This is my first atempt at a backgroud story so any positive or constructive reviews would be nice. oh and a cookie to the first one to spot the refrences to MAD and Buffy.
Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat- The origin of The Gauntlet Bearer
Part 1 Roommates from hell
Nock, Nock, anyone home? female voice chimed with the aforementioned nock.
Jess, is that you? a surprised male voice came from the living room.
Yeah. Just getting ready to go out?
Really? Where?
Party at Alpha Pi Theta. Listen. He said as he pushed the large button on his answering machine.
7:09 pm BEEP. He hey Xander, get your but over here. PAAARRRTY!!!! WOOOO!!!
7:11 pm BEEP. Xander this is Azuria from M.A.G.I. We need you to find a statue that was stolen from our vaults. Call me as soon as you can.
7:14 pm BEEP. Hi, its me again. We sorta lost a ring that will bring about Armageddon and we think the Hellions have it. Can you help?
7:19 pm BEEP. Sorry to call again but somehow The Coven stole a rare book of dark magick we confiscated from The Circle of Thorns could you help us out with that?
7:25 pm BEEP. Hey Xander, this is Azuria, I lost one of my contacts. Can you help me find it?
Honestly way didnt they just get that safe by Ronco? That would have made things a lot easier. Xander said in frustration.
Hey did I hear party? We are so there. Came a voice from the kitchen. Suddenly 4 imps carrying a keg and a 5th carrying a funnel came from the kitchen and each of them were chanting PARTY PARTY PARTY.
Hey Xander you should call Azuria, she sounds like she needs your help. One of the imps said.
Cinder-burn you always want to rush out whenever Azuria calls. What is she your girlfriend? said another imp.
No. Why
what have you heard? Cinder-burn said hastily with a hint of desperation in his voice.
Man you are so [censored].
If I like a girl Im [censored]? Do you know how dumb that sounds?
Yeah well do you know how your Mom sounds?
Flare-burn number one that doesnt make any sense and number 2 youre my brother so we have the same mother [censored]! Cinder-burn said as he slapped his dimwitted brother up side the head.
Xander had had enough of the bickering. You guys are like children. Plus youre going nowhere. You guys are doing my report for tomorrow.
Hey dont worry. We got someone on paper duty.
Heyidontmindithinkmesopoaminaagricultureisfunplu sivegotsomanyotherthingstodotonightthatimightaswe llstayhome. Came a voice from the computer room.
Im cutting of your caffeine supply before you vibrate out of existence. Xander said. As he said this one of the imps walkd beside Xander and said
Xand you really got to put your foot down on these hoodlums.
This coming for the guy who set the entire Engineering Faculty on fire in what has now been dubbed The Brownie Incident Xander said deadpanned.
Hey that reminds me, Ive got some special treats in the oven. Said Flare-burn.
You know you could get arrested for that you know? Jessica finally chimed in.
I dont think youve noticed but the police in this town are deeply stupid. Flare said.
Listen as long as my paper gets done and I dont have to bail youre a$$ out of jail again I dont care. Xander said as he and Jessica walked out of the door of his apartment.
So is it always that crazy? Jessica asked.
Yeah they are. Sorry about them. They just get worked up sometimes. Hell one time they got so high they thought they were Ompa Lompas. They even started singing. I got it all on tape so I can blackmail them next time they welsh on their part of the rent. Why dont we take the elevator? They have this thing with elevators. We can get some privacy there.
Ok. So what are their names?
Char-burn, Flare-burn, Cinder-burn, Blaze-burn, Spark-burn, and Juan Valdez in there is Ember-Burn.
Well it comes with the territory. Being a hero and all.
You know you never told me the whole story on how you became a hero. So spill. Jessica said.
Well I might as well you. You remember the dig I went on in Iraq 3 months ago?
***Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat = Road Whose Course Does Not Turn Back