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  1. I didn't even know this was here. Cool, thanks for the bump and hope it gets stickied. ^^

    Name: Davian Kolowski
    Alias: Davian Shade
    Age: 17

    Thread(s): Only thread she's in right now is the Necromonicon.

    Davian is approximately 5'3", fair skin and dark red hair. When donning her costume to go crimefighting, she is always seen in black tights, along with a billowing black cape and her pair of black gloves etched with eldritch runes to help channel her power. Along with her costume is simple black utility belt, carrying simple medical supplies and her cellphone.

    She is a very passive aggressive person, and will only attack if provoked. Possessing the ability to channel fire in various ways, she can be a force to reckon with when she is truly displeased. Yet, despite her darker emotions, Davian is a charismatic and energetic girl.

    Something you'll probably never know about Davian:
    She's a clone.

    As for my other characters... I'll get them down later.
  2. Growling, Lithanika charged into the middle of the chamber, dark metallic spines already sprouting along her body as she did so. Stopping abruptly, she eyed the soldiers around her with a malicious grin.

    "Come and get some," she said, laughing. Dodging their blows easily enough, Lithanika felt a surge of power flow through her. ((Build Up. )) Waiting until they were in close proximity of her, she left loose her pent up spines in a burst, impaling all who got near. The attack left her temporarily exhausted and vulnerable for damage.
  3. Carnacki sat in her chair quietly as Gabe went over the task force's details. She shifted slightly in her chair, irritated.

    Something was bugging her.

    It hovered just outside of her senses, but she couldn't pinpoint anything. That alone annoyed her greatly, as there were very few things that she couldn't derive from.

    Sighing, she slumped slightly, only to straighten up again as Gabe had finished explaining.

    "I am sorry to hear that your beloved has been kidnapped," Carnacki said, voice still no louder than a whisper, yet oddly able to project such a distance. "and I would gladly help to get her back. Your plan also sounds dangerous, which is a plus for me already."

    Looking down at herself, she ran her hands over her black robes, and shrugged. "I never relied on my costume to give me powers, and I would like a new change... So why not? Time for a makeover, I guess..."

    And with that, she tore off the sleeves of her robes, and unwrapped the bandage around her eyes.

    She was grateful that no one gasped at the sight.

    Her eyes were a dull grey, the signature colour of the cataracts that plagued them. And while there was a line of pale skin where the bandage had covered for so long, that was not the most shocking of details. There was a horizontal gash that went from the end of one eye, across the bridge of her nose, and ended at the end of the other. The cut was also a bloody red colour, which meant it was not a normal cut. Carnacki smiled sadly.

    "Although a pair of sunglasses would be nice..."
  4. Lithanika quietly observed the group that Steve had pointed out.

    "They don't look too dangerous. I could jump in first, and probably take out a few myself before you guys jump in." Her body sprouted with spines, and she grinned.

    "Your call, though."
  5. Following the others into the cave, Lithanika grinned in anticipation as Mayhem soldiers materialized. Feeling a rush of pleasure flow through her as metallic spines protruded from her skin. Breaking several off without a thought, she thrust them at the closest enemy closest to her, and charged in immediately afterwards.

    "A soldier of the Legacy," she murmured, ducking an incoming blow, "Knows no bounds. Feels no pain. Understands no fear."

    Leaping back to the others as the newcomer materialized, Lithanika flexed her body in a Practiced Brawler. "Friend or foe?"
  6. "As long as I get some action," Lithanika played with a spine in her hand, "A rescue mission is fine." Feeling the tug of the teleport working on her, she took a deep breath and accepted it, reappearing almost instantly next to her new teammates.

    Looking around, she wrinkled her nose. In her time, Paragon City had long been crushed under the heels of the Good Man, but she had still walked the ruins of the once powerful city, marveling its rich and devastating history. She kicked a stone beside her feet, and sniffed the air.

    It's quiet. I don't like it, she thought.

    "So, where are we going?" Lithanika asked.
  7. ((Sorry it took me a while to post. :P))

    Giving the old lab a quick glance over, Lithanika turned to the old woman as she had finished giving her the speech. Brushing a loose strand of hair back, she nodded.

    "My world was much like yours. Devastated by destruction, whilst I stood idly by and watched. Not again." She tightened her hands into fists.

    "Lithanika, exiled soldier of the Legacy, at your service."

    Edit: Fudge. I pressed enter by accident.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm currently reading Stephen King's Wolves of the Calla, and I noticed a certain Ex Libris a bit over halfway in the book.


    Why does the quote in her signature tell me not?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've read the entire series... how could I have missed that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    =P I nearly missed it myself, except that the name was bolded, hehe. Just jumped out at me, and I just had to point that out. ^^
  9. I'm currently reading Stephen King's Wolves of the Calla, and I noticed a certain Ex Libris a bit over halfway in the book.


    Why does the quote in her signature tell me not?
  10. Watching the others teleport away with the help of the strange device, Lithanika stared at hers for a while. She even sniffed it.

    "Oh, what the hell? This place is a dump anyways..."

    And she pressed down on the device.
  11. With a distressing crack, Lithanika stretched and let the spines retract back into her body.

    She followed Obsidian Arrow silently.

    ((That's a lot to digest. I'm kinda lost as to who's there.))
  12. "What the-" Lithanika commented as she felt herself getting lighter. Looking at Windsong, her eyes widened. What was this poor girl doing? Could she possibly be that foolish and-

    "No!" Lithanika's anguished cry could be heard as she was pushed away. Growling, she planted her stilettos into the ground, ignoring the heat friction created, struggling against whatever force was repelling her.

    "I'm a Soldier of the Legacy." She grunted to herself, as she resisted the Windsong's push. "I do not give up!"

    However, as soon as the force had been applied, it vanished, leaving the Scrapper in the midst of two others. Giving them the eye, she said harshly, "So. Why did you two just abandon that poor girl back there?" Her body coated itself in grey spines, and she looked quite menacing.
  13. Cool, didn't know that still works. I've been told several times by friends that pulling him to the boat doesn't do anything, which is why whenever I do a STF, we always take down the towers anyways.
  14. Whatever intent Kommandant Thule had with his drawn Crey Pistol, he would've no doubt found it suddenly skewered with a strange... Spine? If the man found any intentions to move, he would've suddenly found several larger spines skewered in front of him and another few behind.

    A small chuckle came from above as the hidden figure jumped down to engage herself in the battle.

    At first glance, the figure could've been identified as either sex, that is, until she shed away the black cloak that had hidden her form. Revealing herself to be an extremely lithe and slender female, it became obvious that she was the source of the strange non-organic spines that had first assaulted Thule. Laughing as she dodged the incoming blows easily, she released more waves of spines into the soldiers, and even nailed one at Marshal Brass, although the amount of damage she inflicted upon him seemed to be minor enough.

    The young woman, turning to Windsong, took out a strange device and pointed it at her. The green beam that shot out would momentarily relieve the heroine from further hindering status'.

    "There ya go. No need to thank me. Just go tell your friends that Lithanika Legacy will be hot on your heels after-" Lithanika turned back to the Mayhem soldiers. "-I deal with these guys."

    ((Hope there aren't any inconsistencies. =P))
  15. Cool guide, but I thought they fixed LR's distance buffing, meaning shouldn't he still have it when he's at the boat?
  16. Indeed, I've really enjoyed this, Bill. Awesome guide, and I recommend it for anyone interested in starting their long journey down PvP lane.

    I especially loved how you said Arena PvP is a different animal entirely. Too true.
  17. Carnacki smiled, sensing the joking and kind tones behind each of their voices. She shifted slightly, her honed mental senses reaching out towards her surroundings, droning out and ignoring the bustling activity within Freedom Corps.

    She tasted the danger in the air, and made a face.

    They weren't in danger yet, but it lurked out there, hidden in the shadows like the childhood monsters she had feared in the night.

    Despite her obvious handicap, Carnacki could still make her way around Paragon City with almost the exact same ease as she did when she could still see. Possessing photographic memory, she loved exploring the city when she was a rising heroine up until the incident...

    Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't sense the couple heading towards Freedom Corps, their signatures blazing brightly in her mind. Good,she thought, we're going to need more help.

    Relaxing her honed senses, she turned to the others once more. "We've more help along the way, and we should wait until they get here. Maybe then we can become more acquinted with each other, yeah?"
  18. A, because I wuboo. And because post-apocalytic worlds are neato.
  19. There's a Crey facility in Eden, in the section known as the Utopia Complex. There's also another Crey factory in the depths of the Hive.

    There's more to the story than that, as Crey has a major part in the reason why the DE are so adamant in destroying the human race, but I can't quite remember why.
  20. ((Oops. Last post put me in Atlas. Let's just pretend I'm in Galaxy, shall we?))

    Carnacki sniffed a little as she materialized in front of the Freedom Corps building. Looking up, although not actually seeing anything, she could sense the enormality of the building, and could sense the people shifting their way around her, either in partial fear or respect of the blind heroine. She walked up the steps slowly.

    Opening the door, she stepped inside. Carnacki could sense more people walking around, but none seemed to give her any awkward stares. Picking up on the mental signatures of the people around her, she sifted through them quickly, looking for the man in charge of initiating the task force. Striding up towards the other heroes she had sensed with the intent of embarking on the dangerous mission, Carnacki smiled.

    "Hello," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper, "The name's Blind Carnacki, but you can call me Sheryl. Pleased to meet all of you..."
  21. Moar plz.

    *sits down with popcorn*
  22. ((Hi! Don't mind me jumping in.))

    Taking a deep breath, Carnacki released her tense muscles. A rush of warmth and the need for a much needed massage filled her immediately afterwards, and she turned her face towards the sky, feeling the sunlight. She felt movement beside her, and could sense the young woman she had just saved bowing frantically to her.

    "Thank you so much! I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't-"

    Carnacki brushed the woman's hand off her shoulder. Shrugging, she gave a gentle smile in her direction. "It's quite all right," Carnacki said, "I'm just doing my job."

    "Oh, okay." The woman said. "Say, are you really-"


    "What happened? Like, I know the newspapers have interviewed you and all, and it's a touchy subject, but I'm so curious!" Carnacki could feel the girl pointing at her face, and she frowned. She ran her own fingers over her face, and felt the black cloth that was bound around her eyes.

    "It's a long story." Carnacki said. She could feel the younger woman's yearning curiousity. Stretching her senses a bit further, she could hear the woman reach into her purse and take out something... A notepad? Was she a reporter? A lick and a flip of a page confirmed it. Carnacki sighed inwardly.

    What makes you think I'll tell you when I've turned down over half a dozen others, all from more major papers? She thought angrily.

    The reporter, unaware of Carnacki's thoughts, clicked her pen and asked, "Long stories are my favourites. So, how old were you when you went blind...?"

    Sighing, Carnacki hoped something, someone, or anything would save her. And, as if on cue, her honed senses immediately picked up a mental broadcasting. Tuning out the still talking woman, she turned away, trying to pinpoint the source of the broadcast...

    To every available hero out there, the city is in dire need of your help. There has been a kidnapping of one of our own and along with the captured is an object of immense powers. The assembly of a task force is underway, restricted except for the higher security level heroes. Report to Atlas City Hall ASAP... To every available hero out there, this city-. Carnacki's senses returned to normal as she realized it was a mental recording. Smiling, she turned to the reporter and said, "Gotta go." Ignoring the girl's protests, she teleported herself away, envisioning City Hall in her mind.
  23. ((Oh. I feel nervous posting here... As if I don't belong. Meep!))

    Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

    Destiny Rewritten winced as her footsteps echoed audibly in the silence. A loud crack could be heard in the distance. Pausing momentarily to reassure herself she had not been seen, she continued to walk, concentrating her powers to bend the light around her further still, cloaking herself to even the most perceptive enemies. Staying close to the shadows, she kept her eyes fixed ahead, hardly acknowledging the dilapidated surroundings of Boomtown as she neared her destination.

    Approaching her destination, a place in the far reaches of the hazard zone known only as the Pit of Despair, Destiny couldn't help but shiver, feeling not only the freezing temperatures that came with nightfall, but the spirits that remained trapped in the area, their deaths in terrible agony... Shaking her head to clear off the negative thoughts, she approached the door ahead slowly, all of her senses fully awake. She grabbed hold of the doorknob, and turned.

    It didn't budge at all. Raising her eyebrow, she twisted the other way. Still nothing. Behind her, she could hear a faint fluttering noise.

    "Weird... This is the place." She knocked on the door, then retracted her hand instantly. "Geez, nice move, Kylie. Just let them know you're here, why don'tcha?" She muttered under her breath.

    "Yes, why don't you let them know you're here?" A smooth, cultured voice behind her spoke. Destiny spun around, startled. The moon had momentarily passed behind clouds, and her eyes, straining against the dark backdrop of the sky, eventually made out of the outline of a crouched figure above, barely visible save two faintly glowing eyes. The two examined each other, one hidden in shadows and the other hidden with invisibilty.

    Destiny opened her mouth to speak, but found herself interrupted as the other figure leapt down from the wall, landing gracefully in front of her. Light illuminated them both once more as the clouds overhead parted, and with that, she could see exactly who this stranger was.

    It was like looking in a mirror. Destiny gasped.

    The stranger was an exact copy of her, down to the X-shaped scar above her right brow. Long raven hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, with a few rebellious strands hanging limply in front of a youthful, elegant face. Brown eyes stared into hers with an intensity that bordered madness. And to top if off, they even wore the same spandex costume, billowing black cape in similar fashion as well. Kylie dropped her invisibility as the other stepped closer, forcing her to step back.

    "Who are you?" Destiny murmured, as she felt her back hit the wall behind her. The other remained silent, still watching her. Analyzing her.

    "You." The other breathed. "Kylie..."

    Destiny, although shocked, nodded slowly. As strange as the situation was, she kept her calm. Having been in the hero business for years, she had encountered many a magical beings, friends and foe alike. This being in front of her now, could just be another one. Destiny let out of a long sigh and watched with curiousity as the other tilted its head, still watching her every move.

    "Listen, this is going to sound weird, but there's only one of me. So, whatever you are, maybe you should stop goofing around and-"

    "My name is Destiny Deceived. I'm going to kill you." The other spoke. Destiny froze. A large grin broke over Deceived's face.

    "And I'm going to enjoy it."