Villain Side Hami Raids




OK, people what's the deal with Villains and Hami? I started touching on it the other night in JS, but got kinda busy. What's the deal with participation on the red side? I saw mention of accolades and no villains in range, but that can't really be the issue now can it? is an open global channel that was setup for the express purpose of getting people in range red side. I have never seen anyone ask for help there. Accolades are not needed, but if you holler, I am sure that we can help there too. You do not need an uber build, a lot of my toons are still using SO's. All that is needed is for people to show up and pay attention to directions.

So I ask, what would it really take to get a consistant turnout for Villain Hami raids on this server?

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Time and wife permitting, if you decide to put together a Villian Hami I got no problem coming in and joining the party. Just tell me when.



I see it as a lack of advertisement. We have a strong group of knowledgeable individuals who don't like looking outside their personal purview for more raiders. At the same token, people who might be interested don't know that one's coming up because the advertisement usually winds up on this forum and maybe (MAYBE) one channel in-game.

That's a lot of players on the server who aren't getting the message.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I personally love the villain side raids and have attended everyone. I have seen the population seem to decrease a bit villainside, but it may be just the times I have been getting on- stupid rl! Would love to see more raids redside! Let me know how I can help

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
I see it as a lack of advertisement. We have a strong group of knowledgeable individuals who don't like looking outside their personal purview for more raiders. At the same token, people who might be interested don't know that one's coming up because the advertisement usually winds up on this forum and maybe (MAYBE) one channel in-game.

That's a lot of players on the server who aren't getting the message.
Know any good channels to advertise? I'm a little sick of spamming /tell $target, Hami raiding forming on search every raid just to get enough people in.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Protector TFs is a new one, popped up in prominence shortly after that last failed raid everybody's still sore about, too. It's got a lot of people who don't frequent a lot of the other typical "Protector" channels, and might be a good pool for some new talent.

Protector Vigilance saw a little bit of advertisement during that last one, too, but it was only on the day it happened. Nothing before, and very little during. It also has a rather large population, with a more diverse collection of players.

Protector Watch is an oldie-but-goodie. Something's odd about it, though. There's like this feeling that you can't really get anything off the ground in that channel. This may be my perception, though, as I see the same messages advertised in the Watch that I see advertised in Jello Shooters and Protector Vigilance.

Every little bit helps.

These are the ones I feel have the widest pools of the most diverse people. I'm certain all of them have plenty of players who would be willing to set aside some time to do this if they're given more prior notice than "Remember, folks, Hami Raid tomorrow! I advertised on the forums!"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Well for me it is the Time. It is always at 5 pm est. That is the worst time for me I don't know about the other east coast people but I'm getting dinner ready most of the time, or about to go out to eat. If it were an how early it would be a lot better for me. IDK how many people are like me or how many people don't come because of the time, but it is one thing to think about.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



there is a villian Hami?



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
there is a villian Hami?
See, this is what I'm talking about, the problem is RIGHT THERE!

Nobody KNOWS about this stuff! This is what the NPWN and Praesidium (R.I.P.) were MEANT FOR, but everybody gets the wrong ideas about them. They weren't meant to be handouts or "elitist," they were meant to help encourage teamwork and educate players about the game because, let's face it, the game's in-system education is sorely lacking and players seem to dislike going to third-party sources like Paragonwiki because of the stigma that third-party information probably isn't correct information (though Paragonwiki is a GREAT source of information).

Now, for the question...

YES! There's a Villain Hamidon, a monster sitting in the middle of a giant pit below sea level. For those of you familiar with the Lady Grey TF, THIS is the Hamidon in the LGTF. Or rather, it's a bigger, tougher version of the LGTF Hamidon.

You can locate the Villain Hamidon's location, The Abyss, in Grandville, near the Ferry. There's also access to the Peregrine Island Monster Islands (a special instanced version, not connected to the normal Monster Islands) on the other side of Grandville, not near the Network, but on the north side of the main island of Grandville.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
I see it as a lack of advertisement. We have a strong group of knowledgeable individuals who don't like looking outside their personal purview for more raiders. At the same token, people who might be interested don't know that one's coming up because the advertisement usually winds up on this forum and maybe (MAYBE) one channel in-game.

That's a lot of players on the server who aren't getting the message.
There's a post made every week, well in advance of the raid, which points players to references to learn how to do a Hami Raid, and the pros/cons, and rewards thereof. It's announced on Jello Shooters periodically. And Kid actually sends tells to people to let them know about the upcoming raid.

The board is the one constant that everyone has access to, so at what point do you assign some personal responsibility to the regular player to find out what's going on on their server?



No I know there is a villian hami raid, I just never see anyone talk about it is all.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
There's a post made every week, well in advance of the raid, which points players to references to learn how to do a Hami Raid, and the pros/cons, and rewards thereof. It's announced on Jello Shooters periodically. And Kid actually sends tells to people to let them know about the upcoming raid.

The board is the one constant that everyone has access to, so at what point do you assign some personal responsibility to the regular player to find out what's going on on their server?
Not everybody uses their access to the board.

Not everybody "in the know" is available at a time when the individual player is out and about and asking for information.

Obviously, the old method of "Hey, it's out there..." isn't working. It's time for organizers and enthusiasts to take a more aggressive stance on this and start working with a new approach to the situation (we used to run these things at 8 P.M. Eastern, what the Hell happened to that?). If we need to make new schedules or start working on getting teams going on Redside to help players get characters they want involved up to level, then we need to get doing that.

Protector's considered the "small town" server, and lately we're adhering to the worst elements of that mentality for some odd reason. We treat newcomers like outsiders, we follow the lead of only a select few people... It's time we changed that. It's time we get back to being the friendly server I fell in love with.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
there is a villian Hami?

hmmmm 3-13 Villain (the last) 2-27 Hero 2-20 Villain 2-6 Villain 1-30 Hero 1-23 Villain 1-16 Hero

That is every attempted Kidengineer led raid for the year to date. It seems to me that we were alternating until people stopped showing up. Advertising has been on the forums, and I personally spam Protector Watch, Badgers Covenant, STF Masters, Jello Shooters , Broadcast and tells. The Hamidon channel is never used, I wonder if anyone even looks at it. These are the same steps used to advertise Hero raids.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
See, this is what I'm talking about, the problem is RIGHT THERE!

Nobody KNOWS about this stuff! This is what the NPWN and Praesidium (R.I.P.) were MEANT FOR, but everybody gets the wrong ideas about them. They weren't meant to be handouts or "elitist," they were meant to help encourage teamwork and educate players about the game because, let's face it, the game's in-system education is sorely lacking and players seem to dislike going to third-party sources like Paragonwiki because of the stigma that third-party information probably isn't correct information (though Paragonwiki is a GREAT source of information).

Now, for the question...

YES! There's a Villain Hamidon, a monster sitting in the middle of a giant pit below sea level. For those of you familiar with the Lady Grey TF, THIS is the Hamidon in the LGTF. Or rather, it's a bigger, tougher version of the LGTF Hamidon.

You can locate the Villain Hamidon's location, The Abyss, in Grandville, near the Ferry. There's also access to the Peregrine Island Monster Islands (a special instanced version, not connected to the normal Monster Islands) on the other side of Grandville, not near the Network, but on the north side of the main island of Grandville.
If you're offering to help us advertise whenever there are raids hero or villain. I think I can speak for the entire group of raid leaders when I say that we'd welcome any help we can get on the matter.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
If you're offering to help us advertise whenever there are raids hero or villain. I think I can speak for the entire group of raid leaders when I say that we'd welcome any help we can get on the matter.
I don't know about my "unique" brand of advertising...

My method usually involves berrating players until they're so riled up they try to prove me wrong


I suppose next time it'll be "What's the matter, you pansies!? Redside Hamidon too tough for ya!?"

Really, I kid, but since I'm so riled up about the "Screw it, leave it" mentality I've been seeing in other avenues, I'll do whatever I can to help.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Not everybody uses their access to the board.
Only people that have been banned do not have access to the boards. Even those people can read it.

Not everybody "in the know" is available at a time when the individual player is out and about and asking for information.
this confuses me. The MOTD of the STF Masters and the RSF regulars are changed to reflect Hami raid dates and times. So there are a lot of people "in the know" about the scheduled raids. I just don't think many people are asking.

Obviously, the old method of "Hey, it's out there..." isn't working. It's time for organizers and enthusiasts to take a more aggressive stance on this and start working with a new approach to the situation
I'm all ears

(we used to run these things at 8 P.M. Eastern, what the Hell happened to that?).
The time was changed becuase we couldn't get people to the Abyss in a timely manner. It's easier to wait an hour for people from 5-6 than it is from 9-10. I'm an east coaster, I know that I start turning into a pumpkin as the time gets later.

If we need to make new schedules or start working on getting teams going on Redside to help players get characters they want involved up to level, then we need to get doing that.
once again, i am all ears.

Protector's considered the "small town" server, and lately we're adhering to the worst elements of that mentality for some odd reason. We treat newcomers like outsiders,
It's a helluva a lot better than it was when I arrived here.

we follow the lead of only a select few people... It's time we changed that. It's time we get back to being the friendly server I fell in love with.
Experience means a lot. I was at the last Hami raid not let by one of "the few select people". It was a mess, mostly because the person leading didn't realize that the Hami raid is a beast of preparation and planning.

Anyway, I think I am getting off the point. Anyone is free to setup a Hami raid, or any type of raid. It seems the only ones willing to do it are the "few select people".

Perhaps I should shut up, but I thought one of the purposes of these raids was to help people. Hami-O's are not as easy to get for everyone. For raids, 50 people can get them. I see people that are normally on the red side come to Blue Raids to help, but I do not always see the people that are normally Blue and were at a Blue raid, show up to Red raids.

That is what is grinding my gears.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Protector's considered the "small town" server, and lately we're adhering to the worst elements of that mentality for some odd reason. We treat newcomers like outsiders, we follow the lead of only a select few people... It's time we changed that. It's time we get back to being the friendly server I fell in love with.
I would love it if someone who knows what they're doing would step up to lead raids. Hell, if someone would just like to lead at some point down the line, I'd be more than happy to train them to become a raid leader. It would take the load off of my group. But as the New Year's Eve incident has demonstrated, this isn't something you want to dive into head first. Training and preparation is needed for it to be successful.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



A few comments:

Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
This is what the NPWN <...> were MEANT FOR
Ah... nope.

NPWN stood for "NEW PLAYERS' WELCOMING NIGHT", and as such catered to those who had just started the game. Hamidon Raids were waaaaay out of its jurisdiction.

Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I see people that are normally on the red side come to Blue Raids to help, but I do not always see the people that are normally Blue and were at a Blue raid, show up to Red raids.
My highest level villain is at 34 and I'm not planning to level it or any other much higher (for personal reasons). That's why you would see me on a Blue Raid if I could free myself for one (but that's another thread...), but never on a Red Raid.

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



I'm in agreement that we don't have enough players from Protector's Blue Side showing up on Red Side (hence the suggestion of more Redside teaming, to help players get up in level, which should be suggestion enough).

Experience means a lot. I was at the last Hami raid not let by one of "the few select people". It was a mess, mostly because the person leading didn't realize that the Hami raid is a beast of preparation and planning.
I wasn't referring to the actual Hamidon Raid. I was referring to the social prelude to the Raids.


The time was changed becuase we couldn't get people to the Abyss in a timely manner. It's easier to wait an hour for people from 5-6 than it is from 9-10. I'm an east coaster, I know that I start turning into a pumpkin as the time gets later.
Obviously this isn't working, otherwise we wouldn't be having this lively discussion.

The MOTD of the STF Masters and the RSF regulars are changed to reflect Hami raid dates and times. So there are a lot of people "in the know" about the scheduled raids. I just don't think many people are asking.
Not by what I tend to see. There've been stretches where STF Masters and RSF Regulars have been straight BLANK. Protector TFs only JUST included information on a Redside Raid... That channel's founder didn't know about Hami Raids because he doesn't peruse the forum. Oh, and while I'm at it...

Only people that have been banned do not have access to the boards. Even those people can read it.
Just because they have access does not mean that they use it. That's why I used the wording I used. I wasn't implying that they CAN'T come to the forum in the first place, I was saying that they DON'T come to the forum, for whatever reason they have.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



NPWN stood for "NEW PLAYERS' WELCOMING NIGHT", and as such catered to those who had just started the game.
I've run into players who've had multiple 50s within a month of starting. That didn't mean they knew anything about the game, but they certainly were in the range of education for such a thing as a Hamidon Raid.

So, yes, NPWN could help them, too.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Since when is Grey in the RSF Regulars? >_>

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Also, let me point out that I have led EVERY SINGLE villain Hami raid (the couple raids Dirtwolf was in on, I led those too, actually) on Protector since its conception. We stopped doing it because we've exhausted every avenue of getting people into the Abyss only to fall short of the requirement to start more times than I'd care to count. So yes, something is obviously not working.
You want this to be the community you remember? Well, get off your criticizing butt and start pitching in to help. Yes, we need help. Yes we want your help. May 1st marks the 2 year anniversary of issue 9. Surely if someone truly wanted to lead a villain raid on Protector, they would had gathered the knowledge and resource to do so by now. Not gonna draw any conclusions. But all I have to say is really this: my group and I have done everything we can by ourselves. We know there're more players out there. Our methods of advertising so far have proven to be inadequate. We need more people to spread the word. Just spread the fraking word! That is all.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



I guess to some i may be considered new. I have been playing COX for close to 27 months, in that time I have only been on one Hami raid and that was Blue side. When I started playing redside more I first discovered some of the channels I use now that recruit. Before that tho the only way I found out was thru my Colies and SG friends, but since a large majority of them are either jumped ship or waiting for newer content. Its me left running like a headless chicken. I digress.

Sorry rambling. I have been on the LGTF and fought the Hami there a couple times, but usually arrive too late for red-side. I can try to help to recruit if i can. But I would so love to use one of my red-side toons to help take down the over-sized Jell-O mold. I am trying to get us to the times posted in EST even tho I am in colorado, which is MST, but I shall put in more effort to show up for these raids in the near future.



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
But all I have to say is really this: my group and I have done everything we can by ourselves.
Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Advertising has been on the forums, and I personally spam Protector Watch, Badgers Covenant, STF Masters, Jello Shooters , Broadcast and tells. The Hamidon channel is never used, I wonder if anyone even looks at it. These are the same steps used to advertise Hero raids.
I mean, posting on the boards, spamming 4 global channels, broadcast and tells? Clearly, you need to do MORE. If only you had someone to hack into all the SG's MoTDs as well as the global chat channels, that might help. As well, you need to start going to people's homes and forcing them to play redside. [/sarcasm]

I said it to you earlier today Kid, and I meant it: I may not be able to attend Hami Raids, but I for one appreciate the HELL out of what you guys do each week. It's hard, unpaid, often thankless work; coordinating teams, not to mention getting the word out and making sure people know there's a raid. Even making sure that people have EoEs is a chore, as it's not something that a regular team can accomplish; a Hami Raid is serious business on either side.

Once the red side numbers are there, I'm positive the Hami Raids will fall into place. Until then, thank you for the Blue Side raids!



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Anyone is free to setup a Hami raid, or any type of raid. It seems the only ones willing to do it are the "few select people".

...And then get criticized for BEING one of the "few select,"

......and then get criticized for the way the "few select" chose to go about giving of themselves and their time.

For a recent hami raid, I broke more than a few traffic laws to get home in time, I logged in JUST at the advertised starting time (at which point there were not nearly enough bodies to start anything), and I sat here wearing scrubs stained with I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-what-substance while trying to get enough people into the hive to get started.

So.. listen, I'm exhausted and maybe that's making me cranky.

But less ******** and more DOING would both be appreciated and more helpful at this time!!!