Reduced Badge Requirements in I16

Adeon Hawkwood



Check out the badge tweet by Posi:

Let the speculation begin.

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Illusionist Illusionist Illusionist.

Warden and Zookeeper could use a reduction as well but at least they're easier than Illusionist.



Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
Illusionist Illusionist Illusionist.

Warden and Zookeeper could use a reduction as well but at least they're easier than Illusionist.
Here here. With their decision in I15 to reduce the amount of grinding required for badges, I'm hoping for this and other positive changes.



I want to see the Impossible Epics become Achievable Epics.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



With the expected changes to how sidekicking's going to work I'd expect a reduction/change to how the Mentor badges are going to work at the very least.

They might lower some of the other top epics (i.e Leader, Immortal) the same way they fixed Empath. I wonder if Posi will try to claim those were "decimal point" typos all along as well.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
With the expected changes to how sidekicking's going to work I'd expect a reduction/change to how the Mentor badges are going to work at the very least.

They might lower some of the other top epics (i.e Leader, Immortal) the same way they fixed Empath. I wonder if Posi will try to claim those were "decimal point" typos all along as well.
I don't care if they want to claim all the Epics have decimal errors as long as they are lowered from Nigh Impossible to More Apt to Achieve.

Empath was a nice start but all the epic badges be they damage, money (especially money), healing, crafting (fabricator), pvp 400 rep, need to be reevaluated.

Certain "kill x-amount badges" also. Illusionist, Rikti Monkey, Prisoners, ....



Is there going to be a reduction in the "Cookies Eaten" series of badges?

<-- still doesn't have the "Nomocolypse" badge. Seriously, the requirements are too high!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
With the expected changes to how sidekicking's going to work I'd expect a reduction/change to how the Mentor badges are going to work at the very least.
I was wondering about that myself. I'm not actually sure that the devs will feel much need to reduce the time requirements. It seems to me that Super Sidekicking will actually increase the amount of badge credit being gained since in any team with a level difference of 2+ someone is getting credit (unless you are doing the low level character's missions) whereas currently a lot of people don't bother SKing at all with a level split of 3 or 4 and you can't SK at all with a level split of 2.



This... intrigues me. You have my attention.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
They could just change that and I would be perfectly happy.

And hey, maybe Soul Binder will get fixed too?
Well all I know is that my alts have all pretty much stopped working the kill x-amount badges that are over 100 in requirements, pending news about the changes. TF and Accomp badges though are being dealt with.



I would love to see a reduction in the fabricator badge requirment since making what 1,000 inventions not only takes forever but i've heard that faries will hack you with toy hammers if you try to get this badge.

I t just isn't worth the risk.



Originally Posted by CyberDragon View Post
I would love to see a reduction in the fabricator badge requirment since making what 1,000 inventions not only takes forever but i've heard that faries will hack you with toy hammers if you try to get this badge.

I t just isn't worth the risk.
You forgot a zero .

EDIT: Wow, someone gave me negative rep on this post for being "Not speculative enough". The internet never ceases to astound me.



Damn.My mistake on the invention badge that was a typo.

Also to Ironblade are you sure you didn't get chased by fairies with hammers? Maybe a disgruntled Wilford Brimley shouting Diabeetus at you perhaps?

If not then I should be safe salving over a glowing invention table



Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
Is there going to be a reduction in the "Cookies Eaten" series of badges?

<-- still doesn't have the "Nomocolypse" badge. Seriously, the requirements are too high!
If anyone's going to be the first to get the Nomocolypse badge on ANY server, it'll be YOU, Ulli, fret not!

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I can confirm this via prior PMs with Synapse. I was complaining to him specifically about some of the insane requirements for accolades (I cited 500 Illusionists, Marcone Capos, 200 Cold Demons, and 10 mil damage badges). I won't quote my long diatribe, but here is part of Synapse's response:

One of my goals for the GR expansion is going to be to dial down the cuh-razy badges. Especially if they're requirements for Accolades. Some of these badges were designed without a whole lot of data, just a lot of speculation on data we did have.
Since Posi's tweet made it public knowledge, I figure it's okay now.

I just want to add that in addition to being overjoyed at the fact that they're going to be adjusting some of the sadistic accolade requirements, I'm again grateful that we have a dev team that communicates directly with their player base. I've never used any other software product, game or not, that had a dev team that was so accessible.

EDIT: before anyone asks, no Synapse did not share any specific changes with me, only that he intended to address the issue. Also note that in Synapse's initial PM he figured on getting them into Going Rogue, but Posi's tweet mentions them being in i16. Woot!

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Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I can confirm this via prior PMs with Synapse. I was complaining to him specifically about some of the insane requirements for accolades (I cited 500 Illusionists, Marcone Capos, 200 Cold Demons, and 10 mil damage badges). I won't quote my long diatribe, but here is part of Synapse's response:
Since Posi's tweet made it public knowledge, I figure it's okay now.

I just want to add that in addition to being overjoyed at the fact that they're going to be adjusting some of the sadistic accolade requirements, I'm again grateful that we have a dev team that communicates directly with their player base. I've never used any other software product, game or not, that had a dev team that was so accessible.

EDIT: before anyone asks, no Synapse did not share any specific changes with me, only that he intended to address the issue. Also note that in Synapse's initial PM he figured on getting them into Going Rogue, but Posi's tweet mentions them being in i16. Woot!
Well for blue side the most sadistic accolade requirement I can think of is the 500 illusionists. I don't mind that badge being part of an accolade so much as I mind the 500 amount. For redside perhaps the most sadistic is damage badge #4, again for me its not the badge as much as the amount for the badge.

Looks like though I was right in stopping work on the kill x-amount badges until after ish 16, I'll just wrap TF/SF, Accomp and Giant Monster badges for now.

Also kudos for getting them into ish 16, now we can hopefully finish all pre-GR badges before GR comes out



Well the most abhorrent requirments are probably for the Damage taken badges (heroes and villains). Specially since only damage to base health works. The best way here would simply let it be ALL damage taken (and not just damage done to base health) count towards the badge.
This would help enormous (also for villains accolade).

500 Illusionist, sure it is a steep number and getting it solo will be hard if not impossible. However if your in a badger team you will be able to get that badge within 3-4 hours. By simply Milking the Master Illusionist in a mission with an 8 man team. (This wont give you xp ofc... but in a badger team xp = worthless (or bonus), what is important is the goal =Badge. It gives you the time to socialise with your fellow badgers, while beating them illusions.)
Yes it is dull work, but company makes it better.

For me those hunt/kill badges gives me the possibility of talking to my fellow badgers and bonding abit. On union we announce that we are starting a hunt for one type or more villains and we get response from others in the channel.

One change that irks me was towards the Fabricator badge. By making it so that converting Brainstorm ideas do not work towards making inventions... well for me I have plenty of brainstorm ideas that I wont use... yet.
10000 units when the buffs you create (through empowerment table) cannot be deleted/removed even is hampering the way towards Fabricator even more.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
One change that irks me was towards the Fabricator badge. By making it so that converting Brainstorm ideas do not work towards making inventions... well for me I have plenty of brainstorm ideas that I wont use... yet.
10000 units when the buffs you create (through empowerment table) cannot be deleted/removed even is hampering the way towards Fabricator even more.
Glad I used my Brainstorms when they counted.

Since when can't buffs from the empowerment station be deleted? Bring up your powers, check for temp powers and right click delete power, unless a recent patch nerfed that.



It's nice to not see the "they've negated all my hard work" that occured when they lowered the Zookeeper badge.

Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
However if your in a badger team you will be able to get that badge within 3-4 hours. By simply Milking the Master Illusionist in a mission with an 8 man team.
3-4 hours running the same mission over and over again is a perfect definition of farming. Since they've frowned on it for all other rewards, it's nice to see that they are re-looking at badge farming.

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Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
It's nice to not see the "they've negated all my hard work" that occured when they lowered the Zookeeper badge.

3-4 hours running the same mission over and over again is a perfect definition of farming. Since they've frowned on it for all other rewards, it's nice to see that they are re-looking at badge farming.
Eh, eventually some will post ranting about their hard work being negated. Wait until the list of badge changes is posted.



Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
It's nice to not see the "they've negated all my hard work" that occured when they lowered the Zookeeper badge.

3-4 hours running the same mission over and over again is a perfect definition of farming. Since they've frowned on it for all other rewards, it's nice to see that they are re-looking at badge farming.
Clarification: Not running the same mission over and over, but staying inside the same mission. Milking the 4-5 Master Illusionists. Yes.. it is repetative and it is a way of farming. For now its the quickest way of getting said badge.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Eh, eventually some will post ranting about their hard work being negated. Wait until the list of badge changes is posted.
It's possible there may be a few idiots out there like that, but I don't think it'll happen as much as you'd think.

Case in point I earned Empath about a month before Posi finally got around to lowering the insanely high 1 billion HPs healed requirement. Now obviously when I first learned about that reduction I had a moment where I thought to myself, "Heh, that figures..." But I never once jumped out here on the forums and whined or ranted about it because I knew that change was very looooog overdue and very justified.

In fact there were many people over the years (including myself) who publicly stated on these forums that even though they had the billion HPs Empath done that they would be in favor it being lowered because that requirement was silly-stupid from day one regardless. I suspect that this testimony from these badgers were part of the reason Posi finally decided to lower the requirement. Let's just suffice it to say I -never- believed his excuse about it being a "decimal point typo" that took 4 years to fix.

So will it be momentarily annoying for me to learn that maybe other badges like Immortal or Leader end up being reduced? Sure it will. But again I wouldn't complain about it here because I realize that there are badges like that out there which are unfairly beyond the reach of most people who play this game. Obviously I hope that they don't make top badges too trivial to earn, but there are at least a few like that which could be fine tuned without too much objection.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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