Enemy Resistances - Damage and Mez




Yeah, RedCaps v. Red Caps was intentional. I'm not that doofy.

I'm rather ambivalent whether a unique-name-but-non-unique-powers-or-look enemy gets in along with its standard form or not, like Knives of Artemis Boss v. whatever the normal name is...I HAD been classifying them by whether they gave a badge or not, but then I just decided that the Mayhem Mission ones get put in too, although I forget why. Oh well.

I did not realize the -res or the level differences. I won't bother mathing it then. Math isn't my strong suite remotely...just was bored and looking at numbers while making the duel occur.

Thank you for the Fire data, StarGeek. I hated the number I had but couldn't rationalize it. Do you think you (or anyone else) could either post here, or PM me, with the post of iakona's that has that formula & its modifiers for determining GM damage? I could run a handful, but I can't sift through those threads with all the numbers to find it without fazing out. I'm not good with math -- just sort of okay with statistics. So it intimidates and repels me.

And I'll grab the Halloween names & resistances with the event's re-arrival on Test on Friday, huzzah.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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I have a few additions for your file:

Barracuda: 25% inherent resistance to S/L, 32.5% S/L from Temp Invuln, 70% S/L/F/C/E/N/T from Unstoppable
Black Scorpion: 15% S/L/F/C/E/N/T/P inherent
Captain Mako: no damage resistance, immune (Mag 100 protection/100% resistance) to slow/immobilize/taunt
Dr. Quatrexin: 15% S/L/F/C/E/N/T/P inherent
Ghost Widow: 30% N/P inherent, 25% S/L inherent, 20% T inherent
Ice Mistral: -10% F inherent, 30% C inherent, 30% S/L from Frozen Armor, 20% C/T from Frozen Armor, 10% F from Frozen Armor
Lord Recluse: 50% S/L inherent, 40% T inherent, 30% E/N inherent, 20% F/C/P inherent
Scirocco: 20% L/E/C inherent
Silver Mantis: 25% inherent S/L, 32.5% S/L from Temp Invuln, 70% S/L/F/C/E/N/T from Unstoppable
Wretch: 25% inherent S/L, 32.5% S/L from Temp Invuln, 32.5% S/L from Unyielding, 15% F/C/E/N/T from Unyielding, 70% S/L/F/C/E/N/T from Unstoppable
Arachnos Flier: 20% S/L/F/C/E/N/T inherent

Bat'Zul Min/Lt/Boss: 30% F, -30% C
Bat'Zul: 25% F, -25% C

Deathsurge: 40% E/T

Giovanna Scaldi: 45% P, -20% L
Vanessa DeVore: 45% P, -20% L

Blade Prince: 20% C, -20% F inherent; 30% S/L, 20% C/T, 10% F from Frozen Armor
Lilitu: 25% F/C/N, -25% E inherent (possibly an additional 20% C, -20% F inherent)
Thorn Tree: 10% S/L, -20% F inherent
Caleb: 40% S/L, 30% N/T, -30% E/P inherent

Paladin Construction: -25% P, 25% L inherent

Coral Warder/Sentinel: 20% S/L inherent
Calystix the Shaper: 20% C, -20% F inherent

Lt. Blechley: 20% T from Reconstruction
Arakhn: 20% N, -20% E inherent
Archon Burkholder: 20% S/L inherent
Requiem: 20% N, -20% E inherent; 50% S/L/F/C/E/N from Umbral Shield
Vandal: 25% S/L inherent (additional 20% S/L, 30% P, -20% E at high levels)

Lichen Colony: 40% S/T, -20% N/F, -25% L inherent
Rock/Mold Wall: 60% L/P, 50% F/C/E, 40% S/T, 20% N inherent

Bile/Clamor/Dreck: 25% C, -25% E inherent

Back Alley Brawler: 25% S/L inherent; 32.5% S/L, 15% F/C/E/N/T from Unyielding, 70% S/L/F/C/E/N/T/P from Unstoppable
Citadel: no damage resistance
Manticore: no damage resistance
Numina: 30% P, 20% N inherent
Positron: 20% S/L/E inherent
Sister Psyche: 30% P, 20% E/N inherent; 40% S/L/F/C/E/N/P from Personal Force Field
Statesman: 50% S/L, 40% E, 30% F/C, 20% N/T/P inherent; 70% S/L/F/C/E/N/T from Unstoppable; inherent immunity (Mag 100 protection/100% resistance) to fear/stun/hold/confuse/taunt/slow
Synapse: no damage resistance; immune (Mag 100 protection/100% resistance) to slow/immobilize/taunt

The Radio: 40% P, 25% E inherent; 15% S/L/F/C/E/N/T/P from Sonic Dispersion
Woodsman: 30% T, 20% S, 10% L inherent

Devolved: 20% C inherent

Johnny Sonata's Soul: 20% C/N/T, -20% E inherent; 15% S/L/F/C/E/N from Sonic Dispersion

That's all for now. More coming when I get time.

Culex: I'm not sure which post you're talking about.




This is perfect. I'll stick this in right away for the next edition.

And I have little idea what post I'm talking about either. Something about...seeing what damage you would do to any specific level of opponent? It is no big deal anyhow, you got a handful of CoV GMs on the list there, which would be what I would be going for, by poking a GM and running away and doing some formula to see the resistances.

(Although now I fear my work was in vain as you can just produce it all on your own. Haha.)

Edit: Got it in, small question because I am forgetful when sick -- maximum resistance makes one take 10% damage for enemies, not 5%, right? I hope it doesn't scale per enemy rank.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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AVs and Giant Monsters can have 100% maximum resistance, meaning 0% damage.
Other NPCs are capped at 90% resistance, or 10% damage.



Yeah, RedCaps v. Red Caps was intentional. I'm not that doofy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, didn't mean to say you were. It was mostly musings to myself about checking them and snaptooth out myself.

Do you think you (or anyone else) could either post here, or PM me, with the post of iakona's that has that formula & its modifiers for determining GM damage?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I was going to redo my spreadsheet (very messy atm, since I'm just learning about how spreadsheets work) and send you a copy, and I just pulled up Requiem, and have been hunting the Paladin Construction for quite a few weeks, but then iakona comes along and spoils all our fun by just plopping the numbers down.

**Runs off to add all the new data**

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Well, there, put in iakona's stuff, and all but the stupid Unseelies 'cause I couldn't find the stupid things.

I wonder if iakona is capable of digging out the mez res from some enemies' toggles? Of course they might come out horrible with decimals and other weird things.

Ah well, nice stuff.

And to note, all the Halloween baddies are the same as their normal ones EXCEPT the Coven-brand ones. (And maybe Unseelies)

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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Unseelies all have 20% E/T/C, -30% N, 75% resist to runspeed/flyspeed, Mag 2 protection sleep/fear/immobilize (on top of base class protection)

Yes I can get the mez res numbers, but it'll take some time.






i can't wait to check this out.
nice work



For what it is worth...

I took the spreadsheet and did a number of things to it to wring out some info. My methodology might be so flawed that the info isn't terribly valid, but I think what I found was interesting, at least.

What I did was that I sorted by energy types. I started sorting from greatest (most resisted) to least (least resisted). Then I clipped out anything with a damage modifier of =/< .80 (indicating 20+ Res) for each damage type, and tallied them up.

I did the opposite to determine damage susceptibility, but instead of using the 20% number, I chose 10% (modifier of =/> 1.10). I tallied these up as well. Results were surprising.

One big caveat- I am working off a version of the spreadsheet over a month old. That was dumb. I saw the spreadsheet on my desktop and just started playing with the numbers. Had I known I was actually going to try to get into out of it, I would have started with the newest spreadsheet.

Heres what I got:

Most Resisted Damage Types:

# of listed mobs with Resistance of 20+%, by damage type, from greatest to least:

Lethal- 235 mobs with 20+ Res
Smashing- 222 mobs
Psionic- 161 mobs
Toxic- 151 mobs
Cold- 131 mobs
Energy- 128 mobs
Negative- 106
Fire- 99

# of listed mobs with Susceptibility of 10+%, by damage type, from greatest to least:

Energy - 90
Psionic- 88
Negative- 82
Cold- 70
Smashing- 50
Fire- 43
Lethal- 35
Toxic- ?? nothing listed as being susceptible

Of course, I'm curious that nothing appears to take more than base damage from Toxic, at least per the spreadsheet at the time I analysed it.

Energy appears to be the winner overall- though around a third more mobs are resistant to Energy than fire, more than twice the mobs who have Fire vulnerability have Energy vulnerability.

This was just a little bit of fun, take it with as much of a grain- or block- of salt as you like.

Life - a sexually transmitted terminal condition.



Nothing I've tested has had Toxic weakness...I kinda suspect nothing does in the game, by now.

I need your help Hero-folk-who-play-on-Test!

What with the whole Scanner Mission things, I would like a report of at LEAST the names and <Factions>, if not resistances-if-solo or even just resistance toggles like Temp Invuln, of the bad bank robbers. I am not going to be running much or more likely any while it's on Test, so if you see any good data like this, please let me know so I can shove 'em into the sheet.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
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In addition to looking for the Scanner Mission Main Villains' names, I'm desperately looking for Quantum Names. My Peacebringer is 43, so uh, I can't find many at all since they don't spawn in the wild.

So if you wanna help, and can get the EXACT names of the Quantums, that'd be great. (Ie., Freakshow one is "Freakshow Quantum_Gunner"...note the underscore) I have some, but not too many, and nothing for the sub-25 guys really.

And yes, as soon as I can get at least the Scanner Mission Main Villains' names, I'll be setting out the next copy, but there's not much in there since I can't get a lot of unique enemy data unless someone lovely like iakona helps out, haha.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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So if you wanna help, and can get the EXACT names of the Quantums, that'd be great. (Ie., Freakshow one is "Freakshow Quantum_Gunner"...note the underscore) I have some, but not too many, and nothing for the sub-25 guys really.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm, I haven't noticed an underscore in the names myself. But I'm pretty sure the Wiki has them all....

Uh... it did at one point. I'll have to dig in and see what happened.

And yes, as soon as I can get at least the Scanner Mission Main Villains' names, I'll be setting out the next copy, but there's not much in there since I can't get a lot of unique enemy data unless someone lovely like iakona helps out, haha.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've ran only a few safeguard missions and you can see a few additions in the Rogue Isles Villains page (marked with Issue 8).

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There's at LEAST 3 enemies with Funky Names.

Tyrant|TyrantLeader (that's that shift-\ character, not an L)
NeuronLeader (the non-arc version of Neuron...there might be more ___Leaders from the non-arc missions? I don't think he wasn't Leadered a month or two ago but he was last week)
Freak Quantum_Gunner (I pretend it is very poorly applied l33t)

Poor Tyrant|TyrantLeader. He was only Tyrant for what, one patch? Between TyrantLeader and now this.

And thanks for that PW page, I didn't realize it was mostly the guys you had to rescue. Fun! I always hated their AI and now I have something to really look forward to smashing.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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I believe most of the Praetorian AVs have Leader after their names when you use a $target bind on them, at least in some of the missions.

Most of what's on that page are Mayhem mission characters. If I recall, Critical Mass is being busted out of jail in level 45-50 Safeguard, Fallen From Grace was robbing the bank in the same mission, and Pyra was robbing the bank for level 15-20 safeguard.

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Very interesting thread. i wonder why guides that are written by people directly involved with the game's development can get the numbers so wrong when they do give them?

BTW, does anyone know of a way to add a thread to favorites without posting in it?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



BTW, does anyone know of a way to add a thread to favorites without posting in it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Very bottom of the thread, look for the "Favorite Topic (Toggle)" link.

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Obviously a mission by Maria Jenkins. I know not all non-arc Maria Praets are ___Leader...but it sure has made me curious.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, that I have not seen before, but then it's probably been close to a year since I have done the praetorian arcs (severe case of low level altaholism ). I wonder if that's because of the downgrading to EB.

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BTW, does anyone know of a way to add a thread to favorites without posting in it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Very bottom of the thread, look for the "Favorite Topic (Toggle)" link.

[/ QUOTE ]

i see it now. No idea how i overlooked it for so long.




Obviously a mission by Maria Jenkins. I know not all non-arc Maria Praets are ___Leader...but it sure has made me curious.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, that I have not seen before, but then it's probably been close to a year since I have done the praetorian arcs (severe case of low level altaholism ). I wonder if that's because of the downgrading to EB.

[/ QUOTE ]
From what i recall, both the arc and non-arc versions of the Praetorians downgrade to EB status, so i don't know why that would be a factor in their naming. Is it related to the badge awarded for defeating all of them? (Though i thought that both versions also counted for it.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Yeah, I dunno why Neuron got double named. Same powers. Same level. Just this one wasn't in the arc. Except a handful of them that weren't in the arc that I fought were named right. And yes, the badge is for any of them, unless it recently got bugged in regards to Neuron.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
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Jesus. You guys deserve a medal.



In addition to looking for the Scanner Mission Main Villains' names

[/ QUOTE ]

Add Shock Treatment to the list of Police scanner mission (Brickstown mission). And you are soooo going to hate her. She has a second, electrical form which has some high resistances.

I'm desperately looking for Quantum Names.

[/ QUOTE ]

The wiki is working on getting them listed again. Check here for a pretty comprehensive list.

Don't know about underscores though. You might want to check with Yakovlev on the wiki (think it's the same name here), he has thousands of screenshots of enemies.

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All right, updated with what I have available to me (not much, haven't had a huge amount of play time recently, due to being the end part of the semester, but almost ready to check up on some more 40-50 COV Scirocco Patron Arc stuff, yay). I'll be able to put in all the I8 new stuff from Faultline and Scanners ...as soon as it's released. I can't very well spoil myself on all that stuff before it's released after all.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
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And updated again ( http://culex.us/ig/CHres.xls ) - a few numbers scattered hither and yon, and tons too many extra <Rogue Isles Villains>. There are WAY TOO MANY. Oh man.

I am NOT EVER going to put the Arachnos Looker [sic] type guys in from Safeguards. They're randomly named & assigned to different lieuts and minions and bosses. That would mean for each faction that stars in a Safeguard, I'd have to add in a separate entry for each adjectival name, for each model that might pop up. Nuh-uh. Do you see how long this list is already? I don't want to add infinite more!

Within a month I should have a good deal extra for Scirocco's Patron Arcs and the 20-25 arcs for Faultline put in, hopefully with a little number-data if I can grab any, for the Hero stuff. Having a 2-week break to be able to do so should net some niceties!

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
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