Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade




This requirement is beyond absurd. I'm frankly astonished it was selected.



It amazes me that the devs would promote farming over active playing, that they would ignore actively seeking content in favor of passive gains, that they would favor tedium over fun.

Sadly, it does not surprise me in the least that Positron would choose to remain silent instead of telling us a thing. This is, after all, the man who said a year ago that he'd drop Phase Shift's cast time so that it'd work as an emergency escape power (several other powers have gotten shorter animations since, but not Phase Shift); the same man who said that he'd do something about red caps since the Valentine's Day event unfairly restricted villain access to Capbuster while giving heroes access to four badges that were previously unique to villains; the same man who took six weeks to acknowledge what many playtesters knew and spoke of within hours of I7 going live on test, and even then still insisted that AVs were balanced to 6 man teams, ignoring TFs entirely and despite the evidence clearly pointing out the falsehood of that statement before he even made it. He claims to have designed the storage and empowerment items for small groups, but has made them so borderline in utility that you need more than a small group can afford just go get any mileage from them - by intent.

Statesman, for all the problems I had with his design philosophy, was someone who never particularly struck me as aloof. Positron? I can't think of a better word for him right now. Much as I think the NI requirement was a mistake rather than the initial intent, I don't think it'll get either changed or even acknowledged by Positron as a problem. He just can't be bothered.

Harsh? Sure, but I've lost count of the former Statesman naysayers who now wish he'd takeover again after a single issue under Posi's "vision". There's a reason I want the Destroyer badge so badly right now...



At some point people were quoting Posi as saying Nigh isn't required for this accolade.

Whether it is and it's bugged/he was lying or some thing else accured I dunno.

It won't get changed now though if it is Nigh because it's live and I've seen people with it and that small minority would have a fit if they changed it now.




It won't get changed now though if it is Nigh because it's live and I've seen people with it and that small minority would have a fit if they changed it now.

[/ QUOTE ]

If that's true, it's foolish - they're no more important to the game than we are.



But see, here is the thing, if they changed it to a lesser badge within the damage-taken badge set, the people that have it now WOULD STILL HAVE IT.

Meaning they have no room to gripe.



My mains are a Tank and a Brute. Naturally, they take lots of damage. What I'm concerned about with that requirement are those Defense based sets - EA/SR - how in Thor's name does one of those get that badge other than farming crystals?



At some point people were quoting Posi as saying Nigh isn't required for this accolade.

Whether it is and it's bugged/he was lying or some thing else accured I dunno.

It won't get changed now though if it is Nigh because it's live and I've seen people with it and that small minority would have a fit if they changed it now.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean they wouldn't change it to something easier, like the way they changed Zookeeper from 10,000 monkies to 1,000 monkies all because the people that already had it would be upset? Hmmmmm, sounds like that is some poor logic there.




You mean they wouldn't change it to something easier, like the way they changed Zookeeper from 10,000 monkies to 1,000 monkies all because the people that already had it would be upset? Hmmmmm, sounds like that is some poor logic there.

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The two situations are rather different - the monkeys change came simultaneously with the cap on the AoE effects. 10K was no longer remotely reasonable given the new limits on tanker taunts, controller AoE mezzes, and blaster AoE attacks.



The two situations are rather different - the monkeys change came simultaneously with the cap on the AoE effects. 10K was no longer remotely reasonable given the new limits on tanker taunts, controller AoE mezzes, and blaster AoE attacks.

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Well, seeing as you agree to a statement that says the game can change at any moment each time you log in. I don't see people being able to do much if they did change the requirements for a badge. They could delete all badges all together if they wanted, it is their game.



What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.

My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.

In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.

If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.

If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.

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my corr at lvl 41 has 3/4 of that bar... I love to die for debt... you can stand in a fire for debt or one of those pain fiels thingys.... or just play with an insane bruute all the time.

thats really not that hard to achieve if you play on relentless.

[/ QUOTE ]
Check and make abosolutely sure of which badge you are refering to. Nigh Indestructable is the 5th (of 7) damage badge (100,000,000 damage taken). The OP is not talking about the debt badge. Two vastly different things. The OP seems to be asking for something that will be achieved during play not farmed (ie Your sitting in the fire suggestion).

To the OP:
/signed /signed /signed /signed /signed /signed

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Statesman, for all the problems I had with his design philosophy, was someone who never particularly struck me as aloof. Positron? I can't think of a better word for him right now. Much as I think the NI requirement was a mistake rather than the initial intent, I don't think it'll get either changed or even acknowledged by Positron as a problem. He just can't be bothered.

Harsh? Sure, but I've lost count of the former Statesman naysayers who now wish he'd takeover again after a single issue under Posi's "vision". There's a reason I want the Destroyer badge so badly right now...

[/ QUOTE ]
I call shenanigans on this post. There isn't a pejorative label thrown at or perceived attitude attributed to Positron that hasn't been thrown at or attributed to Statesman 10 times and counting. In part, it's the nature of the beast when one becomes Lead Designer. "The Buck Stops Here," and all that.



Statesman, for all the problems I had with his design philosophy, was someone who never particularly struck me as aloof. Positron? I can't think of a better word for him right now. Much as I think the NI requirement was a mistake rather than the initial intent, I don't think it'll get either changed or even acknowledged by Positron as a problem. He just can't be bothered.

Harsh? Sure, but I've lost count of the former Statesman naysayers who now wish he'd takeover again after a single issue under Posi's "vision". There's a reason I want the Destroyer badge so badly right now...

[/ QUOTE ]
I call shenanigans on this post. There isn't a pejorative label thrown at or perceived attitude attributed to Positron that hasn't been thrown at or attributed to Statesman 10 times and counting. In part, it's the nature of the beast when one becomes Lead Designer. "The Buck Stops Here," and all that.

[/ QUOTE ]


Statesman has been called everything but a Child of God in the past, but now Positron is worse because he won't lower the badge requirements for an accolade?



Statesman, for all the problems I had with his design philosophy, was someone who never particularly struck me as aloof. Positron? I can't think of a better word for him right now. Much as I think the NI requirement was a mistake rather than the initial intent, I don't think it'll get either changed or even acknowledged by Positron as a problem. He just can't be bothered.

Harsh? Sure, but I've lost count of the former Statesman naysayers who now wish he'd takeover again after a single issue under Posi's "vision". There's a reason I want the Destroyer badge so badly right now...

[/ QUOTE ]
I call shenanigans on this post. There isn't a pejorative label thrown at or perceived attitude attributed to Positron that hasn't been thrown at or attributed to Statesman 10 times and counting. In part, it's the nature of the beast when one becomes Lead Designer. "The Buck Stops Here," and all that.

[/ QUOTE ]


Statesman has been called everything but a Child of God in the past, but now Positron is worse because he won't lower the badge requirements for an accolade?

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
It's all a matter of your point of view...

Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀




Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
It's all a matter of your point of view...

Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh the drama!

You'd think this was politics.

It's just an accolade, chill out guys. Even if the requirement is too hard there's no need for the crap being thrown around. Get a sense of proportion - accolades are small beans even inside the realm of CoH.




Statesman has been called everything but a Child of God in the past, but now Positron is worse because he won't lower the badge requirements for an accolade?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hardly. Amazingly enough, I have other issues with the man's methodology, too, that aren't pertinent to the discussion at hand. I even mentioned several.



Developers are people, too. People make mistakes. The purpose of this thread is to point out one specific mistake and ask that they correct it. Personal attacks on Positron or anyone else accomplish nothing.




Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
It's all a matter of your point of view...

Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh the drama!

You'd think this was politics.

It's just an accolade, chill out guys. Even if the requirement is too hard there's no need for the crap being thrown around. Get a sense of proportion - accolades are small beans even inside the realm of CoH.

[/ QUOTE ]
Heh... I could care less about this accolade. I don't even really regularly play CoV anymore.

Doesn't change the fact that both Statesman and Positron have their supporters and detractors.
No drama - just a simple fact.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Developers are people, too. People make mistakes. The purpose of this thread is to point out one specific mistake and ask that they correct it. Personal attacks on Positron or anyone else accomplish nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not personally attacking anyone. If anything all that's being pointed out is an unsettling series of apparent misjudgements on his part concerning this game and this game alone. I'm sure he's quite a nice fellow IRL.

This is still a free country, at least where the game's servers are located anyway. Free speech and all that...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀




I call shenanigans on this post. There isn't a pejorative label thrown at or perceived attitude attributed to Positron that hasn't been thrown at or attributed to Statesman 10 times and counting. In part, it's the nature of the beast when one becomes Lead Designer. "The Buck Stops Here," and all that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not talking about anything grand in scale, or much even about others' feelings on Posi v. States (just that it's something I've witnessed several times since I7 went live). I'm not saying that it doesn't go with the position, nor that the general populace agrees with me down the line.

What I am saying, however, is that as much as I disagreed with States on many things, I could at least respect many of his positions. Posi, in contrast, has rarely given a substantive position on anything, and while it's ridiculous to expect a response to every PM sent his way about any given subject, it's just as ridiculous that he's said so little with so much going on, above and beyond this one issue.

If he doesn't address salient questions about his policies in a timely manner, then yeah, I'll throw out the word "aloof". It seems to fit here, in my opinion.



Developers are people, too. People make mistakes. The purpose of this thread is to point out one specific mistake and ask that they correct it. Personal attacks on Positron or anyone else accomplish nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not that I blame Posi for making mistakes, it's that he makes mistakes and has tended to respond to criticisms of all stripes by apparently just ignoring them.



Developers are people, too. People make mistakes. The purpose of this thread is to point out one specific mistake and ask that they correct it. Personal attacks on Positron or anyone else accomplish nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not personally attacking anyone. If anything all that's being pointed out is an unsettling series of apparent misjudgements on his part concerning this game and this game alone. I'm sure he's quite a nice fellow IRL.

This is still a free country, at least where the game's servers are located anyway. Free speech and all that...

[/ QUOTE ]
Bolded for emphasis. You are indeed free to say what you like, but in this context it's not necessarily helpful.




Bolded for emphasis. You are indeed free to say what you like, but in this context it's not necessarily helpful.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough, but it's not like this hasn't been attempted before. People tend to get frustrated when they raise points, only to be ignored.



Hmm, Statesman nerfed my lvl 50 DM/INV scrapper until he's no longer INV to anything and is really no longer fun to play.

Positron has his way with badge requirements, accolades and GM/AV buffs, yet I still have fun collecting badges.

Who do I have a problem with more?

But I digress.

Dissing the Devs on the forum for past injustices while asking them to make an aspect of the game easier doesn't quite seem like a good tactic to me.

As you guys reminded me in my BiB thread so many times: The Devs DO read the forums. San Diablo, I'm sure you have Positrons attention now, and I'm sure he's now more than willing to show you some compassion on this matter.

You might have just kicked yourself in the butt with steel toe boots.



Developers are people, too. People make mistakes. The purpose of this thread is to point out one specific mistake and ask that they correct it. Personal attacks on Positron or anyone else accomplish nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not personally attacking anyone. If anything all that's being pointed out is an unsettling series of apparent misjudgements on his part concerning this game and this game alone. I'm sure he's quite a nice fellow IRL.

This is still a free country, at least where the game's servers are located anyway. Free speech and all that...

[/ QUOTE ]
Bolded for emphasis. You are indeed free to say what you like, but in this context it's not necessarily helpful.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah... but when building evidence to support an argument it's always useful to draw on the 'case history' if you will to point out 'why' your position is valid. Had Positron not had a history of questionable whims such as this then your case would have less to go on...

Positron is his own worst enemy in this situation...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀




Dissing the Devs on the forum for past injustices while asking them to make an aspect of the game easier doesn't quite seem like a good tactic to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Past injustices? I seem to recall that the ones listed so far tend to still be active, or very recent.


As you guys reminded me in my BiB thread so many times: The Devs DO read the forums. San Diablo, I'm sure you have Positrons attention now, and I'm sure he's now more than willing to show you some compassion on this matter.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure of neither. Lack of evidence either way and all.


You might have just kicked yourself in the butt with steel toe boots.

[/ QUOTE ]

I might have. I might also have kicked him that way, and gotten him to realize that maybe he should remember the PR side of his job, too. Again, we have no hard info to go on, so we cannot assume either way.