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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AIB View Post
    I am AIB a level 50 Warshade on Protector.

    And you are?

    Yo, I'm Demilion. Been back on the game for about 4 weeks now from an extremely long absence. People once called me a raging random lunatic which is still a true factor. I keep to myself these days due to my farming and alt addiction ._.

    Hug a rainbow, get skittles!
  2. Dang. Sorry to hear about your headaches, sir. Hope the best for you and a 100% recovery!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Burst_Eagle View Post
    Boy, I wonder who gave you the idea of some of them!
    You sure didn't, know that for a fact >.>

    LOL! I keed I keed XD

    Emma King went Loyalist with boy wonder, Burst Eagle
  4. Demilion

    Forgotten about?

    I'm with Sooner, your not forgotten sir ^_^

    Been itching to get you back on my global XD
  5. So far I have four Praetorian projects

    Valkyrie Ryo'Oki, KM/EA Brute to go hero side; Loyalist (working on a story)
    Jevalion, Demon/Dark MM to go hero side; Rebel
    Psionic Overcharge, Ele/Psi Domi to go hero side; Undecided
    Emma King, KM/Fire Scrapper to go hero side; Rebel

    Thinking about a KM/Dark Scrapper but not sure yet.
  6. Yeah, there will be free server transfers. I prob might take advantage of this with quite a few characters and find a new home after I get the base in working order so I don't leave a mess behind.
  7. Sadly I gotta drop out for tomorrow's event. Just got word that I need to help a family member out.

    In advance, have a good raid all ^_^
  8. Wait for it on DVD or if I was in a hurry, I'd sneak in.

    What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
  9. There are two people that are really great friends to me that I would take anywhere with me around the world!

    Have you ever thought about putting in a movie idea since Hollywood is running out of ideas?
  10. I know these two guys aren't around but I do wish them a Happy Birthday where ever they're at!

    The thought is what counts. Miss these two guys very much ^_^
  11. I recently came back myself. Been hanging in the shadows doing my own stuff.

    The server population, not many as you can see but people still do things with others ^^;
  12. I'll try to show up with my blaster or scrapper, which ever is needed most ^^;
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I still blame Tabula Rasa for taking away our CuppaJo.

    So do I ._.

    Wish we can bring her back.
  14. O_O

    I was kinda wondering on what happened to that game....and now I know.

  15. Nerd Rage Badge

    Awarded the Nerd Rage Badge for multiple reasons of fuming, fire, and kicking/hitting/slapping a computer once in your life over simple to very minor things in life.
  16. I live out in the country with the nearest city about 30 miles away so....

    My country is so country that country tries to be country!

    I'm serious, we got wannabe cowboys in the next state that try to be rappers. In this area of the state, farmers that try to be well known in a small community....a few anyways, the rest are decent LOL!
  17. You have hunger pains from the infestation devouring your intestinal lining and making transdimensional interfaces into visual companions while enjoying pickles soaked in prune extract overnight betwixt thousands upon thousands of gleaming spectacles vomiting extremely vile copious bile onto unsuspecting sentient cockroaches, which oddly feels like a hot roast beef/salmon entering a very cavernous mouth, and stimulates frenzied ferrets in perpetual, harmonized, synchronized, and, ironically, disproportionate proportions of cheese mixed with stuffed olives -- you idiot who was eating itself while dancing with wolves wearing orange see-thru sarongs covered
  18. Demilion

    Our server event

    Ooo, happy lvl up day for your little one!

    My eyes are still hurting from all that constant knuckle bashing. Can't complain though, rolled in a lot of merits for some yummy goodies

    Job well done to everyone!

    They need to make it more chaotic next time
  19. Demilion

    Our server event

    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I saw a wide assortment of halloween monsters on Virtue, and then those AVs somewhere else, earlier. It was SO laggy though, it'd be nice if they actually enforced a multiple-instance AP for it, so everyone could actually see what they're doing.
    I'm gonna hope that there's something different on our servers but who knows
  20. Demilion

    Our server event

    Kinda curious of what they have planned aside of what they say
  21. You have hunger pains from the infestation devouring your intestinal lining and making transdimensional interfaces into visual companions while enjoying pickles soaked in prune extract overnight betwixt thousands upon thousands of gleaming spectacles vomiting extremely vile copious bile onto unsuspecting sentient cockroaches, which oddly feels like a hot roast beef/salmon entering a very cavernous mouth, and stimulates frenzied ferrets in perpetual, harmonized, synchronized, and, ironically, disproportionate proportions of reefer and cheese mixed
  22. Quote:
    Hence, the differing results are due to some aspect other than the advertising. To put this another way, I use a hammer to drive a nail, then I use a stick of celery to drive a nail. Same nail. The nail is not the problem. In this case, same advertising. The advertising is not the problem.

    The difference has to be elsewhere, and there are scores of possible contributing factors that could be considered.

    Ice speaks common truth. It all depends of what is used and how one goes about it. There will always be pro's and con's to each siding faction no matter what influence the game proceeds upon the viewer/user.

    If one can get an event going, then it goes. If one can't get it going, hope for the best next time as to never get discouraged.

    That's my two cents worth. Now I'm gonna go chug down another cup of coffee.
  23. You have hunger pains from the infestation devouring your intestinal lining and making transdimensional interfaces into visual companions while enjoying pickles soaked in prune extract overnight betwixt thousands upon thousands of gleaming spectacles vomiting extremely vile copious bile onto unsuspecting sentient cockroaches, which oddly feels like a hot roast beef/salmon entering a very cavernous mouth, and stimulates frenzied ferrets in perpetual, harmonized, synchronized, and, ironically, disproportionate proportions
  24. Happy Birthday!

    I'm expecting cake and ice cream