Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade




My biggest issue is that there is no hero equivilent requirement for an accolade. Even the hardest of badges to get (eg monkeys, illusionists, masks), can be farmed in a single night. This badge will require weeks of afk'ing. Not cool in my book.

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i agree, either make heroes have the same ridiculous(SP?) requirements for accolades or tone ours down

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I truly have to ask the devs W..T..F when I see things like this, like the Masrhall badge.

Why do the Heroes get accolades with such minimal buffs so easily while the Villains have to work their [censored] off for the same thing. I can get Atlas Medallion well before level 40 on a Hero, but getting Marshal is impossible for a Villain before then would be impossible as they have to complete a post-40 strike force.

So either take out the requirement for the Annihilator badge, or make the endurance buff a good amount more than the Atlas Medallion provides for so much less work.

Oh, and what the hell is with some Villain Accolades requiring PvP badges when the Heroes don't even need to ever set foot in a PvP zone for the same kind of rewards?



Unbreakable would seem a more reasonable pre-requisite to me. It still takes some effort to acquire but isn't as insane as Nigh Indestructable. Wheras Nigh Indestructable takes a good 2-3 weeks to earn if you farm it. The Accolades between heroes and villains should be the same "difficulty" to acquire. Requiring an Epic Damage taken badge for an Accolade is just going a little too far.



Unbreakable would seem a more reasonable pre-requisite to me. It still takes some effort to acquire but isn't as insane as Nigh Indestructable. Wheras Nigh Indestructable takes a good 2-3 weeks to earn if you farm it.

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Unbreakable would even be an insane requirement. I'm a corruptor, a fire blast/radiation emission corruptor. I'm not suppose to take damage. A Brute might be able to easily get Unbreakable, but like I said I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling to 50. Ya, I hit 50 yesterday and I STILL have not taken 5 million damage. I would have to farm more than double the damage I've taken just to get the accolade? That doesn't sound fair.

It would take me 2-3 weeks just to get Unbreakable.



Unbreakable would seem a more reasonable pre-requisite to me. It still takes some effort to acquire but isn't as insane as Nigh Indestructable. Wheras Nigh Indestructable takes a good 2-3 weeks to earn if you farm it. The Accolades between heroes and villains should be the same "difficulty" to acquire. Requiring an Epic Damage taken badge for an Accolade is just going a little too far.

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There's no reason why any badges that require damage taken should be required for a villain accolade. Heroes only have to defeat certain evil heroes to achieve the equivalent badge, not spend their career getting beaten.

Most of the badge requirements for villain accolades need to be rethought, unless it is on purpose that villains are seemingly being made more difficult for EVERYTHING in comparision to heroes. Next you'll even take away our paper mission contact, and make us visit said newspaper dispenser for a new mission.

Change Born in Battle to something obtainable! And while you're at it, take the level 40+ (in actuality) and other ridiculous requirements out of our other accolades.

/e sign



What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.

My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.

In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.

If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.

If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.

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Well, imagine the damage listing for a Master Mind player. Yes my MM character does take damage and an occasional kill, as I play in close to keep healing my pets. But it's nothing compared to what my Corrupter takes. Heck, my MM is into the mid 20's now .. and has yet to get a damage badge (but getting close).

As a final comparison, my Blaster, level 50, which is my first COH character and I've played for over a year, is only about 2/3 of the way to the 100 Million point badge. That's a lot of time and effort (and damaging Hami raids). And still not there.

I think sometimes the Devs put things out there that benefit only themselves or persons they personnaly know in the game which could get the badge. The rest of us are ignored.



We all need to understand that its more fun this way, it must be more fun as the devs set it up this way. The only reason that we got insanely buffed AVs/GMs that the devs didnt even test and PVP zones that will get you debt is that they know whats fun and we dont. 100 million points of damage? thats literally weeks/months/years of fun of standing around getting your butt kicked, whee, who doesnt want to do that?



Agreed.. this accolade can (and most likely will) be changed to a lower amount of dmg taken.

The villain accolades are already much more complicated to get than the hero counterparts, with the exception of Invader vs TF Commander.



It would take me 2-3 weeks just to get Unbreakable.

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No, it wouldn't. I just recently got Unbreakable on my MA/SR scrapper. He had about 60% left to go on the progress bar. So he had taken roughly 4mil dmg in his career. It took me 2 nights of having a lvl 53 minion wail on me to get it. Unbreakable isn't really THAT difficult to get. At lvl 50, you can just get it in 2 or 3 nights of farming. Sure, farming a badge for an accolade is bogus, but work with what you're given. Do it while you sleep. Throw your toon in a mission and go play PS2, watch a movie, hang out with your RL friends or something. I was merely saying Unbreakable would be more reasonable than Nigh Indestructable. Unbreakable is much easier to acquire than say Dimensional Warder. For me anyway.

I also think they should swap Annihilator and Siren's Song requirements for Marshal and Born in Battle accolades. Since Born in Battle is the Portal Jockey counterpart for CoV. Annihilator is probably the closest thing to Dimensional Warder that CoV has.



Most of the badge requirements for villain accolades need to be rethought, unless it is on purpose that villains are seemingly being made more difficult for EVERYTHING in comparision to heroes.

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I actually think this is exactly it. The devs are using City of Villains to remake CoH the way they wished they had to begin with. They want everything to be tough, nothing to be easy and CoV has been designed with this in mind.

You also see it in CoH when they revisit things that affect both games, like archvillains and giant monsters.

Inevitably, there are some rollbacks and adjustments. They seem to have two problems: one, they usually don't get things quite right the first time, necessitating tweaks and changes. Two, they seem to be steering current design of the game on the mantra of hard = fun.

On the first point, it's understandable that tweaking will be necessary, as thousands of players knocking stuff around may turn up things the devs wouldn't anticipate.

On the second, it is more of a philisophical debate and the devs may not be moved by player complaints if they believe the course they've chosen is the correct one for the game.

I will offer this, though, from my own perspective. If I am given a game that is too easy vs. one that is too difficult, I'm more likely to give up on the latter. Being frustrated is not fun. The devs seem to have gotten a knack for putting things into the game(s) that present a challenge that goes beyond what many would consider enjoyable. It is a worrying trend, although there's no need for DOOM™ quite yet.



/signed... with the blood my toon spent getting sliced up by a riki doing an afk farm over night only to have the badge bar barely move. W-T-F!?!



Ok guys, before you all start DOOM-ing more about this issue (and I don't disagree, I think Nigh Indestructable is way too high a requirement) I sent a PM to Cricket about it, and got this response this morning:


I've been following the threads on this, and honestly, I'm not sure if it is by design. I'm waiting to find out for sure. Once I do, I will make a post about it

So we know it IS being examined by someone, and we WILL get an answer in due time once Cricket knows for sure. So sit tight, I guess.



Well hopefully it's not by design.



Unbreakable would seem a more reasonable pre-requisite to me. It still takes some effort to acquire but isn't as insane as Nigh Indestructable. Wheras Nigh Indestructable takes a good 2-3 weeks to earn if you farm it.

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Unbreakable would even be an insane requirement. I'm a corruptor, a fire blast/radiation emission corruptor. I'm not suppose to take damage. A Brute might be able to easily get Unbreakable, but like I said I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling to 50. Ya, I hit 50 yesterday and I STILL have not taken 5 million damage. I would have to farm more than double the damage I've taken just to get the accolade? That doesn't sound fair.

It would take me 2-3 weeks just to get Unbreakable.

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this new phrase "farming damage" should say should have never come to be. lol man i'm laughing about it while thinking how it sounds in my head. can you imagine sweatshops running web ads for $1/10000hp damage/hr? the ridiculousness of taking damage for days while afk...'sheesh' as states would say.

i've been gunning for this accolade for weeks now on my brute and i was just starting to get my mind around how much damage that badge that actually is. i thought it was just me at first.

i don't think it's a matter of whether they're going to change the requirement, my take is that it's a given. the question is...where are they going to put it? what line in the sand is fair? unbreakable? don't forget, we've got plenty of options and a good amount to consider: we can leave the badges as they are and decide only what badges are required for the accolade. plus the accolade requires a good amount more than just nigh indestructible. there's that to consider too. plus it shouldn't be much more difficult for squishies to get than beefier toons. [edit] the more i think about it, i'm not sure it's a good idea to place any of the overall accolade difficulty on a goal like damage taken. it just seems too slanted towards beefy toons.

ps. thx for asking castle, spoony_bard. i guess we'll see what he says.



i've been gunning for this accolade for weeks now on my brute and i was just starting to get my mind around how much damage that badge that actually is. i thought it was just me at first.

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It's a big ol' mess of damage. You'll be lucky to get a full pixel of movement on the badge bar from an entire night of AFK farming.




i just recently got the badge on a regen and it took me about a week. Granted it is the one set best suited for it. I have it down to where i can easily take 8 million points of damage in 8 hours.

You need to remember that a red name once said these second sets of badges were put in place to take months if not years of game play to aquire depending on the at.



You need to remember that a red name once said these second sets of badges were put in place to take months if not years of game play to aquire depending on the at.

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Which is precisely why it shouldn't be a requirement for an Accolade that would allegedly help you on the road to level 50, not 12 months after you've achieved level 50.

Sign It :




On the second, it is more of a philisophical debate and the devs may not be moved by player complaints if they believe the course they've chosen is the correct one for the game.

I will offer this, though, from my own perspective. If I am given a game that is too easy vs. one that is too difficult, I'm more likely to give up on the latter. Being frustrated is not fun. The devs seem to have gotten a knack for putting things into the game(s) that present a challenge that goes beyond what many would consider enjoyable. It is a worrying trend, although there's no need for DOOM™ quite yet.

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The conundrum of difficulty is that harder IS more fun. You must challenge someone to really make him sit up, to get his adrenaline flowing, to elicit FUN. The more challenging, the better.

But when something becomes impossible, it's no longer a challenge, because it cannot be defeated. You're just getting kicked around. So its Fun -> More Fun -> TONS OF FUN -> No fun.

How close can you get to the tipping point without going over?

I think they're doing pretty well.

But none of this has anything to do with Born In Battle. Getting the Nigh Indestructable is not hard (not in the sense you're using). It's not "Challenging." Any mook can sit between a pain crystal and a healing crystal and go to bed.

It's just WORK. It's grinding. It's farming. It's doing the same thing over and over. Worse, it encourages botting.

Wherever you stand on the "At what point is challenging unfun" debate, I think you'd agree that farming a badge is neither challenging NOR fun. It's ok to spend an evening, for a few hours, hunting for a badge, learning the lay of the land, becoming familiar with, say, Hordeling spawn points in Mt. Diable or whatever.

But damage farming? Blah. Boring. Next?



Just out of curiosity, how much damage do you net with the pain crystal/healing crystal thing?

Currently at lvl 34, I get approx 102 damage per second having a 37 juicer freak punch me in the face while resting. This is on a brute.



Just out of curiosity, how much damage do you net with the pain crystal/healing crystal thing?

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about a tick of 6 every second... so 360 damage a minute..

i also agree that the last 3 badges shouldnt be a part of the accolades.... But states said that the only way they made really good accolades (which this isnt that great) would be if it was really tough/near impossible for ppl to get.



Portal Jockey on heroes is a lot easier to get than this.



It is an impossible, unrealistic requirement. 100,000,000 points of damage? The 3rd SG Healing Badge requires the combined effort of a Supergroup to obtain, and it is only 50,000,000. And that is a feat many SG's have been very upset over. To require a SINGLE character to sustain twice that amount, especially ones with few hitpoints, is insane. You might as well have save the time and effort into making the Accolade in the first place.

I thought "HEY! I'm a Mastermind, if all the damage my minions sustain counts toward's that then I got it easy, because they can really soak it at times." But after looking at my Badge Bar for the 4th Damage Badge, I'm maybe 1/5th of the way there at best and I am nearly level 50. It would definately take YEARS of endgame play to obtain this badge and thereby get this Accolade.

It NEEDS to be reduced down to the 1 Million points of Damage Sustained to be realistic for all Archtypes and on par with the difficulty requirements for the Hero equivilant badge.



about a tick of 6 every second... so 360 damage a minute..

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Wow that's terrible.

And if anyone cares, this accolade still isn't working for some people on live. I know of one person that has all the required badges but doesn't have this accolade. They petitioned . . . a week ago . . .



Just like Soul Taker is a requirement for too many Accolades, this ridiculous requirement just needs to be taken right out of the Accolades listing and replaced with something people don't have to farm.



I am in no way saying the requirements for the hero accolades should be made harder (they feel about right). But those for the villain ones DEFINITELY have to be looked at. The 5th damage badge is impossible. My main villain is a MM. 800 hitpoints at level 50. She is about 11% into the 4rth damage badge (10 million) after a lot of intensive playing. She will NEVER get the 100 million badge without AFK farming. What's the fun in that?

It would be a lot better to change the requirement to defeating a GM, the Headhunter (?) badge (defeat 50 signature heroes), or if level restrictions are a must, the Made badge (obtained when reaching 50).


Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.