75 -
Just transfered over my 50 Thug/Poison MM (Snake Harris) to Freedom...will be the only Red side guy I have on the server...I originally wasn't going to bring him over when there was talk about banning cetain AT/power choices but i think they said there would be no bans at this time so I figuered, why not...
I have done some PvP with him but only 1 v 1 and 2 v 2...Don't know how well MMs are in groups...
Oz -
OK OK...New Name...
U. P. S. - We Deliver
(Ultimate Pwn Syndicate)
Oz -
Oh, and I was thinking up some team names;
Rick's Roughnecks
Pwn'some Doves...
IO's r' Us
Badgers!...We Don't Need No Skinkin' Badgers...
Silent But Deadly...
Paragon Privateers
;-0...Just me being idle...lol...well off to beat on some bad guys...
Oz -
Alrighty then when do we start kicking A$$...
Guess I should have been more active in the forum to get a spot on a D6 team but I'm kool with the 8 man...Just tell me what ya need and 'll bring on the roll player...Lvl'n my Rad/Rad & Fire/Kin up right now, but both have what it takes...heh
If I read the other posts right our 1st round will be on the 21st, is that right...If so what time and where do we meet...Or is that info TBD sometime in the future...
Oz -
What are your in-game Globals?:
@Mr Wizard
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
# Lvl AT Name Build
1. 50 Tanker Stellar Hammer Inv/SS
2. 50 Def TnA Specialist TA/Arch
3. 50 Blaster Temporal Soldier AR/Dev
4. 48 Scrapper Captian Maximus I BS/Inv
5. 41 'troller Icon Per'Pul Tu Yu Fire/Kin
6. 31 Scrapper Ghostly Biker Dark/Fire
7. 31 'troller Great Beast T'kala Stone/Kin
8. 27 Scrapper Cpt Bombastic MA/SR
9. 27 Def Ed Watson aka Vazh Rad/Rad
10. 26 Def Sgt Gun PPD Swat Traps/AR
10. 23 PB Ebony Mirage Mono Form PB
11. 22 'troller (or Def...I forget) Blood Magic Bubbler/Illusion?
12. 21 Blaster Darkfire Ronin Fire/Fire
13. 20 Tanker 1st Response WP/Axe
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
Sure but most of my toons are set to PvP anyways, IOs and such...
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Sure, I don't mind being a rollplayer on a team...
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
Mostly Zone PvP...Very little xp in the arena...Though I did come in 4th out of 12 or so in a PVPEC event on the Protector Server with my WP/SS Tanker once... -
I like how you your build is set with just a few changes;
1. Hami's are kool but I think your wasting them in Fiery Embrace, by changing the current 3 slot Hamis to 2 slot with Rech Redux you get the same recharge for a lot less cost. Additionally you free up a slot to place somewhere else, like;
2. Stamina, adding a 4th slot to stamina with PS in it gives you additiona +End/sec which every Fire Tank needs in spades.
3. Char is a much better Ancillary over RoF simply because Incapacitate > Immobilize IMHO. Additionally the [Lockdown] set has way better set bonuses.
4. Just my personal opinion, but Brawl is kind of an "eh" choice for your attack chain I think those extra 3 slots would be better served to be placed in something else, like;
5. Add 2 slots to Combat jumping and 1 slot to weave and change the sets a little with what you already have putting the LotG Def that you have slotted in Weave to CJ and instead go with GotA 2 slotted for an additional +End/sec (see 2. above for my reasons).
6. If your going to go for the complete Numina's set I think you'd be better off fully 6 slotting it for the addiotional +Def bonus the set gives at 6 then splitting in between HF and Health. Leaving the Miracle Proc in health is fine.
Here's what it looks like with the changes I suggested;
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Fire Tanker 1: Level 50 Magic Tanker
Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Fire Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(3), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(9), RctvArm-ResDam(31), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(37), S'fstPrt-ResKB(43)
Level 1: Scorch -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(3), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(7), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17)
Level 2: Blazing Aura -- Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(5), Oblit-Dmg(13), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(17), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45), Oblit-%Dam(45)
Level 4: Healing Flames -- Numna-EndRdx/Rchg(A), Numna-Heal/Rchg(5), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(7), Numna-Heal(19), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(19), Numna-Heal/EndRdx(23)
Level 6: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def(36), LkGmblr-Rchg+(36)
Level 8: Combustion -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(9), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(11), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Oblit-%Dam(40)
Level 10: Consume -- Zinger-Dam%(A), Zinger-Taunt/Rng(11), Zinger-Taunt(15), Zinger-Taunt/Rchg(33), Zinger-Taunt/Rchg/Rng(39), Zinger-Acc/Rchg(43)
Level 12: Plasma Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(13), RctvArm-ResDam(15), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(23)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Zephyr-ResKB(A)
Level 16: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- Mrcl-Rcvry+(A)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(37)
Level 22: Burn -- Oblit-Acc/Rchg(A), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(29), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), Oblit-Dmg(40), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45), Oblit-%Dam(46)
Level 24: Boxing -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(25), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(25), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33)
Level 26: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(27), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(37), RctvArm-ResDam(43)
Level 28: Fire Sword Circle -- Armgdn-Dam%(A), Armgdn-Dmg/Rchg(29), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(31), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg(34), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx(40)
Level 30: Build Up -- HO:Membr(A), HO:Membr(31), HO:Membr(39)
Level 32: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33)
Level 35: Weave -- GftotA-Def/EndRdx(A), GftotA-Def(36)
Level 38: Incinerate -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(39), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(50), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 41: Char -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-Acc/Rchg(42), Lock-Rchg/Hold(42), Lock-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(42), Lock-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(46), Lock-%Hold(46)
Level 44: Melt Armor -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 47: Fire Ball -- Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx(A), Ragnrk-Dmg(48), Ragnrk-Dmg/Rchg(48), Ragnrk-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg(50)
Level 49: Rise of the Phoenix -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]14.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]26.8% Defense(Smashing)[*]26.8% Defense(Lethal)[*]4.25% Defense(Fire)[*]4.25% Defense(Cold)[*]10.5% Defense(Energy)[*]10.5% Defense(Negative)[*]3% Defense(Psionic)[*]23.3% Defense(Melee)[*]12.4% Defense(Ranged)[*]5.5% Defense(AoE)[*]57% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]6% Enhancement(Heal)[*]2.5% Enhancement(Held)[*]47.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]5% FlySpeed[*]175.7 HP (9.38%) HitPoints[*]5% JumpHeight[*]5% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -8)[*]Knockup (Mag -8)[*]MezResist(Held) 5.5%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 11.6%[*]MezResist(Stun) 6.6%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 2.75%[*]14% (0.23 End/sec) Recovery[*]32% (2.5 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]5.04% Resistance(Fire)[*]5.04% Resistance(Cold)[*]5% RunSpeed[/list] -
Recharge of haste in the build, if you bothered to open it, is 119.1 sec (Duration of Haste 120 Secs) Unless we have different understandings of what a Perma Power is?
Post deleted by DocOz3000
Well looking at the build I would change a bunch of stuff...though I have different feelings about a lot of the choices you have made and there might be philosophical differences to our build...
1. Drop all extra slots from Taunt...You can get more and better set bonuses from other powers with these slots than Taunt...
a. Up all of your Reactive Armor sets to 5 from your current 4 slotage...
b. Add 1 slot to CJ & SJ and add the 3rd BotZ.
c. Add 3 slots to Stamina and change to PSs instead of EAs
d. Add 3 slots to Rage and go for complete set of GSFC which has extremely better bonuses than MB.
2. I personally would change all of your "frakensloted" Melee attacks for complete sets of either ToD or Mako's...
3. Again "frankensloting" in Stomp is far less effective than just picking a set and going with it...I suggest Multi-Strike.
4. It seems odd to me you have so many Rech Redux and you are getting very little out of them...Your total -Rech is only 35% and your +Acc is only 18%, I think you might be better served with dropping Foc Acc and adding Hasten 2 slotted with Rech Redux for Perma Rage x2...
Just my $0.02...
Below is a Inv/SS tanker I posted a little while ago for someone...This Tank has both Perma Haste & Rage x2...with generally the same basic build you have posted...
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
CoH Super Man: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Invulnerability
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Resist Physical Damage -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam(5), Aegis-Psi/Status(36)
Level 1: Jab -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(5), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(17), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34)
Level 2: Punch -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(40), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(42), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(42)
Level 4: Haymaker -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(43), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(45), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45)
Level 6: Temp Invulnerability -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RctvArm-ResDam(7), RctvArm-EndRdx(9), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(11)
Level 8: Resist Elements -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(9), S'fstPrt-ResKB(19)
Level 10: Unyielding -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(11), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(13), RctvArm-ResDam(13), RctvArm-EndRdx(15)
Level 12: Hover -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(15), Krma-ResKB(17)
Level 14: Fly -- Zephyr-Travel(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx(29), Zephyr-ResKB(43)
Level 16: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- RgnTis-Regen+(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(34), P'Shift-End%(43)
Level 22: Knockout Blow -- FrcFbk-Dmg/KB(A), FrcFbk-Acc/KB(23), FrcFbk-Rchg/KB(23), FrcFbk-Rchg/EndRdx(31), FrcFbk-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(33), FrcFbk-Rechg%(34)
Level 24: Resist Energies -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(25), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(25), RctvArm-ResDam(31), RctvArm-EndRdx(42)
Level 26: Invincibility -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(27), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(27), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), RedFtn-Def(37), RedFtn-EndRdx(37)
Level 28: Rage -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 30: Tough Hide -- Ksmt-Def/EndRdx(A), Ksmt-Def/Rchg(31), Ksmt-EndRdx/Rchg(33), Ksmt-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Ksmt-ToHit+(37)
Level 32: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33), RechRdx-I(36)
Level 35: Taunt -- Zinger-Dam%(A)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), Sciroc-Dam%(40)
Level 41: Unstoppable -- ImpSkn-Status(A)
Level 44: Focused Accuracy -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(45), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(46), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(46), GSFC-Build%(46), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(50)
Level 47: Laser Beam Eyes -- ShldBrk-DefDeb(A), ShldBrk-Acc/DefDeb(48), ShldBrk-Acc/Rchg(48), ShldBrk-DefDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(48), ShldBrk-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(50), ShldBrk-%Dam(50)
Level 49: Super Speed -- Winter-ResSlow(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]9.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]20.8% Defense(Smashing)[*]20.8% Defense(Lethal)[*]16.8% Defense(Fire)[*]16.8% Defense(Cold)[*]10.8% Defense(Energy)[*]10.8% Defense(Negative)[*]6.13% Defense(Psionic)[*]16.1% Defense(Melee)[*]13% Defense(Ranged)[*]25.8% Defense(AoE)[*]20% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]15% FlySpeed[*]210.8 HP (11.3%) HitPoints[*]15% JumpHeight[*]15% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -12)[*]Knockup (Mag -12)[*]MezResist(Confused) 11.7%[*]MezResist(Held) 10%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 23.8%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 10%[*]MezResist(Stun) 10%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 12.8%[*]10.5% (0.18 End/sec) Recovery[*]20% (1.56 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)[*]20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)[*]20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)[*]1.26% Resistance(Fire)[*]1.26% Resistance(Cold)[*]3.13% Resistance(Negative)[*]3% Resistance(Psionic)[*]20% RunSpeed[*]5.5% XPDebtProtection[/list]
Cheers, and Happy Hunting! -
Here's a bit of a different take on the subject, bumping the taunt value of Consume since it does such crap damage anyway, but the Mocking Berate does have a high concentration of recharge IOs with very good Set Bonuses also. I highly recomend the Blessing of the Zephys sets for both Combat Jumping and SJ both for the -KB/KU aspects as well as the best set bonuses for a 3 IO set availible. Additionally with a couple billion availible for your build I would try to swing both the Miracle and Numina procs for your Healing powers.
Note: I don't particularly think that a Fire/Fire/Pyre Tank needs the Taunt Power, but with the Perfect Zinger proc sloted it becomes another ranged attack IMO so I left it in. you could easily change it out for another Poll or Ancillary power and be just as happy.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Level 50 Magic Tanker
Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blazing Aura -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(3), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(3), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(7)
Level 1: Scorch -- P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg(A), P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(13), P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(13)
Level 2: Fire Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(7), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(9), RctvArm-ResDam(9), RctvArm-EndRdx(17)
Level 4: Healing Flames -- Numna-Heal/Rchg(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(15)
Level 6: Combustion -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(17), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(19), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(31), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Oblit-%Dam(34)
Level 8: Combat Jumping -- Zephyr-Travel(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx(11), Zephyr-ResKB(11)
Level 10: Consume -- Mocking-Taunt(A), Mocking-Taunt/Rchg(15), Mocking-Taunt/Rchg/Rng(37), Mocking-Acc/Rchg(37), Mocking-Rchg(45)
Level 12: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Zephyr-Travel(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx(40), Zephyr-ResKB(45)
Level 16: Taunt -- Zinger-Dam%(A)
Level 18: Health -- Mrcl-Heal(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(21), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(23), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(23), P'Shift-End%(25)
Level 22: Plasma Shield -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(37), S'fstPrt-ResKB(40)
Level 24: Build Up -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(25), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(27), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(27), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(29), GSFC-Build%(29)
Level 26: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 28: Kick -- Acc-I(A)
Level 30: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(31), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(31), RctvArm-ResDam(46), RctvArm-EndRdx(46)
Level 32: Weave -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(33), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(33), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(33), RedFtn-Def(34), RedFtn-EndRdx(43)
Level 35: Fire Sword Circle -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(36), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(36), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), Oblit-%Dam(50)
Level 38: Greater Fire Sword -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(39), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(39), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46), Mako-Dam%(48)
Level 41: Char -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-Acc/Rchg(42), Lock-Rchg/Hold(42), Lock-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(42), Lock-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(43), Lock-%Hold(43)
Level 44: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(45)
Level 47: Melt Armor -- ExVuln-DefDeb(A), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg(48), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(48)
Level 49: Incinerate -- P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg(A), P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(50), P'ngFist-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]19% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]19% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]19% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]19% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]19% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]19% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]19% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]19% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]14.6% Defense(Smashing)[*]14.6% Defense(Lethal)[*]15.5% Defense(Fire)[*]15.5% Defense(Cold)[*]17.4% Defense(Energy)[*]17.4% Defense(Negative)[*]3% Defense(Psionic)[*]18.6% Defense(Melee)[*]24.3% Defense(Ranged)[*]23.3% Defense(AoE)[*]1.8% Max End[*]2.5% Enhancement(Held)[*]15% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]21% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]10% FlySpeed[*]126.5 HP (6.75%) HitPoints[*]10% JumpHeight[*]10% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -12)[*]Knockup (Mag -12)[*]MezResist(Held) 8.25%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 7.7%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 6.05%[*]MezResist(Stun) 6.05%[*]9% (0.15 End/sec) Recovery[*]12% (0.94 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]2.21% Resistance(Fire)[*]2.21% Resistance(Cold)[*]10% RunSpeed[/list] -
Set temp power could be "Beg"
Using the exsisting panhandle emote, you can gain 1 inf per hour if you log off in this emote and you're not in a building or other day job location... -
I've thought about these two upcomming booster a little and came up with these ideas;
For Natural,
I'm seeing more weapon customizations (AR, Axe, Sword, Katana, etc), and depending on wether the "Natural" booster comes out before or after the next big expansion, they could add in more hand gun options for the upcoming Dual Pistol set. Backpacks have got to be on the Devs list somewhere, they've been asked for forever.
Natural Power = Single target (timed) Leadership ability [Manuvers] [Assault] or [Tactics] just like the magic booster Tarot ability.
Costume change emote, I liked the Phone Booth idea someone had earlier.
For Mutants,
I see more costume parts, beastial and otherwise, Heads (multiple?), new tails, arm types (ala. tech arms upper lower choices). Possibly new/upgraded auras also.
Mutant Power = Single targeted (timed) Insp shot [Accuracy] [Damage] [Luck] etc...Or, possibly go the other way and make it a single shot enemy debuff, kind of counter Tarot.
Costume change emote, how about a melt then unmelt emote...you melt to a puddle then reform...or a fullbody morph type thing, with extra wierd stuff happening during the change (i.e. extra arm grows then retreats back into your body) sort of thing.
Just my $0.02 -
I love my WP/SS Tanker and he can give as good as he gets in most instances...As an additional plus my build won't cost you an arm and a leg...This build comes in around 300-400 mil, easily doable by lvl 50...I didn't go with any Ancillary Pools for this Tank, but WP/SS has so much to it Ancillary Pools don't add alot IMHO. Of course you're Perma Rage and about 20 secs off for Perma Haste...
25-45% Defense across the board
Smash/Leathal Res: 71%+ (Capped 90% [100+%] w/SoW of course)
All other Res: 35-40% (50-55% w/SoW)
Psi Res: 70% (86% w/SoW)
End Drain: 1/sec (w/all toggles on)
End Recov: 3.75/sec (4.25/sec w/SoW)
Regen: 515% [52HP/sec] @1 Foe (881% [90HP/sec @10 Foes)
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Agent XXX: Level 50 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Willpower
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Hero Profile:
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(5), Aegis-ResDam(5), Aegis-Psi/Status(7)
Level 1: Jab -- P'ngS'Fest-Acc/Dmg(A), P'ngS'Fest-Dmg/EndRdx(3), P'ngS'Fest-Dmg/Rchg(11), P'ngS'Fest-Stun%(31)
Level 2: Mind Over Body -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(7), RctvArm-EndRdx/Rchg(9), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(25), RctvArm-ResDam(27)
Level 4: Haymaker -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(9), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(17), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), Mako-Dam%(31), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(43)
Level 6: Fast Healing -- H'zdH-Heal/EndRdx(A), H'zdH-Heal(33)
Level 8: Indomitable Will -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+(33)
Level 10: Rise to the Challenge -- H'zdH-Heal/EndRdx(A), H'zdH-Heal(11), DefEgo-RecDeb%(19), DarkWD-Slow%(21)
Level 12: Quick Recovery -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(17), P'Shift-End%(27)
Level 14: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(15), Krma-ResKB(15)
Level 16: Super Jump -- Winter-ResSlow(A)
Level 18: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 20: Health -- H'zdH-Heal/EndRdx(A), H'zdH-Heal(21)
Level 22: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(23), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(23), P'Shift-End%(25), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(48)
Level 24: Knockout Blow -- KinCrsh-Dmg/KB(A), KinCrsh-Acc/KB(34), KinCrsh-Rchg/KB(37), KinCrsh-Rechg/EndRdx(37), KinCrsh-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(40), KinCrsh-Acc/Dmg/KB(50)
Level 26: Taunt -- Zinger-Dam%(A)
Level 28: Heightened Senses -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(29), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), RedFtn-Def(33), RedFtn-EndRdx(34)
Level 30: Rage -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(31), GSFC-Build%(34), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(43), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(43), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(48)
Level 32: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 35: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(36), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(36), RctvArm-ResDam(36), RctvArm-EndRdx(37)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(39), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(39), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), Oblit-%Dam(40)
Level 41: Weave -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(42), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(42), RedFtn-Def(42), RedFtn-EndRdx(46)
Level 44: Hurl -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(45), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(45), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 47: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(48)
Level 49: Strength of Will -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(50), S'fstPrt-ResKB(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]8.63% Defense(Smashing)[*]8.63% Defense(Lethal)[*]10.2% Defense(Fire)[*]10.2% Defense(Cold)[*]13.6% Defense(Energy)[*]13.6% Defense(Negative)[*]3% Defense(Psionic)[*]10.5% Defense(Melee)[*]14.9% Defense(Ranged)[*]12.7% Defense(AoE)[*]16% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]30% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]19% FlySpeed[*]189.7 HP (10.1%) HitPoints[*]19% JumpHeight[*]19% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -11)[*]Knockup (Mag -11)[*]MezResist(Held) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 9.9%[*]MezResist(Stun) 2.2%[*]15.5% (0.26 End/sec) Recovery[*]24% (1.88 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)[*]20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)[*]20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)[*]2.5% Resistance(Smashing)[*]2.52% Resistance(Fire)[*]2.52% Resistance(Cold)[*]3% Resistance(Psionic)[*]27% RunSpeed[*]4% XPDebtProtection[/list] -
Hero side MMs in film & pop culture;
Necro = Frank Bannister (Frighteners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frighteners
Mercs = Col John "Hannibal" Smith (The A-team) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_team
Thugs = Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa
Ninjas = Splinter (TMNT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage..._Ninja_Turtles
Robots = Johhy Sokko Though he only had 1 BIG robot (Which is how I envisioned Blue Side Robot MMs anyways) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu)
[/ QUOTE ]
Some of the most ridiculous stretches I've ever seen.
[/ QUOTE ]
Go troll someone elseÂ’s posts, especially if youÂ’re not going to give any explanation to a comment like that...
The OP asked for "ideas" about Hero MMs...My examples were neither "stretches" nor "ridiculous" they're simply examples... -
Hero side MMs in film & pop culture;
Necro = Frank Bannister (Frighteners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frighteners
Mercs = Col John "Hannibal" Smith (The A-team) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_team
Thugs = Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa
Ninjas = Splinter (TMNT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage..._Ninja_Turtles
Robots = Johhy Sokko Though he only had 1 BIG robot (Which is how I envisioned Blue Side Robot MMs anyways) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu) -
Well I'd like to throw my hat into the ring with a concept build I made a while back...Since Mids hasn't been updated in a bit the new PvP IOs might even make this build better...
As is, you're Perma Hasten+ Perma (x2 Stacked) Rage
, and with all toggles goin your still chugging along with tons of Health & End...(Notice all 3 Procs in Health...heh
And I know you might think you needed Purples...IMHO you don't...Plenty of expensive IOs w/o being purples...
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
CoH Super Man: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Invulnerability
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Resist Physical Damage -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam(5), Aegis-Psi/Status(36)
Level 1: Jab -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(5), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(17), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), KntkC'bat-Knock%(34)
Level 2: Punch -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(40), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(42), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(42), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43), Mako-Dam%(43)
Level 4: Haymaker -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(43), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(45), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46), T'Death-Dam%(46)
Level 6: Temp Invulnerability -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RctvArm-ResDam(7), RctvArm-EndRdx(9), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(11)
Level 8: Resist Elements -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(9), S'fstPrt-ResKB(42)
Level 10: Unyielding -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(11), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(13), RctvArm-ResDam(13), RctvArm-EndRdx(15)
Level 12: Hover -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(15), Krma-ResKB(17)
Level 14: Fly -- Zephyr-Travel(A), Zephyr-Travel/EndRdx(29), Zephyr-ResKB(45)
Level 16: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- RgnTis-Regen+(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(19), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(21), P'Shift-End%(50)
Level 22: Knockout Blow -- FrcFbk-Dmg/KB(A), FrcFbk-Acc/KB(23), FrcFbk-Rchg/KB(23), FrcFbk-Rchg/EndRdx(31), FrcFbk-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(33), FrcFbk-Rechg%(34)
Level 24: Resist Energies -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(25), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(25), RctvArm-ResDam(31), RctvArm-EndRdx(46)
Level 26: Invincibility -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(27), LkGmblr-EndRdx/Rchg(27), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), LkGmblr-Def(37), LkGmblr-Rchg+(37)
Level 28: Rage -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 30: Tough Hide -- Ksmt-Def/EndRdx(A), Ksmt-Def/Rchg(31), Ksmt-EndRdx/Rchg(33), Ksmt-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Ksmt-ToHit+(37)
Level 32: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33), RechRdx-I(36)
Level 35: Taunt -- Zinger-Dam%(A)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), Sciroc-Dam%(40)
Level 41: Unstoppable -- ImpSkn-Status(A)
Level 44: Focused Accuracy -- Rec'dRet-Pcptn(A)
Level 47: Laser Beam Eyes -- ShldBrk-DefDeb(A), ShldBrk-Acc/DefDeb(48), ShldBrk-Acc/Rchg(48), ShldBrk-DefDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(48), ShldBrk-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(50), ShldBrk-%Dam(50)
Level 49: Super Speed -- Winter-ResSlow(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]8% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]8% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]8% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]8% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]8% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]8% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]8% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]8% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]13.9% Defense(Smashing)[*]13.9% Defense(Lethal)[*]15.5% Defense(Fire)[*]15.5% Defense(Cold)[*]10.2% Defense(Energy)[*]10.2% Defense(Negative)[*]6.13% Defense(Psionic)[*]13.6% Defense(Melee)[*]11.8% Defense(Ranged)[*]23.3% Defense(AoE)[*]11.3% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]29% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]15% FlySpeed[*]196.8 HP (10.5%) HitPoints[*]15% JumpHeight[*]15% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -12)[*]Knockup (Mag -12)[*]MezResist(Confused) 11.7%[*]MezResist(Held) 18.8%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 22.1%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 10%[*]MezResist(Stun) 10%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 12.8%[*]20% Perception[*]8% (0.13 End/sec) Recovery[*]30% (2.35 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)[*]20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)[*]20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)[*]3.13% Resistance(Negative)[*]6.13% Resistance(Psionic)[*]20% RunSpeed[*]5.5% XPDebtProtection[/list]
<font class="small">Code:<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593594F534114C7E776A174A32D65299496D28250A01 7AA98B824FA001A313|
|4A994F0A04053CAD0569A4BD35B90EA0B6E6F3E69A24F24FA 318CDF42E3867E0E77|
|53CF3210DEBDC9FDFFA6A7FF3973E6DC99CCDE9C4788FDCB4 2F3CC560BA6995F2A1|
|85BB2EEC8152BD2284AEFECF6B5586EA726EBB14CC1700821 A26CC8CFC94D699852|
|9F377677AA86AC17D62BD54AA319567F6764554A9D66E6738 DBA344A8D7260DE284|
|B1836F4A3813BBBBD5DD5AF562BA572C3C3E34AC390A6E9A2 1FB99A941B3E1A2EC8|
|C286AC9BE54A2D78A55629EA5760C952339F29980D596F86A 0B024BC6F9D201ABCA|
|26513D330480B4B9A7186609B2124CE12265D423D60CF02E2 C27683E05F240CE518|
|4B84944B25172DBBB62930C36889902C332A84F1DB8C2D820 EB3AC6A96F52660548|
|CDF224CAE305609A935469EF00E7662573BB147350CB50D31 E284F604C13548780F|
|7607DB2D8E1E1844447B2F2119227C008353E573464F4EF57 05A0FA7EDE0B44EF8D|
|46E2EDAE2FE263043C77782FF07C10D06AF32780F2DB8D181 2F84C9AF043B187CBC|
|A0F025A8130E08055491814B5456E7755AAE7399BE473B188 26CB0069F529AAE678|
|CE784F40B06B4B49B7DF6EE7D0AF5DC673C20441F12628F08 438F091FA105BDAA05|
|BDDC8210B720C42D88720B52DC824F60EFD3345AA4CF4FF5F 507189D84812061B88|
|BD14D380DA585E994B4447882B6FD191245D4BA919FD4BDE8 2F42EC3721F18730FC|
|971087260CAA2E0D72861823C19872E161E4CEC64DDADA0C8 446D4191BD925D7A93|
|B8C3D46938FEB5DC63DC2211436A6128D45E87BBC84933AA1 421307903B285E4148|
|57B975CD8AAE290BC3CAB011D276461B2101BB985689A6C35 6EA97EDF8B609D14F1|
|52C9C0CA52894B51D5F32A1F18693B6E35BFD5FCF6BCFD16A CE45BCF94B28599465|
|9415945594359402CA3A4A11A5F5E678B6EF1C16741EE502C A4594276872E09D71A|
|37850BC281D283E143F4A10A507A51FE500A5F50FA478EFA4 |
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr /> -
My latest Tanker project is a FA/DM Tanker (in his 30s currently) and it works fine thus far.
I disagree with Rylas Prime about defenses. The thing to know about FA Tankers is that they're squishy. Any amount of defense you can add to an FA/DM build is like gold. The reason being is that you have Healing Flames and Siphon Life to offset what gets through and fairly decent resists when thrown into the mix.
On an FM/DM Tanker you can get about 32%+ melee and ranged defense between set bonuses and the normal defensive run of CJ/Hover and Weave.
If you max out for damage in an FA/DM build you'll have a gimpy Scrapper.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow I feel better, Kruunch is usually telling me how wrong I am about my Tank builds. Nice to see we think alike sometimes as I think Kruunch is pretty good in his assesments...usully. -
I undestand what your saying about SL, ToF, & MG, but with my Def being all in the 20+% range, plus add in Res between 45-67% accross the board, I wanted to Max out AoE. SL, ToF, and MG are all single target attacks/holds...With a large + Health, and two Large AoE +Ends every 60 sec or so, I figuered a FA/DM Tank should be able to stand in large spawns toss Burn every 15 secs and laugh...
Additionally, later with FB in the build, you have yet another large AoE attack. I back loaded the ST attacks with Pyre Mastery as you can see.
But as a matter for comparison, I changed the build, as I see it, to add in the "2 most damaging attacks in DM" to see how the build fleshes out...
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Seeing Sunspots IOs: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Secondary Power Set: Dark Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blazing Aura -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(3), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(3), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(7)
Level 1: Shadow Punch -- DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg(A), DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(23), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(25), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 2: Smite -- DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg(A), DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(27), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(33), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 4: Fire Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RctvArm-ResDam(9), RctvArm-EndRdx(9)
Level 6: Healing Flames -- Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(A), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg(11), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(11)
Level 8: Consume -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(13), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(15), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(15), P'Shift-End%(50)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(17), Krma-ResKB(17)
Level 12: Plasma Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(19), RctvArm-ResDam(19), RctvArm-EndRdx(21)
Level 14: Shadow Maul -- DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg(A), DampS-ToHitDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(34), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(34), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(21)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(23)
Level 22: Taunt -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg(A), Zinger-Dam%(33)
Level 24: Burn -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(25), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(27), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(33), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 26: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 28: Soul Drain -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(29), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(29), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(31), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(31), GSFC-Build%(31)
Level 30: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(34), RctvArm-ResDam(36), RctvArm-EndRdx(36)
Level 32: Weave -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(36), RedFtn-Def(37), RedFtn-EndRdx(37)
Level 35: Dark Consumption -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(37), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(39), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(39), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(39), P'Shift-End%(46)
Level 38: Siphon Life -- SipInsght-ToHitDeb(A), SipInsght-Acc/ToHitDeb(45), SipInsght-Acc/Rchg(45), SipInsght-ToHitDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(45), SipInsght-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(48), SipInsght-%ToHit(48)
Level 41: Midnight Grasp -- P'ngS'Fest-Acc/Dmg(A), P'ngS'Fest-Dmg/EndRdx(42), P'ngS'Fest-Dmg/Rchg(42), P'ngS'Fest-Stun%(42)
Level 44: Rise of the Phoenix -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 47: Char -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-%Hold(48)
Level 49: Melt Armor -- ExVuln-DefDeb(A), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg(50), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]25% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]25% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]25% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]25% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]25% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]25% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]25% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]25% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]11.3% Defense(Smashing)[*]11.3% Defense(Lethal)[*]8.13% Defense(Fire)[*]8.13% Defense(Cold)[*]6.25% Defense(Energy)[*]6.25% Defense(Negative)[*]11.3% Defense(Melee)[*]5% Defense(Ranged)[*]16.3% Defense(AoE)[*]21% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]19% FlySpeed[*]133.5 HP (7.13%) HitPoints[*]19% JumpHeight[*]19% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -4)[*]Knockup (Mag -4)[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 5.5%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Stun) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 4.95%[*]7.5% (0.13 End/sec) Recovery[*]8% (0.63 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]4.41% Resistance(Fire)[*]4.41% Resistance(Cold)[*]19% RunSpeed[*]3.5% XPDebtProtection[/list]
The only real diferance I see, is I now have a larger +Dam bonus, sacrificing 3-5% +Def accross the board...
As a side note I wanted this build to be relativly cheap, with Max survivability at low cost...I know I didn't state it in the begining but both of these builds should cost under 150 mil with is easily do-able by lvl 50 standards. -
I looked and haven't seen any posts on FA/DM in the Tanker forum...Has anyone else tried this combo and been successful?
I'll post my prospective build below...so far the Def and Res totals are pretty high but I'm unsure about the damage output on this build...
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Seeing Sunspots: Level 50 Science Tanker
Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Secondary Power Set: Dark Melee
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blazing Aura -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(3), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(3), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(7)
Level 1: Shadow Punch -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(23), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(25), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 2: Smite -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(27), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(33), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 4: Fire Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RctvArm-ResDam(9), RctvArm-EndRdx(9)
Level 6: Healing Flames -- Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(A), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg(11), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(11)
Level 8: Consume -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(13), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(15), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(15), P'Shift-End%(50)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(17), Krma-ResKB(17)
Level 12: Plasma Shield -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(19), RctvArm-ResDam(19), RctvArm-EndRdx(21)
Level 14: Shadow Maul -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg(A), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(34), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(40), DefEgo-RecDeb%(43)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(21)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(23)
Level 22: Taunt -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg(A), Zinger-Dam%(33)
Level 24: Burn -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(25), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(27), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(33), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 26: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 28: Soul Drain -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(29), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(29), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(31), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(31), GSFC-Build%(31)
Level 30: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(34), RctvArm-ResDam(36), RctvArm-EndRdx(36)
Level 32: Weave -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(36), RedFtn-Def(37), RedFtn-EndRdx(37)
Level 35: Dark Consumption -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(37), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(39), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(39), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(39), P'Shift-End%(46)
Level 38: Rise of the Phoenix -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 41: Char -- BasGaze-Acc/Hold(A), BasGaze-Acc/Rchg(42), BasGaze-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(42), BasGaze-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(42)
Level 44: Fire Blast -- Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(A), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45)
Level 47: Fire Ball -- AirB'st-Acc/Dmg(A), AirB'st-Dmg/EndRdx(48), AirB'st-Dmg/Rchg(48), AirB'st-Dmg/Rng(48)
Level 49: Melt Armor -- ExVuln-DefDeb(A), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg(50), ExVuln-DefDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]14% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]14% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]14% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]14% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]14% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]14% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]14% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]14% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]7.5% Defense(Smashing)[*]7.5% Defense(Lethal)[*]6.25% Defense(Fire)[*]6.25% Defense(Cold)[*]10% Defense(Energy)[*]10% Defense(Negative)[*]9.38% Defense(Melee)[*]6.88% Defense(Ranged)[*]12.5% Defense(AoE)[*]7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]2% Enhancement(Knockback)[*]2% Enhancement(Knockup)[*]19% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]15% FlySpeed[*]147.6 HP (7.88%) HitPoints[*]15% JumpHeight[*]15% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -4)[*]Knockup (Mag -4)[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 9.9%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Stun) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 4.95%[*]11.5% (0.19 End/sec) Recovery[*]10% (0.78 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]0.63% Resistance(Smashing)[*]0.63% Resistance(Lethal)[*]4.41% Resistance(Fire)[*]4.41% Resistance(Cold)[*]15% RunSpeed[*]1.5% XPDebtProtection[/list] -
Thought I'd post the build I went with for my Katana/WP Scrapper...I went a bit more on the themed side of things and kept my Natural build w/o travel powers per se...Though Hurdle + Combat Jumping gets me where I want to go usually...Plus Raptor Packs are easy enought to get if you need extra mobility...I went Tough + Weave for the extra survivability and kept the Ancillary Pool down to bare minimum's once again for theme reasons...
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Master Sensei Yao: Level 50 Natural Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Katana
Secondary Power Set: Willpower
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Weapon Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Gambler's Cut -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(3), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(19), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(29), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(45), Aegis-ResDam(45)
Level 2: Flashing Steel -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(21), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(36), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(46), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 4: Mind Over Body -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(5), Aegis-EndRdx/Rchg(5), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(9), Aegis-ResDam(11), Aegis-Psi/Status(11)
Level 6: Fast Healing -- Tr'ge-Heal/EndRdx(A), Tr'ge-EndRdx/Rchg(7), Tr'ge-Heal/Rchg(7), Tr'ge-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(9)
Level 8: Divine Avalanche -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(23), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 10: Indomitable Will -- S'dpty-Def/EndRdx(A), S'dpty-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(13), S'dpty-Def(13), S'dpty-EndRdx(43)
Level 12: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 14: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(15), Krma-ResKB(15)
Level 16: Rise to the Challenge -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(17), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(17), DefEgo-ToHitDeb/Rchg(19), DefEgo-RecDeb%(40), DarkWD-Slow%(42)
Level 18: Health -- RgnTis-Heal/EndRdx(A), RgnTis-Heal/Rchg(43), RgnTis-Regen+(43)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-End%(25)
Level 22: Quick Recovery -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(23), P'Shift-End%(25)
Level 24: The Lotus Drops -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(27), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(34), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(37), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 26: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(27)
Level 28: Heightened Senses -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-EndRdx/Rchg(29), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(31), RedFtn-Def(31), RedFtn-EndRdx(31)
Level 30: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 32: Golden Dragonfly -- M'Strk-Acc/Dmg(A), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx(33), M'Strk-Dmg/Rchg(33), M'Strk-Acc/EndRdx(33), M'Strk-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), M'Strk-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34)
Level 35: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-EndRdx/Rchg(36), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(36), RctvArm-EndRdx(37)
Level 38: Weave -- GftotA-Def/EndRdx(A), GftotA-EndRdx/Rchg(39), GftotA-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(39), GftotA-Run+(40)
Level 41: Strength of Will -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(42), S'fstPrt-ResKB(42)
Level 44: Caltrops -- TmpRdns-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow(A), TmpRdns-Acc/Dmg/Slow(45)
Level 47: Shuriken -- Mael'Fry-Acc/Dmg(A), Mael'Fry-Dmg/EndRdx(48), Mael'Fry-Dmg/Rchg(48), Mael'Fry-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 49: Resurgence -- P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Critical Hit
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]6.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]6.13% Defense(Smashing)[*]6.13% Defense(Lethal)[*]14.6% Defense(Fire)[*]14.6% Defense(Cold)[*]4.25% Defense(Energy)[*]4.25% Defense(Negative)[*]3% Defense(Psionic)[*]7.38% Defense(Melee)[*]3.63% Defense(Ranged)[*]13.9% Defense(AoE)[*]1.8% Max End[*]2% Enhancement(Heal)[*]29% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]20% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]15% FlySpeed[*]160.6 HP (12%) HitPoints[*]15% JumpHeight[*]15% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -8)[*]Knockup (Mag -8)[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 7.7%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 3.3%[*]MezResist(Stun) 7.15%[*]5% (0.08 End/sec) Recovery[*]8% (0.45 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]5.65% Resistance(Fire)[*]3.15% Resistance(Cold)[*]3.13% Resistance(Toxic)[*]2.25% Resistance(Psionic)[*]39.5% RunSpeed[*]6.5% XPDebtProtection[/list] -
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Agent XXX: Level 50 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Willpower
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Hero Profile:
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(3), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(5), Aegis-ResDam(5), Aegis-Psi/Status(7)
Level 1: Jab -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(46), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(48), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 2: Mind Over Body -- TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(A), TtmC'tng-ResDam/Rchg(7), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(9), TtmC'tng-ResDam(25), TtmC'tng-EndRdx(27)
Level 4: Haymaker -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(9), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(43), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43)
Level 6: Fast Healing -- Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx(A), Mrcl-Heal(33)
Level 8: Indomitable Will -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(33), LkGmblr-Def(34), LkGmblr-Rchg+(34)
Level 10: Rise to the Challenge -- Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(A), Dct'dW-Heal(11), DefEgo-ToHitDeb(11), DefEgo-RecDeb%(19), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/EndRdx(19), DarkWD-Slow%(21)
Level 12: Quick Recovery -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(13), P'Shift-End%(17)
Level 14: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(15), Krma-ResKB(15)
Level 16: Super Jump -- Winter-RunSpd/Jump/Fly/Rng(A), Winter-ResSlow(17)
Level 18: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 20: Health -- RgnTis-Heal/EndRdx(A), RgnTis-Regen+(21)
Level 22: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(23), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(23), P'Shift-End%(25)
Level 24: Knockout Blow -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(37), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 26: Taunt -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg(A), Zinger-Dam%(27)
Level 28: Heightened Senses -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), LkGmblr-Def(29), LkGmblr-Rchg+(33)
Level 30: Rage -- AdjTgt-ToHit/Rchg(A), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx/Rchg(31), AdjTgt-EndRdx/Rchg(31), AdjTgt-Rchg(31)
Level 32: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 35: Tough -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg(36), ImpArm-EndRdx/Rchg(36), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(36), ImpArm-ResDam(37), ImpArm-ResPsi(37)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Sciroc-Acc/Dmg(A), Sciroc-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Rchg(39), Sciroc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), Sciroc-Dam%(40)
Level 41: Weave -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-EndRdx/Rchg(42), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(42), LkGmblr-Def(42)
Level 44: Hurl -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg(A), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(45), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(45), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 47: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(48)
Level 49: Strength of Will -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(50), S'fstPrt-ResKB(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clrty-Stlth(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]7.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]3% Defense(Smashing)[*]3% Defense(Lethal)[*]9.25% Defense(Fire)[*]9.25% Defense(Cold)[*]6.75% Defense(Energy)[*]6.75% Defense(Negative)[*]8% Defense(Psionic)[*]3% Defense(Melee)[*]6.75% Defense(Ranged)[*]10.8% Defense(AoE)[*]2.25% Max End[*]62% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]20% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]14% FlySpeed[*]295.2 HP (15.8%) HitPoints[*]14% JumpHeight[*]14% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -8)[*]Knockup (Mag -8)[*]MezResist(Held) 11.6%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 8.25%[*]MezResist(Sleep) 2.2%[*]MezResist(Stun) 2.2%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 4.95%[*]13.5% (0.23 End/sec) Recovery[*]40% (3.13 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)[*]20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)[*]20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)[*]5% Resistance(Cold)[*]1.26% Resistance(Energy)[*]4.39% Resistance(Negative)[*]9.13% Resistance(Psionic)[*]23% RunSpeed[*]4% XPDebtProtection[/list] -
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Freedoms Sentinel: Level 50 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Deflection -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(3), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(3), RedFtn-Def(5), RedFtn-EndRdx(15)
Level 1: Jab -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(15), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(23), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(25), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37)
Level 2: Battle Agility -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(5), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RedFtn-Def(7), RedFtn-EndRdx(17)
Level 4: Punch -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(31), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 6: Haymaker -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 8: True Grit -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(9), Aegis-EndRdx/Rchg(9), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(11), Aegis-ResDam(11), Aegis-Psi/Status(13)
Level 10: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 12: Active Defense -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13)
Level 14: Against All Odds -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(21), Taunt-I(23)
Level 16: Health -- RgnTis-Heal/EndRdx(A), RgnTis-Heal/Rchg(17), RgnTis-Regen+(48)
Level 18: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(19), Krma-ResKB(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(36), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(37), P'Shift-End%(43)
Level 22: Knockout Blow -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(36), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(36), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(43), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 24: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(25)
Level 26: Shield Charge -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(27), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(27), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(31)
Level 28: Taunt -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg(A), Zinger-Dam%(29)
Level 30: Rage -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(31)
Level 32: One with the Shield -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg(33), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(33), ImpArm-ResDam(33)
Level 35: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- KinCrsh-Dmg/KB(A), KinCrsh-Acc/KB(39), KinCrsh-Rechg/EndRdx(39), KinCrsh-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(39), KinCrsh-Acc/Dmg/KB(40), KinCrsh-Rchg/KB(46)
Level 41: Tough -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), ImpArm-EndRdx/Rchg(42), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(42), ImpArm-ResDam(42), ImpArm-ResPsi(43)
Level 44: Weave -- S'dpty-Def/EndRdx(A), S'dpty-Def/Rchg(45), S'dpty-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(45), S'dpty-Def(45), S'dpty-EndRdx(46)
Level 47: Char -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-%Hold(48)
Level 49: Melt Armor -- Achilles-DefDeb(A), Achilles-DefDeb/Rchg(50), Achilles-ResDeb%(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]6.25% Defense(Fire)[*]6.25% Defense(Cold)[*]3.75% Defense(Psionic)[*]7.81% Defense(AoE)[*]4.5% Max End[*]32.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]26% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]5% FlySpeed[*]203.8 HP (10.9%) HitPoints[*]5% JumpHeight[*]5% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -7)[*]Knockup (Mag -7)[*]MezResist(Held) 8.8%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 14.9%[*]MezResist(Stun) 2.2%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 2.75%[*]7.5% (0.13 End/sec) Recovery[*]10% (0.78 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]2.5% Resistance(Smashing)[*]2.52% Resistance(Fire)[*]2.52% Resistance(Cold)[*]3.13% Resistance(Toxic)[*]6% Resistance(Psionic)[*]17% RunSpeed[*]4% XPDebtProtection[/list] -
I've rolled both WP/SS and SD/SS and I like both sets...I go for a more low key look on most of my toons and both WP & SD have few overbearing graphics, which i like...
Both are great solo as well as teamed (w/Taunt) and both do well IO'd in post i13 PvP...
I'm not overly impressed with Stone Melee and have never gotten a XX/SM Tank beyond lvl 22 ATM...Maybe someone else that's more familar with the set can give you that info...
I'll post my two builds for ya to see... -
General notes though;
1. Why are you leaving Deflection till lvl 49!!! and then single slotting it also...???
2. Why are you slotting so much taunt into your damage dealing attacks...???
3. Why are you wasting 3 valuable slots on Fly...?
4. Why are you 6 slotting Rage...?
5. Phalanx Fighting is a complete waste unless your joining teams of 3-6 Scrappers & Tankers...Radius on this power is only 8'...!!!
6. Grant Cover is only slightly better than PF IMO...If your taunting everything around you then your teammates don't need the +Def and who exactly is near you anyways...Except other high Def toons...Once again the radius of this power is only 15'...!!!
7. You don't have enough accuracy buffs to hit anything +2 and up...
I'll post my SD/SS build to give you an idea...I am not saying that my SD Tank is the best but he does his job well either way...Also he's a little more expensive but not by much (Maybe in the 300-350 Inf range)
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Freedoms Sentinel: Level 50 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Deflection -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(3), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(3), RedFtn-Def(5), RedFtn-EndRdx(15)
Level 1: Jab -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(15), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(23), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(25), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37)
Level 2: Battle Agility -- RedFtn-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFtn-Def/Rchg(5), RedFtn-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(7), RedFtn-Def(7), RedFtn-EndRdx(17)
Level 4: Punch -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(31), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 6: Haymaker -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 8: True Grit -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(9), Aegis-EndRdx/Rchg(9), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(11), Aegis-ResDam(11), Aegis-Psi/Status(13)
Level 10: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 12: Active Defense -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13)
Level 14: Against All Odds -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(21), Taunt-I(23)
Level 16: Health -- RgnTis-Heal/EndRdx(A), RgnTis-Heal/Rchg(17), RgnTis-Regen+(48)
Level 18: Combat Jumping -- Krma-Def/EndRdx(A), Krma-Def/Rchg(19), Krma-ResKB(19)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(21), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(36), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(37), P'Shift-End%(43)
Level 22: Knockout Blow -- Mako-Acc/Dmg(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(36), Mako-Dmg/Rchg(36), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(43), Mako-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 24: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(25)
Level 26: Shield Charge -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(27), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(27), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(31)
Level 28: Taunt -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg(A), Zinger-Dam%(29)
Level 30: Rage -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(31), ToHit-I(50)
Level 32: One with the Shield -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg(33), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(33), ImpArm-ResDam(33)
Level 35: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 38: Foot Stomp -- KinCrsh-Dmg/KB(A), KinCrsh-Acc/KB(39), KinCrsh-Rechg/EndRdx(39), KinCrsh-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(39), KinCrsh-Acc/Dmg/KB(40), KinCrsh-Rchg/KB(46)
Level 41: Tough -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), ImpArm-EndRdx/Rchg(42), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(42), ImpArm-ResDam(42), ImpArm-ResPsi(43)
Level 44: Weave -- S'dpty-Def/EndRdx(A), S'dpty-EndRdx/Rchg(45), S'dpty-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(45), S'dpty-Def(45), S'dpty-EndRdx(46)
Level 47: Char -- Lock-Acc/Hold(A), Lock-%Hold(48)
Level 49: Melt Armor -- Achilles-DefDeb(A), Achilles-DefDeb/Rchg(50), Achilles-ResDeb%(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]19.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]6.25% Defense(Fire)[*]6.25% Defense(Cold)[*]3.75% Defense(Psionic)[*]7.81% Defense(AoE)[*]4.5% Max End[*]32.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]26% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]5% FlySpeed[*]203.8 HP (10.9%) HitPoints[*]5% JumpHeight[*]5% JumpSpeed[*]Knockback (Mag -7)[*]Knockup (Mag -7)[*]MezResist(Held) 8.8%[*]MezResist(Immobilize) 14.9%[*]MezResist(Stun) 2.2%[*]MezResist(Terrorized) 2.75%[*]7.5% (0.13 End/sec) Recovery[*]10% (0.78 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]2.5% Resistance(Smashing)[*]2.52% Resistance(Fire)[*]2.52% Resistance(Cold)[*]3.13% Resistance(Toxic)[*]6% Resistance(Psionic)[*]17% RunSpeed[*]4% XPDebtProtection[/list]