Corruptor Guides and FAQ's
StewartB's Dark/Kin Corruptor Guide for I6
Trade_Wind's A Quick Guide to the Sonics/Kinetics Corruptor
FAQ: R U H34lar? by the indefatigable TheMightyScourge
North Star's Guide to the Ice-Cold Corrupter
KingSnake's Guide/Overview of the Fire/Thermal Corruptor.
I wrote this up one slow day at work. Hope it helps someone.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Here's mine... The "Soulforge" build (Rad/Therm):
Ok, I only have one problem with this..... NO ONE HAS A SONIC/THERMAL CORRUPTER!!!!! Whats wrong with Sonic? I havent had a problem with it..... Yea sure the Fire and others look cool but Sonic is fun too... Please someone other than me give this combo some props too...Please?
Your only as good as you want to be....... and baby....... I'm bad!
There's a surprising lack of corruptor guides, relative to other classes. Why is that?
Here is a guide to the making the ultimate 3-6 man corruptor team, utilizing Radiation Emission as the secondary set for every player in the team:
Making the ultimate 3-6 man Corruptor team, using Radiation Emission
There's a surprising lack of corruptor guides, relative to other classes. Why is that?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everyone's playing Masterminds or Thermal Corruptors, I'd wager.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
And I find that sad. At this rate I'll probably have enough to write my own guide before an AR/Traps guide goes up. And seeing how I just rolled my first corruptor this morning...
I created a Build Guide for Energy/Dark Corrupters. Just wanted to let you all know it's up there and ready for your approval/disapproval.
The Ultimate Nuking & Support Corrupter: Energy/Dark
Use it in Good Health!
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
What about a Ice/Kin? No one use one or are they sorry?
There's a surprising lack of corruptor guides, relative to other classes. Why is that?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everyone's playing Masterminds or Thermal Corruptors, I'd wager.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I think that there aren't many corruptor guides because you can get most of the information you're looking for in defender or blaster guides. (Although I'd agree that a corruptor plays rather differently.)
-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!
This is a link to my Sonic/Dark Corrupter guide:
Fire/ gorram Corruptor in the Isles. :-)
Fire/Dark Corruptors: Do You Debuff?
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Well, I am fairly new to the game (never played Heroes), and have played around with a about four or five villians. One of these is a Corrupter and I haven't seen anything on this particular build, so I may try and write my first guide and am taking notes on what I am finding. My Corrupter is a Dark Blaster/Dark Miasma. His origin comes from Magic. Some may call me an idiot, I don't know, but it is working out for me so far.
Major damage dealer and is able to keep himself healed through the fight. At under level 10, I can already take down two orange mobs and a possible one or even two yellows or whites thrown in for good measure.
To take on 2 orange and 2 yellow, I usually have to have some help from healing or endurance enhancements to get through though. Depends on whether my main opening attack hits or not. Working on putting the proper slots and buffs in my slots to be able to hit every time.
So, if all works out and no one else writes up a guide to the D/D Corrupter, then maybe I will give it a shot.
Happy hunting!
Well, I have a dark/dark corr that I have upto lvl 33 now. If you want to discuss anything for making your guide give me a shout.
Since no one else would do the work for me *pout* here's a Rad/Rad Guide. YMMV.
Artillery MKV's Quick Start Rad/Rad Corruptor Guide
Here is an Ice/Dark that I did a while back that could be added
I was borded at work today...
Kinetics & You.
Hope you like it, and hope it helps someone.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Finally finished my quite extensive Ice/Rad Corruptor Guide.
Find the X/Rad Corruptor Team Guid here.
Updated September 3, 2009
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was Camo_Fire
Links updated for new forums by Maynia
This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Corruptors. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Corruptor guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides.
If you wish to submit a Corruptor guide to the list, please place the link in this thread. We cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in this "Corruptor Guides" thread!
Defender's Guide to Guides
Controller's Guide to Guides
So you want to be a Corruptor? (a guide) (Nemo_Utopia) [I6]
PuG Exile? or Indy's Awesome AR/Storm Guide!? (IndustrialRM) [I12]
Soldier of Fortune - An AR/Traps Corruptor Guide (Rubber_Dog) [I6]
Dark/Thermal – LKD (I11 Build) (Laurkaeil) [I11]
The Cold, Dark Night- a Dark/Cold Corruptor Guide(Fixit) [I7]
Guide to the Dark/Dark Corruptor (Blastblaze) [I6]
The Utimate Nuker & Support Corrupter: Energy/Dark (BlackAmaranth) [I6]
Blast and Burn: A Guide to Fire/Traps Corruptors (Teeth) [I12]
Playing with Fire: Fire/Thermal (SieKensou) [I10]
Ian's guide to an awesome Fire/Rad corruptor (milk_weasel) [I9]
Fire Blast/Thermal Radiation Corrupter Guide (Delirious) [I6]
Overview of the Fire/Thermal Corruptor (KingSnake) [I6]
Fire/Dark Corruptor: Do you Debuff? (AuroraGirl) [I6]
Guide to BURN! (Fire/Dark Corruptors) (Suichiro) [I6]
UPDATED Ice/Kin Guide (AWRocketman) [I12]
Serps’ Awesome Guide to Ice/Cold Corruptors Rawr!! (Serps) [I9]
North Star's Guide to the Ice-Cold Corrupter (Truth) [I7]
Wintervoid's Ice/Dark Corruptor Guide (Wintervoid) [I6]
Ice/Rad Corruptors (_War_) [I6]
Ice/Kinetics Corrupter Guide - Search for Synergy (AWRocketman) [I6]
Rad/Rad Corruptors Guide (Issue 12) (Crime_of_Fashion) [I12]
Radiation/Kinetics Guide (Ithryn_Incarnate) [I11]
Radiation/Kinetics Corruptor v1 (Ledneh_) [I7]
Rad/Thermal Corruptor, the Soulforge build… (Wiggz) [I6]
Quick Start Guide to the Rad/Rad Corruptor (Artillery_MKV) [I6]
Banshee Bride’s guide to a Sonic/Dark Corrupter (Piepgrass) [I8]
Guide to the Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor! (Starfire_One) [I7]
Khrone's Guide to the Sonic/Rad Corruptor (Khrone) [I7]
A Quick Guide to the Sonics/Kinetics Corruptor (Trade_Wind) [I6]
Guide to Cold Dominating (Turbo_Ski) [I12]
Serps’ Awesome Guide to Ice/Cold Corruptors Rawr!! (Serps) [I9]
The Cold, Dark Night- a Dark/Cold Corruptor Guide(Fixit) [I7]
North Star's Guide to the Ice-Cold Corrupter (Truth) [I7]
Banshee Bride’s guide to a Sonic/Dark Corrupter (Piepgrass) [I8]
The Utimate Nuker & Support Corrupter: Energy/Dark (BlackAmaranth) [I6]
Fire/Dark Corruptor: Do you Debuff? (AuroraGirl) [I6]
Wintervoid's Ice/Dark Corruptor Guide (Wintervoid) [I6]
Guide to the Dark/Dark Corruptor (Blastblaze)
Guide to BURN! (Fire/Dark Corruptors) (Suichiro) [I6]
UPDATED Ice/Kin Guide (AWRocketman) [I12]
Radiation/Kinetics Guide (Ithryn_Incarnate) [I11]
Guide to the Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor! (Starfire_One) [I7]
Radiation/Kinetics Corruptor v1 (Ledneh_) [I7]
A Quick Guide to the Sonics/Kinetics Corruptor (Trade_Wind) [I6]
The Kinetic Secondary & You (KingSnake) [I6]
Ice/Kinetics Corrupter Guide - Search for Synergy (AWRocketman) [I6]
Rad/Rad Corruptors Guide (Issue 12) (Crime_of_Fashion) [I12]
Ian's guide to an awesome Fire/Rad corruptor (milk_weasel) [I9]
Khrone's Guide to the Sonic/Rad Corruptor (Khrone) [I7]
The ultimate 3-6 man team with /Rad corruptors (ChuckNorris) [I6]
Quick Start Guide to the Rad/Rad Corruptor (Artillery_MKV) [I6]
Ice/Rad Corruptors (_War_) [I6]
X/Rad Corruptor Team Guide (stageIII) [I6]
/Sonic Corruptor Guide (Redux32) [I13]
A Guide to Sonic Resonance for Corruptors (Patient42) [I10]
Guide to a /Sonic Corruptor (Oiler) [I6]
Dark/Thermal – LKD (I11 Build) (Laurkaeil) [I11]
Playing with Fire: Fire/Thermal (SieKensou) [I10]
Fire Blast/Thermal Radiation Corrupter Guide (Delirious) [I6]
Overview of the Fire/Thermal Corruptor (KingSnake) [I6]
Rad/Thermal Corruptor, the Soulforge build… (Wiggz) [I6]
Bulletproof Trapper (Guide to Traps) (_ilr_) [I12] **OFFSITE LINK**
Blast and Burn: A Guide to Fire/Traps Corruptors (Teeth) [I12]
Not Just a Load of Ol' Traps! (KarmaKollapse) [I8]
Soldier of Fortune - An AR/Traps Corruptor Guide (Rubber_Dog) [I6]