


I wanted to post again to promote the “STF Masters” channel especially for those of you still seeking the MSTF badge. We’re still here, we’re still running (although more irregularly), and sometimes we still win. From what I’ve seen and heard on the forums, on average, we seem to be slower than other teams. I expect our runs to be 3 hours though recent runs have been closer 2.5. I’d like to run more weeknight attempts but it depends on getting some people interested and available for such runs. Those that join us for the first time are usually tense, but the “regulars” are really relaxed and this translates into a fun time for everyone.

For those of you who like numbers here’s a general breakdown:
(25 runs x 8 members per run = 200)
Controllers 64/200 = 32%
Defenders 54/200 = 27%
Scrappers 19/200 = 9.5%
Blasters 29/200 = 14.5%
Tankers 31/200 = 15.5%
Kheldians 3/200 = 1.5%

Our minimum team formula is a tank, an emp and 2 other buff/debuff and preferably another buff/debuff. Twice we’ve managed to complete it with only 3 buff/debuff on the team.

The Vine Tree AV is still the biggest hurdle after all this time even though we’ve recently discovered the threat range of the AV isn’t what we thought it was; it’s a bigger area closer to the center of the room. We live on single pulling or splitting up the Inner Circle for single AV fights.

Some selected memories are here

Our first win (We all miss you Talbein Vikshus, come back soon!): team photo

Rasta, Major T & Vyx: team photo

Our marathon run 4:08 with FlameWrath & Knowmad: team photo

If you’ve won MSTF with us, you can probably find your team picture here (missing #19 though): MSTF folder

I didn’t mention the “we” who run this all the time; you’ll find yourself/them throughout the team pictures. STF Masters is a fairly quiet channel. It’s used to advertise scheduled MSTF runs and recruit for them, (I sometimes use it to recruit for Eden or ITF). Come join us for a fun time and a chance for the MSTF badge.

Thanks again to all those who’ve run with us; win or lose it’s always a fun time. I’m glad to have had a chance to have met such a diverse group of players here on Protector. I've made numerous friends through MSTF attempts. We have a lot of quality players here on Protector of good character; I’m proud to call Protector my home.



I had a blast getting the MOSTF with you Imp. and am usually up for helping others get this elusive badge. I have recently leveled up my FF/NRG Defender with PBUed bubbles and the leadership pool if you ever need some extreme defense for a run.




/em salute's Impyre

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Yeah great job and thanks. I'm sure to help when I can.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



I'm up to running with y'all, but only available on weekends.



Proud to be the scrapper on team 17 (regen too squishy....pfft!). I had an awesome time running htis TF and the quality of players leading it and participating on it were fantastic. Would do it again in a heartbeat on any toon or in any Tf or trial. PLanning on joining the channel today but if you need a filler anytime, send a pm to @proton Chicken.

Loyalist *chokes on it* ... scum!



My first succesfull MOSTF run was with you leading it, Team 10.

As for the time it takes, I think that's a side effect of the care in planning you have and time you take to explain the tactics behind everything, which I know I appreciated immensely.

Bravo, and I'm looking forward to more fun like this.

Players Guide to the Cities



I would like to do a weeknight run provided it doesn't start before 830 or 900 Eastern. I've run STF a bunch of times but haven't managed that elusive Master. I can bring MA/Inv scrapper, En/En blaster, or Storm/Rad defender.



Bah! I musta been on run #19, heh. I don't see me.

The MoSTF I ran with you, was one of only 2 times that I have ever run the STF. (The other was with Be and the Stormies (still need a repeat).)

Not having anything to compare it to, I have to say it seemed really well run. Only time anybody went into the red was when I did not heed the, "Careful of the pulse" instructions on that AV that is in the busted down Atlas Park under the Atlas statue. Other than that, it seemed to go really well.

And, yeah, I agree with Stalement in his estimation of the extra time. Your directions were very clear and specific, if verbose. That takes time to type and make sure all us n00bs understand it. Have you ever run it with all MoSTF vets?

Anyway, I'm down to run it again, if you find a Grav/Storm slotted for damage to be useful. My Fire/Fire/Pyre tanker needs the badge, too, for that matter.



I still need that badge...... on all my 50's



Woots, always fun to run MSTF with you and Sio and Mom. The way you instruct is fabulous. Despite that the vine tree room always will be the big killer:-( Shivering when even thinking of that room.
Proud to have the badge on 5 of my characters now. Still waiting to get it on a few others.

ooh and running ITF your way was great fun too!!!

If you plan on running on "European hours" I am in!!!

Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG



Impyre defantly takes the time to tell you what you need to be doing and even helps you be ready for the next time so that you can be more prepared. He has helped me to develope my char to also be able to run the MSTF. He makes all runs fun even if Lord Recluse happens to take you outl. Still always finish the TF no matter what happens while runing it.



I was invited into a run late last week. After a long explanation about what to do, we failed to buff up properly which resulted in more time spent finishing off the vines. We paid the price with just 2 vines left. In losing the buffs very early I was only halfway done with the vines directly in front of the AV instead of almost completing that area (as usual) when the team came around into the AV threatened area.

Saturday's run had a very different team composition. We had 2 blasters, 3 controllers (kin, emp, rad), and 3 tanks (fire, stone and inv). We had our first death when Scirocco arrived unexpectedly as we were starting to fight Ghost Widow. I made a bad judgment call to try to face both of them with minimal buff debuff and Scirocco's AoE got us. We had 4 deaths total on a long 4.5 hour run with many afks and breaks. There was at least 1 member who earned his "Saved the World" badge.



Wow, I really must have gotten lucky and gotten on a good run, then. It seemed to me that the vine room was a cakewalk. Nobody came close to dying there. And the way we pwned poor Recluse at the end. I do remember that one funny scene where, I think it was Scirocco basically stood there and watched as we put the beatdown on Ghost Widow (or maybe the other way around).

Hit me up anytime you are thinking of starting one, I'm always down, if I have time. And I recently respecced my Grav/Storm into better damage and have started adding purples to her, so hopefully I can be of even more help.



If you’ve won MSTF with us, you can probably find your team picture here (missing #19 though): MSTF folder

[/ QUOTE ]

Go team 7!!! Which is hereby renamed to the A-Team...

And if you ever need any help again Imp you know you can trust on the tank in tights...



Yeo would love to run with y'all...especially Slim, who looks great in tights (I got his AB right here!)

If ever you need an experienced Emp/Rad Defender, feel free to summon the Emerald Chesticles of DOOOM!



So do you guys just get these together through the channel or do you set times? Because I've got a couple buffer/debuffers that I wouldn't mind bringing, but the only toon I really care about getting the badge on is my Tank, which seems to be the quickest spot to fill on most teams :/



We normally post runs on the channel but I intend to post scheduled runs here if it's scheduled in advance.

We ran on Sunday with a short 3-4 hour notice on the channel because some regulars said they wanted to run that morning. We had a good run finished at just over 3 hours. 2 new MSTF badges; one is a first timer and the other is a long time veteran who hasnt run with us in a while. (team pic to be uploaded)

Next run is Thursday night 6pm pacific.

I actually like running with 2 tanks. We had 3 last thursday night but having only 3 buffer/debuffers caught up with us when we were fighting Ghost Widow.



Aww, too late for this gal. Maybe next time!



We are running tonight at 6 pm pacific.

A couple reminders from the last run (and recent runs):
1. There have been more than one occasion where team members did not have the break frees at hand when they needed them.
2. Do not come up for supplemental buffs during the pull of Ghost Widow. I will not have taunt/agro on Scirocco if he adds and this has ended Master runs in the past. He has extreme range with some attacks.
3. The team must have luck(s) and break(s) for the fight versus Scirocco. It is a fight we tend to take for granted but we should always be ready for those rare times his tornados are up and he fires his EM Pulse.
4. During the fight with Ghost Widow, it is important for the team to stay to one side and together so that I have a clear path to move along should she get close to me. Any in melee needs to be aware that if they need to start chasing her to attack then I am likely about to move to keep distance from her. Reds would be good for this fight too. With our less than optimized teams we sometimes get in trouble when the fight goes long.

One last note: I am having a bug on Impyre with the STF Masters channel continually dropping out of all tabs. It dissappears whenever i zone and often drops after a few minutes. So I may miss some chat on that channel. I am not having any issues with the channel with my alts.



I'm in if you've got an open spot.



our run thursday had a few surprises for us. Dr. Areo seemd to have a much bigger blast than normal and took out the whole team. Our tank seemed to be have some end issuses tonight where he usualy doesnt have a problem. Lord Recluse also threw a curve at us he jumped up on the pipe in the left hand corner when we were attacking him for the last battle.
Everyone did a good job for all the unexpected things that happened but had lots of fun doing it. Looking forward to the next one



We had a record setting run last night. It was by far the worst run we’ve had since before the MoSTF badge went live, (perhaps ever). We had a better than average team with lots of vets and we had good debuff/buffs with 2 rads, an emp and a storm.

It was against Aeon that things began to go wrong. I think it was due to a bad combo set from Aeon’s pets: radiation and dark. Here was the first of many end drain toggle drops I’d face throughout the night.

Against Lord Recluse and the Towers things went from bad to worse. He hit me hard several times right through fortitude and Magus then later through inspirations. Endurance drain complicated the already tough situation while the red and blue towers were up.

In the final fight after the towers went down I wasn’t able to get him into the corner where I prefer to tank him. He was in a really bad spot next to a pillar so the Banes spawned away from me leading to a few deaths. Just before the spawn point for the Banes, however, Lord Recluse did an odd thing. He jumped up onto a pipe above us; that is something we’ve never seen him do before. He returned to the ground after a bit and we finished him off. Congratulations to Broken Prey on his "Saved the World" badge.

All told we had 34 deaths, a record I hope we never again come close breaking. It was stil fun though, just like always.
It will take another run to see if it was just my bad play on my part along with some bad luck or if something has changed.

If we run this weekend it will be announced in channel as a “spur of the moment” run. My availability is questionable but I’m hoping to make the villain side Hami raid. Team pic from last weekend is up.



6 pm pacific target start time. We'll do better this week