choice.

    I personally have perma dbl rage on my SS/FA now and just live with the 50 seconds of smash followed by 10 seconds of taunt/combine insp/fire a vet attack that comes from having a Rage stack expire every 60 seconds. I wouldn't advocate this unless you have the end tools to deal with it. For me it took until tier 3 Ageless to be able to handle the Rage and Hasten crashes on top of the already high EPS AOE attack chain that most like to run on a SS/FA
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
    The problem I face with the little Daemons is that all I've got to heal them with is Medicine Pool and Ember Daemon. Triage Beacon gives its bets benefit to pets with high HP rather than low HP.

    Caltrops will deal (slow) AOE damage over time without requiring me to divert heals toward it just to keep it going. Also the slow movement stacks nicely with Daemon Prince's slows and Web Grenade. Probably most mobs will stay on the caltrops long enough to endure its full damage potential. So far I've started the character over in Praetoria and I'm having considerable fun with it so far. Not quite to level 12 yet, so I'm not quite a true MM, just a weak defender with a whip.

    You were making a sarcastic joke about Burnout being a waste on /traps then? Seriously (or I guess un-seriously)?

    Play your toon how you like but I think it's beyond crazy to give up half your bodyguard shield for caltrops. I love me some caltrops for the mitigation they provide but losing 3 shares of bodyguard damage being handed out is far to high a price for me to pay.

    At low levels I understand feeling that the pets are a bit soft and that lacking a direct heal they are more of a hassle than a help. This problem is obviated as you level up by being able to use seekers to soak the alpha, follow the seekers in and drop traps that also pull agro and add CC effects. Once your able to do that the pets hardly take any damage and the ember demons aura spam heal on top of triage beacon will keep them in the fight.
  22. joebartender

    Solo MoITF

    Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
    Yeah, i tried a +4/x8 ITF (set for Mo, which failed) a few weeks ago...not doing it again. Wasn't even fun at all >.<

    This. FA with IOs and barrier is an extremely tough character, possibly tougher than the scrapper, since barrier allows for 25% more res on a brute.

    This is also very important. The thing about cims is that very few ppl can actually stand in a spawn of them (with at least 1 boss) indefinitely because of their massive -def and high DPS. Without attacking or using barrier, my SS/fire/soul last's no more than a minute or 2 in a spawn with 1 or more bosses.
    This means the best thing to do is kill everything u can as quickly as possible. Because is not only means u are getting attacked less often, it means your def is getting debuffed less often too. Basically ur are even MORE survivable.

    I sure hope I didn’t just thread jack a thread I created O.O

    A thread within a thread?

    We need to go deeper.

  23. [QUOTE=MisterD;3955194

    How is a 'typical' attack chain, requiring 131% rech? Be serious. To get that without outside buffs/power set buffs (quickness) you would need to be at max enhancement for rech, as well as a T4 spiritual alpha boost...that is hardly typical in any sense.


    It isn't 131% global recharge that is needed to run the chain. It is +131% recharge in the power Crushing Uppercut.

    You can easily achieve 95% +recharge from slotting. At that point your only in need of another 36% from global bonus Since you have probably already taken 4 melee attacks from your primary slotting up 4 sets of Crushing Impacts while leveling isn't a stretch to call normal, that nets you 20% bonus. Spending 4 A merits on 2 LotG's gets you another 15% for 35% global Bonus. At that point your only 1% off to run the typical chain. Anyother global buff you can snag at that point does the job.
  24. joebartender

    Solo MoITF

    Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
    That build isnt even live anymore. So i dont think i saved it.

    I think i did.

    It's pretty simple really, kill it with fire.
    Grr thanks for linking to Tvtropes. There went an hour of my life chasing links like some kind of junkie from Breaking Bad.
  25. joebartender

    Solo MoITF

    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    SS/Fire can lay down fireball, footstomp and burn that will clear up anything to a boss so it's very easy to just kill them before cascading defence becomes an issue.

    That is a very impressive feat and makes me wonder about doing it on mine
    If your going to try to Solo TF's you don't want the Pyre epic pool you want Soul so you can run the optimal attack chain of Burn, Haymaker, Gloom, KoB, Haymaker and Gloom on AV's when you get to them.

    Though in this day and age your Lore pets are going to do more than enough damage to make up for it if you insist on using Pyre