Reduced Badge Requirements in I16

Adeon Hawkwood



I think the only reason I might switch my villain to a hero (other than storyline reasons, he's a hero who turned villain only because Friggin' Taser annoys him so much he must destroy him) is to get the mission, TF, and monster/event badges on heroside.

Other than Croatoa monsters, are there any villains can't unlock right now?

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Yep nothing like logging in and seeing a few badges ding
Yeah, was pretty cool moving my badge toon onto Test and then seeing all the badge "dings" for Popular, Leader, Medicine Woman, Empath, etc. Glad I worked on all that extra influence-earning over the past few months!

As far as the people who have Empath already, I don't really feel all that bad for them, because virtually everyone who has that badge pre-I16 (and I'll bet it's EVERYONE, but apologies if there's a hardy, dedicated soul out there who actually earned Empath without farming, hard as that is to imagine) used an exploit to farm for it (as did I, when time permitted, since my badge toon is a Scrapper).

As far as Leader goes, my hat is off to those who earned that badge, since you have to actually EARN it (unlike healing, damage, etc., which can be farmed easily while AFK). The prevailing sentiment I've seen amongst those who have earned those top epic badges has been one of graciousness, so I don't think too many of them are upset about these requirement reductions.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



I was actually surprised that I got Immortal. Got Born in Battle when the requirement was Nigh Indestructible rather than Unbreakable. Now it just requires Ironman. I just wish when I started playing the game, this and GM alerts were up. Spent months on the Healing and Damage badges and about a day for Knight Errant and Arachnos Flyer.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Eric_Nelson View Post
Yeah, was pretty cool moving my badge toon onto Test and then seeing all the badge "dings" for Popular, Leader, Medicine Woman, Empath, etc. Glad I worked on all that extra influence-earning over the past few months!

As far as the people who have Empath already, I don't really feel all that bad for them, because virtually everyone who has that badge pre-I16 (and I'll bet it's EVERYONE, but apologies if there's a hardy, dedicated soul out there who actually earned Empath without farming, hard as that is to imagine) used an exploit to farm for it (as did I, when time permitted, since my badge toon is a Scrapper).

As far as Leader goes, my hat is off to those who earned that badge, since you have to actually EARN it (unlike healing, damage, etc., which can be farmed easily while AFK). The prevailing sentiment I've seen amongst those who have earned those top epic badges has been one of graciousness, so I don't think too many of them are upset about these requirement reductions.
I suspect that some of the Empathic Popular Immortal Leaders out there were among the advocates of badges being reevaluated. I know I was.

Still, it's all for the best. Of course I'm not looking at this change with rose colored glasses either: AFK farming will be reduced for certain, but eliminated? Not likely. There will be those with the "gotta have it now" "gotta get em all" mentality as well as those with many alts who may want the badges on as many as possible.

Still there is one set of badges I would like to see reevaluated and hopefully reduced in terms of time taken to obtain: the Day Jobs. 30 days was pretty lengthy, 21 is an improvement, but I've often felt that 14 was more suitable.



I'm really thrilled about the changes, especially to Empath. My main badger is my Empathy defender who was my first level 50, and I've just recently gotten back into badge-hunting on him. I've never farmed for his healing badge, and I don't play him super-often anymore... but I've played him a lot, and am currently about 95% of the way to the 4th healing badge on live. When I16 hits, he'll be 95% of the way to Empath. This makes me happy. That is all!

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Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Other than Croatoa monsters, are there any villains can't unlock right now?

As far as defeat badges go?

Warden (Prisoners)
Isolator (Contaminated)
Volcanic (Igneous bosses)



Don't forget:

Ectoplasmic (Ghosts)
Spellbinding (Cabal)
Haunted (Croatoa Ghosts)

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
I'm really thrilled about the changes, especially to Empath. My main badger is my Empathy defender who was my first level 50, and I've just recently gotten back into badge-hunting on him. I've never farmed for his healing badge, and I don't play him super-often anymore... but I've played him a lot, and am currently about 95% of the way to the 4th healing badge on live. When I16 hits, he'll be 95% of the way to Empath. This makes me happy. That is all!
Now for the big question: anyone having any of their alts farming/grinding their way to the amount needed for any of the epics when ish 16 hits?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Still, it's all for the best. Of course I'm not looking at this change with rose colored glasses either: AFK farming will be reduced for certain, but eliminated? Not likely. There will be those with the "gotta have it now" "gotta get em all" mentality as well as those with many alts who may want the badges on as many as possible.
You're so right. My feeling is, if people want to do it, they are welcome to -- if that's the way they enjoy the game, more power to 'em. Of course, the devs want to eliminate afk farming as much as possible, and this does about as much as they can feasibly do.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Still there is one set of badges I would like to see reevaluated and hopefully reduced in terms of time taken to obtain: the Day Jobs. 30 days was pretty lengthy, 21 is an improvement, but I've often felt that 14 was more suitable.
I'm in full agreement with you on that subject. 14 days would be a vast improvement, and still be a significant chunk of time logged out to earn.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Don't forget:

Ectoplasmic (Ghosts)
Spellbinding (Cabal)
Haunted (Croatoa Ghosts)

He'd already mentioned zone events and Croatoa defeats, so I left those off the list intentionally.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Still, it's all for the best. Of course I'm not looking at this change with rose colored glasses either: AFK farming will be reduced for certain, but eliminated? Not likely. There will be those with the "gotta have it now" "gotta get em all" mentality as well as those with many alts who may want the badges on as many as possible.
I hold no illusions that AFK farming will be eliminated. I agree it will still be around. However for the majority of the changes we will now be able to earn the badges with actual play time.

The damage taken series is the notable exception. Immortal is 25 times what I would consider "reasonable". Of course that would require the earlier badges (non-epics) in the series to be reduced too.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Still there is one set of badges I would like to see reevaluated and hopefully reduced in terms of time taken to obtain: the Day Jobs. 30 days was pretty lengthy, 21 is an improvement, but I've often felt that 14 was more suitable.
And just think that Going Rogue likely means that, in addition to any day jobs introduced with it, that there will be six more day job badges for everyone to collect. There are six for each side that are exclusive to that faction.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



In between mapservers over on test (gaah what is it with the interwebs at the moment), I logged on a fresh copy of Catwhoorg.

looks like I'll be getting 10 new badges due to this change.

I think I have 6 or 7 characters who will be getting fabricator.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I hold no illusions that AFK farming will be eliminated. I agree it will still be around. However for the majority of the changes we will now be able to earn the badges with actual play time.

The damage taken series is the notable exception. Immortal is 25 times what I would consider "reasonable". Of course that would require the earlier badges (non-epics) in the series to be reduced too.

And just think that Going Rogue likely means that, in addition to any day jobs introduced with it, that there will be six more day job badges for everyone to collect. There are six for each side that are exclusive to that faction.
All the more reason to reevaluate the time needed to get them. currently I think it was about 421 days of offline time total to get them all.....



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Still there is one set of badges I would like to see reevaluated and hopefully reduced in terms of time taken to obtain: the Day Jobs. 30 days was pretty lengthy, 21 is an improvement, but I've often felt that 14 was more suitable.
really? I think I have 5 and a 1/4 left to get, or only have 3-4 months left on these as they stand now.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
really? I think I have 5 and a 1/4 left to get, or only have 3-4 months left on these as they stand now.
Yes but as Snow_Globe is known to point out, GR might add new ones plus MAY let villains get hero side ones that villains cant normally get, and vice versa.......



Originally Posted by PunchinJudy View Post
He'd already mentioned zone events and Croatoa defeats, so I left those off the list intentionally.
Ah, indeed... my bad.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And just think that Going Rogue likely means that, in addition to any day jobs introduced with it, that there will be six more day job badges for everyone to collect. There are six for each side that are exclusive to that faction.
Urgh... >_<

Not to mention if they do go ahead with implementing badges for changing sides and for staying as you are that are mutually exclusive... I hate when that happens. Bad enough my Villain can't get the other Patron ones.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



OOO wow.... with GR I wonder if it will be possible to get the accolades from both sides? THAT would be cool!!

On another note. I was thinking( bad idea, I know...). I am all for the requirement reductions and 100% support the changes. However, the players who have spent an extraordinary amount of time procuring badges under the old system have every right to feel a bit disgruntled. Having pointed that out. I'd like if they implemented new badges based on old achievements. Example: Old badge for rikti monkies that required 10,000 monkey defeats could be made a new badge titled 'Banana's".Thus, "zookeeper" is available with the lower requirements and " banana's" an extra reward to those who DID have to complete the heavier requirements.In addition, "Banana's" could be obtained by fulfilling the old requirements so not exclusive to older players.The monkey badge is just one example. Heck? Make the last tier damage debt badge named "Bankrupt for Life", the damage badge "Living Dead". Try to make each badge name correspond with the insane requirements.

Toldya it was a bad idea for me to "think"!! I have no idea the resources needed to implement an idea like this. Just having a moment of wishful thinking.



Originally Posted by Southern_Comfort View Post
OOO wow.... with GR I wonder if it will be possible to get the accolades from both sides? THAT would be cool!!

On another note. I was thinking( bad idea, I know...). I am all for the requirement reductions and 100% support the changes. However, the players who have spent an extraordinary amount of time procuring badges under the old system have every right to feel a bit disgruntled. Having pointed that out. I'd like if they implemented new badges based on old achievements. Example: Old badge for rikti monkies that required 10,000 monkey defeats could be made a new badge titled 'Banana's".Thus, "zookeeper" is available with the lower requirements and " banana's" an extra reward to those who DID have to complete the heavier requirements.In addition, "Banana's" could be obtained by fulfilling the old requirements so not exclusive to older players.The monkey badge is just one example. Heck? Make the last tier damage debt badge named "Bankrupt for Life", the damage badge "Living Dead". Try to make each badge name correspond with the insane requirements.

Toldya it was a bad idea for me to "think"!! I have no idea the resources needed to implement an idea like this. Just having a moment of wishful thinking.
Sure that's great for those of us who have already met those original requirements. Free badges for no extra work. But, I promise you, this will never happen. It defeats the purpose for reducing the badge requirements in the first place. The idea is to move away from grindy badges.

I honestly can't see them introducing new badges with the old (grindy) requirements right after reducing the requirements for badges of the same type.



Originally Posted by PunchinJudy View Post
Sure that's great for those of us who have already met those original requirements. Free badges for no extra work. But, I promise you, this will never happen. It defeats the purpose for reducing the badge requirements in the first place. The idea is to move away from grindy badges.

I honestly can't see them introducing new badges with the old (grindy) requirements right after reducing the requirements for badges of the same type.

Old adage" Is the glass half full rather than half empty?" Getting an extra badge for " no extra work" is a false statement.Old badgers already went out of their way to complete much higher requirements. I'd hardly call that "no extra work". Why SHOULDN'T those players be rewarded?New badgers have lower requirements for the SAME badge. My apologies but I really fail to see who would be getting "something for no extra work" unless you are referring to new badgers.Old badgers paid their dues and new badgers get the badges required for accolades more easily with an option to attain the badges tied to the old requirements. How is that not a " win.. win"? Both player groups get an ingame reward and a kudo's for time invested.

I understand the dev's are moving away from "grind" but that doesn't change the fact that many people did, indeed,"grind".I feel that time spent should be recognized.I am one player. YMMV.

I can sort of understand that the idea would not have merit because if it was implemented then here we would go again with things like the balancing of pvp and merits earned through time. Because here it would extend to that learning curve and time investment to( God Forbid!!) badges. Why should the casual player have as much of an advantage as the player that's ingame 10 more hours a week than they? In my opinion... the player who logs in 5 hours a week should not feel slighted that another player who logs in 20 hours a week has something they do not.



Originally Posted by Southern_Comfort View Post
Why SHOULDN'T those players be rewarded?New badgers have lower requirements for the SAME badge. My apologies but I really fail to see who would be getting "something for no extra work" unless you are referring to new badgers.Old badgers paid their dues and new badgers get the badges required for accolades more easily with an option to attain the badges tied to the old requirements. How is that not a " win.. win"? Both player groups get an ingame reward and a kudo's for time invested.
The reason they will never make "new" badges that equal the old values is that would put the developers in the exact same situation they are currently faced with: In an attempt to appease the few people that farmed the badges they annoy the rest of the player population.

So it isn't a "win-win". It is a win for those wanting a e-peen, a lose to the average badge collector, and a lose for the developers that would have to come up with some excuse for back tracking on a promised fix for the requirements.

Additionally. the statements made during Issue 14 show that they do not want to reward aberrant, unintended, or just plain un-fun game play. Making new badges at the old values does the exact opposite.

I understand the dev's are moving away from "grind" but that doesn't change the fact that many people did, indeed,"grind".I feel that time spent should be recognized.I am one player. YMMV.
In a lot of cases the "grind" was using known exploits (arena farming healing targets at full health).

Why should the casual player have as much of an advantage as the player that's ingame 10 more hours a week than they?
Maybe because the developers see the fringe behavior needed to get some of these badges as unhealthy both for the game (long term subscriptions) and for their fans? The numbers were, to be blunt, guess at for being reasonable. Now that they have had a chance to see through data mining what is possible, they can change the requirements to appropriate numbers.

In my opinion... the player who logs in 5 hours a week should not feel slighted that another player who logs in 20 hours a week has something they do not.
I am glad you are not a developer, because I would quit paying for the game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I have to agree with snow globe. Players that already have the badges that are being reduced shouldn't in any way be recognized or shown to have anything that players who didn't achieve the same badge requirements.

If they were to add new badges that were hard to get, well that wouldn't be fair at all would it?

After all they paid the same monthly fee they should get the same badges.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
I have to agree with snow globe. Players that already have the badges that are being reduced shouldn't in any way be recognized or shown to have anything that players who didn't achieve the same badge requirements.

If they were to add new badges that were hard to get, well that wouldn't be fair at all would it?

After all they paid the same monthly fee they should get the same badges.

They paid the same 15.00 and have the same 168 hours a week to play as any other player that pays 15.00.

If I understand this post and SnowGlobes then even though playerA paid 15.00 but chose to play 40 hours of a week and accomplish the "Ungodly reqs". PlayerB chose to use their 15.00 and play for 10 hours a week yet playerA should get the same reward as playerB after having invested 8 fold the time for the same badge? No offense... this is why we have pvp 2.0 and the merit scaling with tf/sf/trial's. Why ? WHY does playerB that invests 10 hours a week in the game feel entitled to the same reward as a playerA that invests 40?

Sure .. both players pay the same 15.00.Both have the same amount of time to invest in the game or not as they choose. It's 15.00 .Not a human rights issue.

This is what will be the end or possibly a new age for this game.Depends which way the pendulum may swing. If Cox is able to garner enough new subs then the game will stay afloat. The vet population in the playerA group is steadily decreasing. Player A's are the ones that lead hami raids( among many other things) and provide the foundation for community activities. Player B's show up for the ride. If a game doesnt have a good mix of both it's sort of"not fun".On the other hand the playerB's in most cases dont really know what they missed so getting rid of the playerA's might be a good marketing plan.Granted if you can get enough playerB's to 6 month subscribe .. it's a BRILLIANT marketing plan.

Ymmv. I simply voiced an idea.That's all. GLHF!

Editing to add: Alot of people earned the badges legitimately and through no "exploitive" behavior. Your use of an "exploit" as an example for all badges with high reqs is out of line,SnowGlobe.

If they were to add new badges to meet the reqs of the old badges that wouldn't be fair. **** the people that got em the hard way. Those players should have been smart enough to realize they could wait a bit and get something for nothing,huh?Kinna like government cheese. Dayum that stuff tastes great!!!

/em sarcasmoneditover



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
I have to agree with snow globe. Players that already have the badges that are being reduced shouldn't in any way be recognized or shown to have anything that players who didn't achieve the same badge requirements.

If they were to add new badges that were hard to get, well that wouldn't be fair at all would it?

After all they paid the same monthly fee they should get the same badges.
I sense... bitterness and sarcasm. No one had a gun to anyone's head telling them that they had to farm the badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




Originally Posted by Southern_Comfort View Post
Editing to add: Alot of people earned the badges legitimately and through no "exploitive" behavior. Your use of an "exploit" as an example for all badges with high reqs is out of line,SnowGlobe.
I would like to know who got Empath, Immortal, Jailed through non-exploitative ways. eg. playing the game "normally".