The New Star Trek
I read in the (very long Star Trek post) Comic forum a post that linked to an interview with the writers. They intended for there to be a Shatner cameo - but that got left in the waste basket when they had to trim the story. *shrug*
I do agree - I would have liked to see him in it.
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Basically, there are mentions (IMDB, amongst others) that Shatner was originally planned, but plot twists were already difficult to deal with.
Bringing Kirk back (from the dead... again) was just something they felt was going to be perceived as placating a part of the fan base with no particular benefit to the story.
Personally, I think it would have been a nice gesture, but at the same time, explaining his presence would have been putting unnecessary strain on the film.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
The casting for the film was excellent. The homage they paid to the old series was well done (Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor...). The story was nicely executed. They could have squeezed more "win" in there, but it would have been difficult.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
All in all I liked it, but I think it will very difficult to bring it back in line with the normal ST universe. If they make another one without doing that, they IMO will alienate the Trekkies and in turn the Trekkies will protest it. They got away with this one being an alternate timeline, but to make more movies based on that timeline will upset fans IMO.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
SPOCK! It's spelled S P O C K
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
A Kirk would know...
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
yes I would.
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
I did like the film as an interesting piece of entertainment. Some nice action scenes, big explosions, interesting effects. But ...
Well, I won't go into details, so others can see the film themselves and not feel as it was spoiled. But there are so many holes in the overall plot that the overall movie is ruined, in my opinion. And I'm not talking about the canon or structure to the trek universe. That I'm not concerned about. But there are actions that occur in the movie that are beyond on reason and would never have happened, no matter how twisted the timelines.
Oh, and don't get me started about the sets. Sometimes, very nice. Other times .. well, what the hell is a water filtration plant doing on the ship, with the water stored in tanks that would fit better on the roof of a building instead of the 23rd century starship?
So overall, I didn't mind them tampering with the timeline and such. But I was disappointed in the overall movie, the story holes, the poor choices in set design, and other such items. I'd rate the movie a C-Minus.
I did think about that Surma. The piping and some times too bright of set and all...just didn't seem right.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
The only character I thought they got spot on was McCoy
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
Probably would have to agree that he was the closest.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc
The only character I thought they got spot on was McCoy
[/ QUOTE ]
McCoy was good. There were some parts where he was trying too hard to be just like Bones, but good for the most part.
Kirk, on the other hand, I felt was spot on. He was arrogant and self centered, and the ending scene with him in the crowd (trying not to be too spoilerish here. If you saw it, then you know what I mean) was screaming "I can't hear y'all through the sound of how awesome I am."
It was a good movie, all things considered. Definitely an "alternate universe" spin.
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well, what the hell is a water filtration plant doing on the ship, with the water stored in tanks that would fit better on the roof of a building instead of the 23rd century starship?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not water filtration plant, a brewery. Didn't you know that the Enterprise runs on beer? Why do you think Scotty likes the ship so much .
From the "Groan Worthy Product Placement:" part:
"The Bud shout out was most likely a nod for letting the crew film in their beer plant, located in Van Nuys, California, for the engineering section of the Enterprise."
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well, what the hell is a water filtration plant doing on the ship, with the water stored in tanks that would fit better on the roof of a building instead of the 23rd century starship?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not water filtration plant, a brewery. Didn't you know that the Enterprise runs on beer? Why do you think Scotty likes the ship so much .
From the "Groan Worthy Product Placement:" part:
"The Bud shout out was most likely a nod for letting the crew film in their beer plant, located in Van Nuys, California, for the engineering section of the Enterprise."
[/ QUOTE ]
Gee .. all this time I kept hearing Kirk swaggers into scenes .. but obviously they meant staggers into scenes as he's somewhat buzzed.
Sigh .. I cannot believe they could not find a better location to film some scenes than an actual brewery. I know Hollywood is addicted to drugs and alcohol, but, this is going to far.
Saw the movie last Saturday, in IMAX no less, and was blown away by the spot on character development they went through to get each of the original 7 down pat...I thought Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were especially well done.
Just wish they had done the same for the overall story and tech'y stuff...I think a lot of that was "duck-tape and twine" so to speak...I mean, the previous movies set a standard that was easily achievable and this movie fell far short of even the 1st 80s version Star Trek movie...ah well I'm to big a Trekkie geek I guess, I was just hoping for too much...
Here's hoping that the inevitable sequel(s) brings the story and tech stuff up to snuff now that they know that the fan base is still active and interested...
"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales
It grossed $85 Million in week one. But it plunged to $43 Million the next. That's a big drop off. Sure it still will pull in (likely) $180 million in total. But that's less than they acutally expected. Given the money spent on the film and advertising and such, a sequel does not look as promising.
If only they had written a story without so many damn holes in the plot, maybe this would have been a box office smash. Sigh.
It grossed $85 Million in week one. But it plunged to $43 Million the next. That's a big drop off. Sure it still will pull in (likely) $180 million in total. But that's less than they acutally expected. Given the money spent on the film and advertising and such, a sequel does not look as promising.
[/ QUOTE ]
And yet that's still more than any other Star Trek movie's initial weekend release earnings. According to, "The new "Trek" easily topped the previous record opening weekend in the 11-movie series, which was $30.7 million for 1996's "Star Trek: First Contact."
I hope they do make another one, and I wouldn't mind at all seeing the series continue along this new timestream.
This is coming from a long time fan who's seen all the series, used to read the Star Trek Compendium almost nightly, and even liked the Enterprise series.
Now hopefully someone will realize the potential they have here, and work it right with decent plotlines.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Yup I wouldn't mind seeing it continue with the actors that they have now.
And I am sure that Cryptic is happy with the success of the movie, I am sure that it will help Star Trek Online. When it eventualy comes online.
I was playing with a couple of friends on the game the other day. We have ventrillo to speak. They were upset that "Syler", from "Heroes" is Spok.
I personally thought he did a flawless job as Spok. And Nemoy's appearance in the movie was legendary!
But I have a question...... Where was Shattner?!?!
Tho I firmly am glad he wasnt in the movie, I feel like he deserved to be there as much as Nemoy. Shattner would have made some weak joke or something as opposed to keeping the movie serious. But a cameo in Spok's "mind link" would have been sufficiant.
AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNND to make this officially pertaining to Protector............
Lets start a Trekkie sg !!! or not on Protector.