Internet "journo" insults Felicia Day, net goes nuts!




Interesting storyline playing out on Twitter recently.

Seems a contributor to the website Destructoid, a gaming site, decided, completely out of the blue to have a pop at Felicia, one of the internet's darlings, with these tweets...

Does Felicia Day matter at all? I mean does she actually contribute anything useful to this industry, besides retaining a geek persona?

@feliciaday, I keep seeing everywhere. Question: Do you matter at all? Do you even provide anything useful to gaming, besides “personality?

Could you be considered nothing more than a glorified booth babe? You don’t seem to add anything creative to the medium.
Now, tbf, in America, it's all about free speech, so he has the right to do so, but man, as a gaming journo, this has got to amount to professional suicide? Saying she adds nothing creative to gaming, after 5 seasons of the Guild, helping out on several games, promoting several, youtube channels such as GeekandSundry and a LOT more, he hasn't really done much research!

Needless to say, the fans responded immediately with a LOT of hatred to the man, resulting in him eventually being fired from Destructoid.

He then decided to turn on Will Wheaton!! LOL Sadly, I can't quote that here as he used foul language, but yeah, not the wisest idea

And then, amusingly, Day was defended by none other than Adam Baldwin. Heh, would like to see the loon say stuff to Baldwin in person

The guy did eventually apologise, although he blamed it on being drunk late at night and being new to Twitter and not realising that messages sent to someone on there can be seen by everyone. I'm not sure how much of I buy, but hey, it's out there.

Nicely, Felicia Day accepted the apology with good grace and has not really mentioned in any detail, other than to thank people for their support.

So, what do we think? Did he know what he was doing? Was he just INCREDIBLY stupid? Or a clever and devious plan to gain notoriety and increase his career with it?

Personally, I find it hard to believe that someone who writes on a site like that, as a contributor, can claim not to know who Felicia Day is and what she does. Thats like a football commentator not knowing who David Beckham is, it's crazy.

Either way, it will be interesting to see the numerous takes on this on the web over the next day or so before it all blows over.

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Honestly, I can't see how anyone familiar with the internet, and geek culture in particular, could have not seen the absolute excrement storm such a comment about her would invariably create.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I'm not big on football, but who is David Beckham? Wasn't he a Spice Girl husband?




Personally, I find Day massively overrated. Of the things she's been in that I like, Dr. Horrible as an example, I find her easily the weakest part of them.

She strikes me as very phoney. She has cultivated an image as a 'gamer girl' but she's not, she's an actress. Those are two passions that demand so much time and devotion that they're almost mutually exclusive: you're not staying up to 4am to download a new release as soon as it unlocks if you're also on a shooting schedule and making appearances.

Having Mario Bros when you were 10 and playing Angry Birds on your phone between shoots does not entitle you to call yourself a gamer. That makes you as much of a gamer as Vanilla Ice is "from the streets". She makes her money being a poseur for a lifestyle and culture she's not really a part of and I just shake my head at those who buy into it and clap for more. As a gamer who has put in the work and knows actual girl gamers, she definitely does not have g-word privileges as far as I'm concerned.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Personally, I find Day massively overrated. Of the things she's been in that I like, Dr. Horrible as an example, I find her easily the weakest part of them.

She strikes me as very phoney. She has cultivated an image as a 'gamer girl' but she's not, she's an actress. Those are two passions that demand so much time and devotion that they're almost mutually exclusive: you're not staying up to 4am to download a new release as soon as it unlocks if you're also on a shooting schedule and making appearances.

Having Mario Bros when you were 10 and playing Angry Birds on your phone between shoots does not entitle you to call yourself a gamer. That makes you as much of a gamer as Vanilla Ice is "from the streets". She makes her money being a poseur for a lifestyle and culture she's not really a part of and I just shake my head at those who buy into it and clap for more. As a gamer who has put in the work and knows actual girl gamers, she definitely does not have g-word privileges as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry you lost your job, man, :P

I like Felicia in Eureka. She's as much an actress as Wil Wheaton himself is, which means, no, she isn't on tight shooting schedules all the time. But then again, I never really thought of her as a 'gamer girl', more of an 'Internet girl'. Like Boxxy.



She strikes me as very phoney. She has cultivated an image as a 'gamer girl' but she's not, she's an actress.
You mean except for her extremely well documented WoW obsession? And I'm sure that the Dragon Age live movie she did in no way originated by having played it herself.

you're not staying up to 4am to download a new release as soon as it unlocks if you're also on a shooting schedule and making appearances.
The problem here is that your standards for "gamer girl" are stupid. You do not need to eat, breathe, and sleep games in order to qualify.

Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As a gamer who has put in the work
Dude, that your problem right there. Gaming suppose to be fun, it's not a job. No one should have to "put in the work" to be considered a gamer, it's a hobby.

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



I wonder if this guy ignored the lessons from Ocean marketing and the guy that went after The oatmeal (and other similar incident's I can't remember)

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



On the topic, I do love "I was drunk so it's not my fault" defense. Was there not that Eve Guild Master who used the same excuse when he told people to attack another person in Eve?

Anyway, I expect no one will remember this gaming journalist a year or so from now but will still be enjoying what Felicia Day does.

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
You mean except for her extremely well documented WoW obsession?
Which is part of her image. That's why it is, as you put it, so "well documented". Has she played WoW? Probably, but casually. Not "obsessively". I'd be surprised if she had a character over 40 that wasn't PLed or someone played for her.

And I'm sure that the Dragon Age live movie she did in no way originated by having played it herself.
No, it originated when her agent worked out a deal with Bioware for her to do some promotional work for the game.

In parallel universe where Bethesda's phone wasn't busy that day, she starred in an Elder Scrolls web series instead and tells everyone at the cons how much she plays Skyrim (and pronounces it 'scrim').




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Which is part of her image. That's why it is, as you put it, so "well documented". Has she played WoW? Probably, but casually. Not "obsessively". I'd be surprised if she had a character over 40 that wasn't PLed or someone played for her.
You have to obsessively play to be a gamer these days?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



There is just something so absurdly funny about geeks being so judgemental...

As for the journalist - I buy they may have been drunk. I do not buy them not knowing how Twitter works. I mean seriously? A contributor to a gaming site being so clueless about Twitter? I find that hard to believe.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Which is part of her image. That's why it is, as you put it, so "well documented". Has she played WoW? Probably, but casually. Not "obsessively". I'd be surprised if she had a character over 40 that wasn't PLed or someone played for her.
You might want to research before making such broad statements.

Have a read of this interview from 5 years ago, just as The Guild was starting to launch, WELL before she became the well known gamer geek she is now.

Felicia Day interview

Doesn';t sound like someone who get's PL'd to me.

Also, have you actually watched any of her Flog show on the GeekandSundry channel? She knows a LOT about games, that's very evident from it. Not to mention how much she clearly loves games as well.

I really don't get the hate some people have for her, I can't think of many people out there less offensive in any branch of the industry.

Either way, given how well loved she is by a lot of people, the guy who dissed her......not a bright spark

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Really Butane? I mean really? Lmao.

Yeah this guy was an idiot. Ms. Day and The Oatmeal Guy?! *facepalm* wow



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
There is just something so absurdly funny about geeks being so judgemental...
Maybe it's the fact that people who aren't geeks and gamers have co-opted the culture to make money. Stuff like "Gamer Fuel" Mountain Dew and models who wouldn't know Samus from B.J. Blazkowicz who pose for skanky photos licking controllers. ****ing Usher performing at E3.

When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played computer games. We were harassed constantly. When using the internet was a social stigma, we were the outcasts but we took our lumps and called ourselves geeks as a point of pride.

Now that gaming is "cool", when actors or rappers go on about how huge gamers they are for playing Halo a couple of times or having run a raid in WoW, I can understand real geeks and gamers who who cringe at that. Like I said before, most are as legitimate as Vanilla Ice's street cred.

IMO, being a gamer is like Woodstock; if everyone who claimed they were there had been there, they would have needed 10 fields. If everyone who claimed they are obsessive gamers was one, high school computer labs from the 80's and 90's would have been overflowing with people elbow to elbow and today there wouldn't been a free slot on any game server anywhere.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Maybe it's the fact that people who aren't geeks and gamers have co-opted the culture to make money. Stuff like "Gamer Fuel" Mountain Dew and models who wouldn't know Samus from B.J. Blazkowicz who pose for skanky photos licking controllers. ****ing Usher performing at E3.

When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played computer games. We were harassed constantly. When using the internet was a social stigma, we were the outcasts but we took our lumps and called ourselves geeks as a point of pride.

Now that gaming is "cool", when actors or rappers go on about how huge gamers they are for playing Halo a couple of times or having run a raid in WoW, I can understand real geeks and gamers who who cringe at that. Like I said before, most are as legitimate as Vanilla Ice's street cred.

IMO, being a gamer is like Woodstock; if everyone who claimed they were there had been there, they would have needed 10 fields. If everyone who claimed they are obsessive gamers was one, high school computer labs from the 80's and 90's would have been overflowing with people elbow to elbow and today there wouldn't been a free slot on any game server anywhere.

Over the top hyperbole?
Self-centered elitism and arrogant assertions that only their opinion counts?
Absurdly high and arbitrary standards for others?
Goalposts mounted on a sports car?
Not in a JB post!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
She strikes me as very phoney.
Met her. Watched her making the rounds around the vendor area at Origins this year. She isn't.

She has cultivated an image as a 'gamer girl' but she's not, she's an actress.
No. She's a gamer too.

Those are two passions that demand so much time and devotion that they're almost mutually exclusive:
Almost. But, like everyone else, you find a happy medium in between. Sure, it's less gaming than you'd LIKE. But people need to make a living.

you're not staying up to 4am to download a new release as soon as it unlocks if you're also on a shooting schedule and making appearances.
Back to my Origins anecdote. We actually had her engrossed (yes, engrossed) in a game of Shadowrun.

Unlike her D&D session:
  • She didn't tweet the entire time, during her D&D session, she didn't put her phone down
  • She was actively ignoring pages from her handlers and fully engaged in the game
  • When they came to try and extract her, she was waving them off trying to get them to leave her alone
  • She was playing until after midnight, when she had an early morning flight to go read for a part that next day
  • Most of the "personalities" at conventions don't go out of their way to attend gaming demos of any sort (16+ years of experience talking)
Having Mario Bros when you were 10 and playing Angry Birds on your phone between shoots does not entitle you to call yourself a gamer.
Sorry, but having a ColecoVision, or playing Pong when you were a kid, having an Atari2600, 5200 AND 7800 doesn't necessarily entitle you to make judgement calls on who is a gamer either.

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Thats like a football commentator not knowing who David Beckham is, it's crazy.
They most likely wouldn't! In the United States that is.

I know the only reason I ever heard of him was because I always saw him on some tabloid cover with one of the Spice Girls.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played computer games. We were harassed constantly. When using the internet was a social stigma, we were the outcasts but we took our lumps and called ourselves geeks as a point of pride.

Now that gaming is "cool", when actors or rappers go on about how huge gamers they are for playing Halo a couple of times or having run a raid in WoW, I can understand real geeks and gamers who who cringe at that. Like I said before, most are as legitimate as Vanilla Ice's street cred..
And this is exactly why I find it so funny. You weren't cool enough so you got crap... Now when you decide others aren't cool enough you give them crap. The circle of life wins out over being a better person. I find it amusing.

Anyway, I'm sure you have justifications and reasons why your bullying isn't as bad as what you put up with but *shrug* I'm not a gamer by your definition so whatever.



Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
You mean except for her extremely well documented WoW obsession?
Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As a gamer who has put in the work
This is where I am compelled to de-lurk and point out that there are numerous video clips of Felicia Day playing MMO's, I have yet to see supporting evidence that JB is, in fact, a gamer.

Just sayin....

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played computer games.
Dude, I apologized at Graduation, in front of Classmates, Parents, and the entire Faculty! When will it be enough?

Wait, did you go to my High School?

Never mind, nothing to see here.

That's right, move along, you bunch of looky-loo's.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played Tanks.
Those were just NPCs

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
You weren't cool enough so you got crap... Now when you decide others aren't cool enough you give them crap.
I got crap for being who I am.
As opposed to trying to pretend to be something I'm not (and make money off of it).

If I had been trying to convince the jocks I was a football star in order to score with cheerleaders when I couldn't play for crap, then the situation would be comparable.

Anyway, I'm sure you have justifications and reasons why your bullying
So, all I've said is I don't care for Day's work and I think her gamer image is manufactured and that constitutes bullying now?

I don't ever recall stuffing her or anyone else into a locker for not being gamer enough.

She was actively ignoring pages from her handlers and fully engaged in the game
Man, my handlers never page me when I'm appearing as a guest at cons. Do yours when you do? If they did I'd probably just leave the phone in my Lamborghini.




It doesn't matter if it were Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, Chris Hardwick or any other pop culture icon - geek or not - that we have.

As with any public-view profession (Journalism or otherwise) what you do and say is going to be held under scrutiny and - as in this case - subject to public opinion and the consequences therein. People are particularly outspoken about slights against "their" icon of the moment, and as seen many times in the past, that backlash can have severe ramifications.

It boils down to "he should have known better."

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having Mario Bros when you were 10 and playing Angry Birds on your phone between shoots does not entitle you to call yourself a gamer. That makes you as much of a gamer as Vanilla Ice is "from the streets". She makes her money being a poseur for a lifestyle and culture she's not really a part of and I just shake my head at those who buy into it and clap for more. As a gamer who has put in the work and knows actual girl gamers, she definitely does not have g-word privileges as far as I'm concerned.
Gaming isn't a job or a career - it's just a hobby - and anyone who takes part in it is a gamer.
I don't own or play console games, but I'm still a gamer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think it's a little from column A and a little from column B myself.

In Felicia Day's defense, she's very passionate about Geek Culture. I've tuned into her live stream with her and some of her contemporaries talking about fiction they've read (it's like a monthly book club thing, and I can't say the name on the forums, save to say that the first part of the name is like Virginia), and she's knowledgeable. And not in a passing way. This is all being shown in an uncensored, unedited way where she's even getting a little drunk live on camera.

If there's detriment to be placed here, it's that she's used her celebrity to further her career, and that's something pretty much every celebrity does, even those whose sole attribute as a celebrity is being a celebrity. I can't really blame her for doing that. Alright, so she's an actor who makes her own web show and parlayed the success of that to get her more acting work. Sounds like someone who's clever to me rather than someone who's ruthlessly exploiting a section of culture.

She's certainly not alone. Look at how Wil Wheaton (who has a lot of varied interests and is very vocal in his own geek leanings) has done the same but with much less fanfare and a broad embracing by the geek community.

The real crux of the issue is here (at least to refrence Johnny B's posts) is the nature of geek culture. Like it or not, acknowledge it or not, but geek culture is now mainstream. I grew up as a fat kid with glasses who played D&D during his lunchtimes at school, obssessively played his Commodore 64, could recite the original D&D rules back to front, and was reading Tolkien seriously by the age of 14. And I got teased and bullied for it.

Now these things are embraced wholeheartedly and largely because the people involved in it are now the people who have given us the Internet and are the movers and shakers in society. They're now as socially powerful as sports heroes and movie stars were, and arguably moreso because there's no one demographic that 'geek heroes' come from.

And the term 'gamer' is mainstream now too. People game on smartphones and Facebook and it's something do as part of their lives rather than as a majority of it when you did indeed have to dedicate serious time to it...but I guarantee you that if I could've played my old C64 games on a smartphone, I would've. Gamers have evolved and changed, really.

The journalist either was drunk or maybe resentful of working on something about her and saying 'oh, this isn't real news and this is so beneath me' or something of that order. He got publicity for his actions, but it was all negative. Internet society is instant and a living breathing thing. You can't make a comment in isolation anymore and think it won't get noticed by someone, somewhere. It was a foolish move and it cost them their job, so if that was a publicity stunt, it was a costly one.

Felicia Day I suspect is what I percieve her to be: a professional making a living out of things she loves doing. So of course there's going to be a perception of her as being phony, because she's making money from it. Can't be genuine, right?

If there's anything I'd personally observe about her is that she doesn't appear to have let her fame go to her head, and she's enjoying the ride.

Hey, I would too.


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