Enemy Resistances - Damage and Mez




The Download: http://www.culex.us/ig/coh/CHres.xls

For over two and a half years I've worked on this project, mostly solo. To keep this short, this spreadsheet will detail all of the damage resistances, defenses, and mez resistances of all enemies in the game. Getting all of the data is a bit of a chore, but as of now, most of the information is present.

The list is a very large spreadsheet. It is fully compatible with Microsoft Excel and the latest Open Office (www.openoffice.org). I can only presume it also works in Star Office (www.staroffice.com). It has keys denoting any abbreviations, and is color-coded. Please note that there are many comment boxes scattered throughout, which either explain the data in the boxes they are attached to, or give alternate data in the case of resistance/defensive armors or strange glitches, or even buffs to allies. You can see these by mousing over any box with a small red triangle in its upper-right corner. (As well, at least in Excel, there are comments in the overlay panels. These can only be read if you are scrolled to the top of the sheet. Weird.) There is one sheet for damage resistances, and one sheet for mez resistances. I am by no means a spreadsheet guru, and have presented the information as well as I can.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here in the thread, or contact @Culex in-game. Fixes to erroneous information I was not aware of are highly appreciated.

Latest Update - June 17 2008

Factions Added: Cimeroran Traitors, Container, Midnight Squad, Necromancy, Peacebringers

Enemies Added: 5th Column, Council Empire, Equipment, Generic Heroes, Hellions, Knives of Artemis, Minions of Igneous, Outcasts, Praetorians, Rikti, Rogue Arachnos, Rogue Robots, Skulls, Sky Raiders, Spectral Pirates, The Lost, Trolls, Warriors

Data Updated: 5th Column, Arachnos, Banished Pantheon, Bank, Circle of Thorns, Council, Council Empire, Coven, Family, Fire, Generic Heroes, Gold Brickers, Hellions, Independent, Infected, Knives of Artemis, Lanaruu, Legacy Chain, Luddites, Malta Operatives, Meteors, Minions of Igneous, Octopus, Outcasts, Paragon Police, Peacebringers, Practice Robots, Praetorians, Relic, Rikti, Rogue Arachnos, Rogue Island Police, Rogue Robots, Security Guards, Shadow Shard Reflections, Skulls, Sky Raiders, Slag Golems, Snakes, Spetsnaz Commandos, Spirits, Soldiers of Rularuu, The Lost, Trolls, Tsoo, Tuatha de Dannon, Turrets, Unseelie Court, Vahzilok, Vampire, Vanguard Sword, Vindicators, W.I.S.D.O.M., Wailers, Warriors, Werewolf, Werewolves, Winter Horde, Wyvern, Zombies

Data Requested:
-<Rogue Isles Villains> Miss Thystle is a Spines Stalker or Plant Dominator?
-Any blank cells!

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Wow! Very nice done. I appreciate that kind of work, I think I haven't seen a post about this before. Great!
Negative One



Very useful information - thanks a lot!

Particularly pleased to see such a comprehensive breakdown of mez resistances too, although it looks like you've gone for listing it all as 'the level of Mez required to affect them' rather than their actual Mez protection level. For example most bosses have Mag -3 protection to statuses and need to be taken to above 0 to actually affect them (i.e. Mag 4 or greater needs to be stacked on them). Relatively minor thing though, just that it could lead to confusion if people are expecting the Mag resistances to be in the "official" format.

Fantastic work though - if I find any of the info you are missing I'll be sure to pass it on.



Glad to see that you've released this after working on it for so long. Bravo!



_Brev_, I put a little comment-explanation box on the box that says "Mez" on the Mez page explaning that I put down how much mag you need to mez them, not their protection, since it was easier for me actually when trying to figure out the levels on some of these suckers, through combinations of mezzes and Dominationed mezzes. (Blah I hate Fortunatas.)

And certainly if you can, send in info, I don't really want to run all the TFs over again on each of a handful of characters just to get every damage type if other people can save me the time when they run it legitimately. Like Sarah Moore's TF. Ugh.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Ah oops, my bad - I missed that bit. Sorry!



Simply awesome. Well done.

And I never knew office equipment took extra damage from Psy. How odd.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



A bit over a week, a fairly small but needed update.

Fixed a bunch on the Mez page. A bunch. The AV magnitudes were in the wrong state; now they refer to triangles-up, and the very top row's Mez cell has a comment box explaining them. Plenty of other notes are added too, for things that go, "oh no you mezzed us haha psych I hurt you now."

Objects that explode are demarcated, along with those permanently Immobilized. I am guaranteed to have noted some as exploders that aren't, as you normally see one mission with each. I can't really rely on more than very bad memory. If you know some don't explode, let me know.

Many City of Villains mezzes are missing because between Kerzak and I, we have hardly any non-Hold mezzes so they're a pain to get.

Fixed an error with Malta robots who take 0.3 more Energy damage than I thought, oops.

Added a few more exploding-box-type enemies and a new Longbow boss I didn't think was real.

Location of the new version is the same as it was before, http://www.culex.us/ig/CHres.xls

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Thanks for putting this together. I now realize how widely resisted smashing/lethal is



I'm a little confused. Your note on damage says it's a multiplier, so a smashing value of .7 means they are 30% resistant (e.g. I hit him for 10 points of damage, he takes 7). The Banished Pantheon Totem is vulnerable to Psionic and very vulnerable to Smashing, but you list the damage as .8 and .7, respectively. I would have expected the values to both be greater than one. If I'm wrong in my interpretation, please let me know. Nice job, also!

7+ year vet with too many alts to list...



The Banished Pantheon Totem is vulnerable to Psionic and very vulnerable to Smashing, but you list the damage as .8 and .7, respectively. I would have expected the values to both be greater than one. If I'm wrong in my interpretation, please let me know. Nice job, also!

[/ QUOTE ]

You may want to double check, Feint_of_Heart. His numbers match my numbers (see my sig) pretty much across the board for all Banished Pantheon (except for lethal vs. Adamastor, off to find the big zombie to double check ). Totems take less damage from smashing and psi. Spirit masks are vulnerable to psi, but none of the BP are vulnerable to smashing.

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I'll go and check it out later. My Stone/Mace tank always had fun with Totems since they experienced more agony from my smashing attacks. Odd...I'll post my findings soonest!

EDIT - Ok, I found some BP who needed to be arrested. You were absolutely correct. I unleashed a barrage of smashing mace attacks and found that Totems were exactly .7 (or 70%) to that of Husks, etc. which you both show as 1.0. I went back and reviewed my old and "new" Prima books, which show Totems being vulnerable to smashing and psi. I guess I never checked the numbers and, sadly, relied on some 3rd party text. I will say that Jawbreaker was 100% reliable in Knockup on the Totems (though they were below my level...so that probably biases everything). Thank you both for setting me straight!

7+ year vet with too many alts to list...



Um, I'm actually not a "him." Just throwin' that out there.

Giant Monsters are a pain to test. I THINK if you are lower level than they (they are equivalent to the maximum level enemy that spawns in a zone, like Lusca is 29 or 30, I think), then you do exactly the amount of damage you would to a regular old enemy your own level with the same resistances. So if anyone was actually bored enough, and had a few types of damage, and could run around on Test (to avoid debt and to find the things) as a low level character to figure out Giant Monster resistances, that'd be gerat. If that works, of course. Can anyone verify at least?

That's how I got Adamastor's, at least. He was naturally neutral to Smashing, just like the regular ones, so a Psi/Smash combo attack showed his Psi resistance. Lethal matched up too, and those all matched the Arch-villain version so I just figured that, you know, it'd be the same between them both, then. Might have been a fluke, though?

For Totems, and quite a few other enemies/enemy power descriptions as seen with Info and through the database on Red Tomax's site, they aren't right compared to reality. Sure, many enemies have Frozen Armor, but each enemy that has it has a different form of it, like Hellfrosts compared to Hordelings. Hordelings go from 100% Toxic damage to 90% Toxic damage when it's on, but Hellfrosts go from 100% to 80%. It is awful and means I have to do a ton more testing than I ought to need to do.

But don't feel afraid to point out potential errors, please If you can check them yourself, that's great, but I can usually do so if it's not a unique enemy. I certainly am not immune to making typographical errors or anything; I've made a ton already but hopefully fixed most of them before this hit the first release stage. Sometimes enemies change depending on their level, like the hateful Fortunatas, and I may have picked the wrong level to test.

I am hoping to have at least some of the resistance levels for the Mayhem Mission objects on the next release this week. Several folk I know have reported that they are suspicious that some boxes have odd resistances compared to say, barrels or whatever. Not sure if that was due to each item having a different innate level, though, making the numbers look funky. I'll see. (Or any reader can if they are bored and motivated enough by comparing to a neutral guy of the same level of the object. Save me time, get noted in the spreadsheet, too, oh boy.)

Also, a small note: My Knock column is...as close as I can get to reality. Different powers have different magnitudes (or an equivalent thereof) of Knock. Focus, for example, won't Knock things about nearly as readily as Force Bolt will. I am not sure how, if at all, I can get this more accurate. I guess I assume an "average Knock" power, not Force Bolt or Telekinetic Thrust or the like. I take comfort in that it is probably a non-important column for most builds, and it will do for now at least.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
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Um, I'm actually not a "him." Just throwin' that out there.

[/ QUOTE ]

My apologies then

Giant Monsters are a pain to test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, they're pretty easy, once you figure out the math involved. Very much a spreadsheet thing.

I THINK if you are lower level than they, then you do exactly the amount of damage you would to a regular old enemy your own level with the same resistances.

[/ QUOTE ]

I figured it out once how it worked if you were lower level than the giant monster, but forgot, since most of my testing was done with my level 50's, respected on test to cover as many damage types as possible.

Giant monsters do have actual levels. The Paladin is level 9, Kraken is 14, Babbage is 19, Lusca is 25, Adamastor is 29, Jurassik is 39, and Eochai and Jack in Irons vary from 29-32. You can see the level by doing a /info on them.

If you are higher level than them, you will do damage to them as if you were the same level as them. Basically, as if you exemped to their level, but without the reduction in enhancement power that exemping brings. They, on the other hand, will do damage as if they had been sk'ed up to your level. Which is why, IMO, it's always a bad idea to SK in a giant monster fight, unless you need level protection against the minions that might be in the area, or to increase your heal power. If you're a level 1 tank sk'ed up to level 49, you don't have the defenses to deal with the amount of damage. I finally figured this out when my level 50 scrapper kept getting killed by Lusca, but my level 14 blaster could take multiple hits.

iakona's Power Data Standardization/Brawl Index Replacement thread was critical in figuring this out (now replaced by Power Data Standardization v2.0 (Issue 7)), plus the luck of having one of my alts in Independence Port to fight Lusca just at the right time (i.e. level 25). Be warned, those threads are very heavy with math and the first thread is a wall of numbers. If you work through the equations, you can set up a spread sheet in which all you need to do is input the proper numbers, and it'll figure out the correct resistance, regardless of what level you are or are exemped to.

So if anyone was actually bored enough, and had a few types of damage, and could run around on Test (to avoid debt and to find the things) as a low level character to figure out Giant Monster resistances, that'd be gerat. If that works, of course. Can anyone verify at least?

[/ QUOTE ]

Been there, done that . I believe I have the numbers for all the GMs in the last link of my sig. (Fixed up Adamastor, you had the correct number.) Sally, even though she's shows as a monster class, seems act as a GM regarding attacks. Not that it matters much .

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StarGeek, may I add in your Giant Monster information to my sheet, with credit to you (of course)? I trust your numbers at least, and don't see a need for checking them all out just to re-verify.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Most certainly. It's out there to be of use to anyone who can use it. I'll certainly be checking over what you have in order to see what's different .

Eventually, I plan on adding this stuff into the Paragon Wiki, but that's further down the road.

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Wow, this is amazing. Thanks for doing this.

As a quick, dirty, and unscientific roundup I averaged all the damage types at the bottom of the lists. IIRC Toxic and lethal averaged 0.92, smashing and psi averaged 0.94, and the rest 0.97. It is odd that lethal is more resisted than smashing. It is also suprising that toxic tops the resisted chart, and psi is tied for third with smash. That is all unexpected.

Princess Grace - MA/Inv scrapper
Solana - Mind/Energy dominator
Lyonette - Kat/SR scrapper



Wow, this is amazing. Thanks for doing this.

As a quick, dirty, and unscientific roundup I averaged all the damage types at the bottom of the lists. IIRC Toxic and lethal averaged 0.92, smashing and psi averaged 0.94, and the rest 0.97. It is odd that lethal is more resisted than smashing. It is also suprising that toxic tops the resisted chart, and psi is tied for third with smash. That is all unexpected.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did the same. ... broke it down by minion/lt/boss, even.

However, remember that that's not a weighted average by frequency of appearance.

It'd be interesting if we could get some estimates on "average spawn" type setups.

If I quote #'s, they're from City of Data.
Global: @Kazari

It was either Taunt or Purple Triangles of Doom. I stand by my decision!



Remember: If you want to do damage analyses, remove all Object type spawns and preferably the Pets and Bosses that are actually Objects. Those are heavily weighted towards Psi damage. When you remove those, since those don't matter in actual gameplay, then Psi damage is very, very resisted (combed with very slow recharging, heavy end costing, low damage attacks, unlike Lethal). I would also recommend excluding all enemies that I do not have all damage tabulated for, in case among those there is a preponderance of a single damage type.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Just for fun, I worked out the averages on every column. It's a bit stilted, as people care more about Minion resists than a specific, one-time AV resist, but I still think it gives an overall picture.

Smashing: .94
Lethal: .92
Fire: .97
Cold: .97
Energy: .97
Neg Energy: .97
Psi: .94
Tox: .92

The common line about Psi being "the least resisted" is wrong, but alot of people knew that. I AM surprised to see that Lethal is MORE resisted than Smashing. Must be all those robots. And I'm surprised to see how resisted Toxic damage is.

That Fire/Cold/Energy/Neg Energy equal out surprises me a little as well. I assumed energy and neg energy would be less resisted, but they all look pretty equally viable to me.

Note that this analysis is straight, including doors and objects and such.



Another week, another release of the latest things, same URL as always. Nothing major. Handful of GMs from StarGeek's page, some other errors corrected (I don't know how I messed up the Minions of Igneous so much, half the damage types I had were .25 higher than they should be). All Mayhem objects are included (they are weird individually but all follow the +.25-damage-for-Psi-type archetype other Objects normally have. May not be a sizeable update for a time, as there is little damage I can test on the Hero side left other than a few shielded things, and for Villains I don't have many actually high level damagers that can safely find numbers on various unique enemies. Enjoy.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Not having any characters in unique-enemy-fight-range makes it tough.

I am doubting the resistance numbers of Jack-in-Irons and Eochai right now, but I am not good enough with the formula thing to figure it out. (And I am not positive that Jack has no -Resistance power as I try to avoid being hit by him.) I'll have to convince a friend to help out.

Next update will have the Halloween guys put in, 'cause I forgot a lot of their names and am not positive they share resistances. Bah, I removed them before release figuring I'd never see them again. Oh well.

Currently working on getting a CoV Dominator up in level to check out some mez rates, along with getting some multi-damage-type Villains up in general to the 40+ range to see all the uniques again.

Anyway, fixed some naming (oops, it's Family, not The Family), decided to start putting in the Mayhem Key Bosses as they have silly names, and a few random fixes to exploding things, unique resistances, etc.

Lastly, watch out for the Arachnos Cruise Missiles. Higher defense than an Advanced Rikti Drone, and much explodey power. And they don't like you.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
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This just makes the math geek in me all tingly!

I'll throw out this suggestion for anyone who wants a recap. Select one of the cells and go to Data|Subtotals. Configure the screen as follows:
At each change in: Faction
Use function: Average
Add subtotal to: Damage, (Column E), (Column F), ..., (Column K)

This can give you a run down of which damage types are useful against factions. This is not perfect. You can see a lot of deviance in some (such as the Circle of Thorns), which will screw up your average. I didn't check all the factions, but one anomaly can screw up your average (such as Fire in the Hellion faction).

It's a convenient glance at factions as a whole, though the details will really help out the players.

And by doing the Subtotals, I saw that there is a RedCaps and a Red Caps faction. So, that is useful in its own right.




I am doubting the resistance numbers of Jack-in-Irons and Eochai right now, but I am not good enough with the formula thing to figure it out. (And I am not positive that Jack has no -Resistance power as I try to avoid being hit by him.) I'll have to convince a friend to help out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack's Howling Skull power has -resists, so you have to make sure not to get Eochai numbers while he's fighting Jack. That threw off my numbers for a while . Also, you have to check their levels, both of them have a range of levels (29-32, I believe), so each fight you'll do slightly different numbers unless you get lucky. If you can get someone to exemp you to their level, you can get some comparison data.

Next update will have the Halloween guys put in, 'cause I forgot a lot of their names and am not positive they share resistances. Bah, I removed them before release figuring I'd never see them again. Oh well.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can find a few names (not many ) at the Wiki.

A couple of corrections. Both the Hellion fires and Sally work under the giant monster code, which means you'll do damage as if you were the same level as they are (if you are higher) or as if they were one level lower than you (if you are lower). You can test this by using a Crey pistol on fire (you'll do the 4.5 damage no matter what level) or a temp power, such as the EMP Glove from Siren's Call on Sally (though you have to watch levels with her). By my calculations, Sally takes 100% damage from the main Seven (don't have anything toxic to test with) and fires take 100% damage from cold.

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And by doing the Subtotals, I saw that there is a RedCaps and a Red Caps faction. So, that is useful in its own right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, yes, forgot about that. RedCaps were in the Snaptooth mission, renamed so villains couldn't easily get the Cap Buster Badge.

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