Introduced your Praetorian(s)




Heya boys and girls! Praetor Hyperstrike here. Remember, drink your Enriche daily! Stay in school! Don't do drugs. And if someone starts talking about The Resistance, call us immediately!

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I'm currently running two.

Pop Roxxy, my Loyalist who went down the Responsibility path. She's bright-eyed and hopeful that she can make a difference helping protect the populace from the chaotic elements that seem irrationally Hell-bent on tearing Emperor Cole's utopia apart. She's a mutant who sparks up with wild electric energies to protect her and more focused energies (Kinetic Melee; WHEE!) for her strikes. She's a little leery at the extreme measures some of her fellow enforcers take to maintain the peace, and the attitudes of her higher ups and some of the PPD is worrying, but she maintains her cheery demeanor and just KNOWS she's going to make things right!

Ryat Dreadnaught is my Resistance Crusader. He's from Prime Earth, and he's seriously ticked off at waking up after detonating himself to destroy a portion of the Praetorian Paragon City Terra Volta. The world he sees now is horribly different from the shattered ruin he remembered battling his way through as Praetorians invaded Paragon of Prime Earth, and he wants to find out why and how he was rebuilt. The first thing he remembers upon reactivation is being told by the Powers Division that he's their property now, and that's put him in quite a vicious mood.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Rita is bored.

Bored out of her mind. After all, several thousand years of genre-hopping to and from worlds that essentially repeat endlessly gets that way. From her snug home between the dimensions and outside of time, she picked another Earth at random, and discovered to her delight that in this one, Marcus Cole actually had done something unique and refreshingly clever.

Yes, yes, he'd taken over the world. Emperor Cole. Well, why not? The streets of this beautiful city are kept free of those typical and overwhelming muggers and small-time gangs. Drudgework and construction are done by advanced robots - no better use for the things, really.

Of course there's crime. More subtle crime.

To Rita, who's spent equal parts of her long life insane, timid, heroic, or villainous, this was a chance to finally see things from a new-ish perspective.

That of a Loyalist. A very, very strong Loyalist. Because frankly over the centuries of living around powered folk, there was one thing that Rita didn't much care for, and that was chaos. Not to be confused with "spontaneity", that was the stuff of great memories with the old groups on various Earths. Parties and occasional ransacking of apartments weren't 'chaos'. But the mindless destruction of property and life that would go on, uncontrolled? The unbridled growth of the Human race everywhere it could reach?

She'd had enough of that. Here in this world, where Hamidon dwelled almost everywhere outside the safety of the pristine Praetorian islands... She could get some peace.

Of course Cole didn't just instantly trust her - but having her mind scanned by several Seers only proved that her millennia-old memories were too much for them to handle, and they'd just have to believe her when she said she would do his bidding.

After all, Emperor Cole was the first Marcus she'd ever encountered that she *didn't* want to teleport into a billion pieces... When they head toward Primal Earth, oh how that would be a fun trip. Because *that* Marcus was one Rita would surely want scattered to the winds...

Thus, Emperor's Adul8r came to settle in Nova Praetoria. The most lovely views of the big structures (oh how marvelously phallic, paired with that cup-shaped building across the courtyard? hahaha!), and the daily sound of clockwork blowing leaves below her window. Soon they would invade Prime. Soon she could help Emperor Cole build a whole new world out of that dungheap.

Bliss didn't have to be ignorant.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Yeah the names for the first to ain't to original but I was in a hurry to get into the new zones.

Praetorian Lass in my Loyalist. Praetorian Lad is my Resistance. Been trying to run both arcs with these two and the next 2 will be my Benedicts.

I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.



The girlfriend and I have made 5 duo's to run all the new Preatorian arcs. All are on Pro.

Magic Duo: Ozmosis Macabros (Demon/Pain MM) and Iris Pheonix (Fire/WP Scrapper)

Tech Duo: Ozmosis Kinetico (KM/EA Brute) and Neutrino Iris (rad/rad defender)

Science Duo: MICROChimp (elec/elec Dom) and Iris FlareKat (elec/elec blaster)

Mutant Duo: Ozmosis Shifter (Erg/Kin Corr) and Iris Hypnos (Mind/psy dom)

Natural Duo: Ozi Mani Maru (nin/nin stalker) and Iris Shiva (ice/storm Corr)

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




Hrmph. My post got eaten.

M I A is my Responsibility Loyalist. He's the Praetorian Abrahms, except instead of the usual situation where the Praetorian is a vastly different person than the Primal one, it's purely external forces that have caused the differences between the two.

Nuclear Arsenal is my Resistance Crusader. She's one of the people that have 'disappeared' from Utopia. Officially she was brought in for 'testing' that eventually 'discovered' meta-human powers. After having her memory wiped several times, she was cleared to join the Powers Division. That might not have been a good idea.

Super Cooled will be my Resistance Warden...eventually. Since he's going to be a Praetorian Clockwork who gains sentience, I'm going to need to find out more about them in order to find out exactly how that's going to work. Also, while I know his powers are going to be Ice/Elec, I'm still not sure which AT he's going to end up.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that M I A is Thugs/Traps, and Nuclear Arsenal is DP/Rad.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



So far I have four Praetorian projects

Valkyrie Ryo'Oki, KM/EA Brute to go hero side; Loyalist (working on a story)
Jevalion, Demon/Dark MM to go hero side; Rebel
Psionic Overcharge, Ele/Psi Domi to go hero side; Undecided
Emma King, KM/Fire Scrapper to go hero side; Rebel

Thinking about a KM/Dark Scrapper but not sure yet.



Dual Blades/Willpower Brute, Samarai costume, Name - Bankur
I'm clearly out of concepts.

Following the resistance warden path



Originally Posted by Demilion View Post
Psionic Overcharge, Ele/Psi Domi to go hero side; Undecided
Emma King, KM/Fire Scrapper to go hero side; Rebel

Thinking about a KM/Dark Scrapper but not sure yet.
Boy, I wonder who gave you the idea of some of them!

I currently have only one character I am working on:
Afterstrike -- KM/Elec Scrapper, Resistance that will absolutely go Hero.

I do want an Elec Domi, possibly /Thorns, Fire or Psy. Kinetic Melee might make me make a few more variations of Scrappers ... or possibly a Stalker (*gasp*)



I have two I am running.... slowly.

Priest Jeriko and Agent Grendel



I'm running with 2. Pappa Don is a DS/Poison MM the Preatorian version of Don Dada. He will be resistance.

Then there is a new guy Static Frenzy who is a Ele/Ele Dom Loyalist.

Don Dada lvl50 Emp/Dark Def-Protector
Radufett lvl50 Merc/Drk Msma MM
@Don Dada



Here are some screen shots of my Resitance fighter Rembrandt van Rijn, a Sonic/Sonic defender.

On patrol in Nova.

Having some fun in Studio 55.

Hummm. . .Maybe things under Cole are not so bad after all.



Originally Posted by Burst_Eagle View Post
Boy, I wonder who gave you the idea of some of them!
You sure didn't, know that for a fact >.>

LOL! I keed I keed XD

Emma King went Loyalist with boy wonder, Burst Eagle



Neurovolt - an elec/psi dom, is Mental's Loyalist Praetorian counterpart. Significant background differences include the fact that he willingly betrayed the Rikti to Cole during their invasion, so that he could eventually seize control of the Lineage of War. That backfired, and they forcibly changed him back into a human. Eventually I'll write something where he meets Mental, and that'll probably prove interesting.

Keltarn, my SD/KM tank is on the Resistance side of things morally, but Loyalist practically. So he's more focused on the Responsibility and Warden arcs more than anything.

Those are the only two I have now, but that will change.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



One Resistance fighter so far, a Brute named Moe Mentum. I'm sure you will see a lot of him during non peak hours

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Right Now, I have my Kinetic Melee tank - KinTankerous, An Alien Ninja Stalker called Vosh Artinaia, her EM/DA Brute brother Vastor Artinaia, and Big'Rage - a mutant clone of my Energy Melee/Invuln tank Big'Red.

Seriously, not enough time to play all these fun toons... but I am working on it!



Meet DarkstarBreaker, the Praet version of my main toon StarBreaker in case you aren't aware.

Darkstar is loyal to the cause because he, as an alien energy lifeform, was taken from the scientist who found him. Cole shaped him into a Powers Division officer and Darkstar is glad to help his master and father.

�The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead station.�
- William Gibson, Neuromancer