Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade




Portal Jockey on heroes is a lot easier to get than this.

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Portal Jockey was actually fun to get. Just run the 2 story arcs. Get some nice SOs into the bargain.


Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.



Even damage/hold farming all night, only 25% through 4th damage badge @ 50



I think anyone at Cryptic would hate dealing with us right now.
Many people complained endlessly about wanting I7 out even if it wasn't ready.
But it was so buggy that they complained endlessly about it.

If they're still trying to get the bugs, big or small, fixed in I7, maybe they'll get to fixing the badge requirements afterward. They are changing some things about badges so hopefully they'll get to it.

I don't know if the Devs play or not on a normal copy of CoV but I would like to see them play with us and know what their views are on trying to get badges. What they think is balanced and what we think is balanced should be mixed together into helping make the game a lot more fun and a lot less farming and afk-ness.
I think if they go undercover (so not to be mobbed with complaints/suggestions ect) and played with us they could see our point of view better and know exactly what should be changed or tinkered with. Not everyone who plays posts on the forums.

This is not CoH, so I don't think it should be compared to CoH, but when something is made very much harder in CoV than CoH then there's a problem.



I will sign this as well.

May I suggest that the Hammer Down badge, for defeating the Ghost of Scrapyard, replace the damage taken requirement?

Scrapyard is fairly tough to take down, requires teaming and comes with a bevy of helpers as well to make the encounter challenging.

It's an encounter available to anyone who can enter Sharkhead Isle as it isn't level-restricted by any means.

Thematically, it fits the "Born in Battle" theme by involving a lot of heavy, intense combat to achieve a goal.

Just a thought?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Hammer Down already unlocks a secret contact. I consider it 'taken' already.

I don't even care if they changed it to simple "Made". Congratulations, you hit 50. You've fought your way to the elite echelons of Arachnos. Have an accolade. It's pretty obvious all the +hp or +endurance accolades were intentionally set to only be able to be earned in the final levels of your villain career.

At least making "Made" the requirement would be more respectful. C'mon, requiring you to complete recluse's strike force for the Atlas Medallion? Real fair.



Portal Jockey was actually fun to get. Just run the 2 story arcs. Get some nice SOs into the bargain.

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Yes, but an unscientific survey of various public channels reaveals that more than half of the CoH playerbase is too stupid to understand what a story arc is, thus putting Portal Jockey (and Statesman's Pal) beyond their reach forever.





100,000,000 damage taken is rediculous. It requires farming or MONTHS of farming damage. Not exactly "fun", but then my idea of fun is a bit different from theirs.




I too shall sign off on this. I am presently farming out the 4th badge even as I type this and while I'll be at work tonight.

Nigh Indestructible is the last badge i need for born in battle and it's going to take a long while for a L44 MM to obtain it. The requirement for the badge is way too high, or else switch to a different badge needed for it. Or badges. Perhaps the combination of the badges for Deathsurge, Ghost of Scrapyard and Caleb in addition to all other badges MINUS Nigh Indestructible could be used?



/signed with reagrds to modifying its requirements.

If the intent of including a damage taken badge like Nigh Indestructable was to point out battle prowess (?) then notch it to the 10 million badge.

However for me, since it is supposed to equate to portal Jockey, I think it should be changed to require Usurper rather than Nigh. To get PJ you have to be involved with the taking out of a pile of Praetorians (Dimensional Warder) via encounters in Stories. So use Usurper. It is awarded (though bugged and requiring petition) for defeating Recluse as a follow-on to your patron arcs. This at least gives a close facsimile and like PJ generally limits its "boost" to those at the approrpiate level (mid 40's). Sure some people get it way earlier on CoH by way of picking up teams, good on em.

Otherwise the post regarding requiring having the GM Badges (Deathsurge, Scrapyard, Caleb) is also a good idea.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



(Jumps in boat!)

Usurper, that would be a smarter choice than the nigh indestructible.
I am working on the badge now and think it's going to be another week of straight farming to get it.
I like this ideal of fun!
Who even thought nigh indestructible badge that you cann't get through regular game play should be a requirement of an accolade?

Maybe the same person that came up with RSF.

Bill's Brigade
Light Bill lvl 50 (regen-tank) Blaster Elec/Elec/Mun (1606 HP!!)
"Have No Fear, For Blaster Bill is Here!!!"

Cool Blue Magic lvl 50 controller Ill/Emp/Ice
Bad Billy lvl 50 defender Dark/Rad/Dark

Shadow Wraiths
Devil's Bill lvl 50 Brute Stone/Stone/GW



Not much to say that hasn't been said, but I'm in agreement, ridiculous requirement, no fun to get, not achievable by any normal player without farming or playing for years.



I get 2-3 mil a night farming for this badge its been like a week sometimes i dont even stay overnight cause server kicks me. i agree it should be usurper or 4th damage badge.



Resting in front of a +1 freak juicer punching you every 4 seconds nets you about 300,000 damage per hour at lvl 35-37. Resting in front of three gets you around 900,000, but you need someone healing besides just resting.

After spending the last 3 weeks AFK farming while I was sleeping and at work, I would be upset if they were to change this at this point. As I've mentioned in other posts, the 5% end and HP increase is trivial 99% of the time and shouldn't be the main reason to get this accolade. I wanted the Born in Battle text displayed beneath my brutes name because it fits his (and many other brutes, I'm sure) concept and background. However, in viewing the big picture, having the high pain threshold accolade and invade accolade will put you up to 20% more HP. For a brute, that is a pretty generous increase. But you will need the 5mil debt badge for that, and I try not to die most of the time and at 37 on the same brute I just got my first debt badge. Hmph...



After spending the last 3 weeks AFK farming while I was sleeping and at work, I would be upset if they were to change this at this point.

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Why? The developers have said that they meant the Epic badges to take YEARS to get. So you've taken a shortcut and you'd be upset that the developers have changed their minds in order to make it a more reasonable requirement?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I hope they change both the Dept Badge and the Damage Badge!



They can make it a more reasonable requirement for sure, but I just hope they make a new reward for those of us who took a "shortcut" to go above and beyond what some people are willing to do. Regardless if it's a shortcut or not, it's still something I did and someone else didn't. If they do change the requirement to a lesser badge, then I hope they have some sort of compensation in mind. Otherwise spending all that time having to set up missions and trying to find enemies that won't kill me will be in vain, as the 100mil badge is pretty much useless by itself.



They can make it a more reasonable requirement for sure, but I just hope they make a new reward for those of us who took a "shortcut" to go above and beyond what some people are willing to do. Regardless if it's a shortcut or not, it's still something I did and someone else didn't. If they do change the requirement to a lesser badge, then I hope they have some sort of compensation in mind. Otherwise spending all that time having to set up missions and trying to find enemies that won't kill me will be in vain, as the 100mil badge is pretty much useless by itself.

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This makes no sense. So you cheated the system and you feel you need to be rewarded for it? Huh? I am currently "cheating the system" myself, so I'm not against this method, but I am against this worthless badge being a requirement for this accolade. The only way to get this badge is to farm it AFK over night, and I'm willing to do that if I have no other choice. But it's completely ridiculous in my opinion and I would have zero problems with the devs changing the requirement to something else. Even if I do "achieve" Nigh Indestructable.

Let me ask you a question, do you only play one character? Do you really want to go through all that "work" again on a different villain? I certainly don't, I have many characters I actively play and would eventually like to get as many accolades on each as I can, but I will only have BiB on one, unless they change it of course.



LOL, so because you set yourself up to farm damage in missions afk each night, you feel the need to be given something for your supposed effort. Gimme a break. I've power leveled so many people on my Brute, I don't even have the 4th badge yet. So I should be magically given something since I am so effecient at being a killing machine without taking so much damage.



Folks, chill, okay? The guy feels he met the requirements (if only technically), and doesn't like the notion of spending all that time for what he feels to be nothing.

IMO, I think that the devs should make an epic accolade for each of the three tiers of epic badges.



I’m also farming the nigh badge and should be there ‘soon’.

I wouldn’t mind if they lowered the requirement. Why? Because the effort this badge takes is virtually zero.
I’m afk farming it while at work and asleep. When I want to play, I play. This cuts into my gaming time not at all. When I want to set the mission back up for farming, it takes at most 5 minutes for me to do so. Very little effort on my part.



Wow. Can we please get a dev comment here?

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Wow. Can we please get a dev comment here?

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Send a PM. That usually gets you a faster response.

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I sent a PM to Positron last Thursday on this issue. Hasn't even been read yet. Other people have sent PM's as well with no luck. About the only success I know of with PM's on this issue is someone sending one to Cricket who said something like she wasn't sure but she would look into it and would post when she found out anything.



I wouldn’t mind if they lowered the requirement. Why? Because the effort this badge takes is virtually zero.
I’m afk farming it while at work and asleep. When I want to play, I play. This cuts into my gaming time not at all. When I want to set the mission back up for farming, it takes at most 5 minutes for me to do so. Very little effort on my part.

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The only downside for AFK farming is that sometimes with the global bug /ghide turns off while I'm asleep in a mission and confuses my global friends.




The only downside for AFK farming is that people are actually accepting it as a perfectly resonable way to get the badge and then developing a sense of entitlement for the hours they didn't spend playing. Well, I guess that's two downsides. But seriously devs, what's your problem?

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