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  1. Pretty nice guide. Just a few nit-picks for you

    [ QUOTE ]
    Increase Density: For a slight Slow effect, your target is given +RES(Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, Knockback, Smashing, Lethal). Also, if suffering from Disorient, Immob, or Hold, they are free from it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Increase Density protects against energy and smashing, not Lethal. It gives resistance to TP Foe. Also, ID will wake up a sleeping character. It won't protect you from it, but will break the effects (just like a heal or taking damage will)

    Also, I haven't checked in a while (read: I may be wrong) but I think Fulcrum Shift is a +20% per mob, and a +40% from yourself.

    Once you get Fulcrum all slotted up, you may want to spec out Siphon power. With 3 recharge enhancers, Siphon Speed double stacked and Hasten, Fulcrum is up 2 or 3 times a fight, easily.

    All in all, gread guide, with great info.
  2. My personal favorite source of damage is the malta turrets. Not sure if it's a "bug" or "working as intended", but these little guys never despawn,even after their master is killed.

    They are similar to the CoT pain crystal (perpetual DoT) except these guys are more "bursty" damage, helping you to get past any accolades you might have
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Meh. My TANKER didn't get Unbreakable over the course of going from level 1-50, only after several more months of regular Hamidon raids and helping others level. This Accolade still won't be useable over the course of a normal toon's leveling, it'll likely be attained after 50.

    It's nice that I can actually GET it now, but it's still too high.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When did your tanker make this trek from 1-50? A while ago, judging by the "several months" of Hami raids. Was it back when tankers could cap (or near-cap) resistances to everthing? It's hard to get a "take damage" badge when your whole existance revolves around minimizing damage

    Hey, wait.. did all those nerfs just make it EASIER for us to get a badge
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    You were there too? Damn. I wonder if I got a chance to talk to ya, I talked to a few of the people working the booth. Oh well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ditto. I swear you guys need to wear name-tags.

    HI, MY NAME IS: Arctic Sun (Positron, Cuppa, etc)

    Come on... not like I'm asking you guys to dress up like your characters here
  5. On the subject of Blind Invites... I've actually gotten into the habit of accepting them, if for no other reason that to educate the person sending them. 95% of the time, it's actually a pretty decent team. The blind inviter simply didn't know any different. (and here's where i refrain from my tangent about educating people on Corrupters not being "healers"... grumble )

    Slightly off topic but:
    [ QUOTE ]
    you have to be even *more* careful about your leveling and influence rate, or you end up missing out on the special "hidden" contacts entirely, which I am told are of significant in-game importance.

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    Significant importance? No, not really. They are kinda fun though. I particularly dug Doc Buzzsaw's Arc. If you don't mind some spoilers, here's Hermod's Guide to Unlockable Contacts.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    *wonders how long until hers gets modded*

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    Modded? Why?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    What's wrong with Candy, begging to be eaten?
  7. And *THAT* is why we love Castle.
  8. And while we're on the subject of Widows suckage... let me touch on Smoke Grenade. Aside from the potentialy screwy debuff numbers, why is it that attacking doesn't reveal them? I know on the player side, attacking an enemy pretty much negates any stealth SG might be providing.

    If you absolutley MUST keep them hidden, can you at least make them targettable (once they've attacked.) Nothing says "fun" like standing around getting beat on by enemies that aren't there.
  9. Speaking partly form memory here, but it could have just been a bad luck streak. I'm thinking back to the conversation we had with a several devs about how the streak-breaker works. Without digging that post back up, the basic premise was that the lower your acc (on your lowest attack) the longer the streak needed to be before the breaker kicks in.

    So, before you poped that insight and BU... did you fire off even 1 shot? If so, you were probably at the 5% floor at that point. That puts you somewhere around 50-100 misses before the breaker kicks in.

    So, chances are you had no streak-breaker to speak of...

    Lets assume your final acc (to-hit, whatever) was in the neighborhood of 50%. It is completley feesable (however unlikley) that you could whiff 6 outta 7 with a 50/50. Hell, you can flip a coin and get heads 6 out of 7.

    I say chalk this one up to terrible luck, and being -3 lvls to a nasty debuff. However, if you start seeing this kinda thing often... that might be cause for alarm. Or at least enough to warrant a kindly Dev to double-check the debuff numbers on them

    [ QUOTE ]
    Night Widows are probably my favorite creations

    [/ QUOTE ]
    BTW, Castle... you're are a sick, evil, [censored]! I knew there was a reason I liked you
  10. Blood widows suck... true. But they suck on a much better level than, say, Longbow Wardens sporting KO Blow.

    I really like that the devs are getting away from: "give the mobs more HP, mez and dmg" as the only way of making things harder. But we must give the devs time, they are new in this realm. For nearly 2 years, they've been slathering on the HP + dmg theory like I-can't-believe-its-not-butter.

    To OP, I do think the fact that it was a +3 boss vs a blaster might have played a *minor* role in your quick death. How does your blaster fare, generally speaking, against +3 freakshow bosses?

    However, as I said earlier... these new difficulties DO suck. Mobs with -percep, mobs with fear, mobs with confuse... These are things that it seems were never planned for, and have very few counters. I know I'm not the only brute that's splattered a pet or two accidently when hit by a succubus.
  11. Thorny_Toad

    About -Res....

    I recall the post in question, but I don't recall the specifics.

    Damage multiplier sounds right... but I can't be certain. Suffice to say, a character with 0 resistances WILL still be negatively impacted by a -Res debuff.
  12. Gonna add my voice to the displeased. I was really hoping to slot the first tier pets for recharge and end redux. Especially at the higher levels, when they're mainly used for canon fodder.

    Run little zombies, run to your death... again
  13. Ok, I have a slightly more specific question along these lines. Who, among you devs, is responsible for the Deviner Maros text? That man can make your head hurt if you try to hard to undersatnd.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I think it would also be nice if there were AT specific starter missions

    [/ QUOTE ]

    By golly... it's so crazy, it just might work! Could almost play like a tutorial for the ATs, but you could just skip the missions if you already know what you're doing.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sparcetriel (First Respec Trial)
    Trasprecial (2nd Respec Trial)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What the heck is with both these names being anagrams of 'Respec Trial?'

    Anyone? Anyone? Devs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    HAHAHA.. sneaky sneaky devs. I didn't even notice that. 10 points to Lady Sadako though
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    What damage type?

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    Hmm. Is that Toxic damage, like Thorns, then?

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    No one has +Res to Pansy.

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    HA! I'm a regen scrapper. I don't NEED +res!

    i'll just heal it up!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    zOMG!! HE's totally UNBALANCED vs PANSY dmg!! Give him teh NURF!!!@!!37!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Essentially, anything over 3 slots of the same type of enhancement is a complete waste (well, effectively).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is correct. 6-slotting for damage WILL still give you more damage than 3-slotting. But it's such a little boost that it's really not worth it. (like 5% per slot, as opposed to the normal 33% per slot)
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Yep - this is the AI change to "fix" herding...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So wait.. does this fall under "no more major power changes"?

    Does this this, like ED, slip though some bizzare loop-hole.
  19. Awesome... two things though

    1) Can you bump that cap slightly. I think 25 is a fair number, don't you.

    2) Can we have back all our [censored] powers you NEUTERED along the way? You've made a hundred different changes to powers in order to slow, discourage or prevent this behaviour. Now that it has been accomplished, remove the wreckage from all your FAILED ATTEMPTS.

    2a) Take the timer of off all the "herdable" missions. They aren't herdable anymore.

    Honestly though, if all that was broken is restored, I'm 100% OK with this fix.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Now, the real question is, who in their right [censored] mind would trust Azuria with a jar of that water? It isn't even in the vault.

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    If you'd read the book, once the water leaves the fountain, it loses it's purity and fails to be as potent as it was untouched.

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    Hmmm. Since our incarnates will not be as strong as States and LR could this be the explaination?

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    It's just a preemptive motion for the impending nerfs to Incarnates
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

    Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ... thus making the End reduction enhancers that we're being FORCED to use even LESS worth-while.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Isn't this akin to offering a free toaster with every gunshot wound

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    More like free salt to shake right in the wound.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    The original Task Force Datamine took 3 months to finish. That was to go over 2 months worth of data.
    We now have 18 months worth of data. We looked for a more effecient solution, but our estimates still come out at 2 years to datamine and get you your badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The original Task Force Data-mine was done because BADGES DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE ISSUE-2. I can understand you guys not keeping track of that information up to that point... but is everyone there retarded?

    Did NO ONE say "Hey, I bet people are gonna want badges for these new TFs... we should start keeping track of them right when we add them in"

    The fact that you have to datamine AT ALL only stands as proof that boneheads are running the show.

    P.S. If a dev, reads this.. here's your lesson for today: Keep track of what players do! If you even THINK that you might add that "Sky raider force field generator badge" you'd better start keeping track of those generator kills NOW.
  23. Simple question for the devs:

    What purpose/role do YOU see burn fulfilling in your "vision"? (or maybe, what role do you WANT it to fill)

    It does not deal damage reliably. It does not help manage aggro (not for a tanker anyway... uber-fear is perfect aggro management for a blaster) It also no longer provides reliable status protection of any kind.