25 -
I just bought the 15" macbook pro and loaded COH last night and played it on the laptop with no problem. However, when i connected my 21" monitor, i had problems when i adjusted the resolution to fit the screen. I went to 1280 x 1024 and the user interface windows I place at the top of the screen - target window and navi bar - both dropped to the bottom of the screen and i can only lift them a few inches before they automatically "fall" off my mouse and land at the bottom of the screen again. My health/xp/en bar actually rose up past the top of the screen and now all i can see are my inherent/toggle icons. Can't click anywhere to move this one down.
This obviously applies to my lappy as well now. I have tried other resolution settings and get the same issue
Also, i tried moving the windows with a usb mouse and the lappy mousepad.
Any suggestions? -
Yes, work has completely sucked up my time and i have been out of it for some time, too...am sitting in the airport in Singapore waiting for my flight home on my 29th day away from home with only this stupid work laptop to keep me company!
My kids keep asking their Mom "who is this Dad-person you speak of?" -
Oof...I know this feeling. Do what I did - get a job that sends you half way around the world for 3-4 weeks at a time so that when you get home your family demands a solid week of attention, take two more weeks to get all caught up with work, then play coh for like 3 days before you have to rinse and repeat.
Course, given the current state of the market this build will cost you well over a billion inf with all those kin combats.
Friggin' market. -
Pretty nifty. As is the new "laying down" positions some of the baddies will take in mishes. I noticed this mostly on Lost, Vahz, and Rikti. I also had a Rikti Gunman panhandling in one of my mishes!
1. I really enjoy /stone as my epic and i only take the footstomp-ish power along with seismic smash. Both are proc-able and seismic smash benefits from containment bonuses - nothing says "hi there" like uber single target dam.
2. Superior Invis is a keeper. As Razia states above - its always on.
3. Largely depends on what direction your build is taking, imo. I was going for perma-PA and hasten so anywhere I can put an extra lotg +rech/def was a winner for me. -
knockdown - i have it in fireball as well and its the sauce.
Put me down as a solid maybe for my brute. I would like to see the sf from a perspective other than "go in; stay there; pulling; wait for it; punch now!"
I have a mind/ice at 43 and it is very soloable thanks to confuse - i was running the GW patron arc and found confuse uber handy in taking Numina down (confused longbow ftw) - plus the dam from BiB and it all worked well.
Still al ot of fun on teams but not having any major issues solo as of now. Course, 10 lvls ago was a little different :/ -
Hey, Gang. Anyone else having this issue where at the end of a task force when all the bells and whistles go off announcing the completion of the task force the game crashes to desktop? It is happening to my TF-Mates as well so its not just me and my rig...any ideas?
As others said, Ice just isnt that much of a damage dealer. However, it can be fun as all get out on a team. Especially with Kin as your secondary. The other thing is that having Jack Frost as a pet is like teaming with your buddies retarded 12 year old brother (no offense to any retarded 12 year olds or retards of any age - just an expression) - he just ain't very bright.
Use your Ice/Kin on teams and you will have a great time. For solo big mob pwnage, you need a different primary.
Stone as an epic is just that - epic. -
...I will never get those 10 minutes back...but was fun
I actually searched for this but couldnt find it...can we create hero/villain co-op mishes if you hit the contact in RWZ or some such zone?
"We mock what we don't understand"
"Yeah...we mock what we don't understand" -
Something else is being overlooked here specific to SF/TF comments made elsewhere in this post.
You still get access to your random drop at the end of a tf/sf if you have enough merits. The random roll from the merit vendor provides the exact same reward as completing a sf/tf did in the past.
I did a Sharkshead SF yesterday on a PUG invite, brought 3 friends, finished in an hour and a half, turned in my 25 merits for a random lvl 50 recipe after completion and got the Numi +regen/+recovery recipe (super woots!)
However, can the merit system be improved? Absolutely?
Is it bad? A matter of preference.
But I don't think that our CoX lifestyle has been damaged if you recognize the developers went to great lengths to encompass our needs in the changes. This is the first release of the system...there may be updates based on our feedback - so be constructive in your criticisms! -
My input from this tiny corner of the planet: the only downside to the merit system for a player like me (more on this in a sec!) is that it is harder to find regular teams than it used to be for many reasons already mentioned. Even ppl that I regularly teamed with prior to I13 are more interested in getting merits than running arcs or doing stuff as a team. Now this could be that i13 is still fresh and shiny so ppl flock to it, I could be a horrible teammate and ppl finally found an excuse to not have to team wtih me, or that having a new goal to align their toons with is attractive.
A player like me: I have never made a habit of running a lot of TF/SF's in the past so the change in offering merits instead of rare IO drops is not that painful. IO drops still happen as they used to so no complaints on that. However, if merits are here to stay it would be nice to see them parceled out to teammates who stick it out with the mish holder throughout the arc.
I only fear that, as others have mentioned, a lot of energy is being directed towards How To Get My Shiny and not towards the type of team play that is what makes Cox better than most other MMO's (my opinion only so shush). -
Good thing hero's don't get tickets ingame for intoxicated travel!
Hopefully there will be a run on October 4th (crosses fingers) as the wife AND kids will be out of town for one peaceful night. what is gaming at night like?!?!
Proud to be the scrapper on team 17 (regen too squishy....pfft!). I had an awesome time running htis TF and the quality of players leading it and participating on it were fantastic. Would do it again in a heartbeat on any toon or in any Tf or trial. PLanning on joining the channel today but if you need a filler anytime, send a pm to @proton Chicken.
Thanks, Justaris...will give it a go and let you know the outcome.
I am in the middle of my all human PB build at lvl 36 and find this is the hardest toon to build (am sure the same would be said for the WS, but I haven't tried that yet...one at a time, ya know?).
I have been contemplating taking the jumping pool for the knockback/rez protection but keep putting it off (having way too much fun dishing out damage even if i get smoked a few times in the process). Now I think that enhancing the combat flight is the solution...would assume that the likely slotting is 3x flight speed for maneuverability but what about end use? Is it high enough to merit end redux? -
This was really comprehensive.
I think that the defender set is the most misunderstood and easily so since the abilities vary so much. Some can dish out the damage while others control crowds or heal. Nothing irks me more than some tank shouting at the def to "just heal!"