Reduced Badge Requirements in I16

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I look forward to being able to exploit the difficulty settings to produce PPs so I can run content (Viridian) on my villain main. No one villain-side has ever managed to get Infiltrator, not even my badger. >_>

As for the blanket requirement changes, I've a mixed bag of feelings on that. Or a mixed feeling bag. Whatever. IE, and I recognize that Snow Globe just pointed out the impracticability of this option, just having TTs spawn regularly in missions and zones. Which they don't, at least, not like everything else. Four years of playing CoV and I've just managed to find 50 on my villain main, and I'm done. Finally get to run #204.
I don't think the term "exploit" is applicable in this case, more like "utilize" as I'm sure the devs realize many players will set to have bosses in the mobs regardless of team size for the purposes of badging and inf gathering.

Also my primary villain badge hunter has long since had Infiltrator and the Toxic Tarantulas and had run the #204 mishes. Took a bit of hunting to get them.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
As for the blanket requirement changes, I've a mixed bag of feelings on that. Or a mixed feeling bag. Whatever. IE, and I recognize that Snow Globe just pointed out the impracticability of this option, just having TTs spawn regularly in missions and zones. Which they don't, at least, not like everything else. Four years of playing CoV and I've just managed to find 50 on my villain main, and I'm done. Finally get to run #204.
Having gotten the Toxic Tarantula badge a few times now, they aren't that hard to find if you're looking in Grandville. Circling the cat-walks, you will have Toxic Tarantulas coming out of certain doors, triggered by passing players. Not all too fun in the 40-44 level range, perhaps, but far from rare.



Originally Posted by Evilmeister View Post
Having gotten the Toxic Tarantula badge a few times now, they aren't that hard to find if you're looking in Grandville. Circling the cat-walks, you will have Toxic Tarantulas coming out of certain doors, triggered by passing players. Not all too fun in the 40-44 level range, perhaps, but far from rare.
Yes but they are easily squashed like the bugs they are when you sweep those areas at L50



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I look forward to being able to exploit the difficulty settings to produce PPs so I can run content (Viridian) on my villain main. No one villain-side has ever managed to get Infiltrator, not even my badger. >_>

As for the blanket requirement changes, I've a mixed bag of feelings on that. Or a mixed feeling bag. Whatever. IE, and I recognize that Snow Globe just pointed out the impracticability of this option, just having TTs spawn regularly in missions and zones. Which they don't, at least, not like everything else. Four years of playing CoV and I've just managed to find 50 on my villain main, and I'm done. Finally get to run #204.

Uhm.... Lots of people have Infiltrator. I think you are saying none of your characters ever managed to get that badge,Dump?



Originally Posted by Techbot_Alpha_EU View Post
Hardly. For the specific missions which unlock the Shard, you need to head to Nerva at a very specific level to start paper missions. After the bank, you have to pick Darla Mavis. Then you have to run her arc. And then Psymon Omega's arc. And THEN you get to Technician Naylor. Now, you might be able to simply out level them, then get given the next contact, but, if you forget, you're screwed.
Either that, or you have to pick Scirroco's arc, which some might not want to do.

Now, explain to me how that is easier then simply getting a team of friends together and strolling in and opening a can of hurt on the Rularuu in the Shadow Shard, which has unlimited access and chances for levelling anyway?

It's more annoying when you miss it on a character who you want the weapons on (stalker) and I didnt see you needed the whole contact chain to get to them.
Yeah, Nerva has been like that for ever. I have /bugged before.

If you don't unlock the 3 25-29 Normal Contacts, you will not get introduced to the normal 30-34 and 35-39 contacts. By unlock I mean doing Mayhem Missions. Even if you do the 30-34 and/or 35-39 Mayhem, you will not get those contacts.

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MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I look forward to being able to exploit the difficulty settings to produce PPs so I can run content (Viridian) on my villain main. No one villain-side has ever managed to get Infiltrator, not even my badger. >_>
As others have said, it's not that hard to get. I've gotten it farming PPs in the Fab in Grandville.

I'm really looking forward to the reduced costs for a lot of these badges, makes badging a lot easier on my main.



I think by 'no-one' he meant his characters, not the game as a whole.

That being said, I'll be getting Back From the Future and Immortal with my Hero main when the changes go live. I'll need about 350 million more inf to get Leader, but that is a heckuva lot more doable than 1.85 billion. >.<



I wish they would get rid of some near useless badges. The whole "held" sequence is crazy. The last in the series, jailed, is what you get if you are held for 80 hours in the game. 80 Hours?! Heck even if they reduced it to 8 Hours, I doubt even the most dedicated players would ever reach that level. That's not a "lack of date" working when they created this series of badges. That was a lack of common sense.



Originally Posted by Surma View Post
I wish they would get rid of some near useless badges. The whole "held" sequence is crazy. The last in the series, jailed, is what you get if you are held for 80 hours in the game. 80 Hours?! Heck even if they reduced it to 8 Hours, I doubt even the most dedicated players would ever reach that level. That's not a "lack of date" working when they created this series of badges. That was a lack of common sense.
Well the most dedicated players DID get that badge on a requirment of 80 hours (I'm one of them). Ofc gained through the same method of getting damage taken badges.
Method was: Get a mission, find a mezzer (like malta sapper, I used carnie Illusionist), let the computer stand on for the night and unless something happened get back (much) later and play normally. Rinse and repeat. (Boring yes, but only way with the current requirment)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Surma View Post
I wish they would get rid of some near useless badges. The whole "held" sequence is crazy. The last in the series, jailed, is what you get if you are held for 80 hours in the game. 80 Hours?! Heck even if they reduced it to 8 Hours, I doubt even the most dedicated players would ever reach that level. That's not a "lack of date" working when they created this series of badges. That was a lack of common sense.
FYI, the changes for the mezzed line will be:
  • Restrained/Slacker: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 30 minutes to being mezzed for 10 minutes
  • Entangled/Sleepy: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 120 minutes to being mezzed for 30 minutes
  • Imprisoned/Dazed and Confused: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 600 minutes to being mezzed for 60 minutes.
  • Confined: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 20 hours to being mezzed for 3 hours.
  • Caged: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 40 hours to being mezzed for 6 hours.
  • Jailed: Reduced this badge's requirements from being mezzed for 80 hours to being mezzed for 12 hours.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It's funny that I still don't have all the infamy badges even after these changes.

Stupid playing in SG mode for Prestige!

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
It's funny that I still don't have all the infamy badges even after these changes.

Stupid playing in SG mode for Prestige!
I'm about 52% of the last. I agree about the prestige in sgmode

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



wow I just feel like I been given the smutty badges when I log in as there wasn't achievement felt when it seem like 50 badges are awarded all at once :S, now they don't feel special just like my base does now since the new improve for issue base downgrade *cries*



Forsaken, you do realize you still did a lot to achieve said badges, right? They didn't dumb the requirements down too much and only people who played a few years without farming are getting them now.

Think of it as your parents withholding your allowance forever until you go to med school. Then you explain to them that you really want to become a liberal arts professor. They'll ignore you or maybe disown you for a while, but eventually they'll come around, realize that just going to college and getting a degree is an achievement, and give you your allowance back.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Nope. In fact, thats the first thing I tried.

My stalker had outleveled Darla Mavis, who you need to unlock Psimon Omega. I completed her arc in Flashback. No, I dont know if it ever was meant to unlock contacts again, probably not.
However, Naylors arc is not in the same level range as Darla or Psimon. He's in the 35-45 (might be 35-40) range. Which effectively means you have to wait till 40 to access it if you miss the specific contact tree.

Either way, it's a hell of a lot more hassle than just unloading pain on the Shard with a group of friends, which is fully possible Blueside.
I've always hated waiting till my 40's to get my rularuu weapons. I just hit 35 and forgot about doing stuff in nerva.

I did some papers and got Psimon Omega as a contact. I figured I'd do missions for him and after awhile he would give me Tech Naylor as a contact.

Well after a few missions, Psimon said he has nothing further for me (his progress bar says im half way). Does this mean i've outleveled, and thus I wont get technician naylor as a contact?

Not sure if i need to get another level, or just get to 40 to do Scirocco's arc. Ugh..

Anyone have any suggestions?