The good old days
Were there fish puns?
They got the idea from me. I ran Posi, Synapse, and Sister Psyche in a row yesterday and PMed virtually everyone on the server until I had a full team. Three full teams.
Were there fish puns?
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Sadly no. And no references to Milk and Oreo Cookies, Chuck Norris, Badge, or Team Debt Cap. So .. maybe it was better than the good old days???
Were there fish puns?
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Sadly no. And no references to Milk and Oreo Cookies, Chuck Norris, Badge, or Team Debt Cap. So .. maybe it was better than the good old days???
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It could have been worst, there could have been mention of Trident Boi!
"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"
Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
I miss the good ol' days when there were no door missions...
Like anything else new and shiny in CoH land, there is always a phase where it garners most of the attention before a balance is restored. Personally, I like that.
Of course when.... OMG!!!! The Name That Must Not Be Spoken has been mentioned!!1
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I miss the good old days when people ran TFs for content, not just to speed though then for the merits at the end.
They got the idea from me. I ran Posi, Synapse, and Sister Psyche in a row yesterday
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just yesterday?
We do 3-4 TF/SF's a day.
We usually start our night out with a Villian 3spec, move on to Crystal Keeper, jump on over to "STOMP" a mudhole in Roms ancient behind, and polish it all off by showing them Rikti scum what a good ol fashioned "BUTT WUPPIN" feels like.
Oh I almost forgot...... we also do 2-3 MoRSF's a week if not more.
MArcs were a phase, like Stale said
Like anything else new and shiny in CoH land, there is always a phase where it garners most of the attention before a balance is restored. Personally, I like that.
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When Issue 15 goes live BC will be over run with 5th TF/SF froming LFM!!!!
When Going Rogue hits, same thing.
But just like every issue before and every issue to come eventually the hoopla wears off and everything gets back to it's old abnormal ways.

*tries hard not to ask*
I CAN'T RESIST!!! *asks*
HWSNBN* was an interesting character. I won't go into details, because I honestly don't remember. I drank enough of Night Reaver's rum to purge the memories.
* HWSNBN = He Who Shall Not Be Named
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
every server has one

*tries hard not to ask*
I CAN'T RESIST!!! *asks*
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If you say his name... he may return. And... I'm just not sure we can survive that again.. the memories are... just... too.... painful...
They got the idea from me. I ran Posi, Synapse, and Sister Psyche in a row yesterday
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just yesterday?
We do 3-4 TF/SF's a day.
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On the weekends from Friday night till late Sunday that's all I do is run Task Forces. It's getting so that I run more TF's than mission content.
Usually they are with my regular group, once in a while I'll PUG one. The PUG Manticore that I ran Sunday was a blast. We started off a bit rocky on the first couple of groups, then it all gelled and we finished with a decent time.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
Good ole' Days? I am on Virtue and unless I get tired of running them I can get on an 8 man TF daily.. some time 2 or even 3 a day when I have the time. Some are speed runs and by speed I simply mean we have stealth and TP available and get through some missions by heading straight to the boss and minions rather than fighting our way there. Others are slower grind it out for XP Task Forces... I even had a GREAT PUG team on a Positron TF last week....With no Stealth we managed to finish in 3 hours and 5 minutes!
I've done Respec trials, found just regular pick-up groups doing both radio or Contact missions. Yeah people are still doing AE stuff but the newness has worn off and I think they are starting to realize that those do nothing to get you accolades like TF Commander, Atlas Medallion, Etc. that add extra Health, End or additional temp powers to your inventory.
I do some AE mission, ones by freinds that I know are good or others just to earn some tickets and I have completely enhanced characters without using any influence at all so they do have some benefits (along with the added content).
Some one else mentioned it as soon as I 15 hits there will be a mad rush to take on Reichman and the 5th Column and then it will just become another TF to add to the list of things to do (eventually). Come on now I'm not even the Oldest player in game but in the 3 and a half years I have been around one thing I have come to expect is that every new issue will spark an insane fascination with THE NEW STUFF until it wears off and just becomes MORE STUFF.
BTW I have done the new Hero TF on Beta.. PRAY they nerf Reichman before it goes live ... he has insane Unstoppable and is way too hard to beat IMO. It could develop into another one of those specialty TFs that only get played when JUST the right AT with just the right powersets are available and that would be a shame.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
You guys could at least pm me and tell me.
dont worry wolfie, i have no idea who it is either... unless it's me and that's why no one is talking about it.
"When Eric Estrada looked me in the eyes, I thought I would feel different..." Michael Perry
The Frat and the Furious - MA ID 27145
Town of Super People - MA ID 59106
You guys could at least pm me and tell me.
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He dissapeared just before I got here and I had nightmares form the stories told for me DON'T want to know...............

*tries hard not to ask*
I CAN'T RESIST!!! *asks*
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If you say his name... he may return. And... I'm just not sure we can survive that again.. the memories are... just... too.... painful...
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I laugh in the face of terror!
Tri... *gets shot from across the zone*
I laugh in the face of terror!
Tri... *gets shot from everyone in the universe*
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Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.
Oh HIM... I remember HIM. *barfs a little*
Just yesterday I saw not one, but two different players trying to form pick-up task forces, one for Manticore, one for Citedal. Oh the joy of seeing people actually playing the game instead of rushing into MA to prostrate themselves on usless drivel.
I joined the Manticore TF, and more tears came to my eyes as we got a full load of 8 folks! I practically weeped as we went from mission to mission, 8 strong, everyone sticking to the TF. I tossed myself into battles with abandon, enjoying the feeling of an actual 8 person team playing to accomplish some goal in the game. I laughed with joy when the team got confused and split in two, taking on two big groups at once (going ouch in the process). I relished in the fact of some people actually playing the game, to accomplish a game goal!
Alas, all good things come to an end. And after trouncing the AV and getting our badges, we each went our own ways again. But for one shining moment, the game was like the good old days, when people played for the enjoyment of the game, and not simply to level or find recipes on easy, mindless, MA arcs.
I'll fondly remember yesterday, always, in my heart.