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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    ATs with the highest number of unique sets get the fewest of them. A melee set is shared among 4 ATs, Blasts with 3, Buff with 4, Assault with 1. Divide any set by the number of ATs it's shared with and Dominators are in first place, with 8 sets all to themselves.

    Unfair? Well, it's also not "fair" that some ATs get sets all to themselves, either. Why should Dominators get as much development time to themselves as 3 or 4 entire ATs do? It just is what it is. At least be glad Dominators are a fanastic AT and well worth playing.
    Please. There difference between cobbling a set together from blast and melee sets and having *truly* unique sets. It's like calling stalker sets unique (rather than being shared among 4 ATs) because they have placate and assassinate instead of taunt and aoe.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I had this happen to me where I was missing a vet power and NCsoft support sent me a slash command that "reset" the account item choices and I was able to get it.

    the command was

    /accountcertificationclaim alt_ltlbsamu

    Worked. Excellent. Thanks, man.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    Have you previously claimed that power or had it automatically granted - if so you won't get to pick it again.
    Well, they aren't showing up in my inherent powers list, so I'm assuming I never claimed them on the affected characters.

    There was also a bug at one point where you could have all 4 powers and all the non combat pets. These were disabled but still present in the powers trays when that was fixed. It may be possible that if you were affected by the previous bug then the game is detecting an existing power even though it is disabled and not giving you the option as a result.
    I've never experienced the four-powers thing, but I suppose if they ran a script which disabled/removed some claimed powers, it's possible that some of my characters got caught up by mistake.

    If you want someone to fix it then yes you should /petition it. If you want to report a bug then /bug it. If you want to do both then /petition and /bug it.
    The reports go to different departments.
    Simply fixing the immediate concern is "good enough", seeing as it's not affecting new characters.
  4. I'm a tier-9 VIP, so have filled all three "Power Choice:" bubbles (tiers 3, 5, and 6).

    On some of my older characters, I have the first two claimed but no option for claiming the third. It's not affecting new characters; I can claim all three powers on them.

    I'm thinking it's the characters who had the tier-6 available but uncollected when they switched to the Paragon Rewards system...

    Anyone else experiencing this?
    Any suggestions?

    [I sent it in as a "Bug Report" on one character; should I have sent it in as "Technical Issue"/petition instead?]
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    It doesn't. As per ParagonWiki...

    "The Alpha Slot Incarnate Boosts give their enhancement aspects to every power that a character has that can utilize it. For instance, if a character has a boost that reduces endurance costs, every power that takes endurance to use would be decreased (almost every single power a character has access to). If a character has a boost that increases Fear duration, Touch of Fear would be increased, but Power Bolt would not, since it does not have Fear. If a power cannot slot a certain enhancement (such as Recharge in Mind Link), the boost does not apply to that power."

    See http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Alpha_Slot for more detail.
    Guess I'll switch my Nin/Dark to End/Res then, and slot shadowfall for def.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    No - it's a global Enhancement - imagine that there is an extra slot in all your powers that relates to the Boost you choose. If it can't be slotted for normally, imagine that slot is empty for the power!
    I'm asking because I recall Hami-O's being "bugged" in a similar fashion, enhancing a power in a way you can't normally slot for.

    For example, a Ribosome Exposure (End/Res) being slotted into Kuji-in Rin enhancing the psi resistance of the power, even though it doesn't take +RES IO's.

    Similarly, Mind Link cannot be slotted with generic RCH IO's, but DEF/RCH IO's affect recharge in that power.

    What I don't know is if that effect applies to Alphas or not.

    [I'm like 12 shards from finding out for sure myself.]
  7. Do we know if Alpha works on normally unenhanceable pet powers?
    e.g. Ninja defense?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    The world is a terrible unfair and generally unpleasant place. I take it we agree on that? However, I can't do a thing about most of that, and all that's in the past has already happened, so I can't do anything about that either. So I face the future with a smile. Because whatever is there isn't going to get better by frowning at it.
    "I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
    -Marcus Cole, Babylon 5.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I wonder how much of this is caused by overly positive TV of the 70s conflicting with the reality of the 70s and how that had an impact on the psyche of creators starting in the mid 80s.

    We had the TV world of The Brady Bunch, Good Times, other TV family sit-coms. Dramas where good always defeat evil. The police always caught the bad guy. The PI's always solved the mystery. Tragedy rarely happened. Now conflict it with the reality of recession, the "loss" of Vietnam, the Nixon near impeachment, the oil crisis, Three Mile Island. Escalating divorce rates. Inflation.

    The real world was nearly the antithesis of the world portrayed on TV and in comics. It only seems natural for all of those real world influences to burst the dam of unreality on TV and in comics. And in cases of extreme repression, the pendulum swung a bit to far the other way. Now everyone is deeply flawed. Not with just one or two problems but the whole list of maladies mentioned in a Psyche 101 textbook.

    It's swung so far over that we have become cynical to the extreme. We don't believe there are heroes anymore. And if we found one we would dredge through their lives looking for a flaw that could be amplified by mass media to tear them down. Everyone must have an ulterior motive. A hero must be overcompensating for something horrible he did in his past. "So when have you stopped beating your wife?"

    It's not enough to provide an outline of a character's history to an actor so they can understand the motivation and use it to create a believable but character. No we have to have episode upon episode where their past is brought up instead of providing just a hint of insight every so often. No, if we don't spell it out in 50 foot tall letters what their problems are the audience simply won't get it.

    So now instead of providing a false but happy world on TV, we get one with characters so flawed that we actually feel good that we aren't as screwed up as them. That our day to day lives feel peachy in comparison.
    Personally, I don't think the overall picture of television has changed as drastically in the past, say, 30 years as some of those here would make it out to be.

    TV can be more visually graphic these days, but I don't think that 'NCIS' (2003) is darker than 'Hill Street Blues' (1981), or that 'Hawaii 5-0' (2010) is grittier than 'Miami Vice' (1984).

    Same applies to the comedies... I don't see them being any more or less neurotic than before. 'The Office' (2005) vs 'M.A.S.H.' (1972) or 'W.K.R.P. in Cincinnati' (1978)?

    Remember that when we had 'Brady Bunch' (1969), we also had 'All in the Family' (1971).
    When we had 'Star Trek' (1966), we also had 'The Prisoner' (1967).

    Maybe you (plural) are just focusing on the opening up of standards with cable, and the decisions made by, say, HBO/Showtime?

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Honestly I think SGU is doing a good job. It' is character driven, the characters just aren't as 2-Dimensional as the characters in SG-1. They aren't all completely good and heroic. But I like that.
    My problem is that they seem to be hell-bent on replicating BSG in the SG universe.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SquidheadJax View Post
    This is the whole point. Not relative level of difficulty, not people wanting an easy button, but that taking Stamina provides such a global buff to character performance and reduction in downtime that to otherwise match it requires tightly-designed builds and/or expensive IO set synergies. That's not good design.
    0-100 endurance times:

    Without stamina: 60 seconds.
    With Numina: 54.4 seconds.
    With Miracle: 52.1 seconds.
    With stamina: 47.9 seconds.
    With quick recovery: 46.1 seconds.
    With 3 L50 IO's in stamina: 40 seconds.
    With 3 L50 IO's in quick recovery: 37.5 seconds.
    QR + Stamina, fully slotted: 28.6 seconds.
    QR, Stamina, Physical Perfection: 25.5 seconds.
    QR, Stamina, PP, Numina, Miracle: 23.1 seconds.
    With rest: 11.4 seconds + 6 second cast = 17.4 seconds.

    So... what would be good?
    Make the baseline 50 seconds, maybe 40 with 2 L50 IO's in stamina?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    After all the argument, "a Corruptor is going to have better stats" won't apply if you are playing a Corruptor. You have the exact same attacks as the petless Mastermind, and the same powers. (Not the same APP, but you could just choose only those that are in common) You would have Scourge, albeit with your three weakest attacks, and lower Endurance costs. But except for the slightly higher stats, it would be the same concept, and probably just as much of a challenge.
    Snap shot
    Corruptor: 28.4 dge*, 3.54 end (includes scourge, I think... using Mid's)
    Mastermind: 20.8 dge, 4.42 end

    Dark miasma:
    Corruptor: -15% to-hit, -30% dge, .52 eps
    Mastermind: -11.3% to-hit, -22.5% dge, .65 eps

    Hit points:
    Corruptor: 1071
    Mastermind: 803

    It's not as close as you seem to think it is.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    Below level 25, coming up with three of the same inspirations to convert is problematic. When you start the game, you only HAVE three slots.
    Yeah, but you kill 3 minions and gain a level.

    For most of the early levels, you have 8. If you save up two of every inspiration in order to ensure the next drop is a third, you will need 16 slots.

    So in general, you have to choose a subset of the Inspirations to collect in order to be assured of getting three of them. And you can't use any of them, which pretty much defeats the purpose of having Inspirations. You will use the CaBs, of course, but get no use out of the others unless you want to make it even harder to get threes.
    If I want blues, I burn the reds and yellows (others, if necessary)... and kill things that much more quickly/safely, thus getting more drops. Fewer misses and more damage = blue bar savings. Similarly, if I don't need to run toggles (purples/oranges), more blue bar.

    Same way it works at high levels while farming... taste the rainbow!

    After every fight might be pushing it a little, but I certainly find myself having to Rest a lot in the early levels.
    Where "a lot" = "at all", unlike L50, eh?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    You would have a point if this were the corruptor forum and the guy was asking about a AR / Traps. But he is not.. The OP did not say he wanted Merc Traps. He asked for info on these sets. Merc happens to be one of them. But you never came here and said hey don't make a merc because its the same as corrputor or defender ar traps but not. I would suggest something different for other reasons as well.
    I pretty much said exactly that in the very first post I made in this thread:

    "You can play a trick arrow/dual pistol/dark/assault rifle defender or corruptor without harming that concept, can't you?

    Unless you want fire whips or a plasma blaster, there's no harm no foul, afaict.
    You can even skip the powers you wouldn't get as a mastermind, if you'd like."

    You'll also note that I didn't insult his skill or intelligence in doing so.

    Since you can't even be bothered to read the posts you're railing against, I'm done feeding the troll.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Cheeseman View Post
    Fitness is a pool full of nothing but static bonuses to base mechanics. They are not fun, they are simply enablers. They don't make the play experience more fun, they make it less tedious. This is an important difference. A designer's goal is to make a fun experience for the player, tedium is never a fun experience. Only a minority of players find resource management to be fun on its own, most people only pay as much attention to such issues as is required to enable the play experience that they enjoy. Running out of endurance basically grinds your play to a halt for as long as it takes for the blue bar to recharge. I am willing to bet that the vast majority of players do not enjoy standing around waiting for a bar to refill so that they can continue playing.
    To me, it's no different than ammo management in your typical FPS, or spell/mana points in your typical RPG.

    Sure, it's fun unloading rockets into grunts... but you might want to save some for the boss. Oops, you ran out? <Load last save>

    IMO, there should be some penalty for going all-out all the time, and there currently isn't.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    Okay lets set up a date and time where we can meet so I can bring out my lvl 50 Robot Traps MM and solo a +8 +1 mission without pets. Then you go get a few of your non tank / brute toons and see what can be done in the same mission. Not gonna go crazy, everything goes. Use Inspirations etc.. standard game play. Just I will use no pets.. Would that be enough to prove it is dobable ?

    Again your skewing..
    Again your lack of reading comprehension. I'm saying that an assault rifle/traps corruptor is better than a petless mercenary/traps WHO HAS THE EXACT SAME BUILD.

    It's a *mathematical fact*.

    I would be foolish to say that a petless mastermind is better then all AT regardless of player. As it is foolish for you to think that a Defense capped Petless mastermind would total hinder a team or that any AT regardless of build would be better then a well played Petless Mastermind.
    Except I *never suggested* that a well-played petless mastermind would be a "handicap".
    The game's not difficult enough for that to be true, except on truly edge cases.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    "No matter how nice I try to be your idea sucks, I'm sorry I'm really trying to be helpful, but no matter what I say or suggest your idea sucks. So it's not my helping that sucks, it's your idea." <-- This is you..
    I do not think running a petless mastermind sucks as an idea. In fact, I HAVE RUN ONE.
    Had you *actually* understood my posts, you'd have understood that.

    Again your looking to banter a useless point. You don't need to justify yourself to me. It's obvious your not looking to help out in any way shape or form. So don't bother even trying. You have made that point very clear with your postings in this thread.
    You're the one going off on a tirade at *me* without helping the OP one lick, so get off yer gorram high horse.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Levels 1-20 are like an uphill trudge. They are the proverbial watched pot from which you cannot look away until it comes to a boil. Getting Stamina early will help, but it will still be a bt of an annoying trudge to climb 20 levels to reach a level of power that seems more fitting for a level 1 superhero. Perception is a key ingredient of grind.

    *My* perception is that levels 1-20 are, by far, the shortest in the game.

    Getting a shiny new power almost every mission seems far more rewarding (less grindy) than having to fight hordes of +2's to move the XP bar a bubble, no matter how many shiny powers I have to fight those hordes of +2's.

    Heck, if L1-20's too 'grindy', you can find a L50 and get multiple levels per mission; can't do that at L40...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I think a lvl 42 properly slotting IO Petless MM is as useful as any other AT.
    They have lower damage mods, buff mods, pay an endurance penalty on every non-pool power, and have lower HP. Some powers (like twilight grasp) even have smaller radii.

    Masterminds are weaker, power for power, than any other AT *and* they don't have access to a full set of offensive powers.

    I think it's flawed to say they are 'as useful', barring situations where the excess another archetype (even with the same powers!) brings simply isn't required.

    [I'd still rather have a knowledgeable petless MM than an idiot defender/corruptor, but that's got nothing to do with the archetype.]
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I think your digging too deep and making your own assumptions up..

    See the comments in BOLD, I Think the OP is intelligent enough to know what he is getting into.
    So do I, in general.

    I think he gets this might not be the best idea but I want to make one. That being said. I have another question that I know might be silly but since I am going to pick a challenging endeavor which primary do you think would at a minimum be the best choice for this challenge.
    Which is just a more polite way of putting exactly what I said - an "acceptable level of gimp". I simply find that to be a fool's errand. Pick a concept and run with it, or don't - it's as simple as that.

    Stop skewing it to what suits your line of insult. Help the guy out or don't post really it is a simple as that. All I get out of your comments here is how dumb you perceive or want to make someone look. It's just not right..
    I think you're the one reading too much into my comments.

    My only point has been: Why worry if the Prius is faster than the Insight - you're not winning any races *either way*.

    However, from a technical perspective:

    The differences between the primaries won't make *nearly* the difference the choice of secondaries will (solo *or* teamed). Further, efficiency based on animation times is likely moot, since, unless he's chock full of vet/temp powers or global recharge he won't have a full attack chain.

    So, again: 6 of these, half dozen of the other.

    Is that more 'helpful'?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
    If you still want an end challenge from characters originally without stamina... don't slot for end redux anymore!
    So... don't slot sets at all?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
    Maybe for a veteran that knows exactly what powers what powers to take, what powers to avoid and what mob types to avoid.

    For a new player? Could easily be a grind.
    Yeah, but with those criteria L40-50 would be even worse.

    "Hey, who are these funny looking cowboys?"
    "Where'd my endurance bar go? Why am I stuck in a block of ice?"
    "Now I'm *puking*?!?!?!"

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    Unless you consider rate of action in your terminology of grind, because stopping to rest after every fight sure is grindy to me.
    If you have to stop to rest after every fight, there's a problem other than lack of stamina - especially with the 3:1 insp conversion.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post

    You're the guy who when faced with the question "What's the fastest way to the store / mall / hospital?" you respond with

    No, I'm the guy who, when asked if it's faster to get to the store by walking, bike, or bus, looks oddly at the guy with the Ferrari parked in his driveway.

    My comment was not about providing a 'correct answer', but rather inquiring as to the relevance of the question in the first place.

    Common sense says if you're worried about efficiency, petless mastermind is not the way to go. If you're worried about theme, then why the hell are you even asking about efficiency?

    It's like the OP is trying to find an "acceptable level of gimp" - which IMO, is a silly quest.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    I think it's just for the sake of making the game more fun and removing the "grind" levels.
    I don't think that word means what you think it means.
    L1-20 are, by far, the shortest in the game.