24 -
I wish they would get rid of some near useless badges. The whole "held" sequence is crazy. The last in the series, jailed, is what you get if you are held for 80 hours in the game. 80 Hours?! Heck even if they reduced it to 8 Hours, I doubt even the most dedicated players would ever reach that level. That's not a "lack of date" working when they created this series of badges. That was a lack of common sense.
Explorer Achiever
E: 100%, R: 46%, T: 15%, F: -15%, S: -31%, C: -40%
I agree the questions are someone limiting and overall results may be questionable. But this does fit me. Exploring, finding things, solving puzzles, and getting loot. Friends and Socializing I have enough of in real life .. maybe to much from time to time. -
Could be worse. They might have gone with Ryan Seacrest.
Come to Chicago.
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If I come to Chicago will you take me drinking?
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Could do it two ways:
1. Local suburban stuff.
2. Downtown Chicago stuff.
We can work out the arrangements (I don't even let my parents into my house anymore as it has become my rat's warren and the paths I have are mine.)
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Oh you have to do the down town drinking, and then .. take them to the new glass Ledges in the Sears (never, ever, will I call it the Willis) Tower. Standing 103 floors in the air, on glass so you can look down between your feet all the way to the street way down below .. all while being a bit tipsy......... -
I'll have to try that. Though I alway screw up the code and they never seem to work right. What I want is an easy to use tool to build the macros, correctly.
That's the same reason I keep playing Maxi-Mime, my tank I created over on Justice for the Mime event. He's up to level 35 now. And there's something about a Mime tank rushing into a mob and taunting them that is just so fun. Now if there was only routines I could somehow link to the taunt. Say taunt and move into a "in the box" routine, to make it seem they were attacking due to that. I can hope.....
And they wern't arrested for being in costume. Silly Supes went and decked a cop. Quick thinking Bats though, always with a plan, sat the fight out and walked away.
Must be terrible for the cops involved though to have to deal with that kinda comedy arrest. You just know the women cop that got hit is gonna have a Wonder Woman outfit show up in her locker.
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Or a bag of rocks painted neon green .. just in case she needs help again in the future. -
Elasi, after reading your post, I noticed right away the difference between you and PK.
Within your post you stated:
But I never give up trying, ...
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While PK, in one of your posts you said:
I know what's irritating people and it's my natural personality. That's not changing.
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PK, if you're not even willing to try, then what can you offer this community? I remember when you came over, I welcomed you. I enjoy the majority of your posts.
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So why pray tell should someone change to fit into a community? There are plenty examples of communities where everyone has to "fit in" in the real world. And all of them are viewed negatively. From the snobbish exclusive subdivisions of the well to do, to the authoritarian regimes of Afghanistan under the Taliban or even Iran today, to the ultimate in groups like Jonestown. Expecting everyone to fit in is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Well, there are some exceptions. The Amish communities are viewed as "quaint" for example. But most other "fit in or leave" type groups just are not really fit communities.
Far better for people to be who they are, express themselves, and live with the fact that some people don't like them (and they might not like them back). But changing just to appease others is always the wrong way to go, and leaving to avoid them is also just as bad. -
Ah, good old TB. While every server has their black sheep, he pushed the envelope. An overachiever in that sense.
Of course, he did leave. But for all we know he's back again under another alter ego, watching us now even as we type. -
Were there fish puns?
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Sadly no. And no references to Milk and Oreo Cookies, Chuck Norris, Badge, or Team Debt Cap. So .. maybe it was better than the good old days??? -
Just yesterday I saw not one, but two different players trying to form pick-up task forces, one for Manticore, one for Citedal. Oh the joy of seeing people actually playing the game instead of rushing into MA to prostrate themselves on usless drivel.
I joined the Manticore TF, and more tears came to my eyes as we got a full load of 8 folks! I practically weeped as we went from mission to mission, 8 strong, everyone sticking to the TF. I tossed myself into battles with abandon, enjoying the feeling of an actual 8 person team playing to accomplish some goal in the game. I laughed with joy when the team got confused and split in two, taking on two big groups at once (going ouch in the process). I relished in the fact of some people actually playing the game, to accomplish a game goal!
Alas, all good things come to an end. And after trouncing the AV and getting our badges, we each went our own ways again. But for one shining moment, the game was like the good old days, when people played for the enjoyment of the game, and not simply to level or find recipes on easy, mindless, MA arcs.
I'll fondly remember yesterday, always, in my heart. -
That is a glaring mistake.
Probably explains the one-star on this arc. Somebody simply went in, and either zapped it to rate it lower than theirs, or, saw it wasn't a simple kill-fest and zapped it as they hate interesting or challenging items. -
Question -- do people have to complete a story / arc to rate it? I do not engage in MA at this time due to the glut of true crap-o-la out there. Also, how often can you drop an arc and choose a new one?
I saw two jerks yesterday talking on one of the old protector channels (was it elite badge?) about if it was possible to rate other peoples stories as 1 stars, as many as possible, so their stories float to the top. But I can't remember if there were talking wishfully, or in actuality (missed some threads as I was fighting some COT hordes). I mean, would that even be possible??? -
Vista -- recently voted one of the top 10 technological blunders of the last 50 years.
Best thing I found to do with a Vista machine is .. wipe the disk and reinstall everything from the XP disks. -
It grossed $85 Million in week one. But it plunged to $43 Million the next. That's a big drop off. Sure it still will pull in (likely) $180 million in total. But that's less than they acutally expected. Given the money spent on the film and advertising and such, a sequel does not look as promising.
If only they had written a story without so many damn holes in the plot, maybe this would have been a box office smash. Sigh. -
well, what the hell is a water filtration plant doing on the ship, with the water stored in tanks that would fit better on the roof of a building instead of the 23rd century starship?
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Not water filtration plant, a brewery. Didn't you know that the Enterprise runs on beer? Why do you think Scotty likes the ship so much.
From the "Groan Worthy Product Placement:" part:
"The Bud shout out was most likely a nod for letting the crew film in their beer plant, located in Van Nuys, California, for the engineering section of the Enterprise."
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Gee .. all this time I kept hearing Kirk swaggers into scenes .. but obviously they meant staggers into scenes as he's somewhat buzzed.
Sigh .. I cannot believe they could not find a better location to film some scenes than an actual brewery. I know Hollywood is addicted to drugs and alcohol, but, this is going to far. -
I did like the film as an interesting piece of entertainment. Some nice action scenes, big explosions, interesting effects. But ...
Well, I won't go into details, so others can see the film themselves and not feel as it was spoiled. But there are so many holes in the overall plot that the overall movie is ruined, in my opinion. And I'm not talking about the canon or structure to the trek universe. That I'm not concerned about. But there are actions that occur in the movie that are beyond on reason and would never have happened, no matter how twisted the timelines.
Oh, and don't get me started about the sets. Sometimes, very nice. Other times .. well, what the hell is a water filtration plant doing on the ship, with the water stored in tanks that would fit better on the roof of a building instead of the 23rd century starship?
So overall, I didn't mind them tampering with the timeline and such. But I was disappointed in the overall movie, the story holes, the poor choices in set design, and other such items. I'd rate the movie a C-Minus. -
AE is the sacred cow for the developers because their professional reputations are riding on it. It is the only thing of its kind in any MMO, and while it was in development I'm sure a lot of people were rightly skeptical that handing the keys to game content over to the playerbase is a lot like handing a monkey the keys to the company car.
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And based on the quality of most MA stories, we've gotten what you would expect giving the keys to a monkey -- a big wreck with steaming piles of feces all over it.
I know it's been said an infinite amount of monkeys typing randomly would eventually produce the works of Shakespere. Well most of the MA produced materials could be bettered by two blind monkeys typeing randomly for one hour on typewritters with torn ink tape and half the keys not working. Seriously. -
So lets see .. a person runs a red light, an officer pulls up behind them flashing lights, they don't pull over for close to a minute and then pull into a Hospital lot. When the officer approaches the car the subject starts blurting out that his step-mother is dying inside. What is the officer to do?
First, you cannot let the subject out of the car and into a public area. IF the person is someone who is wanted or dangerous, letting them out of the car or area next to the car, and into a public area like a hospital is a nightmare. They would now have easy access to civilians to grab as hostages. And if they are packing a weapon, the odds of members of the public being hurt or killed go way up. Until you have enough information you CANNOT let that person leave the car.
Second, you need to control the situation so you can then verify what the heck is going on. And that means having people stay in the vehicle, or wherever you order them to be. Only then can you call in to do computer searches, contact the hospital via the radio (you cannot leave the scene to go into the hospital to ask anything unless enough back-up arrives to support the situation), etcetera...
If anything, Moats aggravated the whole situation by not cooperating. I know, it was an emotional time for him, so he made some bad judgement calls. So it's not really his fault. But for people to be picking on this officer, that's the real shame here.
Can you just imagine what would happen if the officer had let a person go into the hospital and later it turns out they were a drug dealer or felon? The media would crucify the poor man for believing such a lame story as "My step mom is dying" and letting them into the hospital, violating every police procedure in the book.
It's such a shame people are getting upset at this officer for doing his job. A job done with a little attitude, but well within what the job allows and requires. If anything, I'd recommend the officer should have pulled out mace or a taser, and zapped / blasted the wife who refused to remain in the car and exitted running. I mean that could have been letting someone into a public area with a purse containing a gun or other weapon. So perhaps a slap on the wrist is called for, for letting the situation get out of control and allowing a person to "escape" in an unknown situation. Just so he will react with more force, proper force, in the future. -
I was in-game for a bit this afternoon and noticed that they are now so unobtrusive that if someone doesn't know what to look for or what channels to include in their chat windows, they will miss the announcements.
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Yup, I have to say that the new "alerts" are so unnoticible now that as far as I know, unless I'm in the zone the invasion is happening in, I don't know they ARE happening.
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I have to agree that the invasion notices aren't noticable now. I flew into Talos early today to a green sky and drop ships. I went back through my combat / global / chat tabs and saw NOTHING about the attack. I stayed in Talos an fought the Rikti. And finally as the sky turned blue I saw a green message about the invasion is over. Green, like a team message.
This really sucks. -
What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.
My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.
In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.
If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.
If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.
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Well, imagine the damage listing for a Master Mind player. Yes my MM character does take damage and an occasional kill, as I play in close to keep healing my pets. But it's nothing compared to what my Corrupter takes. Heck, my MM is into the mid 20's now .. and has yet to get a damage badge (but getting close).
As a final comparison, my Blaster, level 50, which is my first COH character and I've played for over a year, is only about 2/3 of the way to the 100 Million point badge. That's a lot of time and effort (and damaging Hami raids). And still not there.
I think sometimes the Devs put things out there that benefit only themselves or persons they personnaly know in the game which could get the badge. The rest of us are ignored. -
Wheeee! We won Best Community! Way to go guys!
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Best Community? In game? Maybe. The forums? You'd have to be kidding. If that's the case then I do not want to go anywhere near their forums. The community here for the most part, with a few exceptions here or there, seems to do nothing but urinate all over the developers efforts. Anyone who either agrees with the developers decisions, or those who don't but understand the decisions and why the developers had to take the path they did will get treated as being less than human. Those that don't understand seem to think that there is some big conspiracy where the developers hate the players and are trying to destroy their own game.
I'm tempted to think that the problems with this game aren't with the game so much as they are with the dregs of the community, those in game and especially those in the forums.
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Actually, the problem is more with individuals who blindly support the developers, blithly thank them for fixing problems, and act incensed when people criticize the devs. As long as there are folks like this heaping praise on the Devs for making the game harder, stripping away powers, and generally fixing their own damn mistakes .. then the developers will have no real incentive or reason to improve game quality and testing. Yep, these "Thank you for whacking me" types really need to go elsewhere, so we can get the game improved. -
You could listen to the Wasabi Awards on SI Radio - I have a sneaking suspicion that we won something!
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Wheeee! We won Best Community! Way to go guys!
"City of" also won Best Storyline and Best Newb Experience (so far...)
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You'll notice the awards were for Community, Newb Experience, and storylines. But I've heard no mention of awards for good programming decisions .. aka the lovely lets make AV's and GM's all but unbeatable decision. Of course I may be beating a dead horse here. But if that's what it takes to improve testing and quality control, well .. time to whack away.