Villain Side Hami Raids




"Players have to have some of the responsibility here. Despite the fact that some want everything spoon fed to them, it's just not possible. It's a community, which means everyone has to participate."

Fully Agree!!!

"Kid and all the others that put in the time and effort to lead these raids...

.... *APPLAUSE*"

Also Agree!!!

(and I do realize there are some that don't like little furry Yeti's -Jerikko!

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
We WERE planning to set a villain raid for May 1st. But the announcement that Issue 17 is coming on April 28th kinda shot that idea down. We'll set one up in the near future, time/date TBA.
If I'd known this, I probably wouldn't have reacted so vehemently.

Instead, the general tone was "Don't expect it again." I know those weren't the words, but when asked in Jello Shooters on Sunday, Major T made it clear that he didn't see any interest in a Villain-side Hamidon Raid and wasn't expecting it anytime soon. Other words like "abandoning" and "forgetting" were used (perhaps not by T, but at that point I was already getting anxious), and my blood got to boiling.

So, again, I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. It was uncool of me, and the attitude I posted under was completely out of line.

I'm leaving what I've posted as-is, though. I'll live with the shame.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by BigYeti View Post
(and I do realize there are some that don't like little furry Yeti's -Jerikko!
I luvs me some Yeti.......and I am waaaay pissed atm and if these forums weren't censored i'm sure you guys would see the true ghetto in me.



Originally Posted by Boricua View Post
I luvs me some Yeti.......and I am waaaay pissed atm and if these forums weren't censored i'm sure you guys would see the true ghetto in me.
I guess you are talking about the ITF thing. I'm concerned about that as well. I'm tempted to ask for names.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I guess you are talking about the ITF thing. I'm concerned about that as well. I'm tempted to ask for names.
yes and you know names can't be named here on the forums.

I've known both Yeti and Mr. Yet for quite some time, both are GREAT people to know and I call them friend. She is always one of the first to lend a helping hand, and unless it's RL she's always one of the first to be there ready to go, no matter what it is.

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!



Maybe I just havn't met the right Yeti.



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
I have to ask those of you that don't find Hamidon fun... Thank you for pointing out that some people don't find it fun. So why read/participate in this thread?
Well, I read this thread because it had been hovering around for a while. However, it's entirely possible that a discussion could form around WHY it's not fun for some, and what steps could, and may, be taken to reduce that aspect of the raid. For example, I stopped going because of the nigh guaranteed death from the blooms. Has there been any attempt to avert them, or is the philosophy still to rez the raid off Oil slick?

Meanwhile, I will have to agree that the problem really isn't advertisement, but a lack of interest in Red side as a whole. Everyone involved in a Hero Raid would know that the next one, usually set at the same time, would be Villain's turn, but since people actually avoid that part of the game, there simply aren't as many people with 45+ Villains.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I guess I'll throw my two cents and apologies in as well. While I am disappointed with the flipping that occurs with scheduling and if I knew I could do a good job I would try to become a raid leader, but I suck at leading the last few times I tried to lead a TF/SF I got pissed because I got railroaded by teammates and lost my temper. I'm sure by now several people have decided to put me on ignore on certain channels and I don't blame them, but like most people I just get frustrated and I know I can't expect others to do what i myself can't do. So I will try not to get so pissy in the future. I would like to say if I'm on in game I don't mind trying to lead on Task/Strike Forces I can always use online guides to assist me with those. And once again I want to apologize for my constant outbursts.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Wow. We used to have someone like that on server before, thankfully he's gone though. Sorry that happened to you, Yeti, that sucks.
To be fair River he shouldn't have teamed up with me.

And I admit I really shouldn't have taped that "Kick me" sign to Yetis back but what can I say I love the classics.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Wow. We used to have someone like that on server before, thankfully he's gone though.
Originally Posted by BungeeBall View Post
To be fair River he shouldn't have teamed up with me.
Ah, I knew you'd understand what the Princess was talking about, Sheriff.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Well, I read this thread because it had been hovering around for a while. However, it's entirely possible that a discussion could form around WHY it's not fun for some, and what steps could, and may, be taken to reduce that aspect of the raid. For example, I stopped going because of the nigh guaranteed death from the blooms. Has there been any attempt to avert them, or is the philosophy still to rez the raid off Oil slick?

Meanwhile, I will have to agree that the problem really isn't advertisement, but a lack of interest in Red side as a whole. Everyone involved in a Hero Raid would know that the next one, usually set at the same time, would be Villain's turn, but since people actually avoid that part of the game, there simply aren't as many people with 45+ Villains.
This has been pretty well taken care of with AtT as the bloom hits. Come check it out next raid.

1668 - The Doctor's Medicine



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Ah, I knew you'd understand what the Princess was talking about, Sheriff.
Good times.... good times....



Originally Posted by The_Candyman View Post
This has been pretty well taken care of with AtT as the bloom hits. Come check it out next raid.
We'll be attempting our first evacless raid in a month or two. We're looking to work down that raid time to about half an hour. ^_^

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Just a reminder, Villain Hami Raid is coming soon

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Just a reminder, Villain Hami Raid is coming soon

Pretty stoked, feels like it's been months since the last villy hamidon raid. I'll be there with bells on.

BTW, is there going to be any EoE farming proir to the raid? If so, mark me down for that, too.



So, I play primarily on Justice, but I have a few toons on Protector. I just got my bots/ff mastermind to 45, in fact, and I am looking to join a villain Hami raid. I've done a couple on Justice redside with my dom, so this will be a first for me with a mastermind. Be gentle. When do they generally occur? I am east coast and am usually available after 7pm EST.

Thank you!

"I have a cunning plan..."
Heroes-Justice: Neutronium Man (50 Grav/FF), Silver Spider (50 MA/SR),Masked Arrow (50 Arch/Dev)
Villains: Sundragon (50 FC/FA): Justice, Mech Lord V (50 Bots/FF): Protector, Erl King (50 SS/Inv): Justice



I'm good. =P

(It should be noted that that is completely out of context. Thank you)