Internet "journo" insults Felicia Day, net goes nuts!




Some of these stories sound more like Olivia Munn than Felicia Day. Munn has been quoted that she really was never into the culture and just used it as a springboard. Everything I've ever seen on Day seems to point towards her being pretty sincere.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Some of these stories sound more like Olivia Munn than Felicia Day. Munn has been quoted that she really was never into the culture and just used it as a springboard. Everything I've ever seen on Day seems to point towards her being pretty sincere.
I remember when Munn first joined the G4 show "Sorry I forgot the name of it" she said that she wasn't a gamer at first but the nerds were cool with it because she is pretty to look at lol.

Honestly getting a girl to even play a game for 5 minutes is automatically marriage material for most guys hehe.



well i think FD is awesome and looks pretty hot imo.
the guild is a good show imo. plus i enjoyed here when she guest starred on Dollhouse and Supernatural.
I remember when munn joined Attack of the Show. used to watch it regular when she was on it.

@Eternal Twilight
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Oh c'mon... obvious attempt at publicity/notoriety for the "journalist".
Any publicity/traffic is usually good publicity/traffic.
Looks like things may have gone bad for him, but who knows how it'll play out in the end.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Leave out statements that are basic equivalents to calling someone a trashy, brainless bimbo.
Based on my observations, these seem to be the prime requisites for any woman who wants to pursue a media career. (see: Fern Cotton)

The person in question may be the exception - as I said, I have no idea who she is.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Just because someone is famous for something doesn't prevent them from having the same hobbies as "normal" people.

If you want to pick on someone famous, pick on Vin Diesel and his D&D habit.
Yeah. I can see THAT going over well.

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Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
She's a glorified booth babe and doesn't even game. Hates it infact, even admitted to it at the various conventions she has been invited to. Her goal is to piggy back off the ''temporary geek fame'' on her way to a blockbuster movie like Spider-Man or something of the like and then move on to ''more professional/important roles'' akin to infamous Movie Women.
I'll just say that this is somewhat at-odds with the impression she made at Origins.

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Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Do I score more nerd points for being a D&D, MtG, Comics, Trekkie, Cult Film, Book, Gaymer "Urban" nerd that grew up in the rough part of town?

It that's the case I should be able to destroy n00bs with a fleeting thought.
No Doctor Who. So you're a poseur.

Plus everyone knows that Money the Grabbing wasn't a real game. It was just a lame attempt to cash in on a new wave of "gaming is getting mainstream".

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Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Honestly getting a girl even for 5 minutes is automatically marriage material for most guys hehe.
Edited for correctness for certain less-socialized groups of gamer guys.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Edited for correctness for certain less-socialized groups of gamer guys.
Pfft. I don't even need to get them. I can long for marriage from a safe, unrejectable distance.

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That guy was just really stupid. Less than a minute of research would have invalidated his thesis, such as it was.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Oh c'mon... obvious attempt at publicity/notoriety for the "journalist".
Any publicity/traffic is usually good publicity/traffic.
Looks like things may have gone bad for him, but who knows how it'll play out in the end.
Not necessarily, but that often seems to be the excuse for a lot of the stupid, over the top things said by celebrities and journalists. Some other things are just plain stupid through and through.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Based on my observations, these seem to be the prime requisites for any woman who wants to pursue a media career. (see: Fern Cotton)

The person in question may be the exception - as I said, I have no idea who she is.
Woo. Maintaining the stereotype...

Not denying that it doesn't happen, but still...

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Well, at least you're out there with your over the top hate.

You don't like her, you don't like her. Fine. Leave out statements that are basic equivalents to calling someone a trashy, brainless bimbo.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm pretty sure we'd have heard about that by now if any of it was true
If you adventured outside of CoH and actually played with Felicia and her crew when ''the guild'' was at its utmost top popularity - when they did their special ''WoW Play through'' on the Official Beta Server--- you'd of seen just how horrid she really did play, how she did with a maxed out, maxed armored DPS and PROC but still managed to get the team f'd up by not listening to a word both her friends that knew the game, and the devs threw at her.

And lets not even talk about her live gaming adventure to up her popularity where she got pwnt in pvp zones, and in plenty instances. I'll give her credit for attempting to game but when celebrities jump on a server and the Devs/Mods stack your character out then send you on your way without the knowledge of how to use said powers....

It was a failtastrophe so epic even the GenMods game on to apologize for the team wipe she caused.

Do a little WoW forum searching from that day, and if the Mods haven't locked out all the threads entirely just read up on a little of what her fame got her. Rumor is she left the keyboard in tears due to the ridicule she faced afterwards, just like she walked out of Blizzcon after being trolled.




Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Honestly, I can't see how anyone familiar with the internet, and geek culture in particular, could have not seen the absolute excrement storm such a comment about her would invariably create.

I've never heard of Felicia*shrugs*

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Bear in mind, Lullipop, no one is actually deciding if she's actually any good at the games, the debate is about whether she actually plays them enough.

I've been playing this game over 7 years, I still screw up on teams and cause team wipes.

No one said she has to be uber

And for the record, I don't believe a word of it until I see some linked proof

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I think there would have been a few threrads and news stories on geek sites about it by now - "Feleicia Day is a Fraud" would certianly be of interest to the geekosphere - especially as she has apparently admitted that she hates gaming several times at various cons - although her sinister PR machine seems to have pressured Google into deleating any reference to it.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
If you adventured outside of CoH and actually played with Felicia and her crew when ''the guild'' was at its utmost top popularity - when they did their special ''WoW Play through'' on the Official Beta Server--- you'd of seen just how horrid she really did play, how she did with a maxed out, maxed armored DPS and PROC but still managed to get the team f'd up by not listening to a word both her friends that knew the game, and the devs threw at her.

And lets not even talk about her live gaming adventure to up her popularity where she got pwnt in pvp zones, and in plenty instances. I'll give her credit for attempting to game but when celebrities jump on a server and the Devs/Mods stack your character out then send you on your way without the knowledge of how to use said powers....

It was a failtastrophe so epic even the GenMods game on to apologize for the team wipe she caused.

Do a little WoW forum searching from that day, and if the Mods haven't locked out all the threads entirely just read up on a little of what her fame got her. Rumor is she left the keyboard in tears due to the ridicule she faced afterwards, just like she walked out of Blizzcon after being trolled.
Google is strangely silent on all this

Go look up facts before you even think twice about calling out my truths.
I didn't even need to think once before the lie detector started beeping

Finding facts is hard when they don't exist - and not everyone is comfortbale with just making them up instead.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Go look up facts before you even think twice about calling out my truths.
"I know what I'm talking about, go look it up yourself."

Or you could actually support your position with said links in question rather than inviting people to do your work for you.

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Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
If you adventured outside of CoH and actually played with Felicia and her crew when ''the guild'' was at its utmost top popularity - when they did their special ''WoW Play through'' on the Official Beta Server--- you'd of seen just how horrid she really did play, how she did with a maxed out, maxed armored DPS and PROC but still managed to get the team f'd up by not listening to a word both her friends that knew the game, and the devs threw at her.
So she sucks at raids? Man, that makes me love her even more!

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Not necessarily, but that often seems to be the excuse for a lot of the stupid, over the top things said by celebrities and journalists. Some other things are just plain stupid through and through.
Indeed. I shouldn't have worded my post with absolute certainty, since I truly don't know with this case.
I'm not one who tends to diminish the potential ignorance and stupidity behind other people's actions/words.

Sadly, in a business that is (sadly) all about grabbing attention, it seems most likely. Fact is, anything and everything posted is an attempt to grab attention. And, unfortunately, the negative (and, often times, the most ridiculously cases of negativity) tend to get the most attention... As can be observed on these (and most any) internet forums... Never mind "news outlets" and the like.
With such a move, this guy may have gotten his name on radars that he never would have otherwise (you know... without writing something interesting and using thought and skill to garner attention/publicity/success).

/end mini rant

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I am beginning to think he is confusing Olivia Munn with Felicia Day. I could believe the stuff he said if it was about Olivia.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Wow. If people did the same to you on the forums they'd either be moderated for it or banned. I wonder why... it couldn't be because it's... hateful? wrong? rude?

Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Wait, you were serious?!
Of course! Internet hate is srs bsns. I don't get it, but it is. I don't particularly care for Angelina Jolie, but you don't see me trolling the internet about it or making up conspiracy theories to support my dislike. WAY too much effort... I'd rather just ignore celebrities I don't care for.

This hate is also more amusing (bemusing?) because Luli ends these statements with "love."

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
When I was in high school, my friends and I used to have people trying to kick the sh out of us every day because we played computer games. We were harassed constantly. When using the internet was a social stigma, we were the outcasts but we took our lumps and called ourselves geeks as a point of pride.

Now that gaming is "cool", when actors or rappers go on about how huge gamers they are for playing Halo a couple of times or having run a raid in WoW, I can understand real geeks and gamers who who cringe at that. Like I said before, most are as legitimate as Vanilla Ice's street cred.
Honestly, most geeks and gamers I know are not socially inept victims of Alpha Beta house.

Ok, there was that one class I almost failed because I was playing Ultima IV and didn't show up for a test, but I wouldn't call that socially inept. But I wasn't a social outcast, and my geek resume would fill a book.

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