172 -
7yrs on and off and man has it been a fun ride, never fails though, i take a break to try out the new shiny and always end up back on good o' Protector, and all my favorite protectorites always welcome me back like I never left............bout to start tearing here, okay enough nostalgia time for some dbl xp
Your Grandmother is in my prayers Kyo.
Que Dios le bendiga.......... -
Thank you all for your prayers..........
he's home finally, out of comission for 4-6 weeks but considering everything he's gone through, 4-6 weeks is better then the alternative.
now we can start the healing process, getting him better, back to his old mild mannered self. I am truly blessed, again thank you all for your prayers he heard them and answered them.
I truly am blessed......
the boy was more concerned with the SoB that hit then he was himself. took a bit of convincing but finally got my son to tell me what happened...sorta.
apparently the ******* saw him and was waving him off, a get out of the way wave before he slammed into my kid, 2 lane major roadway with no traffic in the other lane, had he just applied the brakes and switched lanes he would have missed my son entirely.
thank you all for your prayers, he is dong much better and hopefully will be home tonight, then starts the healing process.
kinda feel bad, he saved his christmas and birthday money to buy himself that bike and it's trashed, i'll buy him a new one but it wont be the same.
again thank you all
Rican -
So yesterday after a most tiresome day at work I get home and decide to Veg for a bit before I get my CoH fix, then the phone rings........."this is seargant so-so from the Schaumburg Police department, do you have a son named sso-so?"
At first I thought that maybe he and his freinds did something stupid and someone called the cops, mind you my son is a good kid, I know alot of parents say that about thier kids but me i'm blessed, he's just a good kid.
The officer told me to remain calm that my son was in an accident but he was o.k, my 12 yr old son was hit by a car while riding his bike. As a parent you NEVER want to get a call that your child was injured...never, I got that call and let me tell you it's the WORST feeling in the world.
He's doing fine thank the good lord, a concusion and 2 fractures in his foot considering the distance he traveled when he got hit, he had an Angel on his shoulder yesterday.
Since the investigation is still on-going the police can't tell me what if anything was done to the driver of the car, all I know is that a stranger almost took from me one of the 2 most precious things in my life ( the other being his brother ) and thankfully the almighty father decided it wasn't time yet.
I needed to vent so I thank you all for listening and thank you even more for any prayers you'd be willing to offer up for my sons speedy recovery and even speedier return home.
Rican -
Quote:my apologies beef_cake:First off, I'd like to apologize for any viruses you may have gotten a hold of while browsing the web.
Second, I can assure you there is "NO" viruses on the map pack or any other downloads you get from my site.
Actually, I did correct the problem from before, which is why you see no ads on my site anymore.
And for the record, I've had over 6,000 people download the map pack for the new Issue 17 so far, and I've heard of 3 people having this same issue. And to me, thats more than I would hope to see have this issue. So yes, I do care about things like this and I'm grateful someone has brought it to my attention instead of coming here and posting about it, when it should've been brought to my attention. But never the less, I hope I can find another place to store the files.
It is very possible that it came from the advertisements the file sharing site use. I know they display ads on their site. This unfortunately, isn't something I can control. I have however contacted the file sharing site and made them aware of the problem and they are currently looking into the situation.
I don't know their policy on things like this, as I'm not a partner with the site or know their policies. Anyone can sign up to the site to store files. Actually, you don't need to create an account to download either. Anyone can download if I'm not mistaken.
The reason I use the file sharing site is due to bandwith, my site can't handle it. Well it can, but I can't handle the costs, bandwith is pretty expensive once you exceed your maximum threshold.
So if anyone has a better place for me to store the files, please don't hesitate to let me know, I will gladly move them to another site. I have no ties to the current file sharing site I'm with. Just PM me and I will do what I can to move the files away from the current site so this doesn't happen to anyone else.
1. my intent was too infrom my Protector brothers and sister about a possible attack that could occur if they downloaded the map pack, and not too bash you or the great work you do.
2. i'm sure that if I had done a bit more searching I cold have gotten your contact info and came to you directly and informed you about the virus piggy backing on your map pack.....again I apologize.
3. as I stated I downloaded it also and didn't get a virus so the attacks may be random, i'm not a computer guru, I don't know how this stuff works, I turn on my comp, load CoH and commence to play, thats the extent of my computer knowledge.
I am in no way trying to squash you or badge-hunter, it's a GREAT site, extremely helpfull and I use it all the time, thank you for all the work you put into it and all the helpfull infromation you provide us with.
again my apologies Beef_Cake -
Quote:What Ice said and he told me he was getting a boat load of pop-ups and a prompt command to open his c: drive, and another prompt for some CC information.Boricua may shed some light on the specifics of what happened to his friend, but I can tell you what happened to my system. The virus shuts down your Windows Security Center, which controls your anti-virus and firewall software. It replicates in your registry, to the tune of roughly 17 different files, at least three of which are executables that will reinfect your system upon reboot if you do not remove them ahead of time. This can be difficult, particularly for people with less computer experience. Ultimately, the virus collects handy info like personal data to be fired off to a server somewhere in the nether-reaches of the interwebs.
Warning signs to look for...
If your system suddenly gives you security update warnings, particularly for programs that you are not currently running.
Alert icons appearing in your task tray, again for programs you are not running or do not have installed on your pc.
Sudden, unexplained lag in system performance. I'm not talking about ingame lag, but rather when you're running basic programs like Internet Explorer, Word, Solitare, etc.
Lastly, if your browser starts redirecting you to websites you do not intend to go to, also known as browser hijacking. If this happens to you, seek help immediately. If you do not know how to remove viruses, malware, trojans, etc from your pc, get help. Browser hijacking programs can, and often do, trash your system and leave you vulnerable to identity theft.
I downloaded it and nothing happened to me, but then again after I downloaded it I got a message from my Nortons saying a recent attempt to attack my computer was thwarted, so I guess I got lucky.
Rican -
Earlier this afternoon a buddy of mine, while on the phone with me, downloaded the new Map Pack from Vidiotmaps that included issue 17's new expl. badges and stuff.....
he's re-formatting as I type this, NASTY trojan piggy backed with it and screwed the pooch big time on his comp.
WARNING: DO NOT DOWNLOAD the new map pack from vidiotmaps guess they never fixed the problem..... -
Quote:yes and you know names can't be named here on the forums.I guess you are talking about the ITF thing. I'm concerned about that as well. I'm tempted to ask for names.
I've known both Yeti and Mr. Yet for quite some time, both are GREAT people to know and I call them friend. She is always one of the first to lend a helping hand, and unless it's RL she's always one of the first to be there ready to go, no matter what it is.
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! -
And Rican for bringing a little Latin flavor into the mix
All kidding aside, I wasn't sure who all the raid leaders were, and since yours is the vocie most heard or read I mentioned you and the others.
ALL of you do a GREAT job and i'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for taking the time to organize and lead, thank you for the fun and thank you for the laughs, Lord knows I laugh my *** off whenever I team with you guys.
Rican -
Quote:While Mr. Grey has been trying to "light a fire" I don't think he was saying he had a problem with you or any of the raid leaders kid, I think his problem is more the lack of participation of our community on villian side Hami raids.I have to ask those of you that don't find Hamidon fun... Thank you for pointing out that some people don't find it fun. So why read/participate in this thread? One of the strengths of this game is that there's a bit of something for everybody. Some people like to change their costume every day, some people enjoy watching their base expand into an elaborate network of rooms and corridors. Do you see people going into base building threads or role playing threads and start thread crapping? We know there are people who won't go to raids. We're also seeing that there are some who do. They could be there because it's fun for them. They could be there hoping for ribosomes or microfilaments so they can turn around and sell them on the market. Or maybe, just maybe they're there to support the community.
And Grey: You don't have to be a part of a debate for it to have happened. As Vega pointed out, this isn't the first time we've had this discussion on the forums. And even before that, there's been discussions within the core leadership group about how to cope with the attendance issue. The consensus is for us to hold off on villain raids until we can find a solution, in the meantime, focus on what we CAN do, and that is to keep the hero raids coming. Since this thread started, I've seen nothing but criticism from you with phrases such as... "chosen few" and "The wheat is starting to rot..." And then there's the assertion about the MOTD of a channel you've never been in and the assertion that this is the first time this topic is being discussed. If you have a problem with me or any member of the raid leadership, please bring it up with me and/or the person in question, be it here, in tells, in PMs, to give us an opportunity to resolve it.
I would like to ask everyone at this point to keep their criticisms constructive and informed. Vega brought up a problem and we're working together to find a solution, preferably without flame or drama. Thank you.
I think he fails to see how difficult it can be to organize these events, getting 40 to 50 people in one place at a designated time and then trying to get those 40 "hoping for 50"
to pay attention long enough for you and the other raid leaders to explain what needs to be done for a successfull raid.
I'm sure no disrespect was intended.
We can ***** & moan about it all day here on the forums, we can try to analyze 100 different ways from Tuesday why there is less a turnout Red then Blue, and we can all come up with hundreds of ideas on how we can improve turnout for redside raids......but
like I said earlier, we can't make them come, we just hope they do. -
let me blunt:
Since Hami raids are usually lead by the same core group both Hero and Villian, and since no-one else was and or is willing to step up and assume the mantle of raid leader, and since the last couple of Villian Hamidon raids we barely got enough people in the hive to take down Hami, I can see why Kid and crew would want to not waste thier time trying to not only organize but lead the Villian raids......at least for a while.
Quote:For every single raid be it Hero or Villian I have always known in advance when it was going to be, and yet for the Villian raids whenever I showed up we would end up standing around with our thumbs up our butts, playing tiddly winks (sp) waiting, shooting out last minute tells, BC's, spamming channels looking for more people, just so we could start.I'm being so critical of the "Getting the word out" issue because I'm in the same boat that others have mentioned, I usually don't know about a raid until just before it's going to happen (and I DO visit the forums regularly). This last one, I was barely able to prepare in time.
Quote:don't remember this debate, and I play fairly regularly. Heck, this thread is the FIRST we've ever started talking about it, and it's happening AFTER a decision was made to abandon it (which has inspired a new lively debate). I didn't hear anything about it until this past Sunday, where the news was passed by people who may not be exactly "in charge," but they sure as Hell are listened to very closely.
Quote:Or maybe we need to work out new suggestions on how to engage in a Redside Hamidon. Maybe new times, or a different day.
How about Fridays at 9 P.M. Eastern, 5 Pacific. It's a Friday, people often duck out early on Fridays, giving them time to get prepared. Hell, we can do it at 10 P.M. Eastern. Where the Hell do you have to be the next day, anyway?
Is that not good enough? Too bad, nobody else is suggesting anything. Suggest something good for you. Let's get some brainstorming going, let's start working this out! If we just sit here, pointing fingers at each other, we're not going to get anything done.
You can't make people attend, so all you can do is present them with the opportunity and hope they do. -
Quote:I'd say a combination of both, I can tell you for sure that a majority of the people on my global friends list don't have and probably will never be part of the more popular global channels we use on Protector. So WoM is key here, also most of them NEVER even bother to browse the forums and see what events are coming up, again WoM is key here.This demonstates my point precisely. The difference between blue and red side activity is the players, not the advertising. If 50 people can roll out for blue side Hami fun, where are their corresponding red side characters? I'm not saying they must have villains, but if they do not, the difference is the players, not the message getting around. The "word" gets out about raids, both blue and red, people just don't respond to red side like they do for blue. By all means, if individuals feel compelled to 'talk up' the raids more, please do so, but issues like...
-Population red side
-"Bad guy" stigma
-Lag, real or perceived
-Friendships and alliances
...will continue to hamper red side raiding efforts. I do not have a magic bullet answer, nor do I think anyone else has one in their pocket. When Going Rogue arrives, could Vigilantes help bolster red side activity, certainly, but only time will tell. Kinetic Melee and Electric Control could see a spike in Brute, Stalker, and Dominator numbers, all of which could bring added hope for future red side raiding. Looking further down the road, the arrival of the Incarnates will accompany a significant increase in the number of active Lvl 50s seen around town, this too could be a boon for the raiding effort. If nothing else, there is hope...
Are there more people who play Blue then Red? Maybe. But either way communication is key to promote parcipitation in any event. Also as was stated earlier in the post how many newer players Red or Blue play on Protector that haven't the slightest clue about channels like Pro TF's, PW, PV, JS, STFM etc? I'd say quite a few.
So yes maybe the population of villians vs Heroes plays a factor as far as parcipitation goes but i'm sure that we have way more then 50 lvl 50 villians on this glorious server we call home. All we have to do is reach out to them and let them know that there is plenty for them to do with thier shelved lvl 50 toons. -
So what I am gathering is:
Lack of advertisement is why Villian side Hami raids seem to have less a turnout then Hero side.
I've been around for a while, though my post count would say otherwise. I spend more time then my wife would like in game and alternate frequently between both hero and villians, and EVERY time there has been a Hami whether it was red or blue I knew about it.
How? I browse the Forums, I monitor the global channels and word of mouth. The last few raids heroside I let my global friends know it was happening and encouraged them to come. The last couple Villian raids I have attended I was giving a friendly reminder by friends on my global.
There are a number of different ways that we as a whole can "get the word out" about raids blue/red and for the most part from what i've seen they are being used. Kid,Vega, T and the other raid leaders do a hell of a job both Red and Blue but they alone cannot get everyboby on protector to attend them.
Major T created a post for our next Hami raid those of us who browse and or are active on the forums replied with either a wooohooo i'll be there or a DOH! can't make it. Now as we are and yes we are "the select few" who actually parcipitate here on the forums it is up to us to spread the word in game. Be it by WoM to our friends, occasional zone broadcasts, reminders in the global channels and any other way we can think of to "get the word out".
That Mr. Grey is in my opinion the only way we are going to get more parcipitation for Red side Hami's. It's like bad customer service, you tell 10 friends who tell 10 of thier friends and so on, eventually everyone will know about it.
That being said since the next raid will be hero side I suggest we try a red side Hami after that, but wait there is more.........Kid, Vega, T and the other raid leaders hopefully you will honor us by taking charge the way you do and lead us to victory. Everyone else here on the forums who think we need more parcipitation in Red side Hami's your task would be to "GET THE WORD OUT" via Global channels, Global Firends, WoM, broadcasts throught the various Villian zones, hell take an add out in the paper if you think it'll help, bottom line is it doesn't matter how many times our Hami crew puts together a raid if we don't help them advertise it no one will come. -
Time and wife permitting, if you decide to put together a Villian Hami I got no problem coming in and joining the party. Just tell me when.
totally off subject but...............after issue 17 you have to do BOTH parts of the Posi to obtain TFC accolade If I understand this post correctly
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...21#post2793521 -
Quote:Of the 8 if you have at least 2 support AT's you should be fine. Have run it a ton of times with just one support AT and breezed through it in about an hour or so.Love it when a SF runs smoothly. We went through all the missions and mobs fast and easy. We had also tried to see if we could run it in Master mode but that didn't happen. :P
The Recluse SF is up next on our hit list (*shudders*). From previous experience and joining in on Kidengineer's speed runs, we'll definitely need more support ATs. If you can, try to read through the Paragon Wiki's Recluse SF page. Way at the bottom there are strategies and tips. I don't mind if the SF takes a bit of time, but it'd be nice to complete it on the same day. xP
But then again, i'm spoiled rotten, im used to hr or less TF/SF runs. -
Quote:just looking out.........Thanks to Boricua for inviting me to this, as I had been clearly slacking in my board participation to have missed the announcement
And great job everyone, very smooth work indeed
was fun, went smooth and getting some nukage for next weeks raid also. -