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  1. BackTrack

    issue 16 info

    $20 says the new animations for MA are simply a mixed bag of copy/pasted melee sets.
  2. BackTrack

    issue 16 info

    Getting Broadsword isn't what I would call getting shafted
  3. /signed

    now send this to the devs! (and post it in the suggestions forum :P )
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    After thinking and looking more closely... shouldn't we call the enhancements Posi-O's? The description says that Positron created the synthetic enhancements...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure it's been mentioned before... but "Posi-O's" sounds like a brand of cereal.

    Next thing you know, you'll see Lord Recluse on the box offering a shiny new toy with proof of purchase... I want my glow in the dark Statesman super-decoder ring, dammit