Villain Side Hami Raids




my $ .02
Have been atending the raids for a few months now. Being in contact with Kid I get privy to some knowledge others may not. The ammount of poeple who ask "well how many do you have now?" is amazing. People wont join because the numbers in the zone are low yet if they just came to the zone we would be close to filling if not full each and every time. This holds true for both side raids. As far as red side. We need bodies but we also need variety. The last red side raid we couldnt even get 4 Doms or their equal in holds. Hami requires diversity and if we can not find that we can not win. Making an alt to fill a gap you noticed is not hard and leveling is hardly a problem. We need to push away from this selfish attitude and work together for these raids if not for the HO's atleast for the comunity building that will help us come together for future raids which are likely in production now.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



To be honest I would rather stab myself in the foot then play redside let alone a redside Hami raid. Blue side I would and have done 3 times a day! That being said if Kid asks me to help with one I would in a heartbeat. Why? Because I know how hard it is to get one together. The hours spent PMing everyone you know. Farming EOEs and Nukes. Its a pretty thankless job. So to say they don't try hard enough ... Anyhow in the end the Redside is just harder to put together. So thank you all for what you do to make them happen.

Back to my TF now



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
Since when is Grey in the RSF Regulars? >_>
Hm, good point. I'm not in RSF Regulars, so I can't exactly comment on them... But that doesn't change the fact that advertisement practice for the channels is "A few times the prior day and throughout the actual day of the event."

Some people are probably planning their weekend throughout the week. Come Friday, they've probably already got their entertainment needs set.


I just got done talking with Blaze Rocker. He says that, so long as we have a set day/time, he'll get the word out on Protector TFs. Frankly, it looks to be a strong channel with a growing playerbase... There may be a training curve involved, because I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were new, but...

The wheat is starting to rot. I think it would be worth it to sift through the chaff to find a fresh crop.

trying being helpful instead of sarcastic do u know how big a jerk your sounding like? this is like the 3rd or 4thtime you've insulted raid leadership in this thread.
Where is the sarcasm here? This is honest.
No, I don't believe I sound like a jerk. I'm stating a simple logic.
And no, I'm not insulting the raid leadership. "The wheat is starting to rot" is referring to the recruitment methods, not the leadership. I wasn't saying anything about the leadership of the raid, just one aspect of their endeavor.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The wheat is starting to rot. I think it would be worth it to sift through the chaff to find a fresh crop.
Anyone care to translate?

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
The wheat is starting to rot. I think it would be worth it to sift through the chaff to find a fresh crop.
Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
Anyone care to translate?

Raid leadership is starting to rot and deteriorate, and we need to find some more people who enjoy bashing their heads against the wall, busting their *****, and trying to herd cats, all the while having to deal with backhanded snide offhand comments from the peanut gallery?

Either that, or Grey has Celiac's disease.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Raid leadership is starting to rot and deteriorate, and we need to find some more people who enjoy bashing their heads against the wall, busting their *****, and trying to herd cats, all the while having to deal with backhanded snide offhand comments from the peanut gallery?

Either that, or Grey has Celiac's disease.
Thanks for that entirely OFF translation, River.

When I say "the wheat is rotting" I mean that the social experience of the Hamidon Raid is deteriorating, not the leadership of it. Hell, the game's social experience, period. The tone of recent months has been anything but lighthearted.

Kidengineer, you've got this game down to a science. You're a FANTASTIC gaming tactician, and who knows what other cool things you're doing in life. I would never think of disparaging you in this.

But our regular avenues of recruitment have hemorrhaged players. Either they're not checking their channels or they're not playing anymore for whatever reason. We don't pull players from those avenues because they're simply not there.

That doesn't mean we're DYING, though. There are still plenty of new players, and many of them are on our server looking for something to do. If they know something is about to happen, and are given the information (and possibly time) they need to prepare for it, then I would figure we stand a good chance of seeing a better turnout.

--------------Wall of Shame---------------------

sarcasm is not a positive path, ever pls stop ******** about things its getting boring
The only sarcasm in this post is my thanking River. Everything else is honest.

As for the other... I was told to start my ******** here, so here is where I will *****.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



So what I am gathering is:

Lack of advertisement is why Villian side Hami raids seem to have less a turnout then Hero side.

I've been around for a while, though my post count would say otherwise. I spend more time then my wife would like in game and alternate frequently between both hero and villians, and EVERY time there has been a Hami whether it was red or blue I knew about it.

How? I browse the Forums, I monitor the global channels and word of mouth. The last few raids heroside I let my global friends know it was happening and encouraged them to come. The last couple Villian raids I have attended I was giving a friendly reminder by friends on my global.

There are a number of different ways that we as a whole can "get the word out" about raids blue/red and for the most part from what i've seen they are being used. Kid,Vega, T and the other raid leaders do a hell of a job both Red and Blue but they alone cannot get everyboby on protector to attend them.

Major T created a post for our next Hami raid those of us who browse and or are active on the forums replied with either a wooohooo i'll be there or a DOH! can't make it. Now as we are and yes we are "the select few" who actually parcipitate here on the forums it is up to us to spread the word in game. Be it by WoM to our friends, occasional zone broadcasts, reminders in the global channels and any other way we can think of to "get the word out".

That Mr. Grey is in my opinion the only way we are going to get more parcipitation for Red side Hami's. It's like bad customer service, you tell 10 friends who tell 10 of thier friends and so on, eventually everyone will know about it.

That being said since the next raid will be hero side I suggest we try a red side Hami after that, but wait there is more.........Kid, Vega, T and the other raid leaders hopefully you will honor us by taking charge the way you do and lead us to victory. Everyone else here on the forums who think we need more parcipitation in Red side Hami's your task would be to "GET THE WORD OUT" via Global channels, Global Firends, WoM, broadcasts throught the various Villian zones, hell take an add out in the paper if you think it'll help, bottom line is it doesn't matter how many times our Hami crew puts together a raid if we don't help them advertise it no one will come.



Disclaimer: I do not, and cannot, attend raids whether they be blue or red side. I sincerely wish I could, but real life prevails.

I can't believe I just read through all the preceeding posts and no one seems to have noticed a paradox here.

- It is agreed that blue side raids have adequate participation, while red side raids are lacking.

- Announcement and advertising of said raids have been blamed for this considerable short fall of participation

- Is is also agreed both blue and red side raids utilized the same methods of advertising.
(The same global channels, forums, and ingame channels are used for blue and red side raid news/announcements)

Hence, the differing results are due to some aspect other than the advertising. To put this another way, I use a hammer to drive a nail, then I use a stick of celery to drive a nail. Same nail. The nail is not the problem. In this case, same advertising. The advertising is not the problem.

The difference has to be elsewhere, and there are scores of possible contributing factors that could be considered.

Hami raids are tough. They can be time-consuming. Red side population is considerably smaller than blue side. Red side has the reputation for causing more people greater levels of lag. Some players just plain do not like being a "bad guy". This is to say nothing about player apathy for an event they do not fully understand, their friends are not already participating in, or a tough challenge they just might fail even if they try hard.

I'm not certain where to find the answer, but if this conversation is to be fruitful, focus needs to be on issues other than "getting the word out".



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
- It is agreed that blue side raids have adequate participation, while red side raids are lacking.

- Announcement and advertising of said raids have been blamed for this considerable short fall of participation

- Is is also agreed both blue and red side raids utilized the same methods of advertising.
(The same global channels, forums, and ingame channels are used for blue and red side raid news/announcements)


The difference has to be elsewhere, and there are scores of possible contributing factors that could be considered.


I'm not certain where to find the answer, but if this conversation is to be fruitful, focus needs to be on issues other than "getting the word out".
Ice, you are indeed a gentleman of rare intellect and insight.

You make an excellent point.



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
[i] I use a hammer to drive a nail, then I use a stick of celery to drive a nail. Same nail.
What really sucks is I had a nice long statement that I had written and my computer lost connection. But Ice said it better.

My main complaints about Hami red side.

1) Advertisment - for those that do not read the forumns, the chat channels are it. But rarely do I see any weekly advertisments. If someone replies to this statement with, "It's in the channel MoTD." My reply is so, I like most ignore that simply because I am with several chat channels which all have different MoTD that scroll up in my chat window before the game loads up. Also some chat channels like JS have had the same MoTD for years. (and if you saw my april fools post, you'll have seen that I have been in the channel a long time, just kept quite)

2) Red Side - it's almost impossible to get a SF going on busy days, why should a Hami raid be different. I agree with Ice again, lag is a main culprit, but emptyness is also. I do not have an issue playing red side due to the whole, "I do not want to feel like a bad guy" but I have known some that do. But the biggest issues I hear are, "I don't like red side, I never play red side, and red side is empty."

2 of those are negative and the last is a result of that negativity towards villians.

Those of us that play on a regular basis, need to give the red side more love. I am hoping that when GR get's launched, the issue of not playing over there will be over. I also hope that Hamidon never shows up in Preatoria. I think the devs were smart when they stated that they did not believe that Hamidon was something villians wanted to do.

In the many years I have played CoX I can honestly say that I have never once been invited to a villian Hami raid, I showed up by accident at the end of a raid, and I do mean at the end of the raid.

3) Timing - Always and issue.

4) This is true to myself, but I refused to join in on the blue side Hami raids simply because I remembered how they were. Just recently have I been showing up in the fun. This is due to no ones fault but my own for not educating myself on how it is done now. There may be others that also refuse to do it for the same reasons. I know that there are many good posts on what to do, what to expect. But like many others, I just did not read the forumns. I would only look up the Dev Digest to see what they were talking about and then log in. After 6 years of playing, I have only now started to post and express myself on a regular basis. Again, how many others out there are like me.

I see pretty much the same people posting over and over again. Occasionally a new person pops there 2 cents in, which is welcomed, but then they leave or never repost. Where is this person in game? Do they get invited to a chat channel? I don't know.




Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
If someone replies to this statement with, "It's in the channel MoTD." My reply is so, I like most ignore that simply because I am with several chat channels which all have different MoTD that scroll up in my chat window before the game loads up.
Whether you, as an individual, read the MotD or not, it is at least available for you to read. But, as I stated previously, if blue side raids are getting enough people, then "getting the word out" is not a major factor, if at all.

Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
I am hoping that when GR get's launched, the issue of not playing over there will be over. I also hope that Hamidon never shows up in Preatoria.
I do not see how Going Rogue will change a player's mind, if they do not like being a "bad guy" they still won't play Rogue Isles content. As for Hami in Praetoria, IIRC part of the back story there is that Hami has been defeated in some fashion or another. Additionally, Praetoria is Lvl 1-20 content, while it might be comical to watch fifty Lvl 20 characters attempt to tackle Hami and his blooms, I see that as exceedingly unlikely.



Hence, the differing results are due to some aspect other than the advertising. To put this another way, I use a hammer to drive a nail, then I use a stick of celery to drive a nail. Same nail. The nail is not the problem. In this case, same advertising. The advertising is not the problem.

The difference has to be elsewhere, and there are scores of possible contributing factors that could be considered.

Ice speaks common truth. It all depends of what is used and how one goes about it. There will always be pro's and con's to each siding faction no matter what influence the game proceeds upon the viewer/user.

If one can get an event going, then it goes. If one can't get it going, hope for the best next time as to never get discouraged.

That's my two cents worth. Now I'm gonna go chug down another cup of coffee.



I was more refering to those like myself that will have a character ride the fence simply to be accessable to all zones, rather than just one side.

As far as Hami being in GR, I was loosly referencing one of the devs stating that there is no plans for a Hami type event in Praetoria at this time. I just hope it isn't planned ever, cause 3 Hami events would just be overkill.

Well I am out of the forumns, I'll be over on the red side if anyone wants to run something.



/sarcasm, When things go wrong in game I like to remind my teammates that the first and most important thing to do is to assign blame, not to fix the problem.

All joking aside, we already know the solution is to efficiently and effectively advertise the Hami Raids in a timely fashion. That said, I'm fairly certain the next Hami Raid isn't currently posted in the STF Master's MotD. Advertising concerns will fade once we can get Raiding on a regular schedule.

A minor quibble with Ice9_'s assertion that blueside advertising = redside advertising. With a smaller redside player base, equal effort means proportionately lower redside attendance. For example, I sometimes team with a particular group of players that regularly support the blueside with 4-6 people but have no villains 45+ or no villains at all.

We'll have better attendance if we'd just remind one another. Ask your buddy if they're going to the raid. Ask the channel operator in your large, (Protector based), global to see if they'd advertise in the MotD or if they'd just mention it during the week. Lastly, mention it yourself in the channel throughout the week, "Hey, who's going to the Hami Raid this weekend?".
Get the word out.

Thanks to everyone that organizes or participates in events, task forces or teams. It builds our community.



Originally Posted by Impyre View Post
With a smaller redside player base, equal effort means proportionately lower redside attendance. For example, I sometimes team with a particular group of players that regularly support the blueside with 4-6 people but have no villains 45+ or no villains at all.
This demonstates my point precisely. The difference between blue and red side activity is the players, not the advertising. If 50 people can roll out for blue side Hami fun, where are their corresponding red side characters? I'm not saying they must have villains, but if they do not, the difference is the players, not the message getting around. The "word" gets out about raids, both blue and red, people just don't respond to red side like they do for blue. By all means, if individuals feel compelled to 'talk up' the raids more, please do so, but issues like...

-Population red side

-"Bad guy" stigma

-Lag, real or perceived

-Friendships and alliances

...will continue to hamper red side raiding efforts. I do not have a magic bullet answer, nor do I think anyone else has one in their pocket. When Going Rogue arrives, could Vigilantes help bolster red side activity, certainly, but only time will tell. Kinetic Melee and Electric Control could see a spike in Brute, Stalker, and Dominator numbers, all of which could bring added hope for future red side raiding. Looking further down the road, the arrival of the Incarnates will accompany a significant increase in the number of active Lvl 50s seen around town, this too could be a boon for the raiding effort. If nothing else, there is hope...



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
...Hell, if someone would just like to lead at some point down the line, I'd be more than happy to train them to become a raid leader...
If you're opening Kid's Jedi Academy for the Advancement of Hamidon Smack-Down, how many human sacrifices do you require for an entry fee?

Seriously, though, if you're offering, I'm accepting. Have toon, will travel. Drop me a PM, or in-game @Sokyoku.



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
This demonstates my point precisely. The difference between blue and red side activity is the players, not the advertising. If 50 people can roll out for blue side Hami fun, where are their corresponding red side characters? I'm not saying they must have villains, but if they do not, the difference is the players, not the message getting around. The "word" gets out about raids, both blue and red, people just don't respond to red side like they do for blue. By all means, if individuals feel compelled to 'talk up' the raids more, please do so, but issues like...

-Population red side

-"Bad guy" stigma

-Lag, real or perceived

-Friendships and alliances

...will continue to hamper red side raiding efforts. I do not have a magic bullet answer, nor do I think anyone else has one in their pocket. When Going Rogue arrives, could Vigilantes help bolster red side activity, certainly, but only time will tell. Kinetic Melee and Electric Control could see a spike in Brute, Stalker, and Dominator numbers, all of which could bring added hope for future red side raiding. Looking further down the road, the arrival of the Incarnates will accompany a significant increase in the number of active Lvl 50s seen around town, this too could be a boon for the raiding effort. If nothing else, there is hope...
I'd say a combination of both, I can tell you for sure that a majority of the people on my global friends list don't have and probably will never be part of the more popular global channels we use on Protector. So WoM is key here, also most of them NEVER even bother to browse the forums and see what events are coming up, again WoM is key here.

Are there more people who play Blue then Red? Maybe. But either way communication is key to promote parcipitation in any event. Also as was stated earlier in the post how many newer players Red or Blue play on Protector that haven't the slightest clue about channels like Pro TF's, PW, PV, JS, STFM etc? I'd say quite a few.

So yes maybe the population of villians vs Heroes plays a factor as far as parcipitation goes but i'm sure that we have way more then 50 lvl 50 villians on this glorious server we call home. All we have to do is reach out to them and let them know that there is plenty for them to do with thier shelved lvl 50 toons.



I personally think population is the biggest factor. I just did a quick search 5 pm est 29 people on red side, 87 blue. I realize this isn't prime time its just some general numbers. I'll look again later tonight and over the weekend. Though i'm positive its a lack of communication.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Though this post immediately follows Elric's, it is in no way a response or retort to his comments. I would never want that. =)

Speading the word among friends, SG mates, allies, and others is a great way to communicate what is happening around Protector, or any server for that matter. But, this is an entirely different thing from what some others have said, that the organizers and leaders of said events need to communicate more.

It is a subtle distinction, but an important one. The effort put forth by the leaders of events, specifically raids in this conversation, has been and remain adequate for the task. This is evidenced by the amount of response received for blue side raids.

Spreading the word to people who do not use the global channels previously discussed, or who do not use the forums is important. However, that responsibility should not fall on the shoulders of a few motivated individuals leading and/or organizing a raid for the benefit of all participants. Rather, anyone interested in seeing the raid succeed should make it their own responsibility to pass on what they have seen, read, and heard about on global channels, in the forums, and elsewhere.

It is painfully clear to me, I was not concise enough previously.

Anyone, and everyone, interested in seeing successful raids regularly occur on both red and blue side should make it their responsibility to show up on time, be familiar with the tactics used, and do their best to bring interested friends along. I suspect these three things would go a very long way to bolstering the successes of red side raids.

Sitting back and telling Kid, Vega, BT, Sooner, Vyx, Major T, and others they need to advertise in this or that global, post more often in the forums, or chat ingame more accomplishes nothing. The same people see JS, PV, PW, PTF (globals abbv. 'cause I'm too lazy to type out entire names) when they play blue side or red side, they show up for blue side but not red side - that is not the fault of insufficient advertising.

If you know someone who goes to blue raids but not red ones, someone who doesn't read the forums, someone who thinks playing red side will make them "dirty"... encourage them to come with you, to try it out. Educate them about how Hami Raids work, and why. Then, show up, ready to listen and do your best. Who knows, with a bit of luck and little server lag, you just might win.



Though I might not know the chaos this may cause, perhaps more people in their perpective chat channels could be allowed the option to invite new people. I know I have from time to time wanted to invite some new person into a chat channel, only to be blocked by not having that authority.

Just a thought.



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
Though I might not know the chaos this may cause, perhaps more people in their perpective chat channels could be allowed the option to invite new people. I know I have from time to time wanted to invite some new person into a chat channel, only to be blocked by not having that authority.

Just a thought.
This is an issue that would have to be addressed on a channel by channel basis, however, most of the channels mentioned in this thread are public and therefore do not require permission to invite as anyone can join them.



I've noticed that no one has mentioned the fact that some people (myself included) do not find Hami raids all that fun. Plus the fact that the risk vs reward really doesn't make it worth it as well.

Prey Family Art
My Alts
Mortal Prey II soloing AV's no temp/insps



Originally Posted by Mortal_Prey View Post
I've noticed that no one has mentioned the fact that some people (myself included) do not find Hami raids all that fun. Plus the fact that the risk vs reward really doesn't make it worth it as well.
  1. Absolutely jack we can do about that.
  2. Not really pertinent to the actual topic.
  3. If you don't like it, no amount of advertising or word of mouth is going to get you there anyway, right?



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
  1. Absolutely jack we can do about that.
Sure you can do a lot about it. If you don't like something in this game you can say you don't like it a post how a change might be good, and the Devs do listen to the player base. Look what they did with Posi TF and the last room in the Numina Task Force. They didn't change that stuff because they wanted to it was becuase the player base wanted it.

Not really pertinent to the actual topic.
What he is talking about why it might be hard to get this done because some people don't like it. It has everything to do with the topic.

If you don't like it, no amount of advertising or word of mouth is going to get you there anyway, right?
Yes and that is the point they are advertising and people are not showing up. Don't you see something wrong there?

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by Mortal_Prey View Post
I've noticed that no one has mentioned the fact that some people (myself included) do not find Hami raids all that fun. Plus the fact that the risk vs reward really doesn't make it worth it as well.
Some servers can do the hami raid in 20 minutes from spawn. I would like to see that for Protector. But I can't just snap my finger and make it happen. Right now, our raids are hovering at 1 hour and change from spawn. This still beats most people's STFs provided everyone shows up on time. If an hour's still too long, help us work it down by participating. Yeah, it's one big game of prisoners' dilemma.

But if you mean the possibility of getting debt when you say risk vs reward, I don't have much of a rebuttal for that because I'm never concerned about debt at any level, much less at 45+.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.