Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade




I earned unbreakable on my stalker through pvp'ing before issue7 went live. I'm 35% of the way to 100,000,000 even now at level 44.

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Take damage in PvP.... Ok, how's this for screwy: we're going to go from badge hunters broadcasting "don't kill me, I'm just here for the badges." to "PLEASE KILL ME, I need the badges."

Oh the irony



How exactly does PvP damage count more than PvE damage?

0 risk for me here. 2 level 53 malta turrets while resting = 700 damage every 4~ seconds = lots over time. I can't imagine pvp can pour out damage faster or more effortlessly than this farm is doing for me.

My stalker probably didn't even take a total of 2 million points of damage by 50. Already working on Nigh Invincible in the 40s is just crazy. You regen?



How exactly does PvP damage count more than PvE damage?

0 risk for me here. 2 level 53 malta turrets while resting = 700 damage every 4~ seconds = lots over time. I can't imagine pvp can pour out damage faster or more effortlessly than this farm is doing for me.

My stalker probably didn't even take a total of 2 million points of damage by 50. Already working on Nigh Invincible in the 40s is just crazy. You regen?

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I think the idea is it's risk-free damage in PvP- no debt. Also, it's risk-free damage that's not mind-numbingly dull, like malta farming.



How exactly does PvP damage count more than PvE damage?

0 risk for me here. 2 level 53 malta turrets while resting = 700 damage every 4~ seconds = lots over time. I can't imagine pvp can pour out damage faster or more effortlessly than this farm is doing for me.

My stalker probably didn't even take a total of 2 million points of damage by 50. Already working on Nigh Invincible in the 40s is just crazy. You regen?

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I think the idea is it's risk-free damage in PvP- no debt. Also, it's risk-free damage that's not mind-numbingly dull, like malta farming.

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But during Malta farming you can sleep, or read a book, or exercise, or go visit that magical place called Outsideland...

Why does everyone say that damage farming is dull? No one (in their right mind) sits at the keyboard while damage farming. Jeez.



i don't care how much they lower it, having a damage badge being a requirement is stupid in the 1st place. It's a blow to people who know how to play them game well. So things like pulling or focus fire to take out the most damaging foe in the mob is kinda like "anti-accolade" tactics. its promoting the... "opps, I arrgoed another mob before I killed this one... more dept for me " type of game play. I suggest they change the requirement all together. admit to the mistake and let's move on.

and even if he did make it easier to get, we still have the right to voice our opinion weither we still think this is ridiculous. last time I remembered, I did not work for the devs... they worked for me. its mines and everyone else's hard earn money that keeps this game alive. our majority opinion is if not equal, than MORE important than theirs.



My main is a Brute, and I am currently roughly about 40% to the 10,000,000 damage badge, and I am lvl 50 already. This is through regular play in Vicious+ settings. Can't get the accolade (which is supposed to help you through your levels) through regular game play unless you farm for it.



In less than 3 days this thread went from WHAAA!!! to YAAA!!! to WHAAA!!! again.

I guess there is no pleasing everybody...

*Runs out of the thread with his Nigh/BiB badged MM to escape the flames*



Thanks a lot Positron!

Appreciate the change!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Thank you for changing this, Positron.

I may personally still have issues with any of the damage badges being used for an accolade. But, given that it already went live with Nigh required, and the problems that adding a requirement would cause, this is probably the best solution possible at this point.

Mind you, if it takes more than a week to go to live, I should have it the hard way anyway. But I definitly support this one in principle. And thank you for listening to us.



10,000,000 is a reasonable level. Thanks Positron. Halfway to that right now so no need for farming here .

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



sweet, I can sell the farm..and move back to the big city!

The Harpers

It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again!

Don't forget to help control the Furry population; have your Furry spayed or neutered!

Kellen Wolf/Claw/SR(Scrapper)/ protector
Si'Nifay/Electric/Fire(Blaster)/ protector



They can make it a more reasonable requirement for sure, but I just hope they make a new reward for those of us who took a "shortcut" to go above and beyond what some people are willing to do. Regardless if it's a shortcut or not, it's still something I did and someone else didn't. If they do change the requirement to a lesser badge, then I hope they have some sort of compensation in mind. Otherwise spending all that time having to set up missions and trying to find enemies that won't kill me will be in vain, as the 100mil badge is pretty much useless by itself.

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So basically, you want to be compensated for letting the game run while you were sleeping and working? Am I reading your previous post wrong? Didn't you say you were AFK farming for 3 weeks? How the heck is that going above and beyond anything? That's pretty funny.



Regardless if it's a shortcut or not, it's still something I did ...

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and for your efforts, you have the Nigh Indestructable badge and most other people don't.
Sounds like you've already been rewarded.



Just out of curiosity. I look at the Hero accolades, and I see requirements like "Kill 200 Banished Pantheon Spirits" and "Kill 200 Illusionists summoned by Carnie Master Illusionists" and "Kill 100 Lost Bosses" and "Kill 333 of every Croatoa mob type" and "Kill 100 Fake Nemesis robots" and "Kill 100 Paragon Protectors" and "Kill 1000 Rikti Monkeys" and "Kill 100 each of Vampyri and Warwolves".

Portal Jockey, yes, if you do the right contacts. The new Task Force Commander, also yes, if you squeeze in all the content. Invader, eventually. Marshall, also eventually. But every single other Accolade requires farming something specifically to get badges, and this has been true since Accolades were added to the game. And that's if we don't count finding all the specific exploration badges and plaques - at that point, they all become unreachable except by those who're specifically setting out to get badges.

Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

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IMHO, the difference is the sheer magnitude of this damage badge. my level 50 Corr is about half way to the badge. He has the other HP Accolades, and with Rest slotted with 1 Health and auto-fire on my self-heal, I can soak a 400 damage hit from an even-level carnie minion every 4 seconds. That means I need over 12 hours of taking that damage to get the badge finished. That is at my absolute fastest healing rate - if I try to acquire this badge while running missions, it will certainly take longer.
Half of the progress on the Illusionist badge would not take anywhere near 12 hours.
Illusionist is also something you can work on as a team.
Illusionist is not something you're inclined to do while AFK.
Those are the differences I see.

and, if you find some of my other posts, I'm not too happy about grinding 200 of anything for a badge, either. Take the Toxic Tarantulas as an example. If you can kill 100 in time to get the badge for the contact - that is, 100 when they actually require effort from you because they're yellow-con or worse - then what does another 100 prove? If you can kill 100 orange-cons, doesn't that prove your point? Or, you go find a level 50 to kill 100 grey cons for you, what does that prove? Either way, it seems 100 would be fine and the rest is just overkill. so most of this badge isn't "normal play" either, or it's just mindess grind.



Just out of curiosity. I look at the Hero accolades, and I see requirements like "Kill 200 Banished Pantheon Spirits" and "Kill 200 Illusionists summoned by Carnie Master Illusionists" and "Kill 100 Lost Bosses" and "Kill 333 of every Croatoa mob type" and "Kill 100 Fake Nemesis robots" and "Kill 100 Paragon Protectors" and "Kill 1000 Rikti Monkeys" and "Kill 100 each of Vampyri and Warwolves".

Portal Jockey, yes, if you do the right contacts. The new Task Force Commander, also yes, if you squeeze in all the content. Invader, eventually. Marshall, also eventually. But every single other Accolade requires farming something specifically to get badges, and this has been true since Accolades were added to the game. And that's if we don't count finding all the specific exploration badges and plaques - at that point, they all become unreachable except by those who're specifically setting out to get badges.

Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

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I am a badge collector, on both my hero main and my villain main, so keep in mind I was collecting badges long before we knew which accolade requirements there would be for villains. On the whole, I think villains got the shaft.

I admit the spirit masks and the illusionists decoys are hard to come by running missions (I think people hate those mobs, especially the carnies, so there's fewer large teams doing those missions). The rest, however, are easily gotten by just doing the story arcs. Paragon protectors? There's one mission that's filled with nothing but 7th generation PP (the minion ones). There's plenty of Nemesis missions, etc etc. Even the Croatoa badges are for the most part easily gotten by running the arcs. I solo about 80% of the time, and I got most hero achievement badges through the arcs, not through farming.

Villain side was, in my experience, a lot harder. A lot more badges require you to farm missions (Rularuu, for one) for a net gain of 3 - 8 mobs that count towards the badge.

Once I found out about badges, I got most of them on my scrapper before I reached level 40. On my villain main, who had almost 200 badges when issue 7 went live, I am still struggling to get some of the critical ones. The 10 million damage taken? My poor MM has 11% on that one. The debt badge wasn't a problem on her, the level 40-50 super AVs saw to that, but my level 33 brute doesn't even have the 1st one. A real fun idea, that I will have to die often and intentionally, to the value of 5 million xp, in order to get an accolade heroes can get by doing (mostly fun) mission.



Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.



PvP people, god knows any villain who enters will get hit for 800+ dmg by a scrapper doing unresisted damage the second you leave the base in RV my corrupter is 50% of the way to Nigh Indestructible
Died alot, yeah, killed alot of people too, got me my disruptor several months ago. And if you don't wanna get it the PvP way... then get it after I20 comes out
P.S. PvP IS fun



Just out of curiosity. I look at the Hero accolades, and I see requirements like "Kill 200 Banished Pantheon Spirits" and "Kill 200 Illusionists summoned by Carnie Master Illusionists" and "Kill 100 Lost Bosses" and "Kill 333 of every Croatoa mob type" and "Kill 100 Fake Nemesis robots" and "Kill 100 Paragon Protectors" and "Kill 1000 Rikti Monkeys" and "Kill 100 each of Vampyri and Warwolves".

Portal Jockey, yes, if you do the right contacts. The new Task Force Commander, also yes, if you squeeze in all the content. Invader, eventually. Marshall, also eventually. But every single other Accolade requires farming something specifically to get badges, and this has been true since Accolades were added to the game. And that's if we don't count finding all the specific exploration badges and plaques - at that point, they all become unreachable except by those who're specifically setting out to get badges.

Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

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Things are different for heroes and villains, and in a lot of cases easier for heroes. I am not crying nerf for heroes, and make everything harder, but give the villains a break.



Meh. My TANKER didn't get Unbreakable over the course of going from level 1-50, only after several more months of regular Hamidon raids and helping others level. This Accolade still won't be useable over the course of a normal toon's leveling, it'll likely be attained after 50.

It's nice that I can actually GET it now, but it's still too high.

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When did your tanker make this trek from 1-50? A while ago, judging by the "several months" of Hami raids. Was it back when tankers could cap (or near-cap) resistances to everthing? It's hard to get a "take damage" badge when your whole existance revolves around minimizing damage

Hey, wait.. did all those nerfs just make it EASIER for us to get a badge



Just out of curiosity. I look at the Hero accolades, and I see requirements like "Kill 200 Banished Pantheon Spirits" and "Kill 200 Illusionists summoned by Carnie Master Illusionists" and "Kill 100 Lost Bosses" and "Kill 333 of every Croatoa mob type" and "Kill 100 Fake Nemesis robots" and "Kill 100 Paragon Protectors" and "Kill 1000 Rikti Monkeys" and "Kill 100 each of Vampyri and Warwolves".

Portal Jockey, yes, if you do the right contacts. The new Task Force Commander, also yes, if you squeeze in all the content. Invader, eventually. Marshall, also eventually. But every single other Accolade requires farming something specifically to get badges, and this has been true since Accolades were added to the game. And that's if we don't count finding all the specific exploration badges and plaques - at that point, they all become unreachable except by those who're specifically setting out to get badges.

Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

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Things are different for heroes and villains, and in a lot of cases easier for heroes. I am not crying nerf for heroes, and make everything harder, but give the villains a break.

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I had a problem with Nigh Indestructible. Unbreakable is bearable, but still needs to be worked after level 50 (normal play).

I still have a problem with Deathless for High Pain Threshold (10% more HPs). Debt slows us down. It is not fair.

The hero version is easily obtained at level 21 (grab a mentor for fakies). Villains will have a hard time getting it by level 40.



Wasn't one locked thread enough, _S_R_?

Quit trolling.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Just out of curiosity. I look at the Hero accolades, and I see requirements like "Kill 200 Banished Pantheon Spirits" and "Kill 200 Illusionists summoned by Carnie Master Illusionists" and "Kill 100 Lost Bosses" and "Kill 333 of every Croatoa mob type" and "Kill 100 Fake Nemesis robots" and "Kill 100 Paragon Protectors" and "Kill 1000 Rikti Monkeys" and "Kill 100 each of Vampyri and Warwolves".

Portal Jockey, yes, if you do the right contacts. The new Task Force Commander, also yes, if you squeeze in all the content. Invader, eventually. Marshall, also eventually. But every single other Accolade requires farming something specifically to get badges, and this has been true since Accolades were added to the game. And that's if we don't count finding all the specific exploration badges and plaques - at that point, they all become unreachable except by those who're specifically setting out to get badges.

Where, exactly, does this idea that the Accolades are supposed to be obtained through 'normal play' come from?

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Things are different for heroes and villains, and in a lot of cases easier for heroes. I am not crying nerf for heroes, and make everything harder, but give the villains a break.

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I had a problem with Nigh Indestructible. Unbreakable is bearable, but still needs to be worked after level 50 (normal play).

I still have a problem with Deathless for High Pain Threshold (10% more HPs). Debt slows us down. It is not fair.

The hero version is easily obtained at level 21 (grab a mentor for fakies). Villains will have a hard time getting it by level 40.

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Unbreakable is still tough to obtain before 50 I'll grant you that, but I have had HPT and Deathless on my Brute since level 42.

Sign It :



Wasn't one locked thread enough, _S_R_?

Quit trolling.

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Troll is in the eye of the beholder. Now begone.

*sprays troll-be-gone*



Unbreakable is still tough to obtain before 50 I'll grant you that, but I have had HPT and Deathless on my Brute since level 42.

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I agree. I have a problem with a DEBT badge for an accolade. Epic DEBT badge for an accolade is wrong.



The hero version is easily obtained at level 21 (grab a mentor for fakies). Villains will have a hard time getting it by level 40.

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There's little point trying to compare hero vs villain version of specific accolades. There are a lot of differences in the world of heroes and world of villains. Consider, for example, the amount of healing available in hero powersets, or for villains the amount of stealth powers. In a world with few +Recovery powers, +5 End is not the same to a villain as it is to a hero, it may well be insanely make-or-break to builds at level 7. I don't think that's what the Devs want from these.
(besides, your list leaves out the opposite situations with Demonic and the Immobilizer vs their hero versions.)

What's important, I think, is the balance of *how many* accolades at a given point. For example, in Siren's Call, either side should be expected to have the same number of accolades, just like they have the same amount of powers. Which specific accolades they have can be no worse than the difference in powers available to Blasters vs Corruptors or Brutes vs Tanks. While +5 End may be more fitting for late-game for villains, there is no accolade at all that heroes have to wait for level 45 to acquire.

But that's really the problem - never mind which accolades, the hero accolades can all help get you to 50, they're not things you pick up by farming after 50.
So, yeah, I agree that having to farm damage for an accolade sucks. But I think your reasoning is going to form a very weak argument if you insist on comparing it to the hero version. Things need not be the same to be balanced.