Server Transfers?




Was there something in the log-in message about server transfers? I accidentally closed the window before finishing reading it...


BIG BROTHER MIDAS, Ice/Ice Dominator, 1314 Badges
* Any toon you see with Midas in the name is probably me *



I'm taking advantage of this to free up a couple more slots on Protector. Moved a spare Ice tank off to another server for Tanker Tuesdays. Have a few more I'm going to farm out.

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Originally Posted by BigBrotherMidas View Post
Was there something in the log-in message about server transfers? I accidentally closed the window before finishing reading it...
For future reference


Will repost the global message of the day



Yeah, there will be free server transfers. I prob might take advantage of this with quite a few characters and find a new home after I get the base in working order so I don't leave a mess behind.



I'm going to be moving several characters from Pinnacle to Protector, because it's... nice here.



I think I will be moving my fire/kin troller off server, as well as probably my demon/dark MM - either that or just deleting it.