Reduced Badge Requirements in I16

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Make the Shadow Shard a co-op zone and give villains access to the Shard TF's. More hunting grounds for some badges, and more opportunity for villains to get Merits.
Personally I would love to see that. The only problem is that all of the Shard TFs have at least one mission in Paragon City so the devs would need to either do some rewriting of the TFs or implement new Co-Op ones. Either way I'd love to see something done with the Shard anyway. It's a beautiful zone that needs some love. Besides, geyser jumping is great fun and villains should get to play to.



I'm not sure about reducing the requirements. It will greatly depend on which badges get reduced. If some of the top level epic badges get tweaked, I would love it. However, if it turns already fairly easy badges into Gimme Badges, then no. I want atleast some challenge.

I look at what they've already taken out and what they reduced previously and I just hope that reducing requirements doesnt mean we're losing badges too.

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Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
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Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
I can see it now, all badges lowered to 1 "thing" needed. Just like MA so now we are all gold medal winners for just showing up.
Nope. Per a PM from Synapse, he explicitly said he's not going to change them to "defeat 1 of these".

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



I am not overly concerned about the badge nerfing now that I think about it, I have most all of them except oddly for a few of the "just have to show up" badges. I am sure any new badges will be a joke as well.

So in closing to add to this I want them to nerf the anniversary badges and make them obtainable too, and as easily as any other to be nerfed badge.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



There's an interesting attitude I see in some of the badgers. It reminds me of a discussion I had years ago with my brother, a medical doctor. He told me about the insanely long hours interns at his hospital had to pull. A shift of 30-40 hours straight was common. But what multiple studies had shown that being intensely sleep deprived has the same effect on your decision-making as being drunk, i.e. it's really bad news. So the logical conclusion would be to put interns on more normal shifts, right? These guys are quite literally making life and death decisions, after all (and screwing them up, costing lives). Nope! The attitude among the senior staff was "Hey, I had to go through that hell and there's no way these wimp young wanna-be's are gonna skip out on it."

This is a game we're talking about. It's supposed to be fun. Sure, it should have challenges, even some extremely difficult ones. But the challenges should be intentional and they should be part of a thoughtfully designed framework. Accolade requirements like having to get 10 million points of damage or defeat 500 summoned illusionists were designed without an understanding of what was reasonable in regular gameplay. It's the right decision to tone them down. I don't want to see them trivialized, but I'm confident Synapse won't do that. I think there's a happy medium that's possible between stupidly difficult and stupidly trivial.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Well the most abhorrent requirments are probably for the Damage taken badges (heroes and villains). Specially since only damage to base health works. The best way here would simply let it be ALL damage taken (and not just damage done to base health) count towards the badge.
This would help enormous (also for villains accolade).

One change that irks me was towards the Fabricator badge. By making it so that converting Brainstorm ideas do not work towards making inventions... well for me I have plenty of brainstorm ideas that I wont use... yet.
10000 units when the buffs you create (through empowerment table) cannot be deleted/removed even is hampering the way towards Fabricator even more.
And DAT!!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



As it stands now, You have to bring-up the "Powers" windows (generally at the bottom right) and find it in the "Temp Powers" section and right-click it there, then select Delete Power.

And what would seem to be the obvious way = Right-Clicking on the Temp Power up in the - uhm... 'Buff Bar'(?) - the string of buffs/active accolades/temp powers/etc. just below your HP/END/XP UI - and trying to delete them from there... Doesn't Work!

Which is annoying to say the least, you also can't see the time remaining on these without going down into the powers window and clicking for time left.

And unfortunately - this is also true with some other temp powers, and timed day job buffs = last time I checked...
I'm certain they tweaked some of these at some point not all that long ago. But, I don't believe they got around to "fixing" all of them yet... YMMV.

EDIT: To be clear I was referring to subject of deleting Empowerment Buffs, that was mentioned above, you CAN do it - but its a major PITA.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
Check out the badge tweet by Posi:

Let the speculation begin.
I don't care much about badges one way or the other, but it's stupid to degrade the achievement of people who got their the "hard way" by handing them out like candy now.

Things that require no effort have little value.
I'm more annoyed than entertained by the FLOOD of badges I get in MA now for doing absolutely nothing of note.

MA badges are like medals for the Special Olympics- COMPETITOR, I WIN!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

Things that require no effort have little value.

What value did they really have with great effort?

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't care much about badges one way or the other, but it's stupid to degrade the achievement of people who got their the "hard way" by handing them out like candy now.

Things that require no effort have little value.
I'm more annoyed than entertained by the FLOOD of badges I get in MA now for doing absolutely nothing of note.

MA badges are like medals for the Special Olympics- COMPETITOR, I WIN!
It is awesome the way you didn't read the thread at all.

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Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
This is a game we're talking about. It's supposed to be fun. Sure, it should have challenges, even some extremely difficult ones. But the challenges should be intentional and they should be part of a thoughtfully designed framework. Accolade requirements like having to get 10 million points of damage or defeat 500 summoned illusionists were designed without an understanding of what was reasonable in regular gameplay. It's the right decision to tone them down. I don't want to see them trivialized, but I'm confident Synapse won't do that. I think there's a happy medium that's possible between stupidly difficult and stupidly trivial.
I see your point, and to some extent even agree, as I stated above I no longer have an issue with them trivializing badges and by extension badge hunting. However based on recent statements and actions I do disagree that the changes made will be anything other than trivializing them. There are very few badges that require skill or effort to get, most are just a timesink. Which the game then becomes one of efficient use of time. Having sunk the time already I am not offended or effected by the pending nerfs.

If anything I would look forward to see what time difference is made over all; it took me 33 months of fairly regular game play to get the epic badges, wonder how much faster it will be doable after what ever changes take effect.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
What value did they really have with great effort?
I don't think badges have any value. Other people collect them obsessively.

Such things are in the eye of the beholder.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It is awesome the way you didn't read the thread at all.
I read the OP, had an opinion and posted it.
Oh well.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



A couple replies in one:

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't care much about badges one way or the other, but it's stupid to degrade the achievement of people who got their the "hard way" by handing them out like candy now.
Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
If anything I would look forward to see what time difference is made over all; it took me 33 months of fairly regular game play to get the epic badges, wonder how much faster it will be doable after what ever changes take effect.
I think both of you both are missing the point: If you are complaining about the epic healing or damage badges and if they are being reduced, then you are complaining about the amount of time you deliberately "wasted" using an exploit to get a reward with out effort on your part. By AFK farming, you were not playing to get the badges. If you used the arena farms for the healing badges, then you knowingly used a bug in the game to get credit for heals on targets with full health.

I think that anyone who knowing uses an exploit loses all grounds for objections.

Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
I see your point, and to some extent even agree, as I stated above I no longer have an issue with them trivializing badges and by extension badge hunting. However based on recent statements and actions I do disagree that the changes made will be anything other than trivializing them.
I see that you feel that this thread needed more "DOOM".

Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
There are very few badges that require skill or effort to get, most are just a timesink. Which the game then becomes one of efficient use of time.
I think a better way to put your statement is the way people that share your opinion seem to want to use against those that want reasonable requirements: "You want teh badges NAO!"

People that want reasonable badge requirements do not want the badges now, they want to play the game and earn rewards for playing the game. That you and others have subverted that to mean get all the badges "as quick as possible" using whatever means needed to achieve that goal is the fault of the people doing this, not the developers or the regular users.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



The damage badge for the accolade is the only one I think needs drastic change. It should be a reasonable amount of damage that you can actually get from playing the game in a normal way, rather than leaving your character logged in overnight while taking damage....for many, many nights.



Originally Posted by Snow_Globe View Post
A couple replies in one:

I think both of you both are missing the point: If you are complaining about the epic healing or damage badges and if they are being reduced, then you are complaining about the amount of time you deliberately "wasted" using an exploit to get a reward with out effort on your part. By AFK farming, you were not playing to get the badges. If you used the arena farms for the healing badges, then you knowingly used a bug in the game to get credit for heals on targets with full health.

I think that anyone who knowing uses an exploit loses all grounds for objections.
First I am not complaining about the unspecified upcoming changes to badge requirements. I might not find them warranted or necessary; but no I am not complaining.

One could easily come to the conclusion that all time spent on this game is wasted, so I am not sure how I chose to waste it is any better or worse than how anyone else chooses to waste their time. As far as effort goes, I submit that as much effort goes in to studying the game mechanics and how to maximize returns on time wasted as there is put into other aspects of game play.

Originally Posted by Snow_Globe View Post
I see that you feel that this thread needed more "DOOM".
I disagree I didn't feel I was dooming anything; just speculating which is no different that what anyone else is doing at this point.

Originally Posted by Snow_Globe View Post
I think a better way to put your statement is the way people that share your opinion seem to want to use against those that want reasonable requirements: "You want teh badges NAO!"

People that want reasonable badge requirements do not want the badges now, they want to play the game and earn rewards for playing the game. That you and others have subverted that to mean get all the badges "as quick as possible" using whatever means needed to achieve that goal is the fault of the people doing this, not the developers or the regular users.

I want the badges, sooner is better than later. I don't see why that point of view is wrong; can you please tell me how I am playing the game incorrectly? I play; I have fun, thought that was the point. I choose not to limit myself with self imposed rules and regulations to achieve these goals, nor do I role play or anything else that I feel might limit my efficiency. I don't slight you for doing this, I just ask the same.

Also I don't feel I am an irregular user.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
Personally I would love to see that. The only problem is that all of the Shard TFs have at least one mission in Paragon City so the devs would need to either do some rewriting of the TFs or implement new Co-Op ones. Either way I'd love to see something done with the Shard anyway. It's a beautiful zone that needs some love. Besides, geyser jumping is great fun and villains should get to play to.

Well having run the Shard TF's quite a few times on my alts, I can honestly say that rewriting them to change Paragon city missions to being a mission in the shard instead would be fine. There is more then enough Shard Traveling to do in them without having to leave the shard to return to Paragon City, after all

Also I wouldn't object if they were to look at some of the Shard TF's and either revise or omit some of the missions that seem.....repetitious. Like say, DR Q.....



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
There's an interesting attitude I see in some of the badgers. It reminds me of a discussion I had years ago with my brother, a medical doctor. He told me about the insanely long hours interns at his hospital had to pull. A shift of 30-40 hours straight was common. But what multiple studies had shown that being intensely sleep deprived has the same effect on your decision-making as being drunk, i.e. it's really bad news. So the logical conclusion would be to put interns on more normal shifts, right? These guys are quite literally making life and death decisions, after all (and screwing them up, costing lives). Nope! The attitude among the senior staff was "Hey, I had to go through that hell and there's no way these wimp young wanna-be's are gonna skip out on it."

This is a game we're talking about. It's supposed to be fun. Sure, it should have challenges, even some extremely difficult ones. But the challenges should be intentional and they should be part of a thoughtfully designed framework. Accolade requirements like having to get 10 million points of damage or defeat 500 summoned illusionists were designed without an understanding of what was reasonable in regular gameplay. It's the right decision to tone them down. I don't want to see them trivialized, but I'm confident Synapse won't do that. I think there's a happy medium that's possible between stupidly difficult and stupidly trivial.
I'm sure Synapse won't trivialize the badges, but I just don't see a need for a "kill x amount" badge to be above 100 in criteria, especially with some of the criteria being a bit scarce at times. Making them 100 kills for the badge seems reasonable.

I've also been of the belief that the epic money badges have been wrongly valued for the whole time they have been around. 100 million then 1 billion then 2 billion....., always seemed like it should have been 100 million, 500 million, 1 billion to me.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
I choose not to limit myself with self imposed rules and regulations to achieve these goals, nor do I role play or anything else that I feel might limit my efficiency. I don't slight you for doing this, I just ask the same.
The problem is that the rules and regulations are set out by the developers, not us.

Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
Also I don't feel I am an irregular user.
Given past experience, I would say that the "must have it as soon as possible" is a small set of people that collect badges. Perhaps a better wording would have been "most badge collectors" as opposed to "regular players".

Even though badge collecting is a fraction of the player base, most of those that I know of that collect badges would find collecting badges while not playing to be anti-ethical. There is around a dozen players that I know that think otherwise though.

Let's say for the sake of argument that there is 50 on the North American servers (I have no basis for comparison for the European servers). Given that there is at least 100,000 accounts on the North American servers, I think I'm right in saying "irregular user".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow_Globe View Post
I think I'm right in saying "irregular user".
Easy solution: more fiber and lots of clear liquids, you'll be regular in no time.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
Easy solution: more fiber and lots of clear liquids, you'll be regular in no time.
Yes, people that must have the badges as fast as possible should eat more blueberries.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Were did that juicy list come from?

I really like those changes! Especially to the Red-Side accolade!



I thought this list would be shown in a Test Patch Note as they were posted yesterday by someone else I know from another site, hmm...wondering if I'm posting something I'm not supposed to >.>



Looks like.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I thought this list would be shown in a Test Patch Note as they were posted yesterday by someone else I know from another site, hmm...wondering if I'm posting something I'm not supposed to >.>

Looks good overall but as Beta isn't 'open' yet, ymmv if these go live I guess.
Wait and see but if the redside accolade is accurate, as well as illusionists, this is full of win.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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