APP Oppressive Gloom stacking damage
were you alpha lvl shifted? there were a bunch of things that used to be wonky when a lvl 50 attacked a lvl 1
it could also be bugged because in beta for the energy aura changes entropic auras +rech was scaled to the enemy (ie lower lvl baddies gave less rech and higher lvl baddies gave more +rech)

Yes I am level shifted and I do recall when the level shifts 1st came out and you would have level 1's hitting you at a normal tohit rate and other odd happenings.
were you alpha lvl shifted? there were a bunch of things that used to be wonky when a lvl 50 attacked a lvl 1
it could also be bugged because in beta for the energy aura changes entropic auras +rech was scaled to the enemy (ie lower lvl baddies gave less rech and higher lvl baddies gave more +rech) |
I went and tested against 50 and 51's and was taking tics of 4.62 damage per foe affected. I was always under the impression that the HP drain was a flat rate regardless of number of foes being hit but the power description is vague enough that I should have expected the power to have a cost per foe hit.
Global: @Kelig
Opp Gloom has always hit you super hard when used against the very grey. It's a "feature".
Before it got APP'd, it was dark armor scrappers who only had to deal with this, and as they generally tended to be running Death Shroud at the same time, the very grey became very dead very quickly, so the damage from Opp Gloom wasn't really that big a deal.
Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb
Yeah, Oppressive Gloom has always dealt damage per foe. It can make it a bit tricky to use, but for the most part the damage isn't so high as to make it a bad power pick. It could make it more situational though, particularly for sets without self-healing.
Yes I am level shifted and I do recall when the level shifts 1st came out and you would have level 1's hitting you at a normal tohit rate and other odd happenings.
I went and tested against 50 and 51's and was taking tics of 4.62 damage per foe affected. I was always under the impression that the HP drain was a flat rate regardless of number of foes being hit but the power description is vague enough that I should have expected the power to have a cost per foe hit. |
@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too

I had always thought that this power did a static 3.06 damage to self with each tick from what I had read over at Redtomax here:
I took OG mostly as a set mule on my Fire/Traps but today thought I'd see how much mitigation OG added since I had just done a respec anyway.
I wonder into a low level mob of Hellions near the market in AP and OG is ticking on my for 25 damage a tick for each mob in range.
That can't be normal can it? I would have thought that over 5+ years I would have heard everyone screaming worst power in the game if this power was able to kill you in 4 seconds when surrounded by 8-10 mobs.
Really shouldn't post before I have coffee. The damage scales according to the damage that would have been done to the mobs.
Global: @Kelig