omg War Mace + Energy Aura so strong!
Can we get some explaination as to why?
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
The Skulz tried to touch me and I pulled out the bat and cracked his jaw. I also looked pretty and STRONG
I'm not sure what i should lol at more
but i lol'd
V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA
To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106
What's wrong
EA and strong arent usually in the same sentance, unless that sentance is "EA isnt strong" or "EA is anything but strong"
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Good thread
This thread would have been legitmate if had just been about War Mace. Everything said about War Mace was legitimate.
Throwing Energy Aura in there, frankly, just throws up a smoke screen that cleverly masks any chance this thread ever had at not failing.
Why do I do do do things I do
Nobody was ever there for me to talk to
Once I was youngster, pure and true
Now I'm running with a sick, sick crew.
I really have an energy aura + war mace brute and it's strong
joke topic?
most recent 50 - psy/mm blaster
I really have an energy aura + war mace brute and it's strong
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right. It is. Mace has some nice secondary effects to help your mitigation. Pushing EA's melee defense up with some outside help will also help.
Mace/EA is strong. Compared to ff/ene defenders.
EDIT: For soloing.
Be well, people of CoH.

Just curious - what AT do you usually play and on what difficulty?
Wait, is a baseball bat really a customization option for War Mace?
EDIT: There's also a cane thing option, so you can go "get off my lawn!".
Holy crap, I'm gonna have to roll a war mace something-or-other (brute I guess... not one for tankers) then. That's just too funny to pass up.
Won't be pairing it with EA, though...
Holy crap, I'm gonna have to roll a war mace something-or-other (brute I guess... not one for tankers) then. That's just too funny to pass up.
Won't be pairing it with EA, though...
[/ QUOTE ]
If you go */*/mace on any COV AT you now get the mace weapon options too. So you can use your bat on your corruptor if you wish.
A baseball bat that shoots webs and lasers? How absurd.
A baseball bat that shoots webs and lasers? How absurd.
[/ QUOTE ]
So get the cane, a top hat and tails.
EA and strong arent usually in the same sentance, unless that sentance is "EA isnt strong" or "EA is anything but strong"
[/ QUOTE ]
oh, look playskool, you caught one. that there's a whopper of a fish, i'd mount him if were you.
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
5-star thread
5-star thread
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A baseball bat that shoots webs and lasers? How absurd.
[/ QUOTE ]Doesn't work that way.
Oh, and Playskool is being serious. He made a Warmace/EA Brute, and I made a Thugs/Traps MM to go with it.
Greasers FTW! :O
This is so great. I feel really strong!