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  1. Don't forget the big villians in Nebula 9..."Creavers"...evil monsters who ate humans. Presumably after ****** them to death, but before sewing our skin into their clothes.
  2. No. The appeal of Firefly is the writing and the characters.

    The MMO version would be filled with internet people. Same reason I never considered playing SW:Galaxies, Star Trek Online, or Matrix Online.
  3. So, would it be fair to say that talking about Paltrow's daughter with the new movie villain is comparing apples and oranges?
  4. Quote:
    The AIDS virus already caused "gross discontinuities in human life" by killing so many people.
    The flu kills more people than HIV...a lot more. Neither cause a gross discontinuity in human life. In 2009, HIV didn't even make the top 15 causes of death in the US (the flu was #8, and SUICIDE was #10)

    A global outbreak of ebola that kills 200 million people in 3 months would qualify. An airborne version of HIV would also qualify, since it would essentially infect everyone, given HIV's incubation period and immense difficulty of detection in asymptomatic people. If HIV went airborne, then anyone who was even suspected of carrying it would be lynched. Far beyond the number of people that the disease itself was responsible for, the real effect would be the total splintering of society.

    HIV fatalities in 2010 are estimated at 1.8 million. The estimate is very rough, as a lot of people in third world countries who die of...something...often get that credited to AIDS when it may have had nothing to do with it. 1.8 million sounds like quite a lot. But that number represents .025% of the population of the world. It's the old saying "You're one in a million"...well, if that's true, then there are 70 million people who are just like you, special snowflake.
  5. I swear every time I see the women I crush on her harder.

    There she is playing Gunstar Heroes with her brother, while making fun of 4chan and going into a massive (and hilariously adorable) rage fest.
  6. Quote:
    I wonder who he'll kill off?
    Anyone in a happy relationship may as well have their own personal undertaker following around.
  7. I am of course going to have to start using "Shut up talking" from now on.
  8. I have this awesome idea that Joss could lift from a comic book and turn into a series.

    It's kind of like cowboys in space...
  9. I like how Deadpool has no feet. Very Leifeld.
  10. Quote:
    2. The voice acting didn't match up with the written text. You'd get three written options of what you could say, then once selected the voice frequently said something completely different.

    How frickin hard is it to have the written text match what the damn voice actor is saying?
    This I didn't mind so much. You pick your option from some general attitudes of your response, and then the character goes into more detail with what they actually say. Makes it easier on the text people when the script is probably being constantly revised to put in generic text answers so they didn't have to constantly go back and modify them. Plus, some of the longer answers might run into UI issues.
  11. Quote:
    It really did catch me off guard when that recently released sci-fi MMO made that announcement. I figured it may happen one day, certainly, but having it happen within less than a year of launch was quite surprising.
    I played that certain sci-fi MMO during its beta weekend last Thanksgiving, and this news doesn't surprise me in the least.

    1) It is ridiculously easy. Basically every fight was like fighting greens when fully decked out in IOs.
    2) The leveling pace makes a CoH bonus XP weekend look snail-slow.
    3) Due to the above 2 reasons, the story is really the only reason to play.
    a) Once you hit max level, you run out of story and have no reason to play.
    b) The story is fine, but it's not $15/month fine. I can get a couple of paperbacks for that much and they'd probably be better written.
    c) Because every line from every character is voice acted, there's simply no way that any developer could create content at even 1/50th the rate that the players consume it.

    So, I never bought the game in the first place. It was a dead end from the start.
  12. She even says so herself...

    I'm reminded of the recent thread where someone was claiming she's a big phony. And then I laugh at that someone.
  13. You hear that, hill-billy boy? I ain't done with you by a damn sight...

    Define "Interesting"

    I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5. To tell you the truth in all of this excitement, I lost track myself. So you have to ask yourself one question....
  14. Matuse

    Man of Steel

    My problem with Superman is that the entire character is fundamentally boring.

    Who he is? There's nothing to explore there. Batman was old enough to remember his parents getting killed. That creates some character right away. Superman was an infant with no knowledge at all of his birthplace. You can't miss where you've never been.

    While Superheroes win, with Superman there's simply no possibility that he could lose. In TDK, we got to see Bruce Wayne all bruised up and tired. In Spiderman 2, we see the personal, scholastic, and professional impact that being Spidey has on Peter.

    With Superman you have the impossibly good looking, impossibly perfect height/weight, impossibly uber powerset, impossibly maintained secret identity, impossible everything else that just drains all interest from what is going on. There's just no downside to Superman. Batman can get an interesting story dealing with a grocery hold up or a mugging. Superman needs the world or the universe to be seriously threatened, or else it seems like there's no point for him to even get out of bed. Which also leaves me with no point in caring about anything he does.

    The JLU Superman was a pretty good step. His power level was toned down to where it was conceivable for him to lose. Sure he would curbstomp anyone without powers, but that's hardly unusual in a superpower universe. But they didn't have to give everyone and their brother 20 lbs of kryptonite just to even the playing field.
  15. The only thing that concerns me: Will there be Claudia? Lots of Claudia? Claudia 25/7 (yes, twenty-five)?

    These are the important questions that must be answered. Not "How will the world react to the existence of alphas" or "How will Artie fix everything with a pocket watch"...those are trivial little details.
  16. The best interaction was always between Carter and Stark.

    Well, that and the interactions between Carter and The Universe. A lot like Sokka and The Universe, come to think of it.
  17. And once again Firefly has no categories listed.

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
  18. Yes, Macbeth, my mistake.

    And sorry, I can see no spoiler information in a 2 second cameo that had no plot relevance of any kind. This isn't Willem Dafoe showing up at the end of Spiderman 2.
  19. Quote:
    Nice star, glad to see you picked up the fact people were avoiding saying his name.
    Why would anyone care about not saying his name? Is he the TV cameo equivalent of talking about Hamlet?
  20. Thing that stuck out at me during the Police vs Mercenaries scene is that there are THREE of the old-style batmobiles (but painted in desert cammo). I'm wondering just how those things could be in public use and nobody figured out that the one batman used in 1 & 2 was the same thing.
  21. Quote:
    I love Stand up comic Amon.
    While a total facepalm of a joke, that I mentally heard it being told in Steve Blum's voice made it hilarious.

    Kind of like this:

  22. Quote:
    Air Nomad isn't a term I've heard in awhile
    I use Air Nomad because Aang used Air Nomad, but the term never made much sense to me. They all live in giant (immobile) monestaries. How nomadic would we really describe them?
  23. Loving it at all is too much.
  24. Quote:
    If she was a Airbender. Kioshi was the last Earth Nation Avatar, IIRC...
    He means the last Air Nomad Avatar, Avatar Yan-Chen (sp?). Aang spoke to her briefly when he was trying to come up with a way to beat Ozai.

    She was pretty emphatic that killing people was A-OK in her book.

    According to Word Of God sources, nobody ever tried to start any trouble at all for a generation after Yan-Chen -died-, she was so intimidating and willing to do anything to preserve peace.
  25. Quote:
    She strikes me as very phoney. She has cultivated an image as a 'gamer girl' but she's not, she's an actress.
    You mean except for her extremely well documented WoW obsession? And I'm sure that the Dragon Age live movie she did in no way originated by having played it herself.

    you're not staying up to 4am to download a new release as soon as it unlocks if you're also on a shooting schedule and making appearances.
    The problem here is that your standards for "gamer girl" are stupid. You do not need to eat, breathe, and sleep games in order to qualify.