Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade





Dissing the Devs on the forum for past injustices while asking them to make an aspect of the game easier doesn't quite seem like a good tactic to me.

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Past injustices? I seem to recall that the ones listed so far tend to still be active, or very recent.


As you guys reminded me in my BiB thread so many times: The Devs DO read the forums. San Diablo, I'm sure you have Positrons attention now, and I'm sure he's now more than willing to show you some compassion on this matter.

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I'm sure of neither. Lack of evidence either way and all.


You might have just kicked yourself in the butt with steel toe boots.

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I might have. I might also have kicked him that way, and gotten him to realize that maybe he should remember the PR side of his job, too. Again, we have no hard info to go on, so we cannot assume either way.

[/ QUOTE ] I have said to you before, and now with even greater emphasis, "Good Luck."



Totally agree that the requirement of earning the Nigh Indestructable badge in order to get the accolade is simply, unquestionably ridiculous. Someone had to have screwed up here, or else the Devs have started promoting afk farming. And I hope that's not the case.




Fair enough, but it's not like this hasn't been attempted before. People tend to get frustrated when they raise points, only to be ignored.

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What do you want, flowers in the mail? If lead designers took the time to make everyone feel good about them they'd never get anything done.

It is not like this is an important issue or problem.

Not addressing peoples concerns about a crash bug. that would be a problem. About an accolade? Not a problem.




If lead designers took the time to make everyone feel good about them they'd never get anything done.

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Just as I'd already stated.


It is not like this is an important issue or problem.

Not addressing peoples concerns about a crash bug. that would be a problem. About an accolade? Not a problem.

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Unless, of course, it were symptomatic of something else. Perceived inequalities favoring heroes. A general tendency by the devs to confuse tedium with difficulty. Encouraging modes of behavior that were previously considered undesirable by the devs. Oh, and, of course, the numbers of people who've asked just for a statement, of any kind, about this or other problems they're having with Posi's handling of the game.

Just because you don't think it's a problem, doesn't mean it's not one.




Just because you don't think it's a problem, doesn't mean it's not one.

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I didn't say it's not a problem. I said a lack of response is not a problem. This is not a major issue no matter how you slice it. The wailing and gnashing of teeth is inappropriate.

Incidentally, they can't simply raise hero accolade requirements, that's unworkable. There is inevitably a group of people about to achieve the accolade who are going to get screwed over.




I didn't say it's not a problem. I said a lack of response is not a problem. This is not a major issue no matter how you slice it.

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Positron has ignored several points of import with regards to his methodology. He has conflated increasing the length of time for a task with increasing its difficulty (Isolator, BiB, the AV/GM changes). He insisted that patron powers were superior to hero equivalent epic powers (something players quickly learned was marginally truthful at best). He proclaimed that empowerment stations and storage units were for smaller groups, while simultaneously stating that, by intent, you need several of them to be of use.

These are, individually, minor issues. Collectively, they're not, IMO. We have to pick these issues if we want change.


The wailing and gnashing of teeth is inappropriate.

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An the exagerration of others' arguments, while simultaneously ignoring their points on it.



The contaminated is a concession. The dev position was that if you didn't get it then tough luck. People even said 'I don't care if it's a single contaminated in the toughest zone in the game on a 15 minute timer, just give us a chance to get it!'.


He has conflated increasing the length of time for a task with increasing its difficulty (Isolator, BiB, the AV/GM changes).

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You conflating BiB with two issues - one of extremely minor import, one of very major import - that have both been addressed by the devs, both ingame and with posts - belies your argument that developers arn't paying attention to complaints or responding to them. Positron didn't 'insist' that PPPs were better, he made one post that said that, as I recall.

Actually, I want to explore the AV/GM example in more detail. Increasing regen made them more difficult in that it required higher damage output to kill, it didn't necessairly make them take longer to kill - just require more players or different powers.

Nor is Isolator any kind of example for the point you are making. Spawning a contaminated in RV changes the amount of time it takes to earn isolator from 'infinite' to 'possible'. It's not like you have to farm it either. Just kill it every once in a while and you'll get there eventually.


An the exagerration of others' arguments, while simultaneously ignoring their points on it.

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You did see the post i originally responded to, right?



The contaminated is a concession. The dev position was that if you didn't get it then tough luck. People even said 'I don't care if it's a single contaminated in the toughest zone in the game on a 15 minute timer, just give us a chance to get it!'.

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A sentiment NOT shared by all pre-badge era toons/players and those few did not speak for all.



If you really want the isolator badge for some unfathomable reason, you can get it. That's why it's there, and the only reason why it's there.



That's it!
*grabs shotgun*

You threadjackers get off my lawn!

DO NOT make any more posts talking about your opinions about the devs.
This thread is about getting a problem fixed. You want to debate? Take it somewhere else. It is rude to take a thread so far off the original topic.

Now, I really wish we could get a red name to comment or at least make a post saying that they have looked at this thread.



To get things back on track:

What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.

My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.

In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.

If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.

If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.

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*deleted by author!*



Staple, that's not the topic.
Make your own thread if you guys want to talk about other stuff.



If you really want the isolator badge for some unfathomable reason, you can get it. That's why it's there, and the only reason why it's there.

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The Isolator issue however is more of buying a car without wheels. Months down the road you are then told by the dealership "All our new cars have this option, but to those who bought one..... it was an oversight not thinking of giving those to you in the first place. We won't sell you tires, and you aren't allowed to get tires ever unless you buy a new car." When you think it sucks, they then say "well, if you'd do anything for them, then wear this pink frilly dress and mow my grass every week for a year while everyone gets to toss beer cans on the lawn and we'll give you that tire!".

Just because someone is wanting something does not make it right to abuse their desire. Yes things should be earned. There is an obvious line when the requirement needs shenanigans called out, as it crosses from the reasonable or even low reward for hard work to rewarding only unhealthy or unproductive behaviour. Thus is such with BiB.

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Um, I think it's more a case of people buying a car without green-lined cupholders, and months down the road the dealers sell cars with green-lined cupholders. That's about how important getting Isolator is.

AND back on topic, I entirely agree with the OP. I checked my 50 regen scrapper -- the character who should take the most damage, since our damage mitigation is healing it back -- rather than avoiding damage completely with defense or taking partial damage with resistance.

He has 5 debt badges -- but is less than half-way on the fourth damage taken badge. Although I have concentrated on villains since CoV came out, he hit 50 more than 16 months ago and spent plenty of time taking damage at level 50.

If a regen scrapper doesn't have Indestructible, much less Nigh Indestructible, how will any villain other than a resistance-based brute possibly get this badge without afk damage-farming?




He has 5 debt badges -- but is less than half-way on the fourth damage taken badge. Although I have concentrated on villains since CoV came out, he hit 50 more than 16 months ago and spent plenty of time taking damage at level 50.

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Sounds like my AR/Dev blaster I have. I have used her a fair bit and still pull her out about an hour a week since she hit 50 over a year ago. She doesn't have the fourth either, and I won't expect to see that one til perhaps the end of the year if I don't farm.

It was sad finding I-2 Dreck farmers who were only about 1/5th to Nigh as well. Heroes have also had over a year longer than villains to accumlate damage, and I'd feel safe to say less than 1% of them have Nigh.

The amount of villains with improvement accolades is incredibly small, as few others than the heavy badge hunters have any to show yet. I have to add my urge here too for the devs to change the requirement.



I have to agree, the Nigh Indestructable badge is a bit much for an accolade with such a small reward in comparison.



Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
It's all a matter of your point of view...

Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...

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People loved him when he shepherded in reverse-sidekicking and a whole host of other features and doodads - even some that obviously weren't Statesman's cup of tea, but he's now a [censored] for sort of catering to badge, but not the way badge would prefer. Whatever.



Posi, in contrast, has rarely given a substantive position on anything,

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Actually: no. He never went into long monologues about design decisions like Statesman did (on less than a dozen times in two years to my recollection), but then again it wasn't his job to articulate at length about company policies and design goals. That was Statesman's job. Positron, frankly, would have playing hazardously outside of his job description if he had waxed poetic about this or that design issue.

while it's ridiculous to expect a response to every PM sent his way about any given subject, it's just as ridiculous that he's said so little with so much going on, above and beyond this one issue.

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Doesn't sound like a critique levelled at Statesman regularly at all. Nope. Totally unique to that dastardly Positron. Not.

If he doesn't address salient questions about his policies in a timely manner, then yeah, I'll throw out the word "aloof". It seems to fit here, in my opinion.

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You've made the same mistake many people do and personalized some things that, based on my experiences, is likely due to company policy and decided on by committee. Positron likely has very few policies that he has very much control over.



Staple, that's not the topic.
Make your own thread if you guys want to talk about other stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oop. Missed this afternoon's shotgun.



Well, I'll chime in once again suggesting that this requirement is silly. I keep wanting a redname to tell us what they were thinking when they set this as the requirement; I really cannot understand it.

Also, I might as well drag out my other gripes on why this is a bad requirement for an accolade:

1) It, unlike all the other accolade-required badges, is not equally available to all archtypes. A Brute, Tank, or Scrapper can get it much faster than anybody else; and don't even get me started on how long it will take my MM. (Mind you, I'm enough of a badger that I'll get it eventually, one way or the other. But I doubt many other MM's will.) It's not quite as blatant as if they had required a healing badge for an accolade, but the difference is a matter of degree, not type, in my opinion.

2) The badge doesn't even record all the damage you take. If you have other Accolades, only damage that gets past those accolades count. My MM, who has the other two +HP accolades, loses over half the damage they take in a farm to that, and I would guess even more in actual play. If my MM gets hurt, I'm doing something wrong; that's part of why we have so few HP.

Anyway, there are my thoughts again. Sorry if you've seen them already, but they seemed worth bringing back up.




pretty much any argument that I would make has been made. someone posted in another thread that the devs don't care for afk farming..well having this requirement pretty much guarantees and increase in afk farming.

I for one have never done it and didn't care about the dmg/debt badges and always played/built my scrappers/stalkers to take as little dmg as possible. Having this requirement makes it very tempting to become a farmer.

The Harpers

It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again!

Don't forget to help control the Furry population; have your Furry spayed or neutered!

Kellen Wolf/Claw/SR(Scrapper)/ protector
Si'Nifay/Electric/Fire(Blaster)/ protector



Taking 7 ticks of 50 damage from a level 52 malta turret at a fast pace while resting. Looks like i'm up to 4 million damage taken..only a few hundred million more to go!

My regen scrapper actually earned that one I believe. But I used to afk on giant monsters in the Hive for hours on end back when Regen was the secondary that lasted forever as long as the first hit didn't kill you. Earning it again is pretty boring.



I play defenders an corruptors...shielding ones at that...its bad enough to have a 2 year old defender still working on medic the honest way...I've never farmed afk for badges and never farmed or (intentionally) acquired badges I wasn't really meant to have (reformed for example) but it looks like my corruptor will have to farm for a pretty important accolade...anything adding end or HP no matter how small IS important...more than once that sliver of HP saved me or that last lil bit of end...



/signed as well. My lvl 42 regen scrapper isn't halfway to the 4th badge. How the heck can a resistance-based brute, not to even mention a defense-based one, reasonably expect to get it?

@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper

"Life writes the best scripts."



I think the devs misjudged this one. Im sure they'll remedy it down the road. The devs arent stupid, just a bit slow at times.